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29876024 No.29876024 [Reply] [Original]

Are $4 million enough?

>> No.29876409

why would you ever want to retire in mexico?

>> No.29876430

More than enough, get a nice house in cabo and live playing golf and hitting on hot latinas.

>> No.29876455

Now's not a good time to go to Mexico. They going for everyone there now, including tourists

>> No.29876500

Hot women, niece weather, cheap for a gringo, very good beaches.

>> No.29876515

>They going for everyone there now
What do you mean? The cartell?
Shouldn't I be fine in mexico city? Or what are you talking about?

>> No.29876552

$4 million is enough for anywhere in america too. You can put that in any mostly safe index fund and make like 6-10%, or around over 200k

>> No.29876653

I am a gringo in mexico city, I've been here for over ten years now. Mexico city is one of the priciest places in Mexico but still extremely affordable compared to the US.

4 million is more than enough, but more important than money is learning Spanish.

Learn Spanish or you're going to have a tough time.

>> No.29876731

>hat do you mean? The cartell?
>Shouldn't I be fine in mexico city? Or what are you talking about?

Yeah. Just look at the most dangerous cities in the world. Mexico basically dominates it, even moreso than Brazil and other African countries.

>> No.29876787

Thanks for the heads up anon.
>Learn Spanish or you're going to have a tough time.
I am about to do so already. How hard is it to get along with English though, let's say at the beginning? And how much do you spend on living costs per month in Mexico city?

>> No.29876873

Almost zero people speak english, learning spanish is non negotiable if you're moving to mexico

>> No.29876890

>Just look at the most dangerous cities in the world. Mexico basically dominates it
There are living 8 million people in Mexico. People are always dieing everywhere on the planet. The ride ends for everyone at some point. And honestly, it wouldn't even be too bad, considering the fact that we will never go back to normal anyway with Corona.

>> No.29876921

>hot women
if you're into goblinas grandes, sure
>very good beaches
run by the cartel
there are so many better options, anon
thailand and portugal my favs

>> No.29876938

Hi fren! Mexanon here
4 million is more than enough! Want to have a xomfy life? Use 500k and put them into CETES and get a flow of ~1.5kUSD monthly, with other 500k get a house and a car, the rest can be either invested or used to spend let's say other 1.5k per month, with 3kUSD monthly you will live like a king and there are nice areas without shitty narcos doing whatever they please just avoid byuing or selling drugs just to be on the safe side and usually the more you go to the north the less oaxacos you will see, go ahead and good luck fren!

>> No.29876949

i dunno if I was going to retire with 4 mil I would go to panama or costa rica personally

>> No.29876964

It's doable, but it's not comfy.

$2k/month will get you a very nice place in the nice areas. It's the best food scene in the world, at least the americas, and affordable but if you go out all the time it will add up.

Things are coming back, but before the pandemic you could go out any night and party.

>> No.29877017


Yes, people die all the time. Just in mexico, you'll be skinned alive or have a pitbull eat your dick with your hands tie behind your back

>> No.29877118

Thank you fren. Appreciate it.
I am still in 6 figure hell, but I think $4 million are a realistic target for me within 5 years and I am sick of the West, so I was thinking about places where I could go.

>> No.29877185

>How hard is it to get along with English though, let's say at the beginning?
Your average chairo Mexico city dweller shitskin doesn't speak English. As you travel north and meet more educated peole, your chances of finding someone speaking English increases. Regardless, you will always be "jaja ese pinche gringo" deep inside their minds, akind to how Japanese people treat gaijin
t. went to Monterrey before the corona lockdown

>> No.29877234

Yeah I know the stories anon. But that's what they normally do to gangmembers or enemies and not some ordinary tourist.
There are still going people to Mexico and even living there for years.
That's like saying you should not go to Belgium because you get raped and locked into a basement

>> No.29877352

You are welcome fren! I would recommend San Pedro near Monterrey, search "fashion drive San Pedro" online it isn't that bad and you would like it
Also 4 million is a bit of an overkill 2 million would be what you need to retire and be comfy but i recommend you to not to just follow an hedonistic life but to pursue your passions and you will be happy

>> No.29877387

>Use 500k and put them into CETES and get a flow of ~1.5kUSD monthly
I wish I could do this right now. 4% yield on 1-year bonds and CETES bills sounds so fucking good.

>> No.29877579

>fags fuding my country

>> No.29877668


Anon, if it's your dream to retire in mejico, that's cool. Personally though it's so dangerous right now that it's just not worth it

>> No.29877733

i been living in mexico my whole life, im pale white green eyes and light brown hair, never had any kind of problem maybe im just lucky

>> No.29877777

>but that's what they normally do to gangmembers or enemies and not some ordinary tourist
Some aussies got rekt in Sinaloa a couple years ago iirc. Tourists can still get rekt. Just don't be a retard and avoid contact with seedy people.

>> No.29877810

>the more you go to the north the less oaxacos you will see
basado norteño

>> No.29877813
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Funny you say 4 million...that's how much Jeff Berwick, Dollar Vigilante, cashed out with and moved there.

