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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29952925 No.29952925 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone help me argue against BTC (or any other type of Crypto) being environmentally destructive?
Once we transition to more cleaner energy, wouldn't this be a non-issue? There's a lot of upside with crypto that's being left out of people who argue this way.

>> No.29952965

It always struck me as another form of nocoiner cope. Like alot of projection

>> No.29952989

>There's a lot of upside with crypto
such as?

>> No.29953017

Number go up

>> No.29953039

Fuck off i am still accumulating uranium stocks.

>> No.29953040

Just one off the top of my head, not being in a politically stable nation with a strongly backed currency where you need to worry about whether your family may starve in a future crisis.
There are a ton of countries that fit under this criteria.

>> No.29953060

who cares?
Just laugh at the filthy nocoiners

>> No.29953086

theyre unironically right

do you want to be right or poor

>> No.29953105

>whoever say this is homo, only retards take homos seriously

>> No.29953109

Bitcoin mining pretty much only uses energy that was being washed anyway. Checkout the latest podcast with Preston Pysh for more details.

The real question is whom are you arguing with and why are you wasting time arguing? Just buy bitcoin, who cares what other people think.

>> No.29953188

>Once we transition to more cleaner energy
Yeah, once.

>> No.29953199

In what way though, are there recent reports that analyze the amount of emissions being generated from BTC mining? Genuinely would love to know, especially as we transition to cleaner energy.

I'll check out the podcast, thank you! I do care, because I think this is one of the factors that can drive more acceptance of the general public to crypto, which would be better for us all.

>> No.29953201

how much energy and electricity is wasted on vidya and tv and other forms of useless entertainment

>> No.29953213

Pakistan's government is mining BTC now

>> No.29953239

Fair point, I do hope we reach that point soon.

>> No.29953253

I can take a lot of fud but the climate argument scares me. Environmental issues is the handle for governments and financial authorities to destroy Bitcoin.

I'm waiting for one more pump and will then cash out. Will keep my money on the sideline to see if the rest of the space survives.

>> No.29953267
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>Draining electricity is environmentally destructive

So is having a fridge

Walmart that runs 24/7 wastes more electricity per year than all crypto combined. You don't see these fat fucks railing against Walmart do you?

>> No.29953279


>> No.29953322
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>> No.29953339

These lefty fucks cry about muh crypto destroying the environment. But they will ALWAYS and without fail brag to you how many countries they have already traveled too. "Look at the co2 emission from global air travel, compare it to the emission from the bitcoin mining and then fucking kill yourself" is what I would tell them.

>> No.29953350

Because cars and airplanes made the world so much worse

>> No.29953352

this is what will transfer btcs mcap into a different top 10 coin within 10 years

i wonder which one it will be lol

>> No.29953362
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Governments use environment because it makes low iq people think they're doing a positive by destroying any competition that might arise

>Killing sand niggers and extracting dino juice from the ground terraforming places into deserts
>Environmentally sound

>Nuclear energy

So fucking stupid

>> No.29953373

How much energy does Twitter consume? Bet these retards don't realise that almost everything they use consumes energy one way or the other.

>> No.29953387

Imagine the waste of electricity from millions of twitter users posting billions of bullshit threads that do nothing to benefit the world

>> No.29953424

>that do nothing to benefit the world
They actively harm it in fact.

>> No.29953575

Build more nuclear plants instead of sucking off the fossil fuel industry and it won't matter.

>> No.29953612


>> No.29953672

i am still acumulating.

>> No.29953706

I play vidya, but this is also a good point.

>> No.29953720

Show them BOND (bonded.finance) and they will start to understand what really is important

>> No.29954018

Bitcoin? No. Any Crypto that uses a work algorithm that works better per CPU rather than per GPU, like Monero. Yes.

It encourages people to use spare compute rather than buying more compute.

>> No.29954081

this. I was never into crypto but then I decided to just spend about 10% of my gains on carbon offsets and stop being a nocoiner copefag

>> No.29954104

1, crypto is more efficient than the current banking system
2, crypto rewards low cost electricity and low usage, and the lowest cost electricities are also the greenest, hydroelectric, geothermal, nuclear

>> No.29954139
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Don't even try to reason with these people, they're NPC midwits who read some propaganda article. There's tons of counter arguments. Ranging from people don't understanding what hashing does, how to calculate the hashing cost of a transaction, the sources of electricity and the alternative energy costs of legacy infrastructure.

