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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29888269 No.29888269 [Reply] [Original]

Why arent you stacking RLC @ 1.30 right now?
How's it feel to actively be making the worst decision in your life

>> No.29888511

>touching anything related to intel
I sorry I like making money.

>> No.29890244

Don't marry your shitcoins OP

>> No.29890625

I have 20k rlc and i"m tempted to sell. The good shit they announced isnt live unitl Q4 earliest.

>> No.29890700

Kek sell then

>> No.29891280

Wow it makes so much sense when you put it that way! Jeez thanks anon

>> No.29891564
File: 110 KB, 1080x504, Screenshot_20210226-183640_Slack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean youre a fucking retard if you sell.
The US legal opinion and big exchange listings could come at any second in March.
They tweeted that they are revealing ambitious plans in the next few weeks.
They are creating new tools that allow people who freely create and share custom oracles (in browser) and NFT's.
More ontochain news is coming, and the US legal opinion could allow enterprise to create workerpools or start monetizing data. They is also 2 blurred out official oracle APIs ready to be revealed.
Ethereum is stuck and iExec is reaching maturity. iExec is also chair of TEE in the EEA. iExec supports dapps and can use its oracles to compute data offchain and return it to Ethereum, effectively becoming a compute layer and scaling Ethereum.
Things are finally starting to shape up and it looks like iExec is going to be the #3 coin by MC EOY.
So what the fuck are you talking about "sell"

>> No.29891790
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oops, stepped in some dog shit

>> No.29891809

You if you are a trader you should have exited a moment ago, if you are a holder selling now might not be a good idea. Time will show us who's right.

>> No.29892180

Half this thread is bait, as always. That people are selling because BTC keeps dumping, it would make sense to sell everything and wait out the dumps, no? The sheer stupidity/obnoxiousness of trying to pretend RLC is uniquely fucked, purely because there's some fags who swung or shorted and are assblasted they won't make it is tiresome.