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29839391 No.29839391 [Reply] [Original]

It should be fucking illegal to first tax me on my 40h salary, then tax me AGAIN on the same money just because I gambled and won. I would rather pay a fucking bookkeeper than let Mama or any of these other niggers have a single additional cent.

>> No.29839569

if you have an actual significant amount just pay youre fucking taxes. I hate you dumb niggers for asking advice for this shit when you should have had an exit strat planned ages ago

>> No.29839578

Don't cash out for a year. If you're that desperate, shell your money in some tax heaven. Portugal has no tax on crypto for personal uses.

>> No.29839637

So when you swing and trade shitcoins can I tether for a year and pay no taxes?

>> No.29839659

I just fucking started and I want to be prepared. This is literally me working on my exit strat.

>> No.29839687

Do you have a lot? Move temporarily to a tax heaven country. Do you not have a lot? Swap your coins to monero in the most untraceable way you can think of, buy monero and sell them on local monero. Don't get cucked for flipping shitcoins

>> No.29839724

Hold for 356+1 day. Tax free then.

>> No.29839763

This doesn't apply when I trade BTC for any altcoin, right?

>> No.29839789

You have to pay for all realized gains. So all gains generated above 600 € are fully taxable.
Only way to not get taxed is making your gains while holding.

>> No.29839803

>Gewinne und Verluste aus dem Verkauf von Kryptowährungen sind steuerlich gesehen private Veräußerungsgeschäfte. Gewinn bzw. Verlust berechnen sich aus der Differenz zwischen Kauf- und Verkaufspreis. Gewinne aus dem Verkauf von Kryptowährungen werden mit dem individuellen Einkommenssteuersatz (plus Solidaritätszuschlag + Kirchensteuer) besteuert.
>Wichtig zu wissen:Wird die Kryptowährung mindestens 12 Monate gehalten, sind die Gewinne steuerfrei. Dies gilt allerdings nicht für Zinserträge aus diesen Geschäften, diese sind stets zu versteuern. Verluste aus dem Geschäft mit Kryptowährungen können mit Gewinnen aus anderen privaten Veräußerungsgeschäften verrechnet werden.
Weiterhin können sämtliche anfallenden Gebühren für Kauf- oder Verkauf von Kryptowährungen von der Steuer abgesetzt werden, dies gilt auch für Stromkosten, die beim „Mining“ anfallen.
Seeing how it's describe, you do have to pay taxes for swing trading.

>> No.29839806

Don't know about Germany but in Austria every crypto - crypto trade is a taxable event. But if you hold a coin longer then one year it's tax-free. I think it's similar in Germany, but you better ask the Finanzamt directly

>> No.29839817

to be honest, this is the kikest thing to do, taking literally NONE of the risk but once the risk pays off wanting a cut. how much of a cuck do you have to be to actually defend getting taken money away from you that you earned by doing some research, investing, taking risk and actually taking profits at the right time. government are leeches

>> No.29839844

If you invest and hold for 1 year + = tax free
If you invest and sell before and have 600+ € gains = fully taxed

>> No.29839930

how about invest and sell crypto for crypto, THEN hold for 1 year, THEN cash out aka trade back into EUR

is it still tax free?

>> No.29840004


>> No.29840041

Hmm unfortunate

>> No.29840149

As far as I know, the time is important, not the asset. So trading for another crypto is taxable.
Wann auf Gewinne aus Bitcoin Steuern fällig werden

Beim An- und Verkauf von Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin gelten in Punkto Steuern folgende Spielregeln:
Es greifen die gesetzlichen Vorgaben zum privaten Veräußerungsgeschäft nach § 23 Abs. 1 Satz 1 Nr. 2 EStG. Das bedeutet im Klartext: Liegt zwischen dem An- und Verkauf von Bitcoin weniger als ein Jahr, ist der Verkauf ein Fall für die Steuererklärung. Hält man Kryptowährungen jedoch länger als ein Jahr in seinem Besitz, ohne damit Handelsvorgänge zu tätigen, so fallen auf die damit erzielten Gewinne keine Steuern an. Es darf in dieser Zeit jedoch auch keine „wirtschaftliche Zwischennutzung“ der Währung geschehen, zum Beispiel durch Verleihen. Auch der Umtausch in eine andere Kryptowährung oder eine Fiatwährung innerhalb der Haltefrist wäre steuerpflichtig.

>> No.29840185

just never cash out and pay with usdc when mastercard adds it.. voila

>> No.29840241

So what every other legal citizen does and pay your fucking taxes. People have been agreeing to this for hundreds of years. Youre not a nigger, are you?

>> No.29840273

What happens if governments ask MasterCard to provide them with a list of clients who use usdc as funding?

>> No.29840301

I'm already fucking paying my taxes. I have a problem with paying taxes on the same money I had AGAIN.

>> No.29840333
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>So what every other legal citizen does and pay your fucking taxes. People have been agreeing to this for hundreds of years. Youre not a nigger, are you?

>> No.29840454

Niggers don’t pay taxes you fucking retard it’s all wageslaves and middle class cucks. Rich don’t pay. Poors don’t pay. Everything is so visibly corrupt at this point they are talking about printing money ONLY for non-whites. WHY THE FUCK IS A SINGLE PERSON PAYING AFTER THIS LAST ELECTION?????

>> No.29840462

Take the most popular advice here and fucking leave your country for a new one. Shouldnt be too hard for you, you seem to have enough wealth on you to be interested in dodging the jews

>> No.29840507

nothing since you never cashed out of crypto

>> No.29840551

Are you in the us?
First $40k in Long Term Capital Gains is tax free.
Put all your $40k employment income in 401k so it won't be counted against you in taxable income. Then you can cash out under $40k profit in crypto every year tax free.

>> No.29840557

Your country doesn’t consider crypto earnings as income and subject to tax?

>> No.29840567
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My plan is to buy silver with eth/btc directly, then sell it back in non-reportable amounts over time. This would work well for anything less than $1m in the US. Anything over $1m and I will literally move to Thailand or whatever for a year, cash out there, then sell myself modern art in the US


>> No.29840627
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>Are you in the us?
>Thread subject

>> No.29840647

That's what I'm thinking about doing as well. I'm interested in acquiring the binance visa card. And just living off crypto until I leave the country in a year or two.

this >>29840627

>> No.29840792

CRS applies to Thailand. Thai authorities are obligated to report to US authorities any us citizens that have a bank account in their country.

>> No.29840847

Why the fuck would you want your money in a 401k in 2021 yes you aren’t paying taxes but you are basically kissing that money goodbye. Who’s to say you will even be able to pull it out when the time comes? Or that there won’t be additional taxes levied when you realize those gains?

>> No.29840921

Don't you have bitcoin ATMs in germany? We have them in Poland, you can withdraw anonymously up to 15k euro and they take like 4.5% provision, instead of 19% tax.

>> No.29840989
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1. Get a (good) fake ID in thailand for a few thousand bucks
2. open a bank account in Thailand
3. Cash out crypto
4. Splatter shit on a canvas
5. Sell your modern art to a rich and eccentric Thai art collector

>> No.29841046

Do gas fees count as losses?

>> No.29841047

You will pay your taxes in full you retarded eurocuck cattle. Any more of this tax dodging talk and your privileges will be taken away.

>> No.29841084

Got to pay the taxes so that browns can replace you in your own country. This is what you whites deserve because of the Holocaust. Seethe and cope

>> No.29841104

as soon as you trade, whatever you lost or gained when converted to € at that time is taxable

>> No.29841130

Lads I have a Cypriot bank account, from what I understood they don't have taxes. Just dump into them is it as easy as that?

>> No.29841135

Fuck, you have a point. My worries are that they'll eventually ask. "Look, Hans. You transferred 10k to binance a year ago. We talked to binance and they said you transferred BTC to various wallets over the course of the year. BTC that's worth more than 10k. Now where are the taxes for that."

Assuming, of course, that they care about my 10k transfer to Binance in the first place.

>> No.29841166

Ist es wirklich so schwer? Du Spaßt musst einfach nur ein Jahr halten um komplett steuerfrei auscashen zu können. Aber für einen Vollidioten wie dich, der denkt, mit swing trading und den dadurch entstehenden Steuern mehr Gewinn erzielen zu können, als durch entspanntes hodlen, ist das wohl einfach zu viel verlangt. Scheiß Zoomer. Wünsche dir viel Spaß mit dem Finanzamt.

>> No.29841204
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>> No.29841233


Can I use Paypal transaction fees for tax loss harvesting? How fucking retarded can you get.

>> No.29841247

>Es darf in dieser Zeit jedoch auch keine „wirtschaftliche Zwischennutzung“ der Währung geschehen, zum Beispiel durch Verleihen.
So staking means it not getting tax fee after 1 year

>> No.29841255

how much do they charge for just having an acc?

>> No.29841297


Ist klar. Du weißt, dass ich Recht habe. Das ist für mich ausreichende Genugtuung.

>> No.29841316

It's only worth it if your employer matches your contribution, and even then it's iffy.

>> No.29841387

There is a big risk here. If you do manage to open an account with a fake identification. What happens if the bank asks questions about the source of funds they receive and ask for more verifiable identification? Like a letter from the embassy? You would have no recourse if you hit a snag.

>> No.29841390

I don't think Chinese overlords will even care to contact your tax office, but who knows...

Duynno how it works in Germany, but here unless you sell your crypto back to fiat, they are not taxed. You can tell them you put all that virtual currency to egg farm in pancake barter, and lost everything due to rugpull. I'm sure they will understand and let you go.

>> No.29841405


A 100% guaranteed return is iffy. The absolute state of this board holy mother of god

>> No.29841424

viel spaß wenn das finanzamt einmal weiß dass du was mit krypto machst vollidiot hahaha die werden dir wie kacke am hacken hängen du dummer cuck

>> No.29841447


In Germany a crypto to crypto trade is a taxable event. So please shut the fuck up with your horrible advice that will land him in jail.

>> No.29841519
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In Germany they hunt you down like a wild animal if you don't wear a mask.


>> No.29841525


Jap. Ich, der mich ans Gesetz halte, werde mehr Probleme bekommen als die Steuerhinterzieher. Logic checks out.

>> No.29841616

Once you cash out you can show them when you bought. If it was over 1 year ago nothing will happen. If not you pay taxes.

>> No.29841630

Okay OP, einfach nur damit ich hier auch was anderes als Hass ablade:

Sei ein braver Junge und zahle deine Steuern. Ja, es ist Scheiße und unfair. Willkommen in der echten Welt. Lern was draus und halte in der Zukunft ein Jahr lang. Bau keine Scheiße, die dich in den Knast bringt oder letztendlich mehr Geld kostet, als du durch die Steuern zahlen musst.

>> No.29841693

You're beginning to realize that you're a chattel slave to whichever central bank owns your county. Most of us are

>> No.29841775

>Bild Zeitung
etwas cringe brudi

>> No.29842114
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okay hast nichtmal meinen punkt gecheckt aber sabbel weiter lol. hachja die netten deutschen sind schon extrem minderbemittelt kein wunder dass hitler damals so leichtes spiel hatte mit diesen deppen

>> No.29842248
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Buy gold, buy cocaine and sell it for cash, or find someone to buy your crypto for cash.

>> No.29842545

Du punkt war das er den Arsch vom Finanzamt aufgerissen bekommt wenn sie merken was er mit Krypto macht. Da er nur hält und mit dem fa kooperiert passiert ihm nichts. Nur euch unterbemittelten steuerhinterziehenden swingtradern werden sie den Arsch aufreissen.
Willkommen in der realen Welt. Der größte Verbrecher im Staat ist immernoch der Staat. Viel Spaß wenn 3 Jahre später die Steuerprüfung kommt.

>> No.29842686
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>80% docile tax cattle
opinion discarded

>> No.29842795

>Germany's Scholz says 'very confident' after call with Yellen. Global talks on digital, minimum tax aim to conclude mid-2021
Global digital tax coming soon

>> No.29842956

Not yet