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29903028 No.29903028 [Reply] [Original]

> tell parents and relatives i bought bitcoin around $10,000
> *prices blows up*
> they are silent
> *price dumps hard*
> "anon, i see your bit coins fell a lot! did you lose much money?"
> *prices blows up*
> they are silent
> *price dumps hard*
> "anon, i see your bit coins fell a lot! did you lose much money?"
why are people like this?

>> No.29903109

most people want to see you fail. filter them out of your life simple as

>> No.29903173

Do they also read obituaries for fun and tell you about all the tragic events they read about in the news?
I had an aunt like that and I ghosted her about 6 years ago. It’s a bad idea to let those types into your life.

>> No.29903174

>tell parents and relatives i bought bitcoin

you have no one but yourself to blame

>> No.29903525

Human beings are animals, even your own family. Try displaying a mental ilness or putting yourself in a vunerable position to see how their disposition is fake.
In modern capitalism everything, EVERYTHING is only a commodity. Personality, gender, dialogues, family, religion, media content, everything has the form of a commodity.

>> No.29903696

Why is every story like this? My family knows I hold, but don't say shit about it cause they don't care and are not cunts.

>> No.29903736

They're jealous you're making money and are too afraid to invest themselves. Therefore they don't say anything when your portfolio is doing well, and try to validate their fear when it's crashing.

>> No.29903774


>> No.29903874

>losing and winning money
People can't conceive capital as something that is not discrete.

>> No.29903898
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Lol gotta love family ;) honor thy father and thy mother anon!

>> No.29903923

>People want to see others fail
What else is new?

>> No.29904007
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>> No.29904040

they think investments are how you lose money because they watch tv all day, and then they want it reaffirmed by you losing money. if you make money it proves them wrong and makes them irate

>> No.29904172

remember OP Jesus said love your parents even if they want you dead or you're going to hell :^)

>> No.29904181
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>"See? I told you those things were computer virus scams. Shoulda done real estate."

>> No.29904306

OP is Eastern European, confirmed. Here all relatives are like that

>> No.29904330

A lot of people want to see you fail. I think when it comes to family, it's a bit different. They don't want to see you fail, but they also don't want you to rise above them and if you do they want a piece of your success. Been realizing this lately.

>> No.29904520

Your parents keep up to date on bitcoin news? Are you a zoomer?

>> No.29904671
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>t. shit person with shit family

>> No.29904836
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> they don't want you to fail
> they just want you to not succeed

>> No.29904904

u outta kick give em a punch to the face OP

>> No.29904913


Pretty much, it's why I've been slowly reworking stuff so I don't have that lauded over me if I do get successful.

>> No.29904966

Yes your family absolutely wants to see you fail. You are coping.

>> No.29904986

what will you do when you cash out though?
>inb4 never selling

>> No.29905189

I read about this depressing dynamic in a book. Too many people assume that their bosses, superiors or elders or whatever want to watch them rise above them. They actually like to keep you in inferior positions more often than not. Something to do psychology with insecurity.

>> No.29905420

your parents are most common people, the low life scum that will never make anything out of themselves or have any shred of human decency or compassion because their mind is limited and they know it. so they just thrive on failures of others to legitimize their own failures, bad habits and laziness to aspire something greater than bagging groceries at the local supermarket. they can't even have compassion to their own kind, if someone in the family actually makes it or tries to make it, they suck out all joy or energy, they will not support you and have no business understanding. Fuck be happy as fuck if my son would actually make it big by some smart investments or running a business.

but beware of the other trap: once you make it, they will come and demand money from you. its the ultimate blackpill to detach as much as possible. you dont owe such people shit, anon. treat people as they treat you. when they are nice and supportive, you should be too, and vice versa. dont give the cunts one single cent, the socialist/communist dimwits don't deserve it.be happy, anon.

I hope you learned your lessons: never talk about your investments, never talk about your power level and just tell them you sold with slight profits and bought an ice cream, but you're out of it for good. YOU CAN NEVER TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH MONEY YOU MADE IN CRYPTO BECAUSE THEY WILL LEECH OFF YOU AND HARASS YOU ENDLESSLY because they know they are doomed until eternity to bag groceries and gave up on themselves already, so they wish everbody else the same fate. stay away. its really my seasoned advice after 5 years crypto. do not talk about it, especially not family.

>> No.29905486

On one price movement they're letting you know that they feel they're correct. They don't want to brag about being wrong.

>> No.29905528

Wow brooo like that's so profound maaaan
so like family does not want failure, but does not want success either
is this guy a modern day sisyphus or some shit

>> No.29905669

Youre insecure and projecting your own twisted way of thinking onto others.
Your family could just be worried. Especially if they think that crypto is dumb and by cheering your success they would enable your dumb gambling further.

>> No.29905792

>He doesnt test everyone around him to see if they're worthy
You are a weak cuck whos scared of finding out if your friends are just shitty idiots.

>> No.29905807

Tell them you also bought some extra coins which you were planning to gift them with next year.
Now they will support you and ask about it every time it's rising.
If/when it hits 100K, schedule a celebration party to give them their gift coins.
Leave forever and rugpull them IRL.

>> No.29905828

stop telling normies about your investments, moron.

>> No.29905840

It's really fucking sad, you loose everyone on the way out of the crab bucket.

>> No.29905849
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reddit waits for you absolute braindead cunt

>> No.29905914

thats actually legit approach

>> No.29906324

i've been telling my mothers for years to shut the fuck up and stop praying on my downfall. bitch finally started listening and said the other day

>"anon i just hope you're doing well I won't speak on the market bc I don't want to put bad energy out there"

meh she's getting better

>> No.29906361
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so many based posts, thanks frens
it's mostly my mom's bf and my uncle, but mommy is still proud of me :^)
> Leave forever and rugpull them IRL.
lmfao based!

>> No.29906812

i told my dad that I bought bitcoin but I didnt and now he must think i have a lot of money just fucking lol

i told that so he would stop harassing me about me being a NEET but wasnt a good idea because now he would ask all the time. thing is i do have saved 150k but that's from my Adsense. I didnt want to tell him I make steady money on Adsense so came up with the bitcoin thing instead lol. If i tell him I make money monthly he would force me to pay for shit so my saving rate would go down I already help giving money to my mom when she needs it. he lives in another place. he has a pension and many properties, a bar etc yet im sure he would force me to pay for shit if he knows im a make money. its the boomer way

>> No.29906935

Because they are fucking stupid. You’re intelligence does not intersect with their old world thinking. Never will.

>> No.29906981

Some people are fucking losers and would rather revel in peoples loss than acknowledge their gain. It's generally because they'd be too afraid to take a risk themselves.