>> No.29877815

Check Monterrey, Creel and San Miguel de Allende, not everywhere is a dangeeous place i really get what you mean but as long as you don't sell deugs and preferably son't buy and don't be a retard showing off rolex and gold coated phones while on the street you will be ok the latter specially important in CDMX

>> No.29877975

Sure anon, in Mexico city housing prices are pretty high, so take that into account, but it'll be more than plenty.
been in mexico city for years, lifes good here depending of where you live ill feel its even higher quality than the us

>> No.29877987

wtf, that bitch looks almost exactly like my sister

>> No.29878027

Low standards.
Just move to Florida or something

>> No.29878089

>Hot women
This is only true in northern Mexico unless you have a thing for colonizing "indias".

>> No.29878113


Cartels are still expanding. It's basically a failed state at this point Colombia is safer & they have hotter women

>> No.29878153

youre just like 95% of the 130 million people living here m8, except for the white part

>> No.29878156

More than enough Im a beaner and that more than enough to have a good life and a elite one If you play your cards right.

>> No.29878174

why do you need to talk with people there

>> No.29878179

Yeah Florida is cool but in Mexico people generally have no issues walking when old, wanna know why? No Knee grows :D

>> No.29878231
File: 2.15 MB, 714x462, watchful guardian.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm thinking of retiring to a hellscape made of The Purge and Mad Max. Is that a good idea?

>> No.29878368

this. If theres one ONE only thing narcos tend to give a fuck are the elderly. Even low rat scumbags avoid robbing them on the streets.
t. Grandma goes to the bank regularly to cash out around 5k and even once, when someone tried to rob the place, they told my grandma and other 3 elderly to leave

>> No.29878383

you think Mexican culture isn't part of the West. youre in for a rude awaken fren

>> No.29878397

$4mil would be a kingly existence in Mexico.
idk, I could see a few places in Mexico being decent for retirement. Primarily Mexico City and some of the coastal tourist towns. Warm tropical weather nearly year-round, lower cost of living, great food, white sandy beaches, strong cultural identity, close to the US in case you have family and want to visit, etc.

>> No.29878460

Mexicans have strong family values regardless of social class. I can confirm the elderly are highly respected.

>> No.29878598
File: 71 KB, 694x609, 1614202929509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm genuinely scared of the Cartels moving up into North America. We are seeing a massive white exodus from California, which will help create a Mexican vassal state for the Cartel to stage operations.

Hispanics also breed like fucking rats. I might take my chances with Europe if I make it because at least Muslims kill you fast.

It'll happen soon. Where in America there are headlines of bodies hanging from freeways.

>> No.29878629

People who retire in other countries they are not native too are going to have a very bad time in the coming years, locals are sick of honkies taking advantage of the exchange rates

>> No.29878670

>Muslims kill you fast.

>> No.29878708

nigger tranny

>> No.29878745

Depends how many more re years you want to live

>> No.29878760

Remember that video on liveleak of the guy whose face was skinned off and his hands were cut off? Remember how he was still alive and they were slashing at his face while Funky Town played?

Remember that video of a hispanic woman being found with a deep sword/machete slice into her midface, making her look like pacman AND SHE WAS STILL ALIVE?!

Nah. I legit might move to asia because China gives 0 fucks with their new empire.

>> No.29878847
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>He thinks he will be safe in Europe

>> No.29879005

Chinese fuckin hate foreigners

>> No.29879367

You can live on my commune
Price of admission is white skin and 10,000 LINK

>> No.29879389

>you think Mexican culture isn't part of the West. youre in for a rude awaken fren


>> No.29879411


>> No.29879681

I've lived there bruh, it's the states 2.0

>> No.29879814

Couldn't have said it better

>> No.29879854

If you're retiring in a shithole why not go to SEA instead

>> No.29879876

GL when the local police find out about your wealth kek.

>> No.29880019


You mean a country with an average salary of $8k a year? C'mon now

>> No.29880057


Maybe he doesn't want trannies & AIDS infected hookers?

>> No.29880146

okay, you got me

>> No.29880155

you're clearly a fucking retard, or you're trying to be a gatekeeper

>> No.29880298

They will cut you for organs and blame it on covid

>> No.29880404

plenty of that in mexico

>> No.29880407
File: 75 KB, 570x754, 1613206163414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29880453

You will never be a woman

>> No.29880464

$4 million pesos is enough to not having to work
$4 million dollars is enough to live like a king
$4 million dollars = $80 million pesos
$4 million pesos = $200k dollars

>> No.29880779

why buy ing a house when you can rent? with all that money rent is better not to mention Mexico city get pretty bad earthquakes from time to time.

>> No.29880878

good finally degenerate get a taste of what they are funding

>> No.29880926


Gatekeeping? Mexico has a Quality of Life comparable to 3rd world countries. Western countries have personal income averages for $40k+, the best ones reach $80k, to six figures. Although it's next to the US, nobody considers it a western country...except mexico

>> No.29880990

COLA retard

>> No.29881273
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It's still bad

>> No.29881370

just admit that you're a fucking retard, and you don't know a fucking thing about mexico. you need to grow up and stop talking out of your ass. life will be a lot more enjoyable.

>> No.29881545
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>> No.29881574


Damn dude, why are you angry? When people refer to the western world, they mean Europe & the US

>> No.29881597


>> No.29881692

they mean a type of culture. and mexican culture is western, if you've ever been there, you would know this. and you are retarded. that pic has nothing to do with cost of living index. I assure you, your ego can take the hit, admit your ignorance, it's the first step to happiness