They literally don't care, don't bother, ignore them, they're NPCs.

>> No.29954357

>arguing with normies on twatter

>> No.29954582

BTC is doomed to fail but other real use case projects will rise up. Still in early stages, its mainly just defi atm

>> No.29954640

>Walmart that runs 24/7 wastes more electricity per year than all crypto combined.
Huh? What the fuck are you talking about. All the Walmarts in the world don't use as much energy as the crypto farms in China alone (granted that's a large percentage of them)

>> No.29954671
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many such cases. ignore them

>> No.29954713

May I ask what coins you own?

>> No.29954718

This. Banking institutions build crazy shit just to put their name on it. Never mind the resources, labor, lives, wars. You can't put a price on it. Really dumb normie argument.

>> No.29954896
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Got you senpai.

This is the Orinoco river in Venezuela. It used to be a reservoir of water, billions of trees and undiscovered flora and fauna. Not to mention the indigenous population of the area.

The right picture is how it was left after the Chinese started to mine the area looking for gold.

Precious metal mining destroys the ecosystem, displaces and kills wild fauna, and releases hundreds (if not thousands) of tons of CO2 to the atmosphere. Not to mention the energy required, and the pollution released to, transport gold overseas (freighters release way more CO2 into the atmosphere than millions of citizens in their cars.) BTC does not do this.

Now banks. Not only they require hundreds of tons of paper to work, they require a lot of energy to run their servers, to maintain their offices, plus all the energy and fuel requirements of employees and regular people moving to the physical offices.

>> No.29955068

i like the way this thread is going :)

>> No.29955167

banks consume way more resources to operate, consider all the little roach people in city of london and wall street. commuting, taking jets, cleaning ladies, it staff, air conditioning, lights,etc

>> No.29955190

Mining for metal to make coins, and cutting down forrests to make paper is worse

>> No.29955264
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yes please - stop mining so price can go up.

>> No.29955265

airconditioning and lights in banks during office hours are also energy intensive

>> No.29955535

they will stay poor and have fun doing it

>> No.29955587

muh environment
lithium, cobalt, rhodium, copper mining is needed for the energy revolution

>> No.29955806

All good invention comes out of necessity. If you assume profit is necessity in the age of abundance we found nd ourselves in, then you can then assume things that improve profit will be invented.
Power usage is the cost portion of the btc equation to determine it's profitability (hardware is just an aspect of power use/efficiency).

Therefore, due to massive incentive of direct financial reward without need for any central authority to grant or administer it, you can assume there's equally massive effort going on to improve the energy efficiency of the process.
These advanced will not only be used in bitcoin mining, and techniques developed will spread elsewhere across society.

Btc will actually save the planet in the long run, not out of altruism, but due to greed, an emotion you can bank on.

>> No.29955823

I love the tech and in love with crypto not really because of money but coz of the unique features every new project gives..

I just found a gem its looks unique lets see how they work on it

Plz share with me more good projects.

>> No.29955916

Yea I got an argument:
mike blackney can fuck off.

>> No.29955986

not being controlled by fucking central bank cartels who shoot little kids to maintain value of their fake money?

>> No.29956147

I don't care about BTC's environmental cost (I think PoW is doomed anyway) but there isn't a single good refutal in this thread. At best they are irrelevant, disingenuous or straight up retarded.
Please apply yourself /biz/

>> No.29956158

Bitcoin mining still takes up less energy on a global scale than fucking watching television or playing vidya, this is just pure nocoiner cope

>> No.29956237

PoW is the only way we know of to have a properly decentralized system. Simple as.

>> No.29956500

Biden and eu is gonna ban blockchain and you will all have to buy iota from me. And there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.29956528
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>> No.29956683

>The blockchain is equivalent to 401 people using a computer for a year
Wow, greener than I thought

>> No.29956760

>BTC is environmentally destructive
>big tech isn't
I literally can't hate these faggots enough. How much energy do you think the data centers running shit like AWS take. These fucking retards just parrot whatever kike opinions are fed to them this week, they're the biggest hypocrites and they act so smug and superior, they are cowards, bugs that should be stomped on and thrown in the trash like the pests they are

Bitcoin has no owner, it has no single entity manipulating others for it's own profit, no political affiliations or propaganda, it's perfect and pure and the antithesis of everything wrong with technology and society

>> No.29956825

The cattle are told the usual feel good lie to fall in line, and it works yet again. That's why I never take MUH ENVIRONMENT seriously

