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29986836 No.29986836 [Reply] [Original]

Avegotchi goes live tomorrow. Still have a few hours to get in before the price explodes. This is going to be big.

Easy peasy guide: https://peakd.com/teammalaysia/@buzz.lightyear/your-aavegotchi-pre-launch-checklist

>> No.29987450

Biz give it to me straight, can you really make money on this crap?

>> No.29987806
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I have all my money on Matic, but I will take a tiny bit of profit to get a couple of these

>> No.29988247

Done, got my GHST, had to increase Slippage tolerance to 5% on quickswap

>> No.29988308

It wont be 100x. But a quick and easy 7x-20x.

>> No.29988376

A few hours until bots buy all 10k Portals in 3 seconds.

>> No.29988413

Will this make MATIC pump?

>> No.29988616

this looks like absolute trash

>> No.29988676

This is what I'm afraid of. I got in at $0.60 and won a few nfts from their pre launch raffles. The portals are likely just going to sell out immediately due to bots or some other shit.

>> No.29988773

i got in this shit in september, i forgot i had a bag honestly

>> No.29988811

BSC ecosystem is growing extremely rapidly
So there is no reason to wait
Join really cool Swirge and earn with smile
>I hold SWG, coin price got top liquidity this year

>> No.29988871

This is what I believe will happen. They'll instantly post them on the Marketplace for 3-4x. I guess I'll just buy what I can then. Every other initial sale gets bought out by bots. Why would this be any different?

>> No.29989214

Fuck bots I'm buying 5 portals

>> No.29989379

have you seen the crypto punks? they are horrible but cost thousands of dollars

>> No.29989465

Something I haven't been able to figure out. Can you have multiple ghosts? If I'm able to get a few portals am I able to open them all and upgrade them or are you limited to one active ghost

>> No.29989480

everything helps, Aave is a giant and is trusting Matic to do the job so yeah, more projects to come.

>> No.29990040

Any idea if you’ll be able to trade ghst for the gateways that are listed on the marketplace?

>> No.29990297

Yes, you can.

>> No.29990308

NFTs are scams, just buy BAO and thank me later

>> No.29990530

you are living in the past boomer

>> No.29990636

it's on binance, reckon it will go above 2$ ?

>> No.29990701

$7 minimum

>> No.29990726

what's so good about them? to me it just seems like retards are getting scammed into buying JPEGs for ETH

>> No.29990947

I have 6 bnbs left after some unsuccesful ventures, do I all in them on ghst based on this absolutely wild 7$ assumption or do I do half or what?

>> No.29991001

Aavegotchis are staked with a token on AAVE and are for yield farming. The game is to make money.

>> No.29991070

you are out of the loop regarding to NFTs I cannot write a bible here to explain you.Just check how much money the whales are buying of nfts.

>> No.29991147

I will sell my waifu pillow for 10 eth

>> No.29991192

Are you all newfags? Do you not remember what happened last time this happened? Cryptokitties, all the eth ponzi schemes? This is a sign of incoming crash 1000%.

>> No.29991214

>whales are buying of nfts
sauce or GTFO

>> No.29991306

different situation, we have adoption now and innovations very different than 2018

>> No.29991315

shh dont tell them. just hop in and profit while we an

>> No.29991439

go to rarible site, where says "top sellers" switch to buyers and las 30 days.
And thats just rarible.

>> No.29991498

$2 eod
$10 eow

>> No.29991543
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>> No.29991831

there is gonna be a huge dump when the game is released right? price is going up so fast right now

>> No.29991920

sell the news event tomorrow and then recovery for the rest of the week?

>> No.29992007

maybe, maybe not, in theory you should make more money getting the ghost and using to farm to make more money

>> No.29992134

dyor you dumb nigger

>> No.29992187

Kek, every single DeFi whale is in. Just found out about it, can someone give me a quick rundown, what/how should I buy? Just gonna ape in

>> No.29992638

do the needful. buy SEA NFT token. pay village

>> No.29992730

aped in already, let's see

>> No.29992858

read OP article link, all is in there, also watch some youtube videos to understand better

>> No.29993058

looking at the depth chart, I have no idea how we're ever going to get past 1.8 or something, sell walls are huge... but we are melting them pretty quickly

>> No.29993623
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>> No.29994248

fuck yes.

>> No.29994469

should I try to buy portals with my ghst or do I keep it as is? the risks for the portals are that the aavegotchis I get can be shite, yes?

>> No.29994660

Yeah I’d just hold the ghst. The portals are too much of a gamble. Could end up with some shit that’s worth less than you paid for the portal.

>> No.29994669

Buy a brain you dumb nigger.

>> No.29994680

Im having the same dilemma, I guess because there are only 10K portals the aavegochi will be more valuable than your ghst ?

>> No.29994876

The NFTs will be way less liquid than the tradable tokens. So I guess if you feel like not being able to sell go for it.

>> No.29995015

NFTs are a dumb meme
I say this as someone who played around with aavegotchi months ago. Maybe some quick money to be made but I think this fad will die quickly

>> No.29995057

yeah I think the nft is a better investment long term

>> No.29995237

I found out about this in this thread, literally couldn't hope for faster learning retarded faggot

>> No.29995626

You seem pretty decent. Ignore my previous posts. First run nft’s are generally the most valuable. You want to get as many of the first run portals as you can. For each portal you get 10 different options that are generated. From those 10 you have to pick one to keep. You want the ones with either really high scores or really low scores. Randomness is on a bell curve and there will be mostly middle of the road traits generated. Then you’ll have to back each one you choose with maTokens which make them yield generating nft’s.

