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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2996334 No.2996334 [Reply] [Original]

How can you profit off SJWs? Can we make a SJCoin?

>> No.2996425

CUNTcoin (Cucks United for the Network of Transsexuals)

Every coin sold during the ICO causes a bot to spam a randomly selected congressman or woman with propaganda against the trump administration and for the advancement of LGBTQ+ persons in the workforce.

>> No.2997272

SJWs don't exist. They're just a strawman invented by neckbeards to cope with the fact that women rightfully hate them.

>> No.2997277

SJWs are the men who get no pussy, and women who dont want to be told theyre sluts

>> No.2997281


>> No.2997339

first sentence is wrong, but second sentence is right

>> No.2997349


>> No.2997382

lol biz being woke about sjws. anti-sjw/alt-lite is where the real money is.

>> No.2997421

bet on trump not getting impeached by the end of the year

>> No.2997433

Create a coin, use proceeds to fund sjw garbage propaganda, protests, bumper stickers, and bad haircuts

>> No.2997445
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/biz/ needs delousing.

>> No.2997500

I'll help out if you promise to buy 100K helicopter ride coins.

>> No.2997508

or do what Roosh did. write articles that triggers them. receive huge floods of media attention to the point where even the navy mobilizes against you and parliaments are talking about you. get lots of new traffic to site and sell books.
or do what Trump did. shitposts irl that triggers them. receive huge floods of media attention to the point where literally every body who is anybody are talking about you. become president.

>> No.2997903

Just lurk twitter and pickup on whatever issue of the week they're throwing a tatrum over then make and sell t-shirts with phrases and slogans on relating to that issue on them.
You could also find out where they have their protests and then take bottled water, markers and posterboard, snacks, etc. and sell them at a markup.