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2983443 No.2983443 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically speaking, what are the odds BCC overtakes BTC?!? I thought people were just shilling but after watching the last 24 hours, it actually looks like theres a chance it could happen! If it keeps up at this rate, it'll be $525 this time tomorrow, not bad since it was $200 yesterday.

>> No.2984544


There's a very damn good chance bud, I'm 100% in BCC now because I don't want some fucking bullshit segwitcoin controlled by kikestream

If BCC didn't exist my money would be going to other coins such as Monero or dash

>> No.2984569

Everyone on /biz/ thinks its a shitcoin destined to fail, so I have no doubt that it's going to be worth 1k by the end of the year.

>> No.2984763
File: 272 KB, 810x900, 594120_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i could find out OP's girl irl

>> No.2984791
File: 296 KB, 640x480, 1502107789880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remember - everything on /biz is shill and always do the opposite...


When it comes to BTC/BCC - the advice you get from majority of /biztards is a benevolent word of friendly free advice from people who don't want you to get financially burned.

Other than that - always do the opposite! :D

>> No.2984850

I'll buy when it's at parity with Litecoin

>> No.2984960

Does bitcoin have any mechanisms to recover from a sudden loss of mining power? It seems full blocks + delays in new.blocks due to loss.of.miners could become a death spyral for bitcoin

>> No.2984967

>they think bitcoin will be replaced

how naive can you be?

>> No.2984977


Pro tip, you're posting in a chinese shill thread. Literally no one thinks bitcoin cash has any future. This a pump and dump scam.

>> No.2984980

It either happens or it doesn't so 50%

>> No.2984996

faster than btc, soon it will be more profitable to mine, and less fees. It surely sounds bad