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File: 39 KB, 1170x550, Algorand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30010122 No.30010122 [Reply] [Original]

I sold GRT for this trash during the dump. Now GRT is pumping back to where I sold it at and ALGO is barely moving. Can somebody smarter than me tell me why?

>> No.30010197

because you're impatient, thats what you get.

>> No.30010231

pumps dont last forever. either stick to your guts, or get into pumps when its too late. GRT will eventually stop growing again and some other shitcoin will spike and you'll kick yourself about GRT being trash and barely moving

>> No.30010273
File: 11 KB, 180x180, 1614629170827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patience man, did you put you algos in the algorand wallet for a cozy 7-8% APY?

>> No.30010306

the (((foundation))) dumped another 50 mill in staking rewards into the supply again today. Give it a week and reassess

>> No.30010317

Algo is trash and the shilling turned up to 11 on here recently is an obvious discord tranny raid

>> No.30010325

what is the algorand wallet, im in a cuckcoin wallet with 6%

>> No.30010403

>what is the algorand wallet
literally "algorand wallet" on iOS / Android

>> No.30010513

thanks man, cant wait to pay $50 in gas to move my coins

>> No.30010560

>he doesn't know

>> No.30010597
File: 29 KB, 613x556, 1377598018021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30010604
File: 30 KB, 613x364, 1614639282768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official signal to DUMP IT

>> No.30010672

ALGO doesn't have gas fees, it's like 0.002 ALGO per transaction.

>> No.30010716

WHAT ive been getting cucked all month

>> No.30010790

You don’t deserve this. Please sell and buy generic PnD coins

>> No.30010808

Are you retarded? Algo is .002 Algo to move

>> No.30010856

Honestly bro just sell me your Algo

>> No.30011377


thanks frens, i am now on the better wallet.

>> No.30011490

You got PnD scammed by some redditors posting on 4channel that have been flooding this board for a month. Don't worry they got me too. Every Algo thread should be immediately saged

>> No.30011509

Algo is gonna moon soon, at least i hope

>> No.30011675

I'm a bag holder but I got bad news for you, fren. It's gonna be a bit before it moons

>> No.30011678

What is the least woke crypto with active devs and that isnt a pajeet scam or literally "nigger" coin then

>> No.30011747

why do people with fomo make up lies? you can pick this shit up for 80-90 cents in every crash and it has daily interest.

BAT, unironically

>> No.30011806
File: 16 KB, 500x369, 5e93c30105076be6c3439f67cc74064ac13765a1_founder-silvio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That person in that tweet has nothing to do with Algo it's just bait

Come now, friend, surely you don't believe that?

>> No.30011970

>I sold GRT for this trash during the dump
I got in on GRT at 0.30, and sold it at 2.86.
Also got in on NU at 0.19, and sold it at 0.86.

Consolidated those gains into ADA, ALGO, HBAR, and XTZ at big dips. Zero regrets. Wanted to move most of my portfolio away from anything ETH-related, and I'm glad I did. The only ETH token I have left in my portfolio is BAT, and this is largely because I have an emotional connection to the project. You made the right move OP. ETH is a dying chain. Just be patient. Also checked.

>> No.30012412

March 1st dump.

>> No.30012483

I wish

>> No.30012576

Decentralised uncensored market place

>> No.30013049

Stop swinging, both are long term (12+ month) holds you impatient ass.

>> No.30013109

kek new fag

>> No.30013378

you didnt need to reply to them all retard, we do use ids here.

>> No.30013464

Sorry OP but GRT and Algorand are just another form of scam you would have been better buying Rubic and McDonaldCoin.

>> No.30013482

But only after everytime it was mentioned on the board to be immediately deleted and archived.

Ever wondered as to why?

Unironically glad most will die.

>> No.30013858

Who cares? As long as they are "fit" to do the jobs. This post is cringe as fuck but I'll be buying ALGO again in a week or two.

>> No.30013896

every single post was fucking hilarious, I had much fun documenting your new faggotry kek

>> No.30013984

pro tip.
When something gets shilled as a "glowie coin" and "a long term hold" while it crabs or dumps it's a copecoin and you should avoid it.

>> No.30013985

At least the end of the year, at most 2030.