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File: 224 KB, 1341x785, crashing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2998768 No.2998768 [Reply] [Original]

Stop-loss has been triggered.

>> No.2998780

We crashing boyos

>> No.2998794

Still chewing through buy orders. Bunch of plebs just bought and its going to crew right through them.

>> No.2998803
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Please to gib cheap coin.

>> No.2998816

If it dips blow 3300 its going to plummet.

>> No.2998820

I am lucky to escape to Tether with my BCC gain.

>> No.2998824
File: 190 KB, 1345x631, WHOOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK YES! Get your buys ready. Cheap coin coming SOOOOOOOON!

>> No.2998829

Tether bears UNITE!!!!!!

>> No.2998832

We are the btc marines

>> No.2998833
File: 89 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170809-123622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god for the tethers, even litecoin is going down now, nothing is sure anymore

>> No.2998834

We are the tether marines!

>> No.2998840

My body is ready!

>> No.2998845

Unfortunately, I don't understand these charts as I'm just in the process of starting to learn investment and trading to help provide a good future for myself and family (plus Lambo). If it's not too much trouble, could you quickly explain what's going on here, please?

>> No.2998847

Thank you Anon. I didnt notice.

>> No.2998851
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No fuck not back up. I NEED SOME CHEAP COIN YOU FUCKS.

>> No.2998855

on the right: sell sell sell means its going down

>> No.2998856

Someone explain to me what's going on. What are the odds of Bitcoin falling and how can you tell from these charts?

>> No.2998857

Left are buy orders. Right are sell orders and the middle is the current market value. As the bubble inflates that sell hump grows until an avalanche happens. Then it starts to cascade on to the green hill. Theres also hidden variables like stoploss thats not displayed. When you hit common numbers like 3500 or 3000, where people commonly put their stop loss, you get a surge of sells which perpetuates the avalanche.

>> No.2998866

Put some meme lines and Fibonocchi to see if it's really recover. Beware of the whales.

>> No.2998868
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Crash already you pos.

>> No.2998872

The price of BTC is most likely about to plummet. So if you have BTC, you can either place it into USDT (tether) or chance it and go to BCC (which could skyrocket if BTC crashes)...or if you don't have money on the exchange(s) you are possibly about to see a good buy in window (or gian chasm if it lasts) The idea is that you buy back in after it has crashed.

>> No.2998874

wowe anon u lost whole 12 euros, suicide when ?

>> No.2998890

I lose 15$ from 600$ for not selling soon to Tether

>> No.2998894

It usually does this. But that sell hump is still huge. People buying right now are idiots.

>> No.2998897

buy orders at 2700 and 2800 initiated

see you there, optimistcucks

>> No.2998902
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I hope it crashes to 2000, I desperately need to buy more.

All you dumb nocoiners be ready to buy the motherfucking dip.

>> No.2998906

please crash now...I'm ready. Don't be a faggot and go up...plz

>> No.2998907
File: 251 KB, 360x200, btc fall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

optimistic delusional normies BTFO

>> No.2998910

Just have those there just in case. From what I am seeing and historically, Im thinking its going to drop to 3k by the end of the week.

>> No.2998923

Its also primetime in China and Japan. Not sure if thats going to help it crash or not. I hope those slant eyed fucks sell.

>> No.2998936


Welp some big buy walls just disappeared on multiple exchanges, this shit is going to around 3k today

>> No.2998944
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Start shorting faggots

>> No.2998948

I sure hope so. Tired of waiting for it.

>> No.2999011

I love BTC. Its like 100 years of stockmarket volatility packed in to a single month.

>> No.2999028

Here's from an analysis: Nearby support is at the $2800-3000 area which held as resistance in the past. A break below this area, though, could give room for a larger dip to the next support closer to $1800-2000.

>> No.2999043

Think this bump is a dead cat? Looks like one to me. That sell pressure has not shrank at all.

>> No.2999057

2000$ would be a sale off! But if the bubble really pop, maybe we should exit now, because it could go to 1000$

>> No.2999065

No idea desu. The difficulty is increasing today, tho.

>> No.2999083

This will be the last time you can get cheap BTC then. With increased difficulty is increased price.

>> No.2999092


Shit, do we know roughly when?

>> No.2999093
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>Country roads take me home, to the place I belong.

>> No.2999098

We're 5 blocks away.

>> No.2999099

can someone give me a refresher.. does btc crashing mean alts will crash too?

>> No.2999108

If it dip too much (aka. crash), so yes. Let the memory of July haunt you!

>> No.2999110

Yes, as the entire market rides on BTCs back.

>> No.2999120

No, i got it. BTC is the King of Coins and when the King is having a bad day, everyone in the kingdom does as well, save a few individuals, like say, the headsman or the mortician.

>> No.2999123

>see BTC form a perfect Head and shoulders.
>it plunges right after

Why is this shit so easy?

>> No.2999149

HOLY SHIT HAHAHA, you guys are too funny, if it breaks 3300 its going to plummet, 1800 2000 blah blah. Wont drop below 3210. Screenshot this.

>> No.2999163

Bittrex buy wall just removed too.

