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29986823 No.29986823[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

uhh what's happening to Michael Burry. He's been tweeting very questionable things..

>> No.29986901

Is that guy on crack?

>> No.29986955

he's always been based

>> No.29987027

In California, everyone supports social welfare unless it hurts real estate value.

>> No.29987025

he cracked

>> No.29987123


It's """socialism""" as America understands it, on both sides, neither mean an outright centrally planned economy, but rather tax/spend/regulate states. It's soft socialism in practice, in that the government is in command of the economy by proxy.

>> No.29987201

as I understand it, socialism in America basically means 'the right thing to do' in other parts of the world.

>> No.29987328

I didn’t know letting people shit, piss and shoot heroin in the Street was the right thing to do.

>> No.29987391 [DELETED] 

He was right 2 times and now he thinks he's some kind of fucking seer

>> No.29987433
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Ah yes, consigning your life, rights, and money over to a massively bloated greedy state that skims most of the cash for themselves and keeps you chained in an overpriced cuckbox

"The right thing to do", as they call it, in their newspapers. Good boy.

>> No.29987542


>> No.29987577

Remember that all Americans, even Burry, are fucking retarded and have the most extremely divisive political culture despite political opinion rarely shifting from centre-right/centre-left beliefs. Everything left of centre is socialism, everything right of centre is fascism. There is no longer anything in the middle except p-zombies.

>> No.29987648

uuhh but why most democ- sorry, socialists states and cities are the richer ones while most republicans states and cities are poorer in comparison?

>> No.29987711

Is that deleted already? Don't see it. Instead I see this

>> No.29987833

Have you seen the homeless populations in these supposed democrat paradises...it’s the few with all of the wealth while the rest of the cucks come in to leech what they can.

>> No.29987838
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>we're so rich

>> No.29988042
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>its not my opinion ITS WHAT WE HAVE TO DO!
And people wonder why politics is toxic

>> No.29989078
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Because they steal the most efficiently in those brain depleted locales.

>> No.29989107

haha, nice trash
my bro will never go for this shilling on 4chan
we are not a tards

>BHC -all on staking on Jul and Justliquidity trading

>> No.29989110

uuhh poor republican states are full of trailer white trash methead losers too bro

>> No.29989123

California isn't socialist, but it IS under a socialist regime

>> No.29989190

Brazil is exporting now?

>> No.29989315
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Because the rich/elite collude with the government, and despite X years of your life that fact still hasn't stuck with you.

>> No.29989319

so what? democratic states and cities in general are way more rich than the republican and “capitalist” states and cities
in fact, states like california and new york give their money to shit states like mississipi, and not the other way around

>> No.29989348

not favela-style tent cities surrounded by overpriced ritzy apartments for trash like you though.

>> No.29989354

Real answer is that urban hubs form around the dividends paid by imperialism and capitalism. Republicans and Democrats are both complicit in the phases of colonizing countries, but the benefactors are the Democrat-voting lower class, the Democrat voting nobility, and the Republican voting bourgeoisie. The actual Republican working class that takes the brunt of the propaganda heat does the sowing for urban exploitation.

>> No.29989436

he listens to slipknot, enough said

>> No.29989547

What would you call it when states takes all your wealth and give it everybody else in the name of taxes?

>> No.29989590

Reading this thread I now understand why so many will never make it

>> No.29989625
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Lots of the wealth in dem cities is uber-concentrated into a wealthy upper class. This is why some of these "wealthy dem cities" have such massive homelessness and joblessness problems. This is why so many of them have huge quality-of-life problems.

California is an amazing example. A small, ultra-productive upper class essentially bankrolls the whole state's welfare. The California class of silicon valley tech wizzes, and the talented people who work for them, both fall into this class. This class of people makes fuck loads of money, which is then taxed by the state at mind blowing rates and distributed out to all of the useless immigrants and niggers who've flooded the state. This is how, despite being a tech hub that is technically profitable on paper, cali also has some of the largest sustainability issues in the nation. This is especially true with how many members of the smart, productive class are fleeing cali for more republican areas, such as Texas, which won't rape them. I'm not saying this is a clear-cut DEMOCRAT BAD REPUBLICAN GOOD issue, but it definitely seems like the California type distributionism economy is a fucking nightmare that productive people are fleeing from. New York is facing many of the same problems.

>> No.29989963

Ever wonder how they are so rich and promise to help the poor yet every year there is more and more poor? Why does it only get worse if they are so rich?

