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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2994196 No.2994196 [Reply] [Original]

Need to make money, only talent is being REALLY good at maths. What should I try doing?

>> No.2994204
File: 756 KB, 934x1220, 1499583217235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of maths?

>> No.2994209

count blowjobs you're gonna have to perform

>> No.2994217

I buy at 1500 and sell at 1800 (5x) times, how much did I make?

Ok here's another one. I buy at 2200, 2500,2000,2800, 2400 and sell at 3000 every time.

>> No.2994220

You can make good money tutoring high school and college kids.

>> No.2994234

Apply for - I'm an arrogant insecure mathematician, so I need to pretend math is amazing and above everything to hide my insecurities and weaknesses. In reality math users are morons who couldn't learn to apply it in other fields such as: physics, chemistry, biology, programming, arhitecture, weapons lab tech, astronomy/Nasa.

>> No.2994235

Not so advanced: Calculus, linear algebra, analysis

>> No.2994237

mcdonalds cashier

>> No.2994245

I have no degree, I learned that for fun and I think it would be great to make money out of something I really like doing

>> No.2994251
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pic related is how much money you're gonna make

>> No.2994265

e to the x is the maths version of an anime main character

>> No.2994271
File: 8 KB, 225x225, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate math after getting fucked by Algebraic Geometry (not the classical theory).

>> No.2994441
File: 19 KB, 640x480, 7643202218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find a prime number with over 200 digits
>Sell to highest bidder

>> No.2994564

>Wolfram alpha
>type in 200 digits prime number
>infinite money

>> No.2994614

The largest prime number is 2 to the 74,207,281.
A much bigger number that 200 digits.
Learn what titanic primes are m8.

>> No.2994666

Learn to card-count at BlackJack while acting like you're not card-counting then hit the Casino's OP.

>> No.2994735
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e^x is your net worth
d/dx is your silly attempt at making money

Isn't it obvious?

>> No.2994841

Minus one.

>> No.2994867

I remember in high school I was actually fucking autistic enough to try and explain this guy's ideas to my math teacher. I tried to talk about his "rational trigonometry" or whatever the fuck it was and my teacher looked at me like I was fucking retarded.

I was a mathematics major in college after that. Now I'm trying to be an actuary.

>> No.2994874

>tries to be mr.knowall about prime numbers
>fails hard by basically saying that a power of 2 can be a prime number

>> No.2994892

Look OP. I think I learned a lot more math than you just by taking some courses in topology, analysis, and abstract algebra on a master's program in college. I hate to say it but the only job I know of that we can get is either teaching or something actuarial, or trying to convince people you can analyze finance. It's rough.

This is literally everybody, hiring manager or not, that you tell that you majored in math
>Wow you must be really smart! So.... what exactly can you...do?

>> No.2994939

So I'm basically useless to society.

>> No.2994949

math major, 300k starting salary

>> No.2994967


>> No.2994979

it's a meme fucking newfag

>> No.2995075

oh I thought you was being serious just wanted to compare my job to yours, finance major btw

>> No.2995252

It's a meme...

I'm the major here: >>2994892
I regret not having studied finance instead every single day of my life. I went to UPenn too, where finance is a big deal, but NO I had to put myself through math that I barely like.

And for OP, I think math is taught way too fast in college courses to go into enough depth. Higher level math, I mean. I sincerely wish I had simply studied actuarial science or finance from the very beginning, gotten a job in that, and then just read all the mathematical textbooks I could handle.

>> No.2995270


>> No.2995434

I studied Finance and Economics, I regret not studying CS. Econ was cool though.

>> No.2995454


lol no it isnt retard

>> No.2995614
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oh boy, you're retarded

>> No.2995655
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>> No.2995666

get into accounting