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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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299151 No.299151 [Reply] [Original]

It's time to shut /biz/ down.

After looking at the catalogue,
the majority of threads have less than 10 replies and there is no sign of them being replied to in the future. There are 1 or 2 that have 20 replies which is still pathetic. Nothing can gain traction.

If you want business and financial advice, go to an actual, mature forum. Even reddits stock section has more people and actual useful advice than here.

Shut it down, Moot.

>> No.299163

This was created to get rid of the cryptocoin shitposts on other boards. As everybody on 4chan is autistic, we are all now financial experts and come here to post our shit ideas.

>> No.299173

80 threads have less than 10 replies, but there are definitely more than 1 or 2 threads with 20+ replies.

curl -s api.4chan.org/biz/catalog.json | jq .[].threads[].replies| sort -n | uniq -c

>> No.299175
File: 2.05 MB, 500x391, 1371751505001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of replying to shitty /adv/ threads?

Moot needs to make more rules and get rid of :

>I have 50k but I'm fucking retarded and don't know what to do, internet strangers please solve my life and make me rich"

>I have this shitty idea for a business but I don't know how to do anything by myself, please do everything for me hurr"

>Should I study to be a dumbfuck or a dumbass? I'm too stupid to make my own life decisions"

Those threads make up like 60% of /biz/, get rid of them and there won't be so many empty threads and the quality of this place will increase.

>> No.299176

Nobody here has experience and even if they did how can you be for sure that they are who they say they are? An actual forum for grown ups is where you need to be.
I can't believe people take financial advice from people on 4chan.

>> No.299181

41 threads have 20 or more replies.

curl -s api.4chan.org/biz/catalog.json | jq .[].threads[].replies | perl -ne '$_ >= 20 && $s++; END { print $s }'

>> No.299183

Yeah and they're all stupid. Even threads with 200 replies are stupid. This place is like Facebook. Lots of talking going on but no depth or substance.

>> No.299188

The shitcoins andmillionaire role playing NEET tripfags drove a lot of people away.

These kinds of threads should all be permabanned

>Accounting or finance major?
>My investing > your investing
>Anything with a tripfag
>IP ban everyone in the dogecoin thread

>> No.299192


Then this board would be dead. If you are complaining about the lack of mature content, well that's just 4chan. Come over to EliteTrader forums. They will welcome you. They perma ban any new member who's first thread is about bitcoin or how do I get rich.

>> No.299194

Wage slave should be a bannable term.

>> No.299199


the reason this board exists in the first place is because of demand. if they wanted they could post on NF or wilmott, but they are not comfortable with the depth of conversation on those forums. people asking about majors are looking for a legit opinion, people wagging their dicks around will also let you learn about different strats and styles

>tl;dr let this board live and take its course, but yes shitcoin and tripfags are cancerous

>> No.299210

Shut up Moot.

Whatever happened to going to a financial or accounting firm and talking with people. You can ask them what their jobs are like and what to expect. Then formulate your own opinion from there.

Why not read some books on the fields you're considering. It seems like there's a book for everything these days. How about you google "how to be a good financial planner/accountant" and read them and get an idea of what a day in the life would be like.

Instead of putting your future at the mercy of a 25 post thread called "wat is gud wat get me most muney "

Find your passion you shits. Do some actual research instead of asking for the simple and tactless opinions of strangers and trolls on the internet.

Hell, even go and sit in on some classes to find out what the material is like. Find out which books they study from and look at them. Christ.

>> No.299221

Thank you. Forgot that one


Cryptos started in /b/, but that shitty board was too stupid and too underage, and trolled them. So the cryptos went to /g/. /g/ didn't want them there, so they went to /pol/. /pol/ didn't want them either.

As the guy above me said, you get banned on real finance forums for shitcoins. Not because they're trying to suppress them, but because they're genuinely bad investments.

The problem with this board is that we're not allowed to post news articles about because "keep /pol/ in /pol/"

>> No.299326

>People asking for business/finance advice on a business/finance board shouldn't be allowed
>Only my "I'm rich because daddy worked to give me a trust fund, u mad?" threads should be allowed
I guess almost all of the forex and stock threads would have to go, since they (gasp) ask for advice, commonly the reason why you discuss things like this with others at all.

>> No.299367

Your argument is flawed at its core. There is still hustle and bustle.

Fuck off shitposter

>> No.299386

The reason why this board sucks is because of all the NEETs who live out their pipedreams on here.

>Hurr durr, I dropped out of middle school, but I went to trade school last year, and got a $750,000 per year job after completing the program.
>Hurr durr, I invested $100 on the stock market and I average $5000 a day in return.

>> No.299412

>Go to plebbit for financial advice
Yeah nah I'll stay here with the racist virgin NEETs, at least they aren't all circlejerking each other over how funny they think they are.

>> No.299418


>> No.299434

This. Disagree with wage slave though. It's a relevant term if you understand it and use it outside of the context where NEETs think anything with a job is a wage slave.

>> No.299453


That's how it's used 99% of the time though.

If you work at all, you're a wage slave.

Are you a millionaire who works 60 hour work weeks? Wage slave

Wage slave is a term for someone working minimum wage with no goals, ambition, and no idea how to manage or save money.

>> No.299984

Pretty much this. /biz/ was to get shitcoins off of /g/ and /b/.

>> No.299992


>Accounting or finance major?

That's the only one I don't mind. Youthful enthusiam is cute. Coinshills can go fuck themselves though.

>> No.300296

>Your argument is flawed at its core. There is still hustle and bustle.
>Fuck off shitposter


Ban OP and all his minions ITT.