>> No.29989980

Actually, here's a better way of putting it: do you apply this logic to all rich countries built by genocidal white colonizers? One might imagine that white supremacy and white unity must have something to it, thinking like that, but it fits about as well as any other type of human technical analysis: TA is and remains divination.
Administrative realities are what actually change things, not ideological stories. America is a nonsense country and it and its ideas do not work, and that means someone has to pay the difference, and the difference is paid by the suffering of the world. The flag changes, the viceroys become foreign aid workers, and the oil keeps flowing.

>> No.29990152

while I do agree that they’re pushing “socialism” too far in states like california, still it appears that they did better than most republican states
shit like mississipi is voting for republicans for decades and they’re still poor
even in rich republican states like texas and florida, the richest cities are democrat and most people fleeing blue states end up in those places

>> No.29990335

they’re still richer than most republican states and cities
while I do agree that they’re doing bad shit right now they’re still better than places that always vote republican

>> No.29990544

>having a few penthouses and mansions while the rest of the population is shitting in the streets is better than everyone living in a house and having food with low crime
Your brain is melted dude.

>> No.29990557
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>All these cope replies

>> No.29990653

incel cope

>> No.29990655

Check the crime rates between these cities/states. Check the homelessness rate. Check the suicide rate. Etc etc...

>> No.29990817

Californian cities have been rated among the lowest qol states in America.
Can you account for the crime disparity between red counties and blue? You know that the vast majority of violent crime happens in blue counties, right?
You can probably think of structural or administrative reasons for why these things may be, but my point is to try and consider all of these phenomena to be separate from ideology, not just the ones that inconvenience you. These states DO NOT meaningfully improve the lot poor, and GDP/wealth is not the sole metric of civic health.

>> No.29990820


>be you, working class
>live in "progressive paradise" state
>see rich people living in castles off in the distance
>you can't afford a $1m cuckbox near you
>you're taxed out the ass
>your gas is $100 a week

D-d-doing better!!!

>> No.29991308

"Socialist" in the same way that "right wing" is facism yet laissez-faire still exists and is "reich wing" too along with the monarchists. But don't forget Marx hated da gubmint and taxes while "left wingers" and unironic modern communists demand the gubmint redistribute wealth, raise taxes and socialize industry.

All these words are often implicit brainlet bait because most people don't use them beyond generating an emotional reaction and it worked in this thread.

>> No.29991375
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I definitely wouldn't call Mississippi "poor". It isn't great, but it does alright. This game of "group of people x votes for y but is still poor" can be played really well by those on the right as well. Detroit, Chicago, and other shithole cities have been democrat controlled for like 50 years uninterrupted and are nightmarish shitholes.
I don't think the political leanings of a cities inhabitants is the only factor that determines productivity. You could get 100,000 retarded niggers in MAGA hats and they would still be unproductive niggers. You could get 100,000 productive tech entrepreneurs and put them in "Bernie or Bust" t-shirts and they'd still be productive tech entrepreneurs. The productiveness of cities has a lot to do with the caliber of people who life there, not their political leanings.
Detroit, chicago, ect? Filled with useless kangs. Economically destitute.
Houston, Miami, ect? Sprinkled with talent individuals and productive members of society. Still lots of useless kangs. Thanks to the handful productive people, they have a future.
And by the way, these types of useful professionals come from all over the political spectrum, and if my recollection serves me right, lean slightly to the political right.
Meanwhile, useless kangs vote primarily dem.

>> No.29991978

yeah the innocence of murricans they never lived in actual socialism...

>> No.29992339
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He's literal definition of bobo. Short my ass

>> No.29992496

I unironically think he's having a mental breakdown.

>> No.29993116

Close, it's actually the fundamentals of Marxist-Leninism, but Marx at least was certainly an incel to his soul.

>> No.29993223


We could use more ex socialist refugees here desu to counteract the growing group of useful idiot starbucks socialists who don't understand what they're ultimately advocating for

>> No.29993245
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it just occured to me there is a nonzero chance burry is shitposting with us

>> No.29993380

nah, the domestic ones will just say that all other countries which tried socialism were just inept or corrupt and America will get it right this time

>from personal experience

>> No.29994526

my country is more socialist than any state in america but the way american socialists try to go about it is just shitty
the socialists in america don't want or allow people to take responsibility for their actions and the 'downtrodden' people are actually a net drain on society, it's like pouring money into a blackhole, the blackhole just keeps gaining mass until everything around it collapses

>> No.29995242

homelessness is actually a sign of wealth.

homeless people arent going to flock to rural arkansas. they go where theres money going around and good weather. california fits both of those