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29849114 No.29849114 [Reply] [Original]

Here's the chainlink blackpill: LINK cannot moon unless the 4 digit to early 5 digit stack holders are shaken off. They are the midwits who either paid a few thousand bucks because they were at the right place at the right time or brainlets who overpaid way too much for their stack. Either way this group of people are emotionally attached to their stacks and they are basically sitting on their ass and crying about the price.

The reason why they need to be shaken off is they are a parasite to the LINK community. They are probably all in on LINK and poor IRL so they can't buy anymore, their stacks aren't big enough to get decent APY to provide liquidity in defi platforms so what these brainlets do is put their linkies in fucking centralized exchanges for "le comfy staking gains". In return these exchanges use those tokens to suppress the price and these retards complain. The cycle repeats indefinitely...

50k+ holders and under 1k stacklets need to unite to shake these fucking faggots off, they are the reason the price isn't moving.

>> No.29849205

so i'm only hurting myself by putting my 10k stack on celsius? the gains are too good desu

>> No.29849299

yes you are, why do you think they are giving you those returns? haven't you learned anything from the whole nexo/zeus/simeon debacle?

>> No.29849341


This. Yes, i am aware i am one of the reasons the price does nothing. But the other reason is sergey selling. If sergey stops selling your argument will become invalid because link will moon.

>> No.29849400

yes, the people just sitting on their stacks are totally suppressing the price, very good post anon

>> No.29849459

I will wait for 12 more years if I have to, won't sell a single LINK even if nukes start flying

seethe and cope

>> No.29849492

Sergey uses those "dumps" to keep the network running for the time being because ETH is shit. They are solving the gas fee problem with OCR so expect the "dumps" to stop for the time being.

The people that keep their tokens in their wallets aren't the problem, I'm talking about the ones that put it on centralized exchanges

>> No.29849528

you're just jealous lol
i have around 250k usd current evaluation in LINK and am a successful software engineer making 1/4 mil a year salary.

stop projecting your own insecurity, we're not going anywhere.

>> No.29849559

We were expecting Nexo to go bankrupt and nothing happened.

>> No.29849619

why would I be jealous of a parasite who got lucky because of the work other people did? now the same type of parasites are trying to find ways to "earn money" while doing nothing but they are so short sighted that they cannot look at the bigger picture.

your 250k stack is a babby stack btw

>> No.29849716

Just accept your scam shittoken pumped. You had your time in the sun and plenty of millionaires were made. 4 years and the show is coming to an end.

No king rules forever

>> No.29849769

Bruh i have a meager 100 stack and ive never once complained about the price im DCAing in fighting a losing battle trying to amass 1k which i will sit on waiting for the real moonshot after mass adoption an an overall shift to web3 and smart contracts. Will i make it to 1k in time? Probably not, but it wont stop me from amassing what I can. Anyway, never selling. Hoping for bear market opportunity but link apparently does its best during those so im probably fucked lol

>> No.29849819
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>they are a parasite to the LINK community

>> No.29849822

well i'm making like 9 link a week doing this so i'm not gonna stop bro sorry

>> No.29849899

>implying they will ever sell

>> No.29849901

you have no reason to believe people with 10k-50k link are more likely to keep them on centralized exchanges than other amounts.

>> No.29849966

I don't think that many people trust their stack to nexo or celsius desu.

>> No.29849969

also this

>> No.29849994

also you will never make it with your pathetic stack

>> No.29849998

I sold my 10k link stack at $28, fud harder

>> No.29850010

Sorry but I can't condone linkie on linkie violence

>> No.29850018

see >>29849822

it's a high probability. These are the midwits who still have a poorfag mentality, they were just lucky to get into LINK.

>> No.29850028

10k stack is top 1% of wallets, dingus

>> No.29850101

50k stack (1.3mill) complaining he can't make more money then he needs because he's a greedy wall street banker type, blaming his inability to make more on poor fags. this is a larp but it still sickens me that people like this actually exist.

>> No.29850146

This is the most brain dead post I have seen on here on a while. I got in a while ago and this seems like such an obvious sell signal.

