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29892400 No.29892400 [Reply] [Original]

I know the answer for me but I'm curious what other anons would do, would you gamble and hope your health lasts as long as your wealth?
Or would you trade your money for guaranteed health?

I would think the latter considering if you made it already you could do it again?
Entertain this sick fuck who's having an existential crisis.

>> No.29892441

You are a selfish faggot, i would choose money and assets to set up my family for the future, i dont care if i have cancer.

>> No.29892472

If this works on an instant, I will do the next thing:
>Create wallet for parents
>Transfer all my funds to them
>Be left with one satoshi for example
>Trade all my money for guaranteed health
>Transfer my funds back

>> No.29892556

No. Life means nothing if you have a low quality of life. Most people feel enslaved and depressed. I would risk my health for total freedom and a high quality of life.
Attempting to live completely risk-free in exchange for security is akin to bondage and slavery.

>> No.29892576

> would you trade your money for guaranteed health
everyone would do that, stupid question

>> No.29892578

You need to change your name from the bobo thread lol.
Well one this is a hypothetical situation, obviously if I had wealth I'd leave it to my family.
But your input is valid in it's own right.

>> No.29892612

Good answer that's what I wanted to hear, nothing is guaranteed.

>> No.29892622
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I don't want to.
This was fun.
We kek here

>> No.29892643

Sure. Everyone saying otherwise will change his mind when sick.

>> No.29892653

Lol you forgot it was there, you are amped up tonight I can tell.

>> No.29892703

Absolutely, If I had wealth in my position I'd just live freely while I can because I'm already fucked, but I know most really desire security and freedom from disease and suffering, money obtains that security for most but nothing is really guaranteed.

>> No.29892760

I mean it depends on the circumstances. If by trading wealth you mean being homeless for the rest of my life , then I’d rather keep my money.

>> No.29892766

I don't have any money so being healthy is pointless when you're destitute

>> No.29892895


>> No.29892926

No meant just ground zero bank wise, not lose your home or anything like that.
In this stupid fantasy that I'm creating and now setting rules for, god I'm bored.

Well I don't agree I'm borderline destitute but my health is shit I'd trade my small amount of property to feel like I was 21 again.

>> No.29892989


>> No.29893009

This >>29892441 but also this >>29892643

>> No.29893043

Don't be fucking retarded, trying to game a fucking ideological question, get FUCKED lmao, take it 10 IQ throughts elsewhere, holy fucking shit

>> No.29893063


>> No.29893064

Leave newfag

>> No.29893134
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>I have money
>but I'm a physical wreck
Look after yourself anons

>> No.29893135

I think it's an interesting point, I'm sick beyond help and tonight I had another symptom I never had before which is related to my condition, basically I'm getting demented at a very early age, and my family know I'm sick yet condemn me for having symptoms.

So it's a double edged sword I want to help them but they also shit all over my life especially the worse I get they pretend I'm just faking my illnesses even though I'm having all kinds of physical symptoms and now neurological ones are crashing more frequently.

So I'd just take whatever wealth I had in this hypothetical situation enjoy my remaining days and leave whatever is left.

>> No.29893146

Eh, not really, but it does depend a bit on the context. For example if I was already fucked health wise I'd trade my money to get better, but I wouldn't do the inverse, that is being healthy and trade my wealth for the security of health, since I like to take my chances.

>> No.29893166

Fuck your family. Spend all your money on drugs and hookers before you become too braindead to appreciate it.

>> No.29893191

Degenerative? lumbar?

>> No.29893196
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Only newfags call others newfags

>> No.29893197
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No I would not. We are born to die and the time we are given on this planet is meant to be used to fulfil our biggest interests and dreams. When our time is up, its time to go.

>> No.29893236

Anyone who is says "no" is an absolute idiot. If you say no you've never dealt with any serious illness in your life.
There's people fighting for their lives everyday in hospitals while you losers cry about missing a pump on your shitty internet coins

>> No.29893286

>I would think the latter considering if you made it already you could do it again?
I'm a poorfag and my thinking is that what little I have can be made back in the time I gain from not dying of a heart attack at 30. (I have wolf-parkinsons white syndrome)

>> No.29893310

Haha well I can get laid when needed and drugs just make me sick now, but I agree I snapped at them all tonight after a non issue but I just patched it up enough they will shit on me but I'm just too tired for dramatics I want to be left alone while I get worse, I've got zero tolerance for chit chat or dramatics because of how sick I always am and now everyone hates me for being an asshole, I really dislike most people but I know there are good people out there so I try not to become too bitter.

