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3000639 No.3000639[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You tell me your dating/relationship issue. I give you legit advice. If it benefits anyone I ask that they kindly support my efforts in btc:


>> No.3000650

sent ;)

>> No.3000654

My prostitutes don't accept Mooncoin. What's my approach?

>> No.3000663

100K! thank u!

>> No.3000677

i want to have sex a lot more than my GF does, ive tried to tell her that its more important to me and that i need more frequency to feel good about the relationship. she responde for a wehile but then its back to once a week if not less. i make her cum, i am in shape and good looking but her priorities are just on cudling. what do i do?

>> No.3000684

Mooncoin or they get nothing. For 2btc I'll bodyguard for a week in case the pimp comes knocking.

>> No.3000689
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>> No.3000712

rational sit-down discussions about sex kill the sexual energy and vibe and make it like a chore or science. never do this "communicating my needs" bullshit with women.

no cuddling unless she is fucking. also be less available to fuck for a month or so. you are the prize not her. make her want you. be a challenge. be subtly critical of any of her physical flaws so that she wants to please you. less compliments and shit like that.

making her cum is important so make sure to fuck her right when you do.

if she's still not as interested in sex after you implement some of these changes she might just have a lower sex drive in which case you need to ask is it the right relationship.

if you're young and good looking don't waste time not putting it to use.

>> No.3000716

I'm 22 and married. My wife is actually older than me but we argue a lot, and I'm about to be fired from my very nice job in 2 weeks. In 1 week it will be our 1 year anniversary. I sleep separately by choice every night so I can be on the computer and watch crypto and jerk off and the fact I'm paying $1750 in rent a month means I will be fucked when I am out of a job at the end of this month. I cry a lot, constantly feel stress, and am extremely emotional lately like a fucking woman. I am looking for a new job and at the same time my wife cooks and cleans all day, but the issue is mostly how irritable she is and picky about things always being very clean in contrast with how fucking sensitive I am to her words and my own moodiness and stress leading to procrastinate more, stare at crypto charts, and just generally act depressed.


>> No.3000731

I should point out that we almost never have sex any more and I simply jack off lonely at night instead. We go for walks once in a while and on weekends but the general mood has been depressed and miserable ever since I found out a month ago I would be fired at the end of this month.

>> No.3000734
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Your mom's puss is stinky when I go down on her. Wat do?

>> No.3000738

they won't stick around after the initial rape!?
how to remedy that, sage womanizer?

>> No.3000755

When she argues she doesn't argue the point, she goes off on tangents about things I've done in the past.

I feel like every time we fight I'm trrying to resolve an issue, but she see's it as a contest to upset the other person the most. Every time it's "What about that time you did X". She pokes and pokes and pokes until I've finally had enough, get angry and go to her level and tell her to fuck off or something until the whole thing explodes in rage.

>> No.3000762


>> No.3000771

This is what's happening to me, 100%. What the fuck can I do about this. I'm losing the will to live here.

>> No.3000774


She will leave you the moment you lose your jobby.

She is already cheating on you.
If you are not getting it, someone else is.

Sorry bro.

>> No.3000782

She married me when I had no job or any prospect lined up to get one. I only had this job for 6 months. She isn't fucking cheating, I may be an over-controlling over-sensitive fuck but I know that much.

>> No.3000786


>tfw this happened to my gf at 13 and she did stay around after the initial rape by a 19 year old and hated herself for years after

the feels

>> No.3000840


>no sex

Have you asked if she wants to have sex? I don't think it's unreasonable to say that sex is important to you in a relationship. Anybody who makes you feel that wanting to have sex with your wife is unreasonable is being unreasonable themselves.

>> No.3000852

ya i know logic doesnt work on her, but i got to the point where i couldnt stand her being so fucking boring.

ive already started making sex the only time i show emotions and compliments ect. during and the morning after so she starts correlating sex with those feelings. theres too many other hoes who want to fuck me, which makes this worse. shes just hotter and more relationship worthy but this is such a shit deal if there is no sex.

>> No.3000859

>22 and married
wew lad

>wife older than me
wew fucking lad

>about to be fired
you're 22 it happens, any friends who can hook you up with a job? typically if you have one nice job you can't use it as leverage to get another similar one. unless you got fired for fucking around in a bad way that would make you a risk.

>i sleep separately by choice
not the worst decision, somewhat of an independent vibe here that is helpful. sex life ok? need to be fucking your wife properly at the minimum of once every 10 days or so.

>pay $1750 per month
you covering the whole rent? why isn't she paying half?

