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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29920332 No.29920332 [Reply] [Original]

are stonks even worth looking into? this shit seems to move so slowly compared to crypto but it seems a lot more sustainable longterm because it's based on actual value and not vaporware shilling

>> No.29920398

>based on actual value
Oh my fat 4chins child

>> No.29920511

They're good for long term investing. If you want to plan for retirement, the stock market is a slow but steady gain. You can make money with crypto in a shorter amount of time, but it's very volatile and you could lose a huge chunk because some nigger pulls an exit scam.

>> No.29920577

already suffering from that volatility i'm afraid, that's why i want to take my ball and go home. are penny stocks approximately the same craziness at shitcoin swapping?

>> No.29920641

>because it's based on actual value
If you can't explain, you deserve what you get.

>> No.29920764

??? you invest in companies that are doing stuff. no matter how inflated by venture capital, that's better than fucking food scams and muh cardano meme

>> No.29920851

Better than meme coins, which only exist for pump and dumps

>> No.29920961

>companies that are doing stuff.
Who shilled you on that?

>> No.29921104

how about you explain YOURself instead of acting like a faggot. i know you're bored because dickcoin is dipping right now but i refuse to be your source of entertainment if you can't even make a point

>> No.29921242

Look into OTLK. They will get FDA in the next 12-14 months and then will have the cheaper option (there’s currently only one) for an eye disease. Insurance will require their version is used first. They’ll own the patent for 12 years and will print money for their shareholders.

>> No.29921310

If you can't explain why or how stocks are safer then you don't actually know if they are and are just smoking hopium.

>> No.29921511
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You seem upset

>> No.29921514

you must actually be challenged then. stocks are safer if they move slower because that means there's more time to get out when you see fuckery afoot. you seem like the type of absolute disgusting cumlord who posts anime girl reaction images

>> No.29921576

called it

>> No.29922545

Mutual funds are an actual plan for success. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that all /biz/ is is crypto shilling, whining about getting burned, bragging about getting lucky, and maybe 1% actual good information. And the good information gets ridiculed.

Invest 15% of your income into good growth mutual funds and you'll retire with millions. Its fucking simple and guaranteed.

>> No.29923169

>system rigged by Wall Street for Wall Street (see gme)
>opens for few hours five days a week
>biggest changes in share value happen in between sessions when most people have no access to buying/selling
>Cramer admits on video fundamentals are irrelevant and it’s all shady deals and actions in the back room
Basically imagine if crypto was just whale movements and you're either trending with whales or against them

>> No.29923188

It can be kind of like crypto with small caps. Instead of hoping a project goes from 5 million to over a hundred million, you’re looking for companies that can go from 100-300 million to a few billion. My money is like 3/4 is stocks 1/4 in crypto

>> No.29923262

Nobody gives a fuck about having a few million when you retire at 60

>> No.29923340

S&P 500 returns in 1 year = 17.21%
Bitcoin returns in 1 year = 420%

Stocks are for boomers and morons. They are unironically obsolete. When you buy stocks you are buying outdated shit like Ford. Technology and Innovation is the only thing that matters in the future which is 100% crypto.

>> No.29923442

I made more in the last year with Bitcoin than you will make in 2 lifetimes with your garbage mutual funds.

>> No.29923601

Out of the last three years only the last 2 months had some crazy gains with btc, during the rest it looked like some boomer stock (although the trading range was admittedly larger, from 3k to 12k)

>> No.29923643

Go 50/50 Tesla/Virgin Galactic.
Thank me in ten years.

>> No.29923686

It is a good practice to keep a mirror of your crypto in broad etfs, pm's, reits, etc and balance the two portfolios periodically.
My cypto holdings could goto zero and I'd still have faaaarrr more equity than I started with.

>> No.29923735

You sound like the sort of insufferable faggot that will bag hold all the way back down to 5k

>> No.29923782

Give me one legitimate reason for stocks being safer than something established like BTC

>> No.29923810


>> No.29923811

>bag hold
>he still thinks bitcoin is not hitting $500,000/coin

You will keep missing out and will end up poor forever. You have only yourself to blame. One day you will realize this.

>> No.29923837
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But before the bull run you would have been better off in S&P.

>> No.29923879

you know there are other public companies aside from big auto and big oil, right? tech stocks are a thing. SWIM is currently holding 200k worth of tech stock they bought at a fraction of the price and it keeps going up because of silicon valley hype around the company

>> No.29923880

I'm not poor, I can recall when BTC crashed to $0.02 faggot.

>> No.29923910

if you think none of the crypto projects have actual value then you are a lazy faggot and have obviously not done any research.

>> No.29923958

Only if you already have big sums :(
Otherwise the effort for a 20% seems worthless

>> No.29923993

>actual value
Stocks go up because the FED lowers rates, stock inflation is never measured but it's huge bubble. Crypto is market value, if inflation is a problem you can burn crypto. Stocks is mix between market value and huge inflation for rich people.

>> No.29924021

fuck off idiot i actually understand technology and most crypto projects are completely worthless. obviously a few of the biggest cryptos have value but 99% of new tokens are completely worthless hypecoins. 10 (potentially) useful coins vs. entire markets worth of product backed by people actually working behind the scenes HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

yeah go fuck yourself

>> No.29924080

Stocks are audited, regulated, and I don't think Wells Fargo (up 62% since November) are going to rugpull me for a few hundred bucks.

