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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2988116 No.2988116 [Reply] [Original]

I hate this board now. All you dumb niggers do is autistically ̶g̶a̶m̶b̶l̶e̶ g̶u̶e̶s̶s̶ speculate on the latest cryptocurrency some teenaged nobody cooked up.

I have made over twenty threads on genuine financial topics, money making strategies, and lifestyle or career choices. The best one got 14 replies, all telling me to invest in cryptofaggotry.

Things that would, idk... ACTUALLY put us all on a reliable path to success? Hard lifestyle changes? Nah.... fuck all that, right? That's hard work.

Nothing about how to negotiate a raise. Nothing about the fastest and cheapest way to start an LLC. No threads with tips on how to whittle down your W2 taxes. No threads on how to acquire marketable skills. No small business or side-hustle ideas.

And you know why? Because you're a bunch of fat pussies. Because all you little slant-eyed gooks want is a get rich quick rush. Most of you would be better off in life doing coke than investing, cause at least the expensive dopamine rush would increase your productivity, while wasting your money.

>inb4 no-coin-having-pleb
Bitch, I bought thousands in crypto a long time ago and let it sit, rather than playing pretend-Warren-Buffet with the market.

You live in an era when higher education has lost it's veneer of credibility, and where entrepreneurship and trades rule. You live in an era with cheap free information, and the lowest interest rates ever for starting a business.... and yet most of you will never even try to start one. Just swallow a fucking revolver and spare the overall economy your wasteful existence.

>> No.2988121

>projecting this hard

>> No.2988125

I hope this is pasta.

>> No.2988129

nocoiner fgt die poor

>> No.2988133

Original you faggot, I'm tired of this board degenerating

>> No.2988134

OP is actually hard. We need more thread about lifestyle change and how to start a business/ideas etc

there's a good thread on this now but only because I bumbed it all the time

>> No.2988142

If you compile your info I'm likely as fuck to at least go through it.

>> No.2988149

>huur contribute to the economy
take from it and give nothing back, fuck the economy
western civilization is due for a collapse and dark age anyway

>> No.2988156

i agree

>> No.2988161

I honestly wish you even had that much of a spine. To take like a genuine fucking pirate. To leave no meat on the bone like a fucking viking.

But no, you want to keep wishing and praying. You fucking lottery-mentality pussy.

>> No.2988172

Complie your advice then and post it.
Contribute to this thread here : >>2983122

Its already fucking hard to even get any ideas about starting a business. Not even taling about the risks.

>> No.2988177 [DELETED] 

sooo whats the name of your coin? I would buy 100k with thee money I made as a pumber in canada this year.

Are you a Digimarine by any chance? Hope you didnt go full majin buu

>> No.2988181

Half of the shit you said is far from a reliable path to success. You seem like the type that thinks working harder is more noble or something than working smarter. Contrary to your belief, the world would not be a better place if everyone created their own small business with their half-baked ideas.

>> No.2988182

seems like "I want to start a business" is the worst possible place to start a business from

the day I see a demand that needs to be fulfilled with the potential to profit from it, I'll look into the legwork needed to start a business

until then I'll stick with grandpa funds

>> No.2988185

>coping: the thread.

>> No.2988186

there are a few businesses id like to start but im a poor neet

>> No.2988192

It is now.

>> No.2988194

Stop talking like a gook before I slap you.

If you're the Canadian plumber who keeps posting on this board, we all know from your last thread that you regularly scam your customers to make that figure (yes, I was there, reading, I remember).

>> No.2988200

Dear sir,
have you though about buying good investment coins? let me know, invest is solid and will flourish

>> No.2988201

Right? You're just setting yourself up for failure just so you can say you're an entrepreneur. If anyone had a smart business idea they wouldn't be posting it here (or anywhere)

>> No.2988203 [DELETED] 

oh, you are a sigimarine, sorry mate

>> No.2988205

You prissy faggot, that's not enough anymore. It's 2017, step up your game. You need to work hard AND smart.

"Constructive laziness" is a meme.

>> No.2988206

The problem is that the board deviated from its original purpose, hiroshimoot should create a /cry/ board.

>> No.2988211

>It's 2017

IT'S THE.......WHAT.......WHAT......

>> No.2988214

You can contain cryptoshills, but you can contain this degenerate fucking pussy attitude.

This board is contaminated with docile fucking cattle.

>> No.2988216
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>> No.2988218

This is why I stopped coming to the board regularly. Cryptocancer is 95% of the board now.

>> No.2988219

*but you can't contain this

>> No.2988227 [DELETED] 
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Why you wasting your time OP?

The poorfags will never learn that they missed their chance to get rich from crypto.

Now they waste their time in search of new opportunities instead of working hard and learning actual skills.

>> No.2988230


they should create new one just for crypto.

>> No.2988239

i want to fall in the chaos my dude
implying i dont work for a living anyway, kiss my butt

>> No.2988247


>> No.2988255
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I was implying you're an obedient little pussy, without the balls to become an independently wealthy man.

>> No.2988327
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>> No.2988360
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So wrong, but it feels so right, baby...

>> No.2988386


>> No.2988439

>implying we aren't funding revolutionary crypto start-ups whilst you're doing affiliate marketing or FBA etc

>> No.2988518
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I hate to say it, but Tai Lopez has more to say about finance than you bumblefucks.

>> No.2988530

old mentality, like turn dial phones to smart phones... move on grandpa...

>> No.2988531

>wahhhhhh why couldnt I have bought bitcoin in 2012 wahhh fuck all crypto wahhhhhh


>> No.2988543

>muh hard work
oh sweetie you won't get rich from any of that you would be better off working on becoming the most popular person in your workplace environment. Working hard won't get you anywhere if you work really hard at best you'll destroy your health and your free time just to have a couple million dollars which is fucking nothing and considered middle class at this point. All the people who could be rich are already rich or born rich unless you are shrewd corporate climber or a budding web services developer.
t.born rich

>> No.2988545

You dumb nigger, I bought bitcoin back in 2014.
If you read the original post, you'd see I mention I already own and trade cryptos.
I'm simply pissed at this board for focusing on one single niche type of investment, than the totality of business and finance that it used to be.

>> No.2988565

This was already address, you priss.

>> No.2988567


>> No.2988607

>a couple million dollars which is fucking nothing and considered middle class at this point
go fuck yourself, never having to work again is not middle class

>> No.2988620

I'm reiterating it

>> No.2988626

That's my boy. Even better would be to not settle for middle class.

But then again, that precludes these people having balls.

>> No.2988632

> price of an average apartment in Manhattan
what ever you say senpai

>> No.2988635
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lol. I Totally agree with OP. This board has way too many crytofaggots. Yeah i hold crypto too... but lets discuss the millions of other ways of getting gains. maybe we can learn a thing or two from eachother...

>> No.2988657

You beautiful fucking spook, someone finally gets it

>> No.2988750

nobody who is retired would want to continue to live in manhattan

>> No.2988819
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talking out your ass about all these theories. Pena TM right? lol fucking kys you idiot.

where OP gets his theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoqIRSZ818M&t=1447s

>> No.2988843
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who this faggot OP is quoting


>> No.2988876

> he's quoting a Joe Rogan podcast.
jesus christ op

>> No.2988897

You need to understand the majority of the people here are young guys who found something that they can make money on. Some of them have careers, some of them don't. I would say the majority do not, which means that they have the mentality of just letting things come to them without taking action. If you want to actually talk to adults, you might consider another site.

>> No.2988920

What quote?

>> No.2988970

which one is he quoting ?

>> No.2988983

Buy Eth

>> No.2989021

While I agree with your overall sentiment that cryptos are laughable, this board has always been degenerate.

It was created as a containment board for cryptospam which flooded b back in 2014.

It was no better then.

>> No.2989026

Then tell us all your great ideas you colossal faggots

>> No.2989045

Lol Dan Pena is a lucky idiot

>> No.2989067

I literally have no idea who this man is, or what he did to get lucky.

>> No.2989074

I worked in corporations and small business for over 10 years. I worked for huge companies and for jews with 8 employees. I have been there done that.

Wageslaving is the ultimate human slavery. Crypto gave me real wealth and freedom.

Source: I just bought my wife a brand new BMW X1 cash. And about to buy a house in ine of the most expnsive city in California.

All my years wageslaving I saved a grand total of ZERO btw.

Crypto is god's gift to us goys to make live bearable.

Anyone that preaches you to get a job is a bloodsucking jew and you mist unfriend him at once.

>> No.2989088

OP If you are still here maybe make a Financial Topics General. Just keep posting till fags see it. Or go to double chan even tho /biz/ there is dead. Maybe you can revive it.

>> No.2989094
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Very true OP. Before I came to the board, I started some shitty online tshirt business. Was my first time ever making money online and thru a business. Wasn't really scalable, but at least it made like 400$ a month, good side investing money. The redbubble account I used got shutdown though, which led me to start gambling away the money I earned on crypto. Literally bought high and sold low. Then I blew some cash making an ico which immediately got shutdown and made 0 dollars. Now I'm finally learning how to daytrade. Rsi and stochastics actually seem to make it possible to really predict things. Also it isn't instant easy millions, but I think it should be profitable in this bull market.

I hope to build enough experience that I can one day trade other people's money, like running a fund or something. My ultimate goals are to marry a pretty wife and have lots of kids and raise them well. I also want to have at least 9 figures, and I would use it to buy up small local radio stations and media outlets. I would also want to go into politics once my kids are old enough and I have enough money and power. I want to be able to really influence people's minds and control the direction of the country.

>> No.2989098

this, can't say I fully agree with your apparent sentiment towards trading, but biz needs variety

>> No.2989104
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/biz/ changed a lot indeed

>> No.2989138
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OP here, on top of some basic stochastic calculus, statistics, and trading knowledge (which I believe you seem to have learnt), I recommend strongly learning R, MATLAB, and C#. R is a good computer language for statistics-heavy simulations.

Avoid Mathematica, it's a meme. It was invented by mathematicians to make physicists like me miserable.

If you wish, I'll give you some free material to study.

>> No.2989166

Thank you for the advice, op

>> No.2989261

For people with little liquid funds, maybe market investing is not a good place to start.

If you want a large amount of secure returns but can only afford a small investment, then invest in a small business run by a competent friend or family member. Someone you know directly, and can vouch for their diligence.

>> No.2989333

Nice projection. I am 33 yo and I am high on the moon

>> No.2989341

in what did you invest? Elaborate

>> No.2989387

I have a feeling that most of your arguments/ideas will come down to connections, which are largely a product of your upbringing. You're talking to a board of 60% NEETs who have never been to a networking event before

>> No.2989397
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When I was a kid, we lived in the textiles district. My uncle owned a small clothing store, which he had previously worked his way up to managing.

As a teen, I used to work his warehouse for minimum. Heavy machines, heavier boxes, no windows.

For part of my paycheck, I asked my uncle to instead invest into the store. This way, I would get a discount, and slowly earn stock in the store. This also helped to improve my employed motivation, because if our business went well, then I would do well. I would tell all my friends to shop there, and hand out business cards in my spare time.

I managed to turn 13,000 in deferred wages, and turned it into nearly 40,000 in the company by the time I was 20. I only ever agreed to this arrangement because my uncle had the same work ethic I did.

The business didn't stop doing well. I wish I didn't sell, cause he's a millionaire now. But alas, university called and I left.

This is one specific example of a small business investment. And there is nothing like it for turning small sums into large profits.

(I also got employee discount on some sweet clothes)

>> No.2989401

>old /biz/
>drop shipping general
>robinhood P&D penny stock dejour
>ebay general
>"how do I make money online?" general
>"how do I make money online by doing absolutely nothing for 100k starting?" general
>what college degree should I get; oh wait get into a trade instead general

Old /biz/ was assballs and had maybe 15 regulars who posted every other hour.

>> No.2989411

Forgive the spelling mistakes, I seem to have been making a lot of them in this thread. I have not slept; spent all night coding.

>> No.2989415

How do I learn R and build/work on something significant for R, it's one of the most highly demanded languages in the market

>> No.2989453

I totally agree with OP to be honest. That's what I thought this board was gonna be when I first visited.

I started a number of threads on digital marketing, which is where I made my fortune, and was met with very little interest. Then it clicked: the people here are literally born for failure.

Now I come here to laugh at poor, stupid people and spread FUD and manipulate shitcoins. Its an unhealthy addiction actually. I don't know why I'm even typing this right now.

>> No.2989461

That, I cannot give an easy answer to.

Software engineering on its own doesn't really require a college education. You could literally just go to a coding bootcamp, get IT certified, and build a portfolio of sample code and projects.

To code for the sake of getting a job in finance, you'll probably need either a computer science, physics, or mathematics degree on top of those qualifications.

To specifically learn R (assuming you have zero coding knowledge), start by learning python to get the feel of things. Then, just start playing with the software. If you don't trust your self-teaching abilities, then go into a coding bootcamp.

>> No.2989484

Not necessarily in the finance sector, but I just recall a Facebook rep telling me that they take anyone who knows R from a networking event I attended a year ago

Learning is my primary concern; I'm sure there are open source projects I can contribute to in order to build experience for my resume. Thank you for the advice

>> No.2989508


Note well, I say to start with python, because python and R are both object-oriented computer programming languages.

The difference in style is not that big of a leap.

If you were to learn something like C, which is not object oriented, which does not have any concept of object classes, then you'd find it a bit harder to expand into R for finance and statistics.

>> No.2989539


Likewise this is what I thought it would be. I'm just starting out in investing myself, don't have much money but I do have a steady amount of income each month I can put away. Came to see if this board had anything to offer, and all I found was the Kerbel space program on the way to its next crypto moon mission. While I've expanded to other resources now, I do like the small glimmers of actual advice on this board. That and seeing the photos of retards losing it all on dogecoin.

>> No.2989552

I grew up lower working class. My father still works in a factory. My grandfather went to his grave working in factories.

I was the first family member to qualify for honours, and higher education. My upbringing was bleak, and that scared me into grinding.

>> No.2989641

Bump because you idiots need to know that you should do more in life than spend your Neetbux on shitcoins

>> No.2989738

>you should do more in life
like what?
Been through 15 companies, different ind of jobs
fuck wage slave life..

>> No.2989744

Bump for a thread that is not autistic or all about crypto. Thanks OP

>> No.2989768
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There's always a smidge of autism in every thread, anon.

>> No.2989770

Bitcoin and ETH. Dont trade just accumulate.

>> No.2989773

to be fair, the non-crypto threads on /biz/ are usually dogshit tier
mostly people asking the same dumb questions like

>how do I get into affiliate marketing? (you dont, youre 10 years too late)
>how do I make money online without bringing ANY skills to the table whatsoever?
>what is the fastest way to cheat/scam/fraud my way into money?

so in other words, a bunch of idiots who will never make it with that kinda mentality
at least with the crypto shit you can find an interesting new coin every once in a while

>> No.2989787

Holy shit you rely him

Good thread btw

>> No.2989788

Fuck off retard, all of these points you listed are still feasible, it just takes a certain skill of research because fucktards who became successfull never tell you really how they became rich. They simply dont want to give up their niche or have competitors

>> No.2989796

He wasn't asking you, sir. Go back to sucking dick for cryptos in dark alleys, please and thank you.

>> No.2989805

>not playing the lotto
It's only $52 a year

>> No.2989824
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I hate this board. All you dumb niggers do is autistically ̶g̶a̶m̶b̶l̶e̶ g̶u̶e̶s̶s̶ speculate on the latest cryptocurrency some teenaged nobody cooked up.
I have made over twenty threads on genuine financial topics, money making strategies, and lifestyle or career choices.
And you know why? Because you're a bunch of fat pussies. Because all you little slant-eyed gooks want is a get rich quick rush. Most of you would be better off in life doing coke than investing.

>> No.2989832

No one wants to live in Jew York City

>> No.2989833

Good thread, op
Unfortunately making money in crypto requires no willpower, skill or need to communicate with another human being. It's the only thing neets can do

>> No.2989838
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Don't give me a stroke, kid. My doctor already told me to stop drinking.

It's only 52$ you'll never see again.

>> No.2989856

It costs less than what I spend on liquor and cigars in a year.

>> No.2989858

why would I want to commincate with another human being to make money?

>> No.2989883
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My man, you could be spending that money on more liquor and cigars. And unlike that ticket, there's not a 99.999999% chance that the liquor will just vanish.

>> No.2989891

I won $3 the other day

>> No.2989905

Get a better job by contributing to open source projects in your free time as opposed to shitposting + vidya (I'm projecting)

>> No.2989939
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What kind of business would any of us even start? How would we know it would be profitable? The average 4chan user is a young-ish beta male with no marketable skills or ideas. Do you really think anyone here has any clue how to estimate net profit, get a license, incorporate, accumulate starting capital, hire employees, etc.?

Crypto, on the other hand, is something I can wrap my head around; and has been shown to have a decent rate of return. Why would I plunge into something I don't understand?

>> No.2989955

Subtract the value of the ticket from those winnings, and it's not even worth the opportunity cost of walking to the gas station to buy one.

You're being taxed for being statistically retarded, stop.

It also drains your will power to truly lift yourself out of poverty and into wealth, because in the back of your mind you're still being a hopeful faggot. A part of you still thinks you'll win a magic prize, and life will change forever.

Change your life, by hardening yourself.

One salvation alone remains to the defeated: to hope for none - Virgil, the poet.

When you realize no one will swoop in to save you from this Hell, and that you are doomed otherwise, you begin to change your life.

>> No.2989983


there is plenty of people who will tell you EXACTLY how they got rich
but it usually involves a lot of hard work, thats why the upstanding community on /biz/ usually discards their advice and looks for a shortcut instead. in other words, most posters here suffer from a nigger-mentality and will never make it in life.

>> No.2989991
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Good point, for once

>> No.2990069
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>> No.2990086
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>> No.2990089

>to truly lift yourself out of poverty and into wealth
Solidly middle class, my friendo

>> No.2990096

You're right, I miss old /biz/ even though crypto is alright because it's profitable. I wish there were somewhere else to discuss non-crypto-biz, I hope we'll return to that one day. Meanwhile please don't leave /biz/

>> No.2990130
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I wasn't really going to leave you lovely mongrels.

I just needed to vent on the worsening quality of this board, call a few people niggers and assorted faggots. blow off some steam, etc...

I won't leave you, anon <3

>> No.2990139

fuck working for free though m8

>> No.2990149

>a lot of hard work
so what? Working hard is not really a problem
its the smart part which is difficult
99% of people work hard and their wage is not enough to even make ends meet

>> No.2990159

Fuck the nocoiners

>> No.2990183
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>> No.2990205

Learning to appreciate money and all it can do for you is like seeing the world through a new lens.
Most people don't have the dedication, willpower or motivation to save and invest. They'd rather spend their, perhaps even hard-earned, money on the here and now, without giving thought to the future.
It's good to enjoy life, and as people grow they gain responsibilities and obligations. How much money could you spend in a week as a kid and how much money could you spend now?
People would rather live enjoyable, unsustainable lifestyles than uncomfortable, profitable ones.
The former group will look upon the latter in later years with jealousy and rage.
This is why poor people stay poor OP, no sense casting pearl before swine.
As for /biz/ you need to make a conscious decision to put money over everything, only then will you reach lamboland...

>> No.2990220

fuck onlycoiners

>> No.2990234

Bitcoin will reach 10k this year

>> No.2990246

>Working hard is not really a problem

sure thats why all the NEETs here are constantly looking for a shortcut
because of their superior work ethic

there are plenty of roads to financial freedom but they all include hard work. hell theres people who are dumb as dogshit and still get rich just because they go after their goals relentlessly.

most people here will simply never make it because they are either waiting for someone to spoonfeed them or looking for that shortcut that makes them rich quickly. they will never make it with that nigger mentality.
even if they get rich off cryptos they will just piss away all their money on dumb shit.

>99% of people work hard and their wage is not enough to even make ends meet

have you ever had a job?
99% of people are lazy fucks and do just enough to get by and not get fired

>> No.2990255

the level of nocoiner asshurt is reaching levels previously thought theoretically impossible

>> No.2990269
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>> No.2990275

doing investment still better than entrepreneurship, if you have the money at hand. Just statistically true.

>> No.2990293

Nice! Bought 100k.

>> No.2990311

Sent ;)

>> No.2990337

I hate this board now. All you dumb niggers do is autistically ̶g̶a̶m̶b̶l̶e̶ g̶u̶e̶s̶s̶ speculate on the latest cryptocurrency some teenaged nobody cooked up.

I have made over twenty threads on genuine financial topics, money making strategies, and lifestyle or career choices. The best one got 14 replies, all telling me to invest in cryptofaggotry.

Things that would, idk... ACTUALLY put us all on a reliable path to success? Hard lifestyle changes? Nah.... fuck all that, right? That's hard work.

Nothing about how to negotiate a raise. Nothing about the fastest and cheapest way to start an LLC. No threads with tips on how to whittle down your W2 taxes. No threads on how to acquire marketable skills. No small business or side-hustle ideas.

And you know why? Because you're a bunch of fat pussies. Because all you little slant-eyed gooks want is a get rich quick rush. Most of you would be better off in life doing coke than investing, cause at least the expensive dopamine rush would increase your productivity, while wasting your money.

>inb4 no-coin-having-pleb
Bitch, I bought thousands in crypto a long time ago and let it sit, rather than playing pretend-Warren-Buffet with the market.

You live in an era when higher education has lost it's veneer of credibility, and where entrepreneurship and trades rule. You live in an era with cheap free information, and the lowest interest rates ever for starting a business.... and yet most of you will never even try to start one. Just swallow a fucking revolver and spare the overall economy your wasteful existence.

>> No.2990368

i fucking bought my degrees in chinese cunt.

>> No.2990437

I agree OP. As much as crypto is fun, it's not a job. Some poor neets won the lottery and now they think they are investing geniuses. A lot of their "advice" is absolutely just stupid.

I wanna learn how to start a business or a side hustle, ya know? Anyone have any good resources for things like this? I heard you can sell stuff online for fairly cheap and good profuts

>> No.2990447

learn a niche maket like sucking tranny cock instead of normal cock

>> No.2990498

But anon, I'm already good at that.

Normally you pay the tranny though, not the other way around.

There's better advice out there than "learn something niche." Crypto is just a fun passive income. I want a reliable source of money that can grow easily. With crypto just buy high, sell low, buy back, and then hold until it drops.