It's either a sell signal because it means only retards hold link, or it's a buy signal because it means retarded retail investors will be throwing their stimulus checks into it.

>> No.29850161

a 10k stack used to cost 2k usd. If you were early in LINK but still only have 10k you are a poorfag and that's why you can't see the big picture. that's why you cry about "the price not mooning" and "your real life not starting" while salivating over 9 link per week on a fucking cex

>> No.29850196

ADA has 17000 wallets in the 250000+ USD range. LINK has just over 3000. Fuck off faggot.

>> No.29850215

I would love to live off the 4% gains gemini offers for my link and eth stacks but I just can't risk it.

>> No.29850230


Don't worry >>29849205 is retarded as well its proven that NEXO was borrowing LINK from AAVE to short as well.

>> No.29850242

You are literally the one who made the thread complaining it's not mooning you retard. Jesus. Sage goes in all fields.

>> No.29850244

Not everyone bought at ICO prices retard.

>> No.29850316

Zeus capital fud still exists and someone is suppressing the price.
Who could that be? ...

If you want the price to pump you will have to bankrupt Nexo and the others who joined them.

>> No.29850345

>parasite who got lucky
>they were just lucky
Is this some sort of weird cope?

>> No.29850417

ICO was 11 cents. LINK traded for 17 cents for weeks during 2018. you didn't have the balls to buy the dip back then and you don't have it now.

I'm not complaining, I'm just explaining the situation for the newfags who are confused about the price action. There are no whales suppressing the price, there are no shady OTC deals. It's just poorfags being too retarded to see what they are causing.

>> No.29850426

its the most common outlook in mumbai dear

>> No.29850479

>that's why you cry about "the price not mooning"
sergey dumps are the problem
When will they end?

>> No.29850523

which ironically is the only reason why they don’t sell in the first place
a lot of anon wait for them sweet 7digits
they can’t sell now because 5/6 digits is not live changing enough the only solution is to hold
i think most people wouldn’t sell even if we crab in this area even if it for 3 years
but they would sell if they had to choose between having live changing money or having live changing money somewhere where you can’t use it

>> No.29850530

I was in the presale pool that was posted on /biz/ so I got lucky too I'll admit that. I'm talking about anons piggy backing off the work of a few dedicated autists while providing nothing themselves

>> No.29850613

this. i'm sure what op is saying has a grain of truth to it but at the end of the day if sergey wasn't dumping weekly like a madman we'd be $50+ right now
that dev wallet has less than 3 million link left on it, and with ocr live on mainnet it will be really disappointing if they start dumping from the other dev wallets after this

>> No.29850635

well you're wrong. you have no evidence for your position. there's plenty of evidence of whale suppression.

>> No.29850690

Why don't you stop being a pussy, sell and then post pics of the orders here?

>> No.29850702

if there is whale suppression they are using the tokens they are borrowing with leverage on centralized exchanges, how can you not see that?

>> No.29850737

the "sergey dumps" aren't really dumps. they are funding the oracles that need money to pay eth gas fees.

>> No.29850759

Don’t you know that no one who actually smart sells LINK.

Everyone who sold has regretted it. They may not regret it in the ST but they regret it 6 months down the future.

>> No.29850814
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That's their way of coping.
Even those who got in early didn't all keep their stack until now and sold it after some time.
Those who didn't saw the future and believed in it despite the constant demoralization campaigns and bear market.

>> No.29850815
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All parasites abandon your linkies or face imprisonment. I repeat all parasites drop your tokens.

>> No.29850859

let me know when you have some evidence to prove anything you're asserting, thanks

>> No.29851073
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i have been mentally trained to not sell...ever. thru these 4 years i havent sold a single link. and i never will. who did this to me and why?

>> No.29851185

Cope and seethe more retard, sergey trusts celsius, so do I, you’re so mad link hasn’t mooned yet, you should be thankful you can still buy at these prices, you should be thankful sergey is dumping. It won’t last forever. Instead you’re a complete retard crying about cheap link. Just sell already then you faggot. I’ll keep holding my link on a cex getting paid link for free.

