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29907945 No.29907945 [Reply] [Original]

>when I talk to girls irl I get 8/10
>if I use a dating app I only get 1/10 land whales
how can I profit from this /biz/

>> No.29908159
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go after the land whales who are long distance and tell them how you're having financial struggles after a couple of weeks. Have them send you their welfare checks

>> No.29908239
File: 10 KB, 310x162, 1576722532991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based, great idea thanks fren

>> No.29909051

talk to grls irl

>> No.29909683
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don't talk to women, they are worthless scumbags and whores

>> No.29909835

legit just get better pictures dude. I have some high quality cool pictures and do really well on the apps.

>> No.29909931

I think this is my problem. I’m no gigachad but I get some attention irl and absolutely BTFO on tinder

>> No.29909983

now that's using your noodle

>> No.29910056
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I'm in the same boat anon. I sincerely doubt slightly better pictures will fix this issue because it's been going on for my whole early 20s life.

Maybe we actually have good personalities and are decently alpha? That's the only conclusion that keeps me sane in the current time

>> No.29910064

If she's a crypto whale it's not that bad anon

>> No.29910095

doesn't it make you appear cringy? or are they like casually high quality?

>> No.29910122

really starts to eat at your ego with time... but maybe this guy is right >>29909835 just think thats a little gay but guess they don't have much to go from so kinda makes sense

>> No.29910133

Its almost like talking to someone irl has a different impact that just swiping through an endless sea of dicks, huh?

>> No.29910260

Im the same on dating apps but the thing is I don't have the confidence to approach hot girls irl.

I thought I had something going with this girl who was like 7.5/10 even though Im probably like a 4.5/10, we were talking, I got her number and said we should hang out some time, but then she ways always "busy" when I asked her.

It's all so tiring. Plus it's like all girls on dating apps want me to carry the best conversation on my effort alone. And it's so boring talking to these not-so-bright girls who also aren't very attractive.

I am headed to wizard-hood

>> No.29910319

honestly yes wouldn't have thought it would make such a impact tho. you should see the girls that want a match, they are all disgusting as fuck, and it does fuck with my mind a little. I guess I am just very average looking but luckely very charming and confident irl at least I got that going for me...

>> No.29910666

kinda same for me. 8-10/10 irl but 4-6/10 on apps. always just had face pics so possibly better pics could help as I know women think I dress well.

>> No.29910728

just do it fren here is how i do it
>see girl you like
>hey got a second
>think you are very cute I would like to get to know you
you either get a sorry I have a boyfriend (most of the time)
and sometimes yeah sure (that gives you dopamine rush like crazy and is addicting if it happens to you once)
just dont give a fuck if they say no, happens to me all the time, simple as that. Be nice wish them a good day and move on. and remember you probably made that girls day even if she says no she will be happy for the attention (if you are no dick about it) girls dont get approched as much as we guys think they do

>> No.29910764
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Online dating people are delusional
Stay away from them and don't become one of them

>> No.29910767

Maybe I’ll set up a photo shoot or something over the summer. That always seemed kinda gay but I’m not the type that gets his picture taken often so I don’t have any good ones to use

>> No.29910902

It really is that simple isn’t it. Why do a couple words have so much power over me?

>> No.29910950

The top 80% of women share the top 20% of men
The bottom 80% of men share the bottom 20% of women

Rat city

>> No.29911002

sanity for once

>> No.29911034

Yeah they can't be too "forced" but my ex had a nice camera and would take candid shots of me on trips and stuff. Lol thx whore.

Girls are superficial and if you can present yourself put together well I think that goes way farther than being a gigachad.

>> No.29911101

this. also your pictures and age might work against you when you look a lot younger. then they assume your pictures are old and discard you.

>> No.29911159

its like this for everyone fren only giga chads don't have this problem, not even sure about that tbdesu. i am nervous every fucking time but you get used to it. the first few approaches never work out probably because they see that you are not that confident. But if you just keep going you naturally get more confident and once you don't give a shit about if she says no or not it is no problem at all.
and always be polite then there is literally nothing wrong with aproaching a girl and telling her you think shes cute quite the opposite actually.

>> No.29911728

kek yeah I thought so much, I need some candid high quality shots. yes the seem put together bit is a cheat code, just put on a nice blazer and watch it in action.

>> No.29911792

Sounds like good advice. I’ve been working on building my social skills back up again after covid. I read some PUA stuff before but honestly it just made me more neurotic and didn’t help. If anyone has the pic of the wojak trying to mew and hold dominant posture while he overthinks everything and Stacy gets weirded out, that’s all it did for me

>> No.29911957

i still think thats so fucking gay I look like a complete hobo most of the time but I am confident in my clothes and have no problem irl. only I guess it is another thing and since I have no luck with that at all maybe I should try playing dressup... cant wait for fucking covid to be over fuck tinder

>> No.29912194

That's the problem with the apps bruh. If you're in a large city definitely try Hinge. Way more high quality bishes there.

>> No.29912340

That's bad for your karma, sir. It's better to just ride pumps and dumps. Idiots will just blame themselves, not you.

>> No.29912808

not caring about the clothes works pretty good if you have a nice haircut and shave. without that people seem to treat you worse which sucks. well groomed and dressing up can take you from getting shunned tier to getting hit on a lot tier. can tell you from experience. it's a lot about compensation too. if you're obese you have to dress sharp as hell to get people, especially women, to give you normal level respect.

>> No.29912815

It is so gay and I’m the one that brought it up. It’s a catch 22 though, if you’re the type that thinks a photoshoot is gay (as you should), you also know it’s gay to interrupt your activities for SELFIE TIME, therefore no good pics of yourself.

>> No.29912882

Same lol we just gotta suck it up n go outside.

>> No.29913515

very true

I think I will try it just for experiments sake...

>> No.29914530

Yeah I think this is the only way for the below to slightly above average. You just have so much more power in person vs putting yourself on the Wuhan Dick Market

>> No.29914614


People are nicer IRL retard

>> No.29915361

Women can smell desperation a mile away, if you use photos of yourself where you are out of your comfort zone they will pick up on it. So basically if you're not a person with a rich social life you are going to struggle, a lot..

>> No.29915701

This, better chance at getting their numbers but they usually turn you down after chatting a bit or after the first date if you get that far

>> No.29915774


Thats because thots only go for 10/10 chads on tinder.

>> No.29915920


Also I have never seen an 8/10+ woman on Tinder desu. It’s reserved for the more skankier types. I have spoken with some really hot and intelligent girls (keyword:intelligent) and they don’t use Tinder because they meet succesful men through work etc.