>> No.29995926

just read about the aTokens in the wiki, given that I have about 1000 ghst total I think I'm going to rely on the price action instead of going for the nfts because I'll have to sell off some ghst to even have enough liquidity to get aTokens for when I eventually try to summon an aavegotchi. I do hope your price prediction is good tho, could really use like 3-4$ per ghost soon, or do you reckon it's gonna drop? I'm buying them on binance which means I have the eth version

>> No.29996061

You can also sell the portals unopened or you can sell after generating the 10 options without choosing one. I’d also suggest you stake your ghst and earn some fren rewards to buy raffle tickets for the next raffle.

>> No.29996339

thanks fren, I appreciate this. Didn't know you could sell portals after generating the options, that's kinda cool. I might snag a few tomorrow, I just have to transfer my eth ghst to matic ghst in their site and I'll be able to once they release right? I'm still thikning of keeping the majority of ghst I have as ghst because I'm trying to be more careful with these last 1.7k that I have right now

>> No.29996591

how much ma tokens are needed to wrap inside the aavegochi? cannot find that info

>> No.29996684

No problem. You want to get them bridged to Matic ASAP. Staking is super easy and cheap once you get your ghst over. You’ll earn one fren per day per ghst staked. Then you can redeem those frens for raffle tickets and other stuff in the future. Read up as much as you can. It’s a pretty cool project so far.

>> No.29996702

says here anywhere between 10 and 1000 if I understand this correctly

>> No.29996846
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thank you frend

>> No.29996870

>Easy peasy guide:
>Get on MATIC

>> No.29996873

last brainlet question, if I bridge them now I lose the option for swing trading on binance, when do you reckon I should check the price (like tomorrow or in 3 days or what) because I tend to obsess over the charts and when I stake the ghst quick trades on binance are out of the question

>> No.29996968

you can buy ghst on binance and then transfer it to your metamask, then on https://aavegotchi.com/bridge
here you can bridge the eth ghsts to matic ghsts and you're set... I think

>> No.29997057

oh. wait. its on Uniswap. wtf?
why did this guide make it seem so complicated
thanks bro

>> No.29997460

> Stake Spirit Force maTokens, why and how much?

>> No.29997491

check that out

>> No.29997689

just bought $60 maDAI, I will put 30 on each gochi, im planning to buy too if the portals dont disappear before I have the change to buy them.

>> No.29997830

Just aped in during this dip. Good luck anons

>> No.29997938
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1inch stole my gas

>> No.29998013

Once you have a portal it won’t just disappear. And you won’t have to fund them right away either. Just whenever you want to start getting yield on them.

>> No.29998162

ok thanks, you think getting differentmatokens could have an impact in the rarity? maaave mausdc madai etc

>> No.29998233

10-100 USDs usually for 450-540 Rarity Aavegotchis unless you get a mythical 590-600 Gotchi which will cost you 1000-1100$ to summon whenever you want.
you can buy matic-aave tokens directly on Quickswap, that way you no longer have to bridge aave tokens to Matic.

>> No.29998241

use Natic Network and Quickswap, check the article on OP link, its a step by step guide how to buy on L2 and have your stuff ready.

>> No.29998322

You need to be prepared to have all the tokens if you want to snatch all the good names. uhhh I'm on the Kovan testnet and so far every token seems to be equal. I get some Tusd and some YFI.

>> No.29998323

ohh I see, so depending on the rarity I will need more or less money, thanks.

>> No.29998447

damn, so much stuff to be worried about, so the names are unique too I guess and can
not be repeated.

>> No.29998979

There's 7.1 Million of Gotschi on Quickswap as well, 8% of liquidity so it would make quick jump as well.

>> No.29999278

ghst is hovering in binance rn, do we expect more traffic later on/tomorrow/later in the week? I can usually deduce, but with the amount of shit going on with aavegotchi I can't really tell

>> No.29999280

fuck this shit looks like something I cant understand why it 20x'd in a month from now.
It's too retarded really but already worth 70 million.

>> No.29999818

What do you think happens when all the liquidity from binance gets moved to Matic so people can get portals and shit?

>> No.30000941

..the price rises because people wanna buy on binance but it's gone over to matic? I hope, I'm new to finance as well, but I'm learnin' man

>> No.30001148

Let's say I want one of these portals to sell later and not open. I think it will gain in value like a collectible. Like furbies, or beanie babies. How do I buy and sell the thing? Is it like a token or something? Is it an nft? What the hell is that? Yes, I'm a Boomer. Thanks in advance young fellas

>> No.30001292

I think you get ghst tokens and you bridge them on their site https://aavegotchi.com/bridge
here and tomorrow when the timer
runs out you will be able to buy a portal for 100-ish ghst each. Then you'll be able to trade the portals on the marketplace.
This article helped me understand it some.

>> No.30001315

I don't understand shit about this, just grabbed a small bag of ghst on binance and will sell it at x2 tomorrow fuck it.

>> No.30001485

also, https://decrypt.co/resources/non-fungible-tokens-nfts-explained-guide-learn-blockchain
This for nfts

>> No.30001620

Whats the difference between Eth GHST and Matic GHST?

I bought some GHST on Binance, can I used that to buy a portal or do I need to now do something with it?

>> No.30001713

You need to put it on matic network

>> No.30001831

How quick?

>> No.30002607

Aped in 20 ETH before what am I in for?

>> No.30002716

no offense but don't people dump on launches?

>> No.30002765

Doesn't your village dump on the street?

>> No.30002842

how do you expect me to buy when you think im fudding

>> No.30003076

I was wondering that too but look at what some people above said, seems like this might actually not dump

>> No.30003270

No Mr. Pajeet, I expect you to die.