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3001934 No.3001934 [Reply] [Original]

Reminds me of all thelibs on election night last fall!


>> No.3001974
File: 31 KB, 500x250, PicsArt_07-30-03.03.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charlie got schooled in the art of war

>> No.3001986

can you shills stick to your general without spamming these lame ass threads? Thank you

>> No.3002015

He wanted LTC to be the silver to bitcoin's gold
Now BCH is silver and LTC is bronze
Charlie is nervous

>> No.3002026

you realize his shitty altcoin project just got demoted from any chance of being a #2 contender because of BCC right OP?

>> No.3002094

This, and imagine what will happen if Litecoin becomes second fiddle to the *losing* chain of the BTC/BCC fork?

At that point, he should probably just kill himself, or at the very least quit crypto.

>> No.3002128

take at look at your lives retards.

litecoin is an actual coin. with history and security, with fucking everything.

some niggerfaggot jihan coin comes outta nowhere to land in the #4 spot because it's a centralized effort to part you from your money.

crypto has no place for 8mb blocks right now, we can't store the blockchain and actually use it if each block is 8mb.

these guys can't code worth a shit

gtfo r/btc go play with your shitty chink controlled alt coin

look into roger ver's eyes and tell me what you see

are you guys lacking in emotional iq?


fucking fags

>> No.3002135

founders own 80% of Litecoin

>> No.3002147

He's right. You can fuck off back to /r/btc btw, you shills are not welcome here

>> No.3002207

Every time one of you idiots chimps out like this, I buy more BCC

So far I am up 50%

Enjoy third place lmao

>> No.3002225
File: 26 KB, 320x320, tulsi_trejo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>litecoin is an actual coin
waaaaa life isn't fair! oh sweet summer rebecca, you have so much to learn about things.

>> No.3002226

But when are the chinks actually going to put skin in the game and push the price?

I want to get rid of this Bcash shit.

>> No.3002291

>litecoin is an actual coin. with history and security, with fucking everything.

A cheap clone of tenebrix, what has Charlie ever coded or come up with on his own? Every feature of Litecoin is pilfered from other coins. Not saying it hasn't earned its place by capturing alot of hash but let's stop pretending it is innovative.

>crypto has no place for 8mb blocks right now, we can't store the blockchain and actually use it if each block is 8mb.

You do know 8mb of worthless data isn't sent with each block right? It will only use that much when it is filled.

>> No.3002704

t. bag holding