>> No.29851286

Sergey only keeps his smaller BTC and ETH stack on Celsius, but not his Link stack.
That should tell you everything.

>> No.29851341

>LINK traded for 17 cents for weeks during 2018
imagine lying like this

>> No.29851343
File: 38 KB, 827x519, 8BB9523C-425B-4139-B294-73E66FD2F1C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parasite got lucky off the work of others
I know, isn’t investing great?

>> No.29851402

remember the scamwick to 0.0001 cents? how do you think that happened?

Not your keys, not your crypto. you are a fucking retard for trusting third parties for a measly 4%

>> No.29851615

>Sergey only keeps his smaller BTC and ETH stack on Celsius

>> No.29851738

>Chainlink will also use Celsius' highly secure and innovative treasury management solution for its BTC and ETH cryptocurrencies


>> No.29851791

Which is much more than I have on cel. Obviously he can’t keep his link stack on a cex. Mashinsky is doxxed, making a shit ton of money, he has no reason to ever rug
Sergey trusts mashinsky, so should you and everyone else. He has no reason to rug. Keep fretting over a rug that will never happen because you’re a top tier schizo who believes the not keys delusion. I will keep getting those free links while you try to dissuade others from doing so.

>> No.29851851

50k holder here I’m happy to help as much as I can I can’t stand 10-20k stack let holders.

>> No.29851867

Are you controlling the LINK or is the LINK controlling you? Are you a herald for the stack you own, are you ready to martyr yourself to protect it's gains?

>> No.29851887

What DEXes do you think holders should be putting their LINK on, then?

>> No.29852130

TOS "Your available digital assests will leave gemini's custody, and you accept the risk of loss associated with loan transactions, up to and including TOTAL LOSS OF YOUR AVAILABLE DIGITAL ASSETS"

That's going to be a no for me

>> No.29852151

>one guy
>anecdotal evidence
you really are a retard

>> No.29852264

and celsius isnt available where I am so i havent looked into it. probably wouldnt anyway.

>> No.29852275

Nigger , link price suppression is so blatantly obvious that whales don't even bother to hide their moves. Recent price action is whale group A fighting against whale group B . Retail isn't important. Any linkie that has been around since 2017 can feel when we are being actively suppressed. And we are being suppressed right now

>> No.29852539
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Link currently has a steadily rising support level around 26 dollars. Fudder, you have lost.

>> No.29852600

How about 100 stack holders who never sell?

>> No.29852672
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Hah, I put $1230 into LINK at $0.50 and left it on exchange until yesterday exactly like anon described.

I dumped into Monero. Godspeed linkies

>> No.29852714

It does make sense now uncle old fag is a discord tranny that uses biz as a means to get the price down when his group wants it down. He doesn’t show up when they want the price to rise. It’s pretty obvious and desu it works the sell pressures are so strong at those times.

>> No.29852784

You are too emotionally attached to this Eth coin.

>> No.29852974

>Who could that be? ...
at this point I'm pretty sure it's a bunch of miserable faggot link whales with nothing going on in their lives except their link bags, so they play with their toy

>> No.29853033

>not willing to give up your keys is considered schizo nowadays

the state of this board..

It's not one guy, there are multiple people ITT defending celsius with brainlet takes.

>> No.29853083

This. No one is doing this because they’re terrified of losing their gains

>> No.29853493

Hahahaha 250k in link is shit tier pajeetery you really are better off chasing something else you got into link too late. Even a 4 x is only 1M.

>> No.29853885

You either trust sergey or you don’t. If you don’t trust him, sell right now with proof. If you do trust him, onboard with us on cel, simple as that.

>> No.29854021
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linktards at their finest lmfao

>> No.29854045

Just because I trust Sergey doesn't mean I should trust all the people who he works with. Sergey also works with LP and they rugpulled and turned into a shitshow just the other day.

>> No.29854158

And even when it pumps there is still Sergey dropping his bags on you. You have been following a retarded idea, for years. Now's your chance to get out and forget about it

>> No.29854325
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20k link midwit reporting in. I paid a few thousand bucks for my stack because of the memes. I don't even really understand chainlink but apparently they are doing good things.

