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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29938953 No.29938953 [Reply] [Original]

Hope you bought the latest dip anon, we're about to see 10 cents tonight.

>> No.29939166

$2 by June

>> No.29939362

I'll shit my pants and quit my job

>> No.29939365
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checked fpbp
nothing but BLITZ for the KRIEG

>> No.29939727

That would be half a million for me, I really wouldn't know how to react in that situation.

>> No.29939886

youd probably stake n relax at the disney resort

>> No.29940140

Sold 55,000 eRSDL earlier today at .0875. Planning on swinging back in when it dips again. Have 100,000 more I'm holding, and another 55,000 I have staked. I might make it with this coin anons...

>> No.29940161

Well, the issue is that I wouldn't know how much of the price is held up by the bullmarket. So I'd want to turn a good portion of that into cash for re-accumulation during the bear market. Whatever I didn't sell would be well-to-do for staking, but I also remain skeptical of the longevity of a lot of these crypto projects.

A long vacation would be well deserved.

>> No.29940188
File: 224 KB, 800x1000, howie wowie (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never been more comfy than in howies calloused hands!

>> No.29940247

Did you sell it on uniswap? For usdc or eth?

>> No.29940319

My holdings are solely based on the trust I have on Howard.

>> No.29940934

uniswap for eth