>I cry a lot, constantly feel stress, and am >extremely emotional lately like a fucking woman.

You are going to be ok bro. This stage of life is tough for everyone. First tip is NEVER let her see you crying ever. And do not engage in arguments head-on as though you are two equals. Instead she is a 5-year-old kid and you are a man. How would you debate with a 5-year-old kid? Literally visualize it, they're so serious and angry and yet you don't meet them at that level of seriousness at all because they're just kids. That's the perfect way to engage a woman even if she's older than you.

The only "negative" emotion you show around her is masculine anger when she takes things too far and won't drop something after you've done the 5-year-old approach for a while. No physical violence just don't let her belittle you to the extreme. Deep voice. Direct communication. Then leave the house immediately and go do something with a friend or see a movie. Do not tell her where you're going, do not respond to texts. When you get back you're totally normal no faggot pent up shit or anything. Totally cool.

Never apologize for anything you say or do ever again. This makes you look weak even if it's the right thing to do. Weak men are not attractive to women. Be the unapologetic motherfucker, I promise it's the right move every time. (cont'd)

>> No.3000867

Hi I have a beautiful girlfriend who I love very much and she worships the ground I walk in. We are both very attractive and i am in fanastic shape (205 lb, 10%bf). We dont live together, and we have sex 80% of the time we see each other.

THis has been like this for the past 4 years and she only gets more attractive.

What do?

>> No.3000870

she birthed a shitlord it is what it is.

>> No.3000879

Pro tip: She loved it

>> No.3000882

Yes, she wants to have sex. We do have it about once a week. It's just that she's extremely particular about me showering and being very clean, especially before sex, and I'm just too upset to do it really. I come home, eat the meal she made me, then go on the computer and watch movies and cry to sleep and go to the next day.

The company literally told me "you should beg for work from the higher up people here. Try begging." so that's what I do, every day.

The sex just isn't so important to me any more, I just feel very alone and sad all the time and at this point it's easier and feels better just to jack off late at night on the couch while she's asleep in bed.

I'm just never in the mood for sex any more...and if I am it's shortlived or she'll do it because I complained enough about it. I'm too high-strung.

>> No.3000885

Measure your body fat correctly

>> No.3000893



it's all emotional for them. don't play the fucking game. tell them how it's going to fucking be and do not explain any of it. direct communication, be taut as fuck with your communication. treat them like they are little children not proper adults. tease them. google Agree and Amplify and use that shit every fucking time.

Her: "What about that time you did X??"
You: "Ah man that was great, thanks for reminding me." *cocky as fuck smile*

Her: "What about that time you did X??"
You: "We both know the rules don't apply to me."

Literally fucking say shit like this bros. Do not engage head on as though they are your equal at all. They are jokes, children.

>> No.3000898

I've been day dreaming about suicide every day now while literally begging at work all day having nothing to do because they refuse to give me anything at all. I have been trying to work and study but they refuse to let me do anything but stare at a computer with nothing all day. Then I come home and my wife argues with me and I go sleep on the couch.

>> No.3000919

>Hi I have a beautiful girlfriend who I love very much

even though you're trolling a pro tip is don't love her too much and gush about her like a faggot. she is your woman and she is the woman you choose for now over millions of others. she should be grateful as she's easily replaceable.

>> No.3000926

>never apologize
>treat her like a child
>never be vulnerable

Yeah that sounds like a recipe for a successful marriage, great advice.

>> No.3000957

what's up with the crying dude? fight against it hard. tell yourself "i'm the fucking man i don't cry over bullshit i solve problems"

i don't care how fucking gay that looks when you read it on 4chan just fucking do it. fight hard against all negative self-limiting thoughts. with the most intensity you can muster. be a fucking narcissist and delusional if necessary, anything is better than getting dominated by fear/doubt.

>The company literally told me "you should beg for work from the higher up people here. Try begging." so that's what I do, every day.

Fuck that and fuck them.

>I'm just never in the mood for sex any more...and if I am it's shortlived or she'll do it because I complained enough about it. I'm too high-strung.

Exercise more, clean up your diet, lift. You will make it man. 22 is a weird time in life. No matter what you are not going to starve to death or get locked up in prison where you can't see the fucking sky for years.

Do not beg some faggot who fired you for a job. Tell them you're available and then look at other options.

Fight with intensity and mental fortitude. You need to break bad habits as far as your thought process. Get angry at these negative thoughts. Recognize they are unnatural and will not help you at all so discard them.

>> No.3000967

found the bluepilled beta male.

