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File: 103 KB, 605x555, nickey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29884813 No.29884813 [Reply] [Original]

This is it folks, Satoshi hates Cardano, he's never seethed at an altcoin before. He knows ADA can surpass BTC and hates on it. Massive buy signal for Cardano

Also reminder ADA is the most decentralized crypto on earth with 90% supply staked, while 4 Chink pools control 50% of the BTC hash power.

>> No.29884899

ADA has literally zero use case aside from staking. It’s a fucking scam. Why the fuck are you staking if no one is even using the fucking coin?

It’s a scam. Decentralised and scalable means shit when it’s not usable. It doesn’t even have smart contracts.

>> No.29884943

cope seethe dilate and have sex trooncel

>> No.29885206

Szabo is a pedophile btw

>> No.29885247

ID: Ng
Yeah ok Charlie

>> No.29885274

Some reddit cope going on here.

>> No.29885327

Hello Nick

>> No.29885335

Charles sold you an idea, but have you tried coding on Cardano? It's fucking garbage.

>> No.29885480
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Is he just admitting it at this point?

>> No.29885600

So glad I swapped ADA out tonight. Thank u based anons

>> No.29886769

Posted this on another thread, but a crypto fund is moving out of BTC and into other more functional systems.


>> No.29886803

Cardano as it is today is a better tech than bitcoin..prove me wrong szabo faggots, what does bitcoin even do ? nothing and its hash power is centralized by 4 parties in china.

cardano is a superior store of value with 10x decentralization and does not require huge mining farms for its operation. having smart contracts is even better which will come eventually.

>> No.29886828

It has plenty of use case. It’s just not implemented. It already functions better than Bitcoin at everything it does, and on a maximum supply capped token...

>> No.29886874

It’ll come in the next 6 months, likely. Keep in mind Cardano works on virtual machines. Any Ethereum dApp will run in Cardano out the box, if I’m not mistaken.

Pretty cool. Once hydra scaling happens the entire banking industry will be dumped on.

>> No.29886913

I sold everything when I saw their drag and drop interface that removes the need for coders. Even one minute wasted in that explains why these clowns still don't have smart contracts 6 years later. You must be a real retard to prioritize shit like that, even dumber to think it will be good

>> No.29886958


Double checked all this works. Yeah. It does. Anything coded in Solidity works out the box on Cardano. 1000 tps vs 14 tps — Eth and Bitcoin have just been murdered and this is only the start.

>> No.29887047

Hasn’t eth been scaling for 4 years? When is it going to happen?

Making sure the implementations to get infinite decentralized layer 2 scaling going BEFORE adding smart contracts was not a mistake.

>> No.29887539

imagine being mad because a coin you dont own or like is doing well. this has to be the biggest cope fag shit ive ever seen. get left behind faggots

>> No.29887671
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Just recieved this email bros, what does it mean for my ADA stacks?

>> No.29887682

Most of them have their fortune literally locked forever in ETH2.0 staking contracts. If ADA continues to rise their only hope is the rope. That or assassinate Vitalik in the hope it can unlock their ETH before it reaches 1$.

>> No.29887757

It means the ADA blockchain will now support native tokens (ie tokens that don't need smart contracts, ie 95% of the trash you find on Ethereum/Uniswap)

>> No.29887874

Are these threads two AI bots arguing over the most irrelevant points?
Neither side makes any sense what so ever to the casual observer.

>> No.29887904


Stake your shit in Yoroi or Daedalus, don't be a pleb.

>> No.29888118

ITT newfags who weren't around in 2017 and are starry-eyed about "blockchain" technology. Wake the fuck up retards...

>> No.29888160
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Okay but is that a good or bad?

>> No.29888260

Seems like it. This ada shit spam is everywhere

>> No.29888410

Shut up ivan

>> No.29888938

This also true for Avalanche, except it's 6.5k TPS and instant finality

>> No.29889062

This is also true for Solana, except is 65k TPS
People buying ScamFagDano have serious mental issues

>> No.29889385
File: 392 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210228-090913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Nick, I just invested £1000 in Cardano based on a random number generator

>> No.29889448

>Chad vs hyped shitcoin of the month
Based Nick

>> No.29889649
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>It has plenty of use case. It’s just not implemented.

>> No.29889779

What is like his actual argument?

>> No.29889917

get in dero.io

>> No.29890113

>This shitcoin is actually different bois, this is it
Network effect: 0

>> No.29890117

Based retard

>> No.29890145

he has no argument. it's just an emotional outburst about how he doesn't like governance systems in a blockchain. yeah it's been working out amazing for bitcoin, right? number go up but the blockchain stays stuck in the stoneage. god, i can't wait for cardano to become the #1 crypto so we can see these retards rope.