>> No.29893318

anyone who says "yes" has never had real money.

>> No.29893327

>If you say no you've never dealt with any serious illness in your life.

I haven't though

>> No.29893415

Damn looked that up, I get that when I'm really worked up but all the time?
Do you take medication to calm your heart beat?

(Poorfag myself or I'd help heart shit is the worst I had issues when I was fat made life awful)

>> No.29893485

L1 anterior wedge fracture that I got from fucking up a squat in the gym
It didn't fuck it up enough to cause any lasting nerve damage but there's a constant muscular ache, a sense of exhaustion that never really goes away and a different patch of mild fuzziness somewhere on my body every day

>> No.29893486

it is a nice hypothetical, but unfortunately the real world is more harsh
if you have wealth you can compensate for most health related issues and afford the best therapy available
if you are poor then the things you need to do to survive will destroy your health or sanity
tradies are crippled wrecks and wagies are empty shells when they hit their 50's

nothing beats wealth at a young age and i would rather risk my 20's to have a shot of making it in my 30's than living a life of dull mediocraty, i was a concious choice and gamble is what i am trying to say

>> No.29893504

You can have all the money in the world but if you get a nasty debilitating illness your life will still be shit

>> No.29893534

Yes I only have like 300 bucks.

>> No.29893554

how cringe is this guy

>> No.29893650

Damn that's nasty, thank god it wasn't serious enough to paralyze, my sign of shit going south was my back going out 5x in 7 weeks, every time I'd be able to walk it would go out again, until one day all my muscles were spasming like I was completely dehydrated, for 18 hours specifically my right leg was shooting out and I couldn't find a position to keep it in without extreme pain, then it slowed down and lost all sensation in that leg.

I'm 99% sure it's ALS from what were looking at and now getting Frontotemporal Degeneration from the side effects which means I'm in the later stages.

>> No.29893728

fpbp. he wants to be a slave of papa gov that will provide it for him. what a niggerfaggot

>> No.29893730

Would that mean that I could drink as much as I want without getting pancreatitis again?

>> No.29893731

Also need to get my lymph nodes biposied to see how bad the cancer I have is, but honestly I'm kinda just at the point if I have ALS as well why even bother.

>> No.29893768

Sure why not lol full reset on health and money, you're as healthy as an 18 year old mormon.

>> No.29893774

I only have 3k so hell yeah

>> No.29893789

Medication doesn't help too much - being incredibly /fit/ does. My dad had 7 heart attacks by the time he was 31, I've only half half of one and I'm 28.
I find meditating lots and having excellent cardio gives me the presence of mind and cardiovascular strength to just overcome the arhythmia. It's not something that bothers me all that much, if I'm honest.
I figure I'm blessed with more motivation to work out than most people.

>> No.29893826
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As I am young, endebted, and recently graduated, I'd happily do this trade as it won't change my current capital.

Would I however exhange my friends, family or knowledge for lifelong health? No.

>> No.29893855

I have really shitty health and no money. I'd totally give my 50 bucks or whatever to be healthy all the time.

>> No.29893861

In that scenario you spend all your money on the greatest excesses known to man and then shoot yourself in the head before the illness gets so bad it becomes debilitating.

>> No.29893882

I was reading more about it, luckily doesn't look like it's always serious but based off how your dad is a weak heart ontop of that might be a deadly combination.

I had palpitations when I was obese and my god I hated life felt like I was always trying to catch my breath.

>> No.29893894

A brilliant short life>>>>>a slow, long, boring wage-cage one.

>> No.29893900

i think the question also implies all your future money. just accept communism already you faggots

>> No.29893947

Haha that's desu kind of my plan, I armed myself incase riots happened in my city and also because my health was declining, I didn't think it would be this rapid, It's like been a rollercoaster since January been bedridden twice, snapping nonstop barely able to type, apparently I'm talking and slurring although I don't notice it.

Just waiting to wakeup and another limb going and then probably go out my way.

>> No.29893976

Does healthy also mean pretty? As in not chubby, no hair loss and so on?
If yes I can bang chicks and they'll pay for me, so I don't need my own money.

>> No.29894003

Not at all, you would be able to regain but you just wouldn't have any assets to start with, but all the knowledge you have beforehand.

And to that point I will say this I'm gonna die being a capitalist, is it a perfect system god no, do we honor that system not really but I will never accept communism.

