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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29912760 No.29912760 [Reply] [Original]

Will I make it anon?

>> No.29912899


>> No.29912948
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t. poorfag and /XMR/ general lurker

>> No.29913008

Do you have btc eth link or this your main portfolio?

>> No.29913180

Where is everyone?

>> No.29913523


I mine ETH and hold that on metamask. I did have 0.015 BTC and 2 link but I traded those with XMR. rn I only have 50k bao and 0.03 ETH

>> No.29913527


>> No.29913638

I started with $5000 in link and now I entered 6 figures hell. I hope I would make it to $1mil and quit my job

>> No.29913680

Noone wants to post since everything is dumping

>> No.29913736

Is this true? We just went from $10000 to $50000 and everyone is scared?

>> No.29913798
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So what do you think, aigmi or what?

>> No.29913859


You guys are so lucky I didn't visit /biz/ during the bear market. Because every post is some kind of a business related post during then. Heard chainlink last summer but it was too late for me

>> No.29913898

100% BSV

>> No.29913966

60% XEM
30% ETH
20% BTC

>> No.29913982

I have the same link stack size but it will take years for it to 10x, if at all.

>> No.29914007

Just my theory anyway, when everything's pumping people are more willing to share their portfolio.

I'm holding mainly grt and algo myself, also a little bit of monero

>> No.29914069

Do you think we'll ever reach the $400 magic number?

>> No.29914089

Daaamn bro, you could cash out and buy yourself a switch, friend

>> No.29914130
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800 link
150k foam
2k modefi


>> No.29914257

HODL til PS5 Slim or nothing.

>> No.29914575

trade half iota for ocean?

>> No.29914830
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I still think I'm looking to exit ADA

>> No.29914992

I came to /biz/ in mid 2019 right before the google pump and I was so poor that i could only buy 100 every week
How long do you think?
I don’t know. WEF said there would be trillions on blockchain by 2027 and chainlink is part of the plan by WEF

>> No.29915150

trade adas for oceans?

>> No.29915227

Btc and eth. Sometimes bitcoin outperforms altcoins so you could buy altcoins with cheaper prices

>> No.29915399
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You shouldda got out after the pump last night dildobrain

>> No.29915444

This is just intuition but I feel 3 years at the very least for a 10x from the previous ath. :(
I hope I'm wrong.

>> No.29915614

prepare for $14 link

>> No.29915660

Shoulda woulda coulda. My average buy price was .44, I'm not really sweating a few pennies off the top

>> No.29915776
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Is this shit?

>> No.29915900

Just curious because I know the binance wallets don't support native xmr do you feel safe leaving it on the exchange wallet?

>> No.29915929

It’s all so tiresome
Fuck off bobo
Are they called shitcoin?

>> No.29915946

dude, you own 3k USD, it would be good for you to invest everything into one token, and not be sprayed on small stuff

> Take into account to this shillers on / biz / and buy shitcoin
> lose everything in a moment

And this is how to make a trully PROFIT:
> get GSX and hold
10x is available soon. Easy!

>> No.29915975

10k iota
10k ocean protocol
7k ada
20 bnb
242 cake


>> No.29915982

No point in these threads anymore as its all going down so unless you want to here its going to be worth a fraction what it is now then dont bother. I know its depressing but it's likely true and I'm giving up..fuck it all

>> No.29916049
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>> No.29916132

>1.41 - 1.24 x 19985
yea fuck $4k amirite?

>> No.29916280

You have the benefit of both hindsight and the fact that it's not your money. Maybe it shoots up to $1.5 next Thursday. I didn't get where I am by being impatient every time I see a price spike

>> No.29916545

everyone knew there was a pump on because of the 700 threads about it
>not your money
you're right, I got out at 1.39 when it started slowing down. do you not understand that taking small gains and re-investing is more profitable than holding? we have a dip now so you could have bought back in at 1.18 and still been sitting pretty when it organically walked up to 1.5.

>> No.29916637


Ok I hear you but also I don't really care what you want to do with my money

>> No.29916941

Understood. Keep losing it fren. I don't really care either. I just though I'd try to show you a better way.

>> No.29917058
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It's down more today but I don't care to look right now.

>> No.29917092

should hold 20k iota or diversify in eth n btc

>> No.29917406

>former 6 figure Chad
How the mighty fall...

>> No.29917436

Tbh I don't even think we'll see $100 link by the end of this year.

>> No.29917941
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>tfw had to switch to usd for 7 figures

>> No.29918512

Yeah, with LINK crabbing it was a fairly painful wait to join the six figure club, where I stayed for under a week and then this happened.

>> No.29918842

Link would be $50 this year for sure. I’m waiting for SEC killing xrp and the money will go into top projects

>> No.29920503
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T. Poor eurofag