>> No.3000984


Been lifting 11 years. Competed twice, couple cycles of clen. Trust. I'm shredded af

>> No.3001008

Okay champ. Enjoy feeling bitter and lonely putting that big old wall between your and your spouse, assuming you have one. I'm sure viewing everything in juvenile, black and white, pseudo PUA/ROK terms will lead to a fulfilling and happy life.

>> No.3001050

How do I talk my gf into a threesome?

She's straight but once told me she had an erotic dream about a female friend. I mentioned we could get the three of us but she dismissed and said it had been just a dream.
She also seems disgusted about licking pussy

what to do anon
should i just dump 500 bucks in 2 hookers for an hour?

>> No.3001051
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She likely just has a low sex drive. Nothing is going to change that, your options are
1. Deal with it
2. gtfo and find new grill

>> No.3001077
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you need to stop watching porn and go fuck your wife
sounds like you have low testosterone as well, causes femininity in men and depression (porn too)
check it with your doctor
lift weights
take some vitamin d3 tablets
and live by these words, you are a man and you welcome challenges

>> No.3001078
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Dude you're depressed because you're just unhappy with your everyday wagecuck life.

If your wife is pretty, keep her and make other changes in your life like finding a new job and taking up other hobbies like working out

When you're happy your sex life is vibrant

>> No.3001114

>Okay champ. Enjoy feeling bitter and lonely putting that big old wall between your and your spouse, assuming you have one. I'm sure viewing everything in juvenile, black and white, pseudo PUA/ROK terms will lead to a fulfilling and happy life.

you very clearly have no clue what you're talking about at all bud. you project what you think must be the case from a position of ignorance.

>> No.3001148

you don't want your gf to be into stuff like that bud. what if she comes to you and says she wants to tag-teamed? you open pandora's box when you start adding other ppl into the mix.

2 hookers is the move for sure. be safe.

>> No.3001158

good advice here. ditch the porn for a while.

>> No.3001183

That's actually good advice

How high is the risk of std's by getting an unprotected blowjob from a prostitute?

>> No.3001197
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sweet thread!

>> No.3001206

Low if you go to a quality place eg Amsterdam red light district or some Vegas places. They're tested regularly. Would wreck their business if customers started getting STDs

But the high quality places will likely force condom use.

And dude... just use a sensitivity increasing or thin as fuck condom or some shit. Don't fuck around unless you're in a well known place that tests constantly.

>> No.3001248

>22 and married
I met her while traveling abroad.
>any friends who can hook you up with a job?
No, unfortunately. I am an actuarial consultant but I don't actually know any other actuaries. And no friends. I just graduated last December.
>why isn't she paying half?
I brought her to the US with me after falling in love with her while traveling. She can't legally work yet because it's been a year and I put off filing for her green card, because it costs $1200 and you need to prove employment to get it.

>never let her see you cry
I am so weak. She sees me cry every day. I can't help it anymore.

I sincerely appreciate your advice. I will try to visualize it as her being like a 5 year old. She's extremely stubborn though. Extremely stubborn and I have a problem just leaving her alone for some reason. Like it bothers me irrationally when she's upset with em, to the point where I don't leave her alone and just keep pushing it and pushing it trying to make it better.

I will try to fix this though.

Inside I know what you're saying is correct. I just feel so weak and beat down and suicidal that I've basically given up and just let it take over me kind of.

>> No.3001251

I'm a neet and not into crypto yet, but I'm a click away from saving your address to tip you in the near future

I'm going to brazil in december, Rio and southern states for 2 weeks
Which thin condoms should I bring? or buy? The jontex and trojan thin ones don't get even close to raw sex

>> No.3001270

I am googling "Agree and Amplify." Thank you.

She gets upset because she feels like I see myself as the exception to a lot of things and I have a tendency to shout, which I am fighting hard to avoid.

She's also basically trapped, because she can't drive and I never applied for her green card and I keep I will but put it off and now it's very late. I am at fault but I can't get it done without a job.

She absolutely hates if I imply that "rules don't apply to me" or I'm different because I'm the man or something like that.

I will try to remember what you've said.

>> No.3001272

Skyn is fantastic

>> No.3001286

I will try. It just feels good, and impulsive, to break down and be dramatic and cry. I need to be strong again. I need to not have given up..

I'm starting today to apply for a new job while I have my last 3 weeks here. I am going to apply everywhere and try to find a job.

>> No.3001294


Jesus dude I was kind of fucking up at 22 but not nearly as bad as you.

