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29828455 No.29828455 [Reply] [Original]

This is the only reason its mooning lol. Unbelievable. ADA fags were already peak normies of crypto, but now it is not just officially the normