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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29876168 No.29876168[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>girlfriend started saying "our bitcoins"

>> No.29876236

>telling a female about your shitcoins

>> No.29876254

That's when you correct her and say they're YOUR Bitcoins. Women love testing men, don't let her think she'll get away with this.

>> No.29876338

>my bf/finance has no idea about my crypto riches
>won't tell him until after the wedding

Looking forward to him learning we are rich and I'm buying us a house. But he has to marry me without knowing about the money.

>> No.29876378

Look forward to getting murdered after you share the private key

>> No.29876387

you will never be a real woman.

>> No.29876398
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I'll just dump the bitch
She found them years ago, good thing the retard can't into qrcodes, but saw them on normie news the other day. Now she can't stfu about it and is already spending the money in her head

>> No.29876401

Based, its the only way to do it, man or woman

>> No.29876410
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>> No.29876429

That's a man.

>> No.29876443


>> No.29876444

why are you gay?

>> No.29876452

>wife found my crypto portfolio
>she found out I wasn't actually "saving" I was just gambling on shitcoins
>still made 10x more than if I actually "saved"
>is pressuring me to sell
should I rope? No prenup

>> No.29876481

Nope. TBF I am overweight and not a Stacey. So I fit in with the rest of you losers

>> No.29876494

say the coins got hacked and you're so sorry.

>> No.29876546

Just tell her there's no way to withdraw into cash.

>> No.29876565

Not really besides the fact that you're clearly an autistic and more probably a closeted transexual exploring their fantasies by roleplaying as a female on the internet.

>> No.29876570

we all know wymyn like to understate things to smooth over facts. you must be HUUUUUUGE.

>> No.29876595

This is the gayest fucking larp, now i have to sage the whole thread

>> No.29876596

> feels insecure discussing/disclosing fiances
the family that is

>> No.29876608

You know the rules. Post em

>> No.29876615
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Tell her you lost it all on bad investments. Convert it to $XMR and find a new girlfriend with the same hair and eye colour but younger. That will teach her thing or two about talking back to a man

>> No.29876671

take this shit to /b/

>> No.29876724

I'm tempted to sell and just fucking leave to korea desu.

>> No.29876726


>> No.29876729
File: 21 KB, 325x325, 0DE2F736-7BD4-4D5A-9A32-814C01A8473F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know the rules, faggot

>> No.29876828

>TBF I am overweight and not a Stacey.

A woman who claims she is self aware? Now its definitely a larp

>> No.29876859

Seoul is quite literally hell on earth and I say this as someone that lived in the literal poorest prefecture in japan
$40 direct flight, $50/head for a 4-day weekend airbnb with friends, and I still want my fucking money back

>> No.29876893

If you have the keys then there’s honestly nothing she or anyone can do.

>> No.29876899

go to vietnam bro

>> No.29877026

lol you're not even married yet wtf dont marry her

>> No.29877060

If you are married and aren't willing to view it as a team effort that is a problem in and of itself. If you made the money you should probably have more of a say but you should also listen to her concerns. Marriage is serious

>> No.29877125

Tell her you were liquidated

>> No.29877126

Kys hambeast

>> No.29877134

lol that idiot all he had to do was set the gas can down

>> No.29877165


I just bought a house w/ my wife and wanted to include her in the title but the bank didn’t let us since it’s on paper getting paid for out of my pocket only. And theres no blackmail/lawyers/alimony that can change the ownership of the home or any value tied to it unless I truly consent, which has on oddly long time line to back track my decision.

I think the game is changing. Only my death can release the home to her as long as no kids.

I wish she had ownership but they got new rules I guess,

>> No.29877176

Why is staying thin the hardest thing in the world for women? Most of us are /fit/ crossposters you fat bitch

>> No.29877180

>telling friends and family

>> No.29877205

>wahhh the person I am married to is concerned with our finances

leave adolescence behind

>> No.29877244

>giving women a say in your finances

>> No.29877255

For me it is because I am a fairly good cook and baker. I like to bake bread, make cookies, and cook basically every day. I can't resist making myself good things. Like today I made an apple pie from scratch.

>> No.29877307

> he doesn't know...about divorce laws

Anon I...

>> No.29877310

tits or gtfo
>no tits
not a woman
fuck off tranny

>> No.29877319
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>has a penis
>thinks they are a women.
I know where you belong

>> No.29877372


kek, this board is the best
>hurr durr why can't I get laid???
>talks about and to women like they're absolute pieces of shit

not like I think all women aren't, but with all this practice anons, I'm SURE you'll nail an actual interaction IRL

>> No.29877414

fucking sodomites burn in eternal hell

>> No.29877439

Posts man tits

>> No.29877443

Its time to start saying
>You're single

>> No.29877488


She had to like sign all her rights to the home away for us to get the loan. I dont know why the bank made us do this, maybe some new standards?

>> No.29877541

Damn, that’s actually pretty based. I may be in a similar situation soon. Like the other anon said though divorce would probably still fuck you over, though.

>> No.29877542
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What does marriage have to do with finances, fatty? Do your job, queef the kids, cook for them and raise them till their teens then I'll take over. I will do mine by making sure you have access to the best resources on the planet. No need pretending we are "equal".

>> No.29877576

Women fawn over literal serial-rapists and serial killers. Imagine thinking they would give a fuck about you calling them a whore. They like it as long as you look good.

>> No.29877580

I'm a great cook and baker too. Just ride a bike and do some squats FFS. >>29877372
I have a gf

>> No.29877610

Where do you live anon

>> No.29877629

women love being called whores. its really disconcerting, but i know its just because of jewish brainwashing.

>> No.29877661

No one gives a shit. Cook your family nutritional meals and not sugar loaded trash, big girl (man).

>> No.29877663

a whore gets fought over by strong men. it's all about reproducing.

>> No.29877680

>team effort
>our money
>our bitcoin
Im sure women also think civilization was a joint effort while they did nothing but spread their legs to conquerers and invaders for the past 200k years. Thank god the west is collapsing and these whores will once again have to spread their legs to another round of invaders. kek

>> No.29877682

Ignore them, they do this to all femanons. This -is- /biz/, after all.

>> No.29877706


I’ll be fine - I wouldn’t have this home without her. Seems most cases divorces really have an unequal effort being unfairly distributed. It is not even an expensive home.

But the paperwork was interesting. This thread reminded me of it.

>> No.29877708

Both partners should talk to each other about money. All concerns should be heard even if one is the dominant partner.

nah I like the sugar loaded trash

>> No.29877752

That only happens when resources are scare.

>> No.29877789


Long Island New York

>> No.29877848

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.29877887

No it happens every time their civilization or tribe is not the dominant one anymore. It happens in every single country that is conquered some countries punish these traitors when they come back into power like the french did. Or they dont and the roasties get away with it like the Japanese war bridges did. Women fuck for resources regardless of scarcity.
>women love being called whores. its really disconcerting, but i know its just because of jewish brainwashing.
You are bluepilled. They get off on being called whores because they no longer have to hide the shame of being one and they love being dominated. More than half of them have a rape fetish. Its in their DNA to be conquered physically and mentally.

>> No.29877926
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>All concerns should be heard even if one is the dominant partner
Nope. The sub should stfu and learn it's place. That's why its a sub.

>> No.29877980

You are a fat IT guy who doesn't get laid, not some dominant conqueror. Keep that in mind hotshot

>> No.29878002
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>> No.29878096 [DELETED] 

I agree with what you are saying on a physical level, however, I have seen in my own life the effects of learning on the development of consciousness and how primal aspects of humanity can be overcome through knowledge and "spirit". That is how Western society was built in the first place. So the reversion to this primal animalistic nigger behavior is the result of nothing more than nigger culture being promoted by niggers being hired by jews for the purposes of turning the Sons of God's lineage into a mixed mutt-breed of half-animal easily enslaved cattle.

>> No.29878133

Good job, anon. I'm sure she'll think of you when her fiance is dicking her.

>> No.29878159

>no timestamp
but uh... do women really get chest hair?

>> No.29878183

Never selling, never telling.

>> No.29878226
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>> No.29878236

You know im right roastie, if I were to kill your family members you would fuck me instead of avenging them because cowardice is in your DNA. As Ironic as it is, if any fatty here became a hardened criminal he'd have better luck with women.

>> No.29878275

So uhhh

Nobody gonna talk about whats going on in the webm?

>> No.29878322

this, the only people that know about my crypto are the mate i got into it with and people im confident wont be too impressed at throwing around large sums of money like one of my work colleagues

>> No.29878376

"you would submit to rape rather than die"

I guess? Is that supposed to be an own? Yes, men have often raped women and treated them like possessions. That doesn't reflect badly on women

>> No.29878414

russian stuff

>> No.29878451

post benis nao

>> No.29878627

>That doesn't reflect badly on women
I didnt say it did but Im still right. If anything it shows your cowardice to not only choose dishonor to be spared by the killers of your loved ones but to continue to live as their property. A man surrendering and serving the killers of his loved ones would be considered a despicable piece of trash, even though he is technically a victim too. But not women because everyone knows your nature.

>> No.29879025
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>>my bf/finance has no idea about my crypto riches
>my bf/finance
also you're a fag

>> No.29879165

Yes but unironically
I'm >>29876080
Still dyel though

>> No.29879428

Try intermittent fasting. You can still eat the same shit, just at different times. You'll lose weight in no time.
Don't you fucking dare to ignore this post or your mom will die in her sleep
It's really impressive you faggots/trannies/women think you can pretend to be men while also posting like complete retards like this.

>> No.29879656

Yeah, that was kind of fucked up, but also kind of funny. I hope they're okay.

>> No.29879753
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Man, when someone says or types "bitcoins" with that fucking S at the end, it just makes me so irrationally angry. It's especially bad when someone is talking/typing like they have some knowledge and authority and then they out themselves as being completely clueless when they refer to bitcoin as "bitcoins".


>> No.29879811

Based Taco Rudy

>> No.29879823

if you have more than one bitcoin its bitcoins no?

>> No.29879824

You're wrong. It's not cowardice. They like the conquerors, they open their legs not out of fear, but of hornyness.
Just search for photos of french girls sitting happily on the lap of nazis or german girls kissing and jumping onto soviets.
It's on their DNA to get their pussy pounded by the men with best DNA. The ones who win the war.
So yes, they have no honor at all, but it's not like they'll be sad when the day of the muslim domination comes. They are going to cum buckets.
>more women report having orgasms while being raped than they do while having normal consensual sex

>> No.29879838

that idiot coulda not pour gas like that to begin with

>> No.29879921

Bitcoin refers to the network, bitcoin refers to the currency, so it is "bitcoins" and the person you replied to is just retarded

>> No.29880043

Our bitcoins but its your monero

>> No.29880061

>>more women report having orgasms while being raped than they do while having normal consensual sex
hahaha that is true, I remember reading about that. Most around 60-70ish% of women say they dont orgasm from PIV sex but somehow more than half of women who got raped(PIV) claim to orgasm, and thats only the ones willing to admit it. At best its cowardice, at worse they're literally just born traitors and its sad that we are hardwired to have a protective instinct them. Meanwhile they just care about fucking whoever wins the fight. Nature in general is pretty mean to males so I guess its our revenge for polluting the fuck out if it.
sounds about right.

>> No.29880120

so many typos, im tired as fuck so just fill in the blanks.

>> No.29880198

unfathomably based

>> No.29880204

Your partner helps keep your house going so that you even have the opportunity to invest.

>> No.29880219

Its going to 0 anyway.

>> No.29880243

tell her you spent it all on hookers

>> No.29880252

If you want to refer to the bitcoin network, why don't you just say "the bitcoin network"?

>> No.29880258


>> No.29880315

if you're not marrying someone in at least your own class and of high value, you only have yourself to blame

>> No.29880383

Fat skank kys

>> No.29880409

You are at least just as likely to be successful/building anything when you are a bachelor, if not more. The greatest achievements of men were done by bachelors. Its nice to have a partner, but their achievements are not yours, especially when you haven't participated enough in it to earn equity in it. Are mentors, friends, or other family members legally entitled to half your success? They all hard a part to play in helping you go through life someway or another, some even more so than a wife who is more likely to nag or just cause unneeded drama like most roasties too.
fuck off moron.

>> No.29880410


>> No.29880459

There's nothing stopping you from doing that, but generally speaking when you're referring to Bitcoin as the network then it's capitalized and when you're referring to the 'coins' it's just 'bitcoin' or BTC. It's not a very common differentiation anymore so it's not a big deal either way.

>> No.29880765

For all the witless wetards who have been discovered by the whores they choose to latch on to, say:
1. you have locked the assets into a smart contract which pays out:
1.a. At retirement age.
1.b. Upon birth of a child matching your DNA using LINK PoR (Proof of Relation).
1.c. When the whore kills herself using LINK PoD (Proof of Death, as written about in the assasination smart contract white paper, Ari Juels et al.)
1.d. When the state of Isreal no longer exists.
2. you lost it all during a freak boating accident.
3. you lost it when you were mugged by a gang of ethnic delinquents.
Or if you are not a soft-stepping back-arching dress-wearing dilating faggot, just tell her she will not see a single (one (uno (1))) cent as there is no way to prove that you have any crypto and that if the vapid whore even attempts it you will burn her alive and then burn your crypto.

>> No.29880864

Yeah. Just look at lions, for example.
A lion has like 20 females and plenty of cubs. Then another lion comes and kills the first one. Then it proceeds to kill every cub.
The females don't even try to protect the cubs. They just let them get killed, then get in heat again.
Nature is kinda creepy, but think: if the lioness fight, it will probably get killed with its cubs. If it just accepts and gets wet, it'll have even better cubs now, with the best genes available around.
The only exception to this is older females (that can't reproduce anymore). They will die to protect their offspring.

>> No.29881026

sell 1/10?

>> No.29881191

>caving into a woman’s demands at all, ever
unironically ngmi

>> No.29881263

>my bf/finance

>> No.29881343

it's only based when men do it, femtoids have to tell their bf everything

>> No.29881359

Fucking based.

>> No.29881373

>that supposed to be an own
yes you dumb whore..most men would rather die then be raped.

women are genetically selected for the exact opposite

>> No.29881394

I'm aware of evopsyche explanations of why women are why they are. But it doesn't numb the pain or fix the hopeless situation so what good does it do. If you are a non-chad and are a moralfag, then take the religion or bacherlor/mgtow pill I guess. If you have no morals you can just become a hedonistic degenerate and become dark triad. Fuck nature though, Im glad the planet is dying. Since we're going extinct anyway, might as well take down the planet with us.

>> No.29881414

Imagine not getting a prenup. The funny part about equality laws is as men get more pathetic we'll be coming for that alimony money.

>> No.29881418
File: 9 KB, 235x215, 9E5C907E-C02C-4446-9779-A79056A1D778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread again.

>> No.29881427


LOL stop being fucking beta, tell her:

no those are "mine bitcoins"

what are you scared of pussy? beta-cuck holy shit... get your shit together anon seriously.

>> No.29881434

If legit, this is actually the most based thing you will find on 4chan

>> No.29881457

honestly this thread is pretty sad. I feel like most of you are clearly incapable of pair bonding on any level

>> No.29881497

Tits or gtfo tranny

>> No.29881565

The first rule of crpyto is don't tell anyone about your crypto. Even the most well-meaning person can fuck up and make you a target for someone who isn't so well-meaning.

>> No.29881595

I like nature, even though it's shit. I'll just do my best to become the conqueror, not the conquered, so I can fucc some pusi before I'm kill

>> No.29881763

>I feel like most of you are clearly incapable of pair bonding on any level
Why is that? Because we're discussing the female nature of getting wet while getting pounded by immigrants?
Also I tried to help but you ignored >>29879428 you fucker, you'll die from atherosclerosis before getting married

>> No.29881793

>incapable of pair bonding
rich coming from a roastie. We're hardwired for loyalty to the tribe, even it means sacrificing ourselves, you are hard-wired to betray and deceive. There's nothing to commit to anymore. You are not even bound by religion or morals to act decent anymore.

>> No.29881819

I read it but desu I am not looking for diet advice right now. I do appreciate it.

but yeah most of you wont really pair bond with a woman and be happy if you dont change the way you are thinking to be less toxic

>> No.29881864

>kike on a stick

>> No.29881880

>pair bond with a woman and be happy
most married men are miserable and most marriages end horribly for men, men are literally better off alone, so quit your virtue signaling roastie and go back to baking yourself into an early grave.

>> No.29881903

>t. fatty tranny

>> No.29881908

die alone without kids I guess. it's your choice

>> No.29881980

better than a faggot on a dick