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29850937 No.29850937[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How is anyone suppose to get a qt gf and start a family these days when the housing market is the way it is now? Are we suppose to live in an apartment all our lives?

>> No.29851018
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>Are we suppose to live in an apartment all our lives?

>> No.29851090

You will own nothing
You will be happy

>> No.29851112

Right now in manhattan you can get a condo for less than 200k. Let that sink in.

>> No.29851208
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>> No.29851413

Getting a house before 25 is nothing.
Now getting a non-whore gf, thats the hard part

>> No.29851510

I'm hoping to time the market properly and have a few million by the time the housing bubble pops here in Canada.

>> No.29851836

Also, wtf are you retarded? Get a mortgage you fucking child the rates will never be this low again. No one "buys" a house, you get it on a fixed mortgage

>> No.29852038

Housing market will crash as soon as evictions can resume. Right now there are a ton of landlords leveraged on multiple properties that are full of tenants making zero payments. They can’t sell the properties because no one will buy an income property guaranteed to to produce zero income. Once evictions resume, you will see a wave of rental properties hit the market as landlords look to free up cash to cover their past due mortgages.

You are also seeing housing prices inflate in the suburbs as people move out of cities to lower cost surrounding suburbs based on remote work and getting out of cities to lower population densities to get away from the virus. That will let up once the economy fully reopens, removing that buy pressure propping up suburban housing prices.

Lastly interest rates can’t really go any lower. Rising inflation risk is going to drive up lending rates as no one wants to issue a mortgage at 3% when inflation is running 7%+

These 3 factors will cause housing prices to implode. If you have been waiting to buy a house, your window opens up within a year and we will likely see a 4+ year trough. Unfortunately, you will likely be looking at interest rates 2-3x of what they are now

>> No.29852818

Yea that won't happen ever unless you marry into an 18 year old or get an older woman in her 40ys

>> No.29852938

Listing? Its impossible.

>> No.29852992

> the housing market
there's more than one, you know

>> No.29853050

Debt. You're supposed to go into debt and feed this central banking house of cards

>> No.29853062
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>> No.29853096

definitely a man

>> No.29853151
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you were supposed to marry your high school sweetheart like me
can't wait, was looking this year but decided to wait a year or two because of exactly what you're saying. so sick of being a rentoid

>> No.29853330
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>> No.29853418
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>be the cuck of a bank gambling you'll have an steady income for decades in a pandemic apocalypse scenario

>> No.29853451

he might not be lying because right now all the housing in Manhattan is dropping like a stone. No one wants to live there. Well let me put it this way, unless you have a job there then its useless to live there.

Manhattan is an actual shithole. And now with feral goons on the loose in record numbers its not even a shithole in a romantic kind of way. "ahh yeahh, the streets smell like piss and I got yelled at by a homeless man, but its Manhattan!" No. Now guys walking with their toddlers down the street get shot in broad daylight. Most of the stores are closed down too. Fuck anyone and their 200,000 600 sq foot condo in some rundown shit building that smells like cat piss.

>> No.29853529

>no 9/11 in the rear view
bad version.

>> No.29853546

I've been looking to buy a house in full, cash, and try to talk them into 80% price because private transaction and a suitcase full of cash, all in gold stripes.

>> No.29853699

my high school sweetheart turned into a piece of shit eventually
feeling disillusioned with women, bros

>> No.29853746

This woman is retardedly good looking

>> No.29853829

Lmao, what do they have this bitch on? Her fucking pupils are blasted.

>> No.29853880

well have I got news for you. you can find 10 that look just like that at the methadone clinic.

>> No.29853897

I think you have to accept this fucked up world and work around it.

The Boomers aren't going to let their houses go down. It's their retirement. They've taken out home equity loans and second mortgages. Pension funds and the federal government are reinvested in MBS. Their last concern is if you can afford a home.

You have to find a way to get the cash for a down payment and get into a house. Anything reasonable, it won't be your dream home. Then you can start building equity. It's the only way anyone has a chance of keeping up with this cruel economy. You can't time these cyclical crashes because the central banks are largely guessing. But every year you aren't in a house is a year that you aren't building equity.

It's like sitting on your cash waiting for the 'bottom' of any other investment market. Unless you know when it is and that the time is soon, you are losing so much opportunity by not participating.

>> No.29853954

my first impression exactly
he is fucking goooone

>> No.29853972

they're all pieces of shit imo
if someone walked into your house and murdered you, they'd get over it and move on usually

>> No.29854033

You're not supposed to have children. You're supposed to send your tax dollars so Jamal can have children for you.

>> No.29854171

Oy vey, Mowtzava. That’s a jewish man.

>> No.29854224


Make money buy land

>> No.29854248

I don't think that's a woman anon.

>> No.29854263

She has honestly the best tits I've ever seen.

