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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2989742 No.2989742 [Reply] [Original]


>What's Ubiq?
It's a fairly distributed (i.e. no premine or ICO) Ethereum fork with a couple of changes. The most important change is the monetary policy which was changed to be a lot less inflationary (see https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1631210.msg17590755#msg17590755 for details). Beyond that, a lot of work has gone into porting widely used Ethereum tools, like MyEtherWallet (called Pyrus) and Mist (called Fusion). A MetaMask port is currently being worked on.

>Why should I buy it?
- The price has found good support around its current level, making it a pretty safe investment.
- The community is amazing. Drop by the Slack and you'll see what I mean. The developers are always there to answer any questions too.
- They revealed that they're working with three different teams looking to use Ubiq as their platform for their tokens.
- The devs contacted Ledger and received test units from them a while ago so that they can add support for their hardware wallets. Not many coins out there can say they have hardware wallet support, and Ubiq will soon be one of them.
- The devs formed a company that is looking for partnerships with enterprises interested in using blockchain tech, and they've already been working on a project with a company for a while now. See https://medium.com/the-ubiq-report/9750e297330f for details.
- And perhaps the biggest reason: they release progress reports every three months, and the report that fueled its last rally of like a 500% price rise was published in May 10. This means we will soon be getting a new progress report.

Seriously, you cannot go wrong with Ubiq right now.

>> No.2989758


Ubiq slack is my favorite crypto channel next to biz classic.

>> No.2989806

Would you recommend buying right now? I've been seeing UBQ on blockfolio threads and I've been wanting to pick some up.

>> No.2989888
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I know, right.

Definitely. We've been way higher before, meaning a good rally will easily lead us to at least the 70k range and we're currently about 5k sats above 35k, which has been a really solid support level so far. I think this alt has an excellent risk/reward ratio.

>> No.2989900

Trips have convinced me. I'm selling all my other alts and buying in.

>> No.2989910

Repeat after me:



>> No.2989932

Thanks just bought 100k!

>> No.2989976

That's a complicated way of saying "buy my bags".

I feel your pain OP, I bought at 83k

>> No.2990043

what does ubiq even do? I've seen it compared to ETH but why would a dev choose ubiq over ETH or neo?

>> No.2990049
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Ubiq has actually been one of the alts that has made me the most money. My bags now are mostly bought around the range we're currently on.

>> No.2990065
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And here are my buys.

>> No.2990129

Thanks. I guess I'll try my luck on it then.

>> No.2990436
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Ubiq aims to be a stable platform for corporate entities. Ethereum development is frenzied and their commits are pushed without major testing. Ubiqs trying to fill the gap for enterprise companies by fixing the major issues ethereum has through only using things that work + solving the issues that don't.

>> No.2990497
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> Shilling an ex-jumbucks coin
Scam coin made by a group of dodgy fuckers.
Guys, save your satoshis and look into Expanse. Non-anonymous, well-respected devs who stand behind their crypto.

>> No.2990555


None of the Ubiq devs are anonymous you dolt. Jyap works at Trex.

>> No.2990560

Jumbucks was fairly distributed, so the fact that Jumbucks holders got their Ubiq when they changed chains makes perfect sense and doesn't change the fact that Ubiq is a fairly distributed coin.
>a group of dodgy fuckers
What the fuck are you talking about. It was developed by Julian Yap and Luke Williams, which are still the main devs of Ubiq. There's nothing shady about them. Julian even works full-time for Bittrex as the guy that audits the code of any new coins looking to get added.

>> No.2990633

I rest my case.

>> No.2991026

I hadn't read that before, but I don't really feel like it means much when it's coming from an EXP co-founder, especially when it's all anecdotal evidence. Expanse have had their fair share of people calling it a scam, so it could just as well be an excuse made up to calm down the FUD while simultaneously putting down their competitor or something, I don't know. But if anything, I would consider the guy claiming others to be scammers without any substantial evidence the shady guy, not the other way around.

In any case, it doesn't change the fact that Ubiq has a lot going for it right now and the quarterly report is almost certain to be bullish.

>> No.2991126

Thank you for red pilling these newbs on the coinmarkets cartel. They're a devious bunch... Really good at social engineering. I started getting close with that crew at one point before realizing what was happening. Thank God I found this article and managed to recognize all those familiar names

>> No.2991185


I'll hedge my bets on Ubiq.