>> No.29890167

Bitcoin caught on because the name is 9000 meme magic, Bit + coin, Cardano sounds like a Chinese scam. "Wanna buy some Cardano, bro?" - "Fuck right off, scammer!".

>> No.29890210

He's not wrong.

>> No.29890863

It is in the end useless, but the hype is strong and I'm still looking to get in.

>> No.29890932

Why does Cardano need network effect when it will be able to run solidity in a virtual machine? People will be able to use Ethereum smart contracts on Cardano’s network.

...do you not understand this?

>> No.29890957

to be fair every platform is rough

>> No.29891464

>not knowing who Girolamo Cardano was

How do I know you are sub 80 IQ and American?

>> No.29891532

> That supply

>That market cap.

It's only gonna be able to go so high.

Why would you buy an alt coin other than Ethereum if it's not new tech that's not from the 2017 bubble era.

>> No.29891617
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ok reddit

>> No.29892160

>Hasn’t ada been vaporware for 4 years? When is it going to happen?

>> No.29892259

What does age have to do with it? It has to have actual limitations not 'it's old'

>> No.29892280

FUD all you want the truth is if you did your homework you'd have invested in ADA at .10 like we told you to.

>> No.29892355

So are people just buying eth because this bullrun got dicked on by trading fees and so they just want a cheaper eth alt?

I mean, what else of value is there even for cardano bar lower fees?

>> No.29892391

>It already functions better than Bitcoin at everything it does
So does BCH and BSV

>> No.29892602

It means you just have to sit tight while they confirm all their shit while the hardfork happens. You should prob have your ada in a wallet unless you plan on selling straight away anyway

>> No.29892607

Absolutely destroyed

>> No.29892720

nick szabo
satoshi nakamoto
nicolas van saberhagen

who knows...

>> No.29892791

also note that in japan family names are written first so it's
nakamoto, satoshi

>> No.29893120

You have no fear of kek fool

>> No.29893227

This is what you faggots get for fudding the shit out of btc so you could buy cheap. Fuck you greedy ass whales. I don't have ADA but man I cannot stand maxis. They love to virtue signal and act like they know best, constantly saying everything is a scam, etc. But when it comes down to it they're just as greedy and manipulative as everyone else. At least shitcoiners are honest about wanting wanting make money.

>> No.29893258

Over 1600 community led stake pools, and on-chain voting with the most registered voters (almost 8,000) of any blockchain to date. Soon Cardano will have the voting power of a small nation state and it will become democracy incarnate on the blockchain. Nick Szabo isn't invited to the party because the ETH 'smart' contracts he was instrumental in making have only resulted in exploits that have cost users billions of dollars. Cardano doesn't require this to mint tokens. It protects both the retail token holder and the institution through a multi-asset ledger. Of couse Szabo is seething, his little pet project just got made totally irrelevant.

>> No.29893293

Pick one.

>> No.29893300
File: 17 KB, 184x245, ebbinc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these shitcoiners SEETHING

>> No.29893346


Get in your pod and eat your bugs.

>> No.29893371

What am I even reading, is this a bot?

>> No.29893377

Staking in itself is entirely a scam to perpetuate scarcity to keep the ponzi chugging along.

>> No.29893398

ADA pumping is unironically the top signal of thiz cycle just like XRP was the signal of the previous one, 2021 will be like 2018.

>> No.29893399

No, I'm not. Can you read English you sperg?

>> No.29894117

Szabo is smart, but he is not always right. He tend to be conservative in his judgements, which is paradoxical for someone who were early in crypto.
That said, i don't care about Cardano.

>> No.29894203

based satoshi doing god's work

>> No.29894264

Try algo...

>> No.29894274

he's heavily involved in chainlink though

>> No.29894451

1. Today CH will destroy the legacy of Nick Zabo completly

2. Even Hal Finney wanted to code in Haskell

3. HalFinney today would be proud of Cardano

>> No.29894537
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>> No.29894578

lowcode/nocode is literally the future. power users will be able to create apps requiring less monopolised work capabilities - i.e. less programmers, the issue isnt that devs will be put of work, but the tools that are being built are to try to close the gap between supply and demand. to put this on a blockchain is a bold idea to potentially bring it closer to nondevelopers and target a wider adoption. it bears some risk, but in the end it will pay off.

>> No.29894740

your loss

>> No.29894781

Solana requires special hardware to operate it
Solana uses energy waste for consensus. Not climate friendly.
The 65k tps is only due to being centralized on special hardware farms.

Avalanche can be run on any PC without a GPU. Requires no brute forcing sha256. Greta approved.

>> No.29894814

Bullish af

>> No.29894839


>> No.29894882

When BTC dinosaurus are starting to attack heavily an Altcoin - you can smell their fear.
Yeah, very bullish for Cardano

>> No.29894942

also, smart contract development maps nicely with visual tools, since pretty much the entire logic is a big if statements tree and calls for moving funds around.

>> No.29895196

god i hate visual programming languages

>> No.29895268

staking is not a usecase

>> No.29895476

huh? qrd?

>> No.29895495

Then mining in POW is not a usecase too.
Staking is the consensus and the security in POS.

>> No.29895546


>gas fee rise
>Try to be alive
>lose get broke

Go GSX, don’t spend your money
imho, I hold GSX

>> No.29895565

>Then mining in POW is not a usecase too.
Yeah well of course.

>> No.29895743

Jesus Christ szabo is based. What coins is he involved with atm, if any?

>> No.29895820

No maxi is based.
Maxis are always retarded and lunatics

>> No.29895856

he has been involved in link from the start brainlet, that's why it was heavily shilled here

>> No.29895919

You could say the exact same about literally any crypto. They are all just speculative assets with zero use.

>> No.29895968

> ScamFagDano
wow, you're so clever anon!

>> No.29895970


>> No.29896007

Yeah. I'm screenshotting this thread for when Cardano takes me to the moon. (You can screencap this if I'm wrong.)

>> No.29896349

We are already on the moon, because we bought the dip at 2 cents back in March last year.
Now we are going for Jupiter.

>> No.29896370

Yeah great. Nobody cares.

>> No.29896619

Around 1 mill people involved in Cardano care.
And number grows every single day - more and more

>> No.29896661

It's much easier to actually write code than to glue a bunch of forms together.

>> No.29897088

Most important:
Cardano smart contracts will be safu. No hacks or exploits. It does exactly what a dev want it to be to do.
On top - no rugpulls possible as well.
And even no fees.
This all is called science and features other projects can only dream off.

>> No.29897181

Even if this was a good plan, which it’s not, they are buying in when both of them are super overbought. It’s almost guaranteed they will dump hard still. So this fund is just proof you can be rich as fuck and dumb as nails.

>> No.29897481

Agree, but if this catches on (muh 4th industrial revolution), non coders, like financial people, might start playing with something like this.
It could this be useful just to rapidly prototype or scaffold a project, like one would use let's say MS Visual Studio to put together forms, widgets and even add simple actions.

>> No.29897581

Coding on cardano is the shittiest fucking experience. How can people stand this trash

>> No.29897645

not a fan of Nick Szabo but that last one is unironically based.

>> No.29897762

bullish for AAVE

>> No.29898303
File: 266 KB, 472x452, beefchain1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero use case
The United States department of agriculture thinks otherwise

>> No.29898397

>plenty of use case
>not implemented

>> No.29898434
File: 88 KB, 644x504, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cardano as it is today is a better tech than bitcoin
>having smart contracts is even better which will come eventually
keep saying that. its only been 4 fucking years already you blind newfag.
>It already functions better than Bitcoin at everything it does

charlesdano shills have a new talking point. muh better than bitcorn!

>> No.29898475

elaborate fren

Sounds like an interesting read

>> No.29898512

Wtf I saw a six year old video about ADA and it was all about smart contracts, they still don't have them?

>> No.29898683

ADA is vaporware supreme

shame crypto newfags dont understand the term

>> No.29899087

Guys what the fuck is blockchain technology exactly? Like what takes these projects so long to get going. Are they writing entirely new code from scratch or something? This shit confuses me because I don't see what these things supposedly do that our current tech doesn't

>> No.29899488
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>> No.29899875

Three things limiting blockchain tech.

-input of information

Realistically, all these projects are waiting for Chainlink to keep developing so we can get new Dapps.

Once smart contracts are here the tech is golden. Best analogy I can give you is right now we are still in the dial-up phase, we’re on the precipice of switching to broadband.

>> No.29899985

Correct me if I'm wrong
Blockchain is a piece of software that runs on many computers on a network which validates transactions. All transactions are stored on many of those computers so it's basically impossible to fake a transaction or to hide one. Everything is certified
Smart contracts are other software built on the blockchain which validates stuff other than transactions which fills some market niche and companies might use them because they need stuff certified. Like those sites for artists that sell "copyrights" for their shitty artworks which use the blockchain.
The main problem is that ethereum network is slow as molasses and doesn't scale so people developing smart contracts are looking for alternatives

>> No.29900325

Is this beefchain thing a meme? I looked at the blog and it hasn't been updated in 2 years.

>> No.29900702

Satoshi hates Cardano so I sold. simple as

>> No.29900737

Hal Finney blocks your path

>> No.29900851

You need to read more tweets by Szabo. Guy is smart but also a retarded right-wing nutcase. Satoshi always wanted Bitcoin to be non-political.

>> No.29900925
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>created bitgold, the true precursor to Bitcoin
>the bitcoin white paper uses phrases eerily similar to the writing on Nick's old blog
>when thanking people who made contributions prior to Bitcoin Satoshi strangely left out Bitgold, despite bitcoin being based on it

yeah non political as in migrants and POC can't vote to fuck you over as in Cardano that's the point

>> No.29901086
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new one made, more coming.

>> No.29901191

memes aside szabo is critical of anything that isn't bitcoin, and has a long-standing feud with vlad zamfir (ethereum). he's likely targeting eth more than cardano with those tweets, even if both fit

>> No.29901320
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He likes plenty of stuff that isn't Bitcoin, although I do agree he is too bullish on BTC relative to crypto in general


>> No.29901358

In Hungary as well. And Szabó is a Hungarian name, translates as "tailor".

>> No.29901470

check mate maxis

>> No.29901621

also he as an early believer in chainlink he is literally /biz/


>> No.29901778

The usecases are still in the mind of Charles, just like half of the implementation in fact

>> No.29901868

Brb. Doubling down on katalyo and reinstalling Deus Ex

>> No.29902143

Kek how much money do you think this faggot has locked indefinitely in ETH 2.0 right now? Feeling comfy about your assets there?

>> No.29902385

Unless it is proof of work it can't be better "tech". Proof of work is the only consensus system that matters long term, the rest are shit that trend towards centralization as exchanges, ETFs, grayscale, etc will eventually control the vast majority of the coins and therefore control the network for free.

In proof of work it doesn't matter how many coins that coinbase or grayscale have because they aren't making blocks for free. They get no advantage, if they want to influence bitcoin they to burn incredible amounts of energy just like everyone else

>> No.29902495

Dubs of truth

>> No.29902729

Hey fren, why did you never hear about k-parameter .
And why don't you know about POW mining centralization too?
Stuck still in 2013?
Even Hal Finney saw the downfall of BTC early on and wanted to change it.
Sadly he died.
He even wanted to learn Haskell .
Today he would probably involved in Cardano .

>> No.29903088

>k parameter
>d parameter
Pretty cool anon, you have some built in constants in your code that IOHK just changes whenever they want. Sounds awesome and very decentralized

Bitcoin has decentralization built into the fact that there is cheap energy everywhere all over the globe. We are already seeing china fall to around 40% global hash as more countries mine bitcoin using their energy. This is not just some gameable parameter decided by Charles and his friends, you actually have to put real resources on the line

>> No.29903902

IHOK can't do shit after March.
100% decentralized !!!

And pls don't mention BTC centralized mining cartell, the centralized production of mining hardware cartell , all the patent shit when it comes to hardware, the waste of energy on an epic scale and the censorship in Bitcoin forums.

BTC - everything screams shitchain.

>> No.29904333

No he hasn't

>> No.29905322

The Church of maybe/kind of/part of/maxi cucked, Satoshi vs the "cult" of Charles fucking Hoskinson.
I'll pick the Hosk anyday.

>> No.29905391

I dont see he mentioning ADA here.

>> No.29905511

no he isn't

>> No.29905513

Is Nick Szabo hungarian, though?
I think this name, Satoshi and Saberhagen are pseudonyms. They are likely some code as well.

>> No.29906347

6 fucking years of no product and total control from Charles.
>We'll finally be decentralized next month!!!

>> No.29906616
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>> No.29907593

>while 4 Chink pools control 50% of the BTC hash power.
Why dont these guys band together... get an additional 1% hashpower, and 51% attack the bitcoin network and get rich af??

>> No.29907623

Oh boy you're really gonna regret this take

>> No.29907701

>Also reminder ADA is the most decentralized crypto on earth with 90% supply staked
By how many users?

>> No.29907909

Who cares about some wop?

>> No.29908177

Thats why im buying nano. Youre right the name is almost everything

>> No.29908524


>> No.29908923

Bought a BTC mining farm for 100 mill USD, because Buttcoin is so inclusive and decentralized .
My 13 year old daughter bought a raspberry pi instead and runs a Cardano validator node.
Little sweety earns more than me and has even voting rights.