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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 19 KB, 900x817, Chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29845709 No.29845709 [Reply] [Original]

And that is just in theory. Sergey still owns half the supply and the whales own pretty much the rest. So divide that million by 5 and you get 200k
There are currently 20 million millionaires on this planet worldwide. And only 1% of those millionaires can own 1000 LINK, which is about to become the most valuable asset in human history.
So even if you are holding only a suicide stack, you can consider yourself to be the 1% of the 1%
Congrats anon, you made it
$81k EOY 2026

>> No.29845755

Only 1 million people can own 1000 of this erc20 token

>> No.29845838


>> No.29845855
File: 321 KB, 1800x1200, 1588575914144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 7000 wallet reporting in. Levels of comfy never before felt.

>> No.29845901

>Sergey still owns half the supply
wow I'm never buying that shit again

>> No.29845913


>> No.29845935

>Only 1 million people can own 21 BTC

>> No.29845980

you're not top whatever, most LINK dolphins/ whales are in staking and providing collateral

>> No.29846002


>> No.29846031

except that its never going to 81k. $100 is a fucking pipe dream rn

>> No.29846171
File: 307 KB, 648x774, 1607172105732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 billion new wallets EOY

>> No.29846181

Sergey dumps 2 million every week to suppress the price
It will take too long for it to move up

>> No.29846226

This thing won't even reach $81 for at least a few years, let alone 81k on any timeframe.

>> No.29846259

It'll likely hit $100 sometime this year. Year after year its had phenomenal performance. The fact that we're complaining that it's sitting around $25 would have enraged anyone from a year ago.

>> No.29846331
File: 6 KB, 695x200, ethplorer 1000 link or more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently 17806 wallets hold 1000 LINK or more


>> No.29846338

Only 1000 people can hold 1 million.

>> No.29846526

fugg I was a top 2500 wallet but I've dropped ranks shit sucks

>> No.29846613
File: 505 KB, 2048x1430, E268424F-459B-49DF-8E3D-2A2CCA76297E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cold storage fren. Never selling, only staking.

>> No.29846647

Not necessarily. We're currently in a crypto bubble again. LINK doesn't seem to care about mooning along with the rest, but it sure does crash with them. So we'll crab and go up a few dollars while everything else makes killer profits, then get fucked for about a year when the thing pops later this year. I think it's likely we don't see $100, and at this pace we won't see $50.

>> No.29846704
File: 87 KB, 326x305, 1613166621832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pretty comfy knowing we can basically just sit on our balls and eventually we'll have made it but right now i really just want to see the whales suppressing the price get liquidated, for link to take its proper place in the top three, and for the value narrative dominating cycles for the past +4 years (project X is ethereum BUT BETTER) to fucking die. this entire market is just so dog shit stupid. the same stupid threads, stupid pumps, stupid fud, stupid hopium, every single day. then everything dumps, retards get justed, a lucky few time it right and make a profit, and everything resets. the same stupid threads, stupid pumps, stupid fud, stupid hopium, ground hog's day. something needs to change. people need to be made to understand.

>> No.29846816

Zoom out and stop having ADHD. We're doing fine long-term. Only newfags are upset, unfortunately there are a lot of them. Link's use case has only increased and when defi begins to boom again we'll see some legitimate action. Grayscale is also likely going to buy a bunch of link for one of their crypto funds, which short-term should provide an effect in the next month or so.

>> No.29847100

red pill me on link, what is it good for

>> No.29847567
File: 768 KB, 1170x1100, ultraomega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