>> No.29854454

Can i have just a couple of hundred?

Sanjev Gupta
36C Tower 4
Willerton Heights
Chicago, Illinois

>> No.29854488

funny cause you sound like a midwit who was in the right place at the right time and is now bitching about the price

>> No.29854552

You want me to send them to you by the mail?

>> No.29854612

>they are funding the oracles
which price target are we visiting when this stops?

>> No.29854718

Please and thanak you

>> No.29854768

>LINK cannot moon unless the 4 digit to early 5 digit stack holders are shaken off.
well if anons sold down 10-20% instead of half or more, that would temporarily lower the prices lower than the anons sold well afterward.
so they could buy more

>> No.29854860

Wait what's wrong with earning interest in link

>> No.29854883

The thing is that there is nothing else to chase but gambling on shitcoins.

There is NO other coin that matches link/etherium/bitcoin

>> No.29854970

Me holding 16000 link on Celsius is not causing the price suppression for fuck sake. Link has been supressed since 1$.

>> No.29855363

the issue with this argument is that the amounts held in Celsius and AAVE do not have anywhere near enough $$$ to shift the entire market. AAVE has $350K in link borrowed right now. Celsius has less than 1 million Link total. whales can't/aren't borrowing enough to significantly dump the price. It's just whales with bots following the larger market.

>> No.29855423

Look I'm as straight as you can get, and I hate faggots. My son came out as gay and I told him I didn't want him living under my roof anymore. He moved in with his sister and he's dead to me. But I have no shame in saying that I visit TS escorts and have blown my load many times in their tight asses. I even have a couple of beautiful TS babes who do dom work and they throatfuck me, let me rim their holes and cum all over my face. This has nothing to do with being gay. They are women with penises. The penis itself is not male, it's attached to a woman.
A PENIS IS A PIECE OF MEAT. A piece of meat does not affect my sexuality. Do you let someone call you a pervert if your penis touches a pork chop? No. It wouldn't mean you were a porcinesexual.
A penis is flesh. A beautiful lady having a different shape of flesh will not change my sexuality. No matter how many of them I let inside me or how many I beg for their seed. I don't need to be called gay by narrow minded busybodies. How come this concern for policing sexuality only happens to straight men.
For sake of fuck, DO YOU REALLY THINK GEORGE MICHAEL WAS IN HOUSES IN LONDON HAVING SEX WITH LADYBOYS he could afford it but no he was a gay he liked men he would never be with a transgoddess because he realised they were women. Maybe if he would have avoided all gay activity and stayed with traps he would still be with us today, the dirty faggot God rest his soul

>> No.29855488

PRQ, HBAR, and a few others have that potential.

>> No.29855506

You’re kidding. When btc tanked and cardano didn’t move you could have gone fully into ada at that point and be up 30-40% you won’t make that in link now for months

>> No.29855517

Like a shelter-adopted pit fighting ring pitbull I'm not letting go

>> No.29855528

solution: release staking

>> No.29855722
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read; NEVER selling

>> No.29855730

I am taking out all my money from Link and putting in Mochimo.org I suggest you all to give a look on it.

>> No.29855744

Don't sleep on $yAPE guys, the pump hasn't even started yet, just got onto the market. you earn rewards directly into your wallet! no staking required. Grab your bags while its still cheap !

>> No.29856141


Celsius is a legitimate business though registered with the SEC and actually has consistent revenue, unlike LP

>> No.29856288


>> No.29856794

That wouldn't even be enough to cover taxes where I live. Sure who cares with a 4 figure stack but if I do that shit with my high 6 figure stack I'm going to jail eventually when the tax authorities figure blockchain stuff out and track it.

>> No.29857014

I have a 20k stack and I'm not putting it on a fucking centralized exchange
Link presale/ico/ed buyers should know enough by now to not keep half a million on an exchange, no matter their stack size.

>> No.29857180

How did the narrative get flipped to "people need to sell to make the price go up"
This makes no sense at all
Anyway I remember when everybody pulled their link off binance, you should do that again, it was fun.

>> No.29857275

I agree.