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29843486 No.29843486 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there so much overlap between being an "investor" on /biz/ and being a mouthbreathing white redneck bigot? Like can we talk about shitcoins without you showing how dumb white men are?

>> No.29843668

They’re a bunch of insecure autists

>> No.29843718

Go be a nigger someplace else.

>> No.29843751

imo They got most of the most reprehensible ones trained really well to reject success

>> No.29843784

Bullshit, I bet most people on biz aren't even white. I'm a sandnigger for example

>> No.29843808
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>> No.29843811

They're mutts anon. Just ignore them.

>> No.29843828
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Every time someone on /biz/ complains about the jews they sound like one of those white millennial women throwing their life savings into poorly performing sustainability ETFs.

Nobody here seems to like making money.

>> No.29843830

You will never be white, which means ngmi

>> No.29843869
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>> No.29843905

It's meant to scare niggers like you away. You'll never make it through this maze, just turn back now.

>> No.29843937

newfag its been like this forever and it will never change. maybe try a reddit subforum.

>> No.29843957

That’s a kike and so are you. Get gased in Minecraft

>> No.29843983
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>> No.29844047

Because city insects lack the individualism to think for themselves and make good decisions on their own. Literal sub humans who live in hives. Only time our type go to the hive is to become a kingpin that lives in one of the penthouses while you animals live in the smog and filth below. Best part is, you wont leave your shithole for greener pastures like a human would because your too much of an insectoid to leave the hive.

>> No.29844059

Point proven

>> No.29844075


>> No.29844158

I bet you believe in stupid shit like "white privilege" too


just go backto twitter or w/e else you came from

>> No.29844176

White Mexican alliance to overthrow the kike nigger clique

Nigs and homos (now trannies) are the protected class proxy warriors of the globalist oligarchs who mostly happen to be the worst kind of kikes

>> No.29844198

>Because city insects lack the individualism
Literally cultural epicenters for all of human history. Kinda sad how gaslit you are

>> No.29844309

Good man. Let's el carne each other's sisters and clean this country up.

>> No.29844371
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There's already many safe spaces for "people" like you

>> No.29844384


>> No.29844424

More like epicenters of corruption and degeneracy that God has punished with brimfire since ancient history

Besides the fact that modern cities (especially in America) suck and have been made uninhabitable by niggers nigging

13% of the population (really close to 6% since crime is mostly committed by makes aged 18-30) commits over 50% of violent crime in this country

Wake up faggot

>> No.29844552
File: 187 KB, 900x640, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bananas taped to walls are not art ,creature. Nor is mumble rap or whatever McCulture you animals produce, just like "country music" is shit made from hives in the south. The human race would be better off if every major hive was nuked.

>> No.29844573

You've just said I live in a small town without any exposure to the world. My image is made by hate and stereotypes.

Stfu ignorant incel.

>> No.29844676

kek this is a dude arguing for literally the thing most /pol/tards proport as white exceptionalism.

Yeah lets live like africans.

>> No.29844753

When the government/corporate media artificially makes black people a protected class even though their victimization is based on lies it becomes the duty and a moral obligation of all good men to use the n word

>> No.29845295
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>"You have no exposure to the world!"
>Probably has never seen nature untamed in his life, like a massive forest or a rolling plain, let alone lived in one.
You will never be human, insectoid. Now go back to your box of concreate and eat your McNourishment. Even your leaders live far away from you dirty creatures away from the city when they can. Pic very related.
>"We must aspire to be like Detroit, Chicago, New York, or any other hell on earth."
I'm sorry, I was not aware that cities suddenly became paradises on earth and not the worst places to live in the developed world. Try again faggot, maybe use whatever you insects call a brain next time and think before you make whatever noises your kind considers "communication" when speaking to humans.

>> No.29845964

They are called shills, poltards, trannies, jannies and other psyop groups.
There is also bot activity as yesterday has shown.

Don't fall for the narratives being pushed, 4channel is very diverse but also very astroturfed by various glownigger departments.

>> No.29846082
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Kill all black gorilla niggers

>> No.29846130 [DELETED] 

unironically $1k
bought and lost on trading
what a dumb, now he cries on every /biz/ thread
don’t send him money
I suggested him to use fucking fantastic justliquidity and hold gem juld but sounds like he is too stupid to understand this

>> No.29846470
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alot of people in this thread need to go back,
to everyone who is not a complete newfag we better start goreposting soon or this is gonna become a shithole.