>> No.29854268

>They've taken out home equity loans and second mortgages

Acting as a heat sink for an economy on the run. The housing market and the student loan market suck up so much money that it keeps all that money they were printing in check. But they're reaching the end of life support for those markets. People are demanding free college and student loan forgiveness. People like the OP who started this thread aren't buying houses because the market is collapsing under its own weight.

One thing that no one gets to see is just how desperate these people are. Because its the one thing they will do anything else to hide. Global theater as we're shown it is desperate. They've dragged along and lived off the corpse of a dead horse they refused to stop beating. Now the change is here. Long term, half a century kind of long term, they won't survive. So they're acting out of desperation. The media, the governments, the fake markets, all of it.

>> No.29854282


You must
eat the bugs
Live in a pod
Never reproduce
Own nothing
And be happy about it

>> No.29854305

After the time I've spent in this world I've become certain that those who have children will be punished in the afterlife.

>> No.29854311

That's some serious 1000 cock stare

>> No.29854330

What's her name again? I think she had some nice pics of her pussy hair poking out from her clothes iirc.

>> No.29854410

opioids constrict your pupils to pinpoints, have sex drugcels

>> No.29854417

Christ I don't remember, something with PURR. She had some dildo stuff as well, fucking incredible shit.

>> No.29854462

lil purrmaid

>> No.29854539
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Good lad, have a titcow

>> No.29854594

Thanks, m8.

>> No.29854618

>bought big in 2020
You are scaring the piss out of me. I don't want to be underwater

>> No.29854725

Her pupils are too dilated

>> No.29854762

>getting a mortgage
You’re a joke, do retards actually do this?

>> No.29854861

Move away from big cities. My housing is affordable and I live 10 mins from white sandy beaches. My area is also ripe with tech and aerospace jobs.

>> No.29854873

Nah, I stuff US dollars in my mattress until I have enough to buy a house outright.

>> No.29855014

can't tell if bait or what

>> No.29855096

Every single human being has to live through varying degrees of suffering. Bringing people into this world is the most selfish thing one can do.

>> No.29855136

yes, remember the subprime mortgage crash in the us a few years ago?

people buy shit they can't afford, then interest rates go up, or they get laid off and the police come and remove you from the banks house (cause it was never really yours)

>> No.29855276

Its not even fully yours when you buy it completly, theire is still property tax and more.

>> No.29855289


>> No.29855337

stay poor. my fixed rate mortgage will give me a free house when hyperinflation hits

>> No.29855338

you buy $yAPE while its still cheap and get fucking rich!

>> No.29855912

>what is MDMA

>> No.29855923

Slave mentality

>> No.29855945

your qt gf will cuck you eventually
just give up on this fantasy

>> No.29855985

sauce, she hot af and drugpilled

>> No.29856143

I want a nice and cozy flat where I live, just bigger. Is it bad? Why would I want a house?

>> No.29856260


>> No.29856271

they're filling the country with immigrants

their will never be a collapse
because it's already happened
they jus don't care

>> No.29856570

This. I thought getting a house was impossible but I should be in a position to buy one in about 5 years. If you're in the states it should be even easier, just move somewhere where the houses are cheaper.

But women seem to be more whorish these days. Finding a qt with no fucking kids is an impossibility, and I'm superficial as fuck so I don't think I'll settle for anything less than a 7/10 who isn't fat.

>> No.29856604

Is there a porn category that’s just girls like this talking softly to you like if you were next to them in bed? And I don’t mean asmr stuff.

>> No.29856658
File: 71 KB, 540x519, 7e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be a real man

>> No.29856712

yeah good point god fucking damn it all

>> No.29856757

Countryside, nigga

>> No.29856881

yes you are europoor now congratz

>> No.29856996

wow now you know why Trump was elected, too bad you threw the fix away and let the left steal the 2020 election

>> No.29857713
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>the alternative of getting a cuckgage is stuffin dollars on a matress

the state of the mortcuck

>> No.29857787

Yeah but that tax is a joke compared to getting literally cucked for decades and being on suicide watch if you lose your income.

>inb4 deludedfags think they are inmune to losing their job

>> No.29858843

what about your job?

>> No.29859556
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When you are face to face with a girl, you can see her pupils getting bigger the more turned on she gets.

>> No.29860602

When I was in highschool I told myself I would get a house by 25. I'm 24 and I paid off my condo. Things have gotten harder but not paying rent is based as fuck. GF is still the impossible part.

>> No.29860770


This, bought a 500k house at 25 but can’t get a date with a girl who is white and not obese

>> No.29860933

Unless you've found yourself a virgin, it's not even fucking worth it. Get /fit/, throw your money in crypto, and mogmaxx and whoremaxx as long as you can.

>> No.29861073


Yes master, I love BLM and want to pay reparations

>> No.29861781
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>> No.29861852

>noooo I can’t live in a flyover state
>poor stupid hillbillies live there nooo

Stay where you are and rent till you die.