I'd have advised you against that marriage in the first place because it sounds like a clusterfuck, but it's too late for that.

How much money is in your bank account?

>> No.3001307

lambskin ftw. a little out of the ordinary if you're used to reg condoms but holy shit they feel good af

>> No.3001315

No no, he's mostly right. I've noticed more and more with my wife that what she's actually doing when she fights is just throwing "feelings" at me and trying to jab at whatever she thinks will get me.

Because when she says "I'm so happy and love being with you and moving to be with you was the greatest thing I ever did" I can tell she isn't lying. She isn't faking it. But whether she says that or says "I am miserable here. You ruin my life" all depends on the exact minute she's in and how she's feeling at that time. If we're doing something together she likes and it's fun, she's the first one and if something is hard for her, suddenly she wants me to think her entire life is hard because of me. It's not logical, it's just her projecting her feelings over her entire time with me, kind of, and using her words to get me to react a certain way.

>> No.3001321


>She absolutely hates if I imply that "rules don't apply to me" or I'm different because I'm the man or something like that.

this is when you double down bro. it's weird at first if you're not used to doing stuff like that but you will adjust and she will actually respect you more and be happier. it all seems backwards because we were all taught the wrong shit about women growing up.

and don't do it super seriously. just be cocky and flirtatious.

yeah you gotta be tough man. toughness very important these days. nothing is easy but if you develop inner confidence and toughness it will maximize you in every way.

>> No.3001331

>You are a man and you welcome challenges.
Damn I used to be this guy. I used to backpack virtually homeless across foreign countries for the fun of it and do a lot of crazy weird shit that would surprise people, found a girl I loved an decided almost on a whim to bring her back to the US with me and marry her even before graduating from an ivy league school and with my parents being skeptical that I could do it, but I somehow pulled that off, graduated and found this job.

I never should have given up.

>> No.3001362

Spread across different assets, about 29k, all of which I made since January this year by being frugal with my income from my job. Plus my parents are willing to help where they can financially but I should pay rent for another month or 2 at least while looking for a job. They are in California but I'm alone on the East coast with my wife.

Of course you'd advise against the marriage. Everybody did. But I did it because I was certain about it and I was determined to make it happen no matter what. And we had to be apart for 10 months during that time getting the visa sorted out but I still made it work. I don't actually regret that. It was hard and everybody told me I'd never be able to pull it off but I did and I even had a job and normal life with her for a while. Now I just need another job and I'll be all set again.

Also she has a house in Korea that she's renting out to her other family members that we can use if I ever want to simply go to Korea and work there, which I would like. So if all else fails, there is the option to simply do that as well.

>> No.3001411

nice, any other brands i should look at?

>> No.3001482

trojan naturalamb and as the other dude said skyn, those should have you sorted for sure if you're looking for the closest thing to raw.

>> No.3001584
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>Dated 10/10 cycling podium girl last year
>Beautiful, sweet, loving, caring and loyal, from a good family
>Best sex of our lives (her words also)
>Not too bright was the catch
>Tedious conversations, not even too vain, but had 0 general culture
>Become frustrated at how an otherwise perfect woman could never make me truly happy because of the non-existent stimulation in the intellectual department
>Proceed to cheat on her with multiple girls
>Feel like a piece of shit, break up with her, not telling her I cheated, just that "we're too different"
>She's devastated, but eventually moves on and tells me she would deleting me from social media and her phone to avoid hurting more

So I returned to the single life of screwing around. And for the past year, I've fucked and dated better and worse women, but none even came close to her, and it's honestly not just about the sex.

Found out a few months later she's dating a skinny manlet who is punching way above his weight, which is both good and bad - it proves she's not a vapid whore who only cares about looks, but at the same time she's taken. I'd have no problem out-alphaing him if I knew it would win her back, but that's not her style. I truly miss her, despite the not knowing what the fuck Pulp Fiction or The Great Gastby even meant. I'm an idiot for not realizing I could just introducing her to those and other things.

I'm just not sure what to do at this point. Should I text her? Give her a call? Show up unannounced at ther door?

Help me win her back

>> No.3001607

no. leave her alone, you had your chance and blew it .you will cheat again and get bored of her again.

been there, srsly

>> No.3001611


>> No.3001634

You kind of sound like a cunt desu.

Not OP but you cheated on her, dumped her, lies to her about the reasons, and then later on when she's now in a presumably happy relationship, you're going to try to insert yourself back into her life and destroy that, not only for her, but for this guy as well who you don't even know just because you suddenly caught the FOMO.

Just leave her alone man. There are other women out there.