>> No.2999174

260k buy wall on tether

>> No.2999180

was there a different one...I see two that total 260k right now?

>> No.2999186

so quiet...no movement. Tense man..

>> No.2999189

>Head and Shoulders
Good catch on not being a dandrufffag, but we're slipping into a classic Italian Shitkicker so if you haven't sold yet you better get those orders up.

>> No.2999191

A correction would be welcome. Just moved my gains into tether.

>> No.2999211

not gonna last long if it happens. difficulty is going up and segwit inbound in less than 20 min.

>> No.2999242

I'm calling bulltrap in that case.

>> No.2999254

Thanks for the explanations, guy.
My BTC is on my cold wallet at home, so I guess I'm just riding it out!

>> No.2999274

Always keep a little to play with.

>> No.2999286

Buy hump that appeared a little bit ago has vanished, sell hump as big as ever.

>> No.2999301

I think that the reason bitcoin transaction mempool was congested last days was due to whale moving coins to exchange

>> No.2999304

Should I buy? It seems to be going back up? Got 10k sitting and want as many bitcoins as I can before letting them sit for a few years.

>> No.2999314

We don't fucking know, it depends on the whales

>> No.2999316

If you're not in now..wait. Otherwise you could be paying $3300 for something that will be worth $3000-2500 later this week. Of course it could just as well go up more...but that is looking unlikely at this moment.

>> No.2999319

I only have a little anyway, am poorfag.
But what I don't understand is why it's going down after Segwit got locked in yesterday and we have a probable activation date of 21st--that should make BTC moon, shouldn't it?
I might make a thread asking about that, since this post will barely be noticed.

>> No.2999326

if you intend to keep it all in crypto for a long time your entry does not matter that much, whereas you can trade your way to fine gains on 3 BTC today
we'll consider today's BTC cheap compared to prices 1, 2, 5 years from now

>> No.2999329

Kek, crypto is a speculation market, anon. We buy low in order to sell high. The whale pumped BTC to 3500, now they is reaping the fruits.

>> No.2999331

Because it spiked from 2700 to 3000 then to 3400. Anytime it spikes, it will dip, always. Remember there are a lot of people not trading because they want bitcoin, they are trading because they want more fiat. And their greed drives the huge variations in price. To take advantage of it.

>> No.2999369

Yeah, I always think optimistically and hope that this time it's staying up, but as I gain a little more experience I know these highs inevitably fall. I should definitely keep my crypto at hand to dump during these times, but I don't trust the exchanges.
As we get closer to Segwit activation, that should cause a rise though, right?

>> No.2999380
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>> No.2999383

It is a risk gamble, anon, Keep BTC in storage if you believe in its future, but you lose potential gain if you keep it in exchange.
It is all meme money to me anyway, because my initial money was from PC mining, therefore I kept it in exchange. Also, I only accumulate fiat money, not BTC.

>> No.2999386

Segwit is already locked in so thats not even news. Its pretty much business as usual now. Huge unrestricted swings. I dont know why you would even hope it stayed up though. If it never comes down, you cant get cheap coins for your patience. Unfettered rise is good to but if a moon didnt get followered by a dip, then that would cause some problems.

>> No.2999404
File: 35 KB, 1252x251, mims.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme triangle on the 5-minute chart

>> No.2999410


>> No.2999416

Anon, don't you think that the whales have drawn the graph so that meme lines appear?

>> No.2999427
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 9124711239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I get too paranoid and think that the whales are so arrogant that they're manipulating the price in order to draw perfect TA-friendly meme price fluctuations.

>> No.2999431

I do believe BTC is the future and hold some ETH and XMR, too, so I am kind of a long-term holder. I initially bought my bags as possible insurance against economic or currency collapse, along with a bit of physical gold and silver, so they are intended for long-term and not gains, but damn it, I have felt the greed monster rising inside me lately and seeing my modest gains being eroded hurts. I tell myself that as long as I don't go into the red, it's cool, but fuck, I hate the dips.
Would love to be able to buy the dips, but I have no money.

>> No.2999456

Already? I won't sell at 3300, there's more to get. It's worse than last time which makes a crash pretty unlikely.

>> No.2999493

fucking hell...I really wanted an Italian shitkicker already

>> No.2999502

I bought in because BTC is the future and buying BTC beats leaving my money in the bank so they can steal it. I love the dips because they allow be to get more coins as the price marches upwards overall. Its also a highly active market that you participate with out getting robbed blind by the exchanges unless you already have 30k to invest with. You sure as hell cant start with 30 dollars on wallstreet. It also recovers from a crash within a week rather than the decade Wallstreet requires.

>> No.2999721

Hello Christopher Heller.

>> No.2999733

I agree with everything you say--I hate the central banks; the fractional reserve ponzi scheme; the shitty usurers; the inflation that steals the citizens' wealth. I view BTC like a democratisation of money. It's a shame mining cartels have popped up, though. That's one of the reasons I support Monero: it's genuinely anonymous, so difficult for The Man to control and it's ASIC resistant, among other things.
I would absolutely be buying the dips if I had money to do so.
Good luck with your endeavours, anon.

>> No.2999822

Thought you were a stalker there for a second.