>> No.29956877

>run mining on solar energy
>run mining on wind energy
>run mining on water flow energy
yeah, if only there was some way to run mining rigs on a non-pollutant and environment-friendly and renewable energy sources

>> No.29957048

it's almost like bitcoin creates a profit incentive to develop renewable energy. I bet they will turn around and start defending coal and gas when if it's revealed, the same they did with Biden bombing the shit out of Syria
>well actually did you know the heckin poor minorities need those coal and gas jobs you fucking bigot, solar energy has a whiteness problem

>> No.29957070

To be more specific this was apparently produced by just 2 pieces of cryptoart made.

most likely just nocoiner bullshit but make of it what you will.

>> No.29957685

Bitcoin on solar on wind on hydro

Still steals energy which could be used for better things than a currency which cant be used by more than 0.1% of worlds popultion.

Even if all energy into bitcoin was green and clean
Bitcoin is still stealing that energy from being used to wash our clothes make our food and run our green trains

For what? If bitcoin actually was a global peer to peer cash with low fees, as Satoshi and bitcoiners claimed just 8 years ago, fine.
But its not fine to pay 100 dollar in fees or more than 1 satoshi in fee.
Its not fine only 7transactions per second can be made even if bitcoin was all green clean energy.

Bitcoin is just again the global you know (((who))) elite destroying the fun for the rest of us.

>> No.29957757

What a load, they calculated the electricity of the entire block for each transaction. Sure bidding on artwork uses 25k dollars of coal burned

>> No.29957821

I'm curious to know how much energy the traditional financial sector uses in comparison to crypto, does anyone know?

The "muh energy cost" argument sounds like absolute nocoiner cope to me, either way though it's a small price to pay for not having central bankers manipulating currency and bloody wars being fought to protect dollar hegemony.

>> No.29958030

eco argument against crypto is at best disingenuous and at worst stupid. one must compare apples to apples. comparing energy input of crypto to total use of a nation or some bullshit is comparing apples to oranges. crypto is a fusion of information and value. so money+internet. how much energy is used to secure the worlds money supply and by implication the fossil fuels that underwrite all that debt driven growth? how much is used for tech. do benefits of these expenditures outweigh the costs - absolutely. crypto is, in fact, eco-friendly, as it will reduce friction in present day operations and will enable further innovation to grow the pie. these eco fucks that tell you that green energy should replace fossil fuels never point out that electricity generation is on the order of 10% of global fossil fuel capacity. there is nothing other than thorium molten salt reactors that can replace the edifice built by fossil fuels.

>> No.29958232

Decentralized data management. That's all there is to it and it's fucking huge.

>> No.29958394

Name 3 better things

>> No.29958623

How much energy is used by Visa, or MasterCard, or the Fed? How much energy is used, and how much environmental destruction is done, to mine gold and other precious metals?

>> No.29958755


Ever heard of infinite energy? recycling?
dumbass falling for NWO fud LMAOOOO

The earth as a ecossytem has no problem with any energy usage and all the environment bullshit is just a way to shift markets to gain more money from gullible idiots like you.

A single big transportership sea cruiser uses produces more c02 per day than all the c ars in the world combined per year. THINK ABOUT THAT

>> No.29958865

I pay 5 dollars in fees for moving 2500 USD worth of Bitcoin around. Far cheaper than the entirety of the banking sector and the fees that are attached to that

>> No.29958913

Taking power away from central banks.

>> No.29959020
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Kek. Have fun staying poor you fools.

>> No.29959679

Crypto mining uses a fraction of the energy that mining gold does.

>> No.29959941

Are you retarded ?
What about needing copper, lithium, cobalt to even start thinking about mining crypto ?

>> No.29959995

"The energy problem" is artificial. It's achieved by oppressing nuclear power plants which would provide abundant cheap energy all over the world. It's all a big corrupt larp to fund wind turbines and solar panels.

>> No.29960040

You need silver for solar panels ;)

>> No.29960067
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You need to keep wearing your 3rd mask indoors alone

>> No.29960107

You don't need to hire armored trucks to drive around everywhere picking up crypto.

>> No.29960168

No but you need network infrastructure for it.
And you need electricity.

>> No.29960311

says the urbanite

>> No.29960668

>Caring about the environment
Anyone who still pretends is insane. We're fucked, 3 decades too late at least. Crypto mines are the least of your worries when petrol and shipping still exist.
David is supposed to pick goliath, not goliaths autistic, manlet sibling.

>> No.29960799

How can you be this thick can you anon?
Being your own bank without anyone being able to sieze your assets
Sending money off internationally in an instant
Smart contracts automating bills e.g. power cuts off if not sent to wallet by end of the money
Do i have to go on

>> No.29961898

Yelled the virtue nigger while using electricity.
Fuck commies why are they still around again?
Save us new Hitler

>> No.29962138

This, it's why banks are panicking and trying to quickly launch their own "crypto" alternatives to appeal to normalniggers. They're afraid, and they should be. I can't fucking wait.

>> No.29962247

there are real countries that started using BTC because they government failed to retain the value of their currency.

BTC is literally saving lives there

>> No.29962459

Why would you bother to argue with someone about it?

>> No.29962517

That's cheaper though is the point.

>> No.29962694
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stfu you dumbass nocoiner nigger faggot get out

>> No.29962731

>Bitcoin is still stealing that energy
No, buying energy.
There isn't a limited amount anon.

>> No.29962775

Electricity on the scale of crypto is a solved problem, evem today. The entire bitcoin network can be covered today by a single nuclear power plant. That's without any of the technologies that will inevitably come to fruition in the next 10-20 years that'll make electricity on that scale virtually free, like fusion power.

>> No.29962841
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our "virtuous" economy burns 9 million barrels of gasoline every single day on the united states, so mentally retarded mulatto goycattle debtslaves can drive 26 minutes each way to the WAGE CAGE.

>> No.29962887
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Can anyone justify why you shouldn't be able to use electricity that you buy?

>> No.29962958

Crypto is bad for people worshipping government
>No seigniorage
>No inflation(1 coin today is 1coin tomorrow)
>No infinite indebtedness
>No bailouts for the wealthy
>No transfer of wealth to wealthy
>Citizens can truly own money
>Government has less mandate to see your every trade

Control freaks nightmare. It breaks the power trip of government elite.

>> No.29963037

There were about 3 million ATMs worldwide in 2015. For small bank ATM machines, the average daily power consumption comes around 5 Watt hours. So total consumption for banks during a year for all those three metrics is around 26 terawatt hours on servers, 58 terawatt hours on branches and 13 terawatt hours on ATMs, for a total of close to a 100 terawatt hours a year.
And then we need to factor in the energy consumption of card readers and credit cards, data centers to make transactions. One 2014 study estimated that data centers consume 10% of the global energy consumption alone. Hence, there are a lot more variables to consider when comparing cryptocurrency with other forms of financial transactions, and also the fact that many bitcoin miners use renewable energy.
>Fucking google OP.
Of course, with the datacenter they use, electricity in the office, ATMs and all the devices, the consumption is not even comparable.
Central banks waste more energy printing cash than bitcoin
>This is all before we get into international flights for meetings, teams of lawyers with forests of paperwork and funny money shenanigans.

>> No.29963112
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>Check your hodl privilege goyim.

>> No.29963236
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>it's bad for race and environment and stuff

>> No.29963302

>Just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions
Yet nocoiners are perfectly ok with this and think crypto is the devil somehow

>> No.29964034

No currency has had any real backing from 71, there all weak

>> No.29964135

U see the orange pill were they had on a guy who explained how oil regs are using the stuff they normally had to burn off as a source for local energy to mine btc

>> No.29964198

who made normies talk about this shit now?

>> No.29964486

Humans account for less than 2% of the carbon that is produced. That means even the most liberal estimates of the effect we have on the environment is almost nothing compared to what they try to shill you. Do you really think a ~2% disruption in the carbon that is produced is a big deal?

>> No.29964750

>Huh? What the fuck are you talking about. All the Walmarts in the world don't use as much energy as the crypto farms in China alone (granted that's a large percentage of them)
You got a stat for Walmart energy usage? There are a crazy number of Walmart’s plus the logistics network to supply them. I’d actually be interested to see the numbers

>> No.29964943

PoS isn't destructive. PoW will eventually heat homes as the miners bump up against physical limits.

>> No.29965466

It isnt.

>> No.29965493

China is the one killing the planet by using coal energy to mine bitcoin, but everyone is blaming Bitcoin instead of blaming the country that consumes a billion times more energy than anyone else

>> No.29965540

2300$ FROM 33000$ FOR A MONTH