My father was a minuteman and the man who I saw as my grandfather was a WW2 veteran who fought in Battle of the Bulge I would never in a million years accept your doctrine.

>> No.29894026

God will give you ass cancer and make you forget seed phrase if you try to cheat him that way

>> No.29894072

>take it 10 IQ throughts

>> No.29894107

Also Stalin was such a dipshit he thought if you frozen seeds they would evolve into plants that would grow in the snow.

Fuck your retarded doctrine.

>> No.29894136


>> No.29894214

not my doctrine.
the question doesnt make much sense then. In order to be healthy all your life you need permanent healthcare access. So do you just buy a ticket for it with all your money at some point? or do you have to give everything and the gov gives you back? the first method doesnt make any sense in the real world, the second is just turbo socialism or communism or whatever fag name they use.
giving away your 1 dollar to have unlimited healthcare is simply not a question worth entertaining

>> No.29894241

See I stopped as soon as the red-it tier analytical talk started.

Take your retarded frozen seed theory and find some tranny in the woods to tell it to.

>> No.29894242

not my doctrine, but any fag willing to trade all his assets for comfort is a fucking fag. /spit on commies

>> No.29894271

i only have 5k and am 22 so yes

>> No.29894310

Then don't joke about accepting that shit brother, those fucking idiots cause more grief and needless death in 2020 than anything else in our country.

big reason I don't see a point in continuing is because that seems to be the overwhelming voice screaming from the top down dressed in drag.

>> No.29894341


>> No.29894362
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>> No.29894374

Yeah my dad had fairly serious substance addictions that didn't help much with the condition of his heart.
How are you doing these days? Heart trouble's one of those things that can affect other parts of your life, and compound pre-existing conditions. I hope you're doing better, anon. Fat + bad heart can sometimes be a point of no return.

>> No.29894483

Most my heart shit went away as my weight went down, all kinds of other issues but I do think my hearts weaker, had sex the other night and literally had to stop afterward immediately meditate I could feel it ramping up and not wanting to stop like "shit I'm about to go right now"

>> No.29894565
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>> No.29894572
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Then it's the health without a doubt. I would like to remain comfortably numb without having to worry about dying slowly and painfully. I have time to make the money back since I'm still young.

>> No.29894684

Except if you have a genetic disorder, or have been maimed, health is kind of guaranteed if you do the right things. No drinking, no drugs, no carbohydrates (carcinogenic), do long term water fast once a year, sleep well, do exercise, expose yourself to sunlight.

>> No.29894954

Not at all. I just want to be able to buy my parents a house then id gladly be a wagie cuck until retirement. Both parents are out of work due to shitty circumstances (dad has cancer and mom got hit by a car completely fucking her ability to walk, she needs a hip replacement but doctors say its too risky with her being so young) Just want them to be comfy

>> No.29895026

I thought they are doing hip replacements on 30 year olds nowadays?
Honorable though, might want her to consider a new doctor some can be fickle about surgery, mine kept doing "little" operations on my issues until they became so out of hand I needed surgery but I should have sued that doctor to be honest I know he made it worse.

>> No.29895342

rest well anon, we will all have an reckoning in your next life. if you are going to go out go out well. see ya on the news behading a jew or smthin

>> No.29895651


>> No.29895698

If it included making me reasonably fit and never fat, I’d give all my money and even be willing to go into a degree of debt.

>> No.29895763
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Trading my current net worth for guaranteed health would be an incredible bargain, so yes.

>> No.29896149
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This on the face of it.

But you need to quantify the question a bit more. Do you mean all the money I have now? All the money I make in the future? Like what, everything outside of living expenses gets traded for good health? Thats stupid nothing is going to stop you from dying eventually, and if you have a good financial plan you'll have enough in your golden years to take care of healthcare anyways. You can have both.

>> No.29896273

i was just thinking what a scam our biological development is. we typically have children at 20-30 years of age. our progency take at least 20 years to develop into young adults. by then we're 40-50 years old, well into middle age decline. and then we get another 20-30 years to live, if we're lucky, with poor health. it seems that 150 year lifespans with physical/mental decline at the 140 year mark would be much fairer.

>> No.29896341

None of these faggots have ever been ill.

>> No.29896987

Of course I would. And if it could get my dick working and get its original size back? Then I’d go $100m in debt.

>> No.29897054

80 years is long enough. Think of dogs, they only live 10-15.