>> No.29924112

If you believe this and hold crypto you are in for a big surprise when interest rates go up

>> No.29924132

>but if I cherrypick this small bear time frame you can see that you would have done better investing in zombie and boomer companies

Yeah, no, it doesn't work like that. Bitcoin is up 14,000% since Nov. 2015. Show me S&P returns for last 6 years for comparison. Anyone investing in stocks is burning money.

>> No.29924159

Yes but understand you are investing for 50 years not 5 mins like shitcoiners

>> No.29924179

>obviously a few of the biggest cryptos have value but 99% of new tokens are completely worthless hypecoins.
so just buy that 1% nigger

>> No.29924267

Tell me more anon
Seriously interested in this one

>> No.29924274


Cool story. Now do 2018

>> No.29924423

What's the return since December 2017?

>> No.29924475

BTC still earned more than your boomer S&P trash if you bought at peak of last bull run and held. You stock brainlets are so brainwashed. Enjoy your substandard returns I guess.

>> No.29924584

If you like crypto style +2000% gains you're going to love options trading.

>> No.29924601
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maybe i will bitch. the point is that crypto has infinitely less options, and most of the market just trails with bitcoin pic related

>> No.29924636

>move so slowly

buy options, 15000% returns in a week if you pick right

>> No.29924651

Tesla has outperformed BTC by a factor of about four in that same time frame.

>> No.29924690

cool story now compare any moment in any year since crypto has been around to 1, 2 ,3 ,4, 5 any amount of years in the future, bitcoin will literally be outperforming the majority of it by a very large amount

>> No.29924716

SPX from December 15, 2017 to today: 42.43%
BTC from December 15, 2017 to today: 135.06%

OH NONONONO. Boomers, stock brainlets, and ETF kiddos BTFO again. Even when buying at peaks BTC is better investment than dinosaur zombie companies what a surprise...

>> No.29924733

That's one year and you're a moron if you think bitcoin will go up 400% every year. Compound growth in index funds is massive. And stock market has big plays if you are willing to take risks. Anyone saying their 400% bitcoin is worth more than 30 years at 8% can't do math. It's also possible to invest in both stocks and crypto.

>> No.29924779

What did Tesla do in that same time period?

>> No.29924840

not really but i still put 80% of my money into them because the chances of a 30% flash crash on VOO is incredibly remote. meanwhile it's a quarterly occurrence on bitcoin.

>> No.29924869

Yeah, option trading can beat the shit out of any crypto gains. Can be very high risk but the stock market allows for massive returns.

>> No.29924877

Sounds like part of the plot of "Boiler Room".

>> No.29924891

Even Apple has outperformed BTC since December 2017.

>> No.29924925

>What did that company which invested in BTC earn again over that period

Ummm thanks for proving my point? Companies that understand BTC and invest in it do well. What exactly is the surprise here? BTC is the future.

>> No.29924955
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>posts on an anime website
>complains about anime images
Are you sure you're not mentally retarded?

>> No.29924981


Not a crazy ton If you bought at peak it's up 145%ish. Which is weak compared to a lot of stocks from that year.

And I hold both. Traditional 401K. Then btc I made trading that I out away for retirement. Then btc I actively trade now.

It's just silly that you all dismiss stock market like it's some shit investing even though it gained 50% in the time frame bitcoin lost 75%.

Why not diversify. Put your money where the gains are. Use gains to buy dips.

>> No.29924986

>it's possible to invest in crypto and a shit tier boomer product at same time

Yes, it's possible, but not wise, intelligent, or necessary. Enjoy diworsifying your returns. I'll stick to 100% BTC.

>> No.29924988

Crypto is not going to replace all tech in the world. That is just plain delusional.

>> No.29925072

How has your bitcoin return been last few weeks? Bitcoin is becoming heavily owned by boomer institutions so it will end up following market trends. There are plenty of stocks that have outperformed bitcoin over the last few years.

>> No.29925086

i watch anime regularly, the only retarded people here are you and people like you. anime reaction posting is just wojakposting for people with more dry cum on their knuckles

>> No.29925133

It already is. DeFi alone will replace the entire boomer financial industry. All banks, brokers, and insurance companies are obsolete. Add up the assets of all those dinosaur companies and include them in future crypto valuation.

>> No.29925158

that's the problem with most altcoins having a BTC pair, PRQ and ALBT don't have one and they are mostly doing their own thing

>> No.29925200
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>fantasizes about other men's cum
You should really have those mental problems checked out, anon.

>> No.29925219

if it wasnt this exact moment its fine. you can find something solid like arkf or square and just leave it in there for free money without worrying too much but being on the brink of a crash i wouldnt even fuck with it unless you have stop losses

i got 40% in 2 weeks with an arkf call but FUCKING BLACK SWAN EVENT HAD TO HAPPEN THE SECOND I MAKE MONEY

>> No.29925226

Crypto has a place in the future. But blindly thinking all the current projects will succeed is silly. Many will fail, they won't keep going up. The real revolutionary cryptos probably don't even exist yet.

>> No.29925259

>Muh DeFi

What a moran

>> No.29925326
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i found your profile picture asshole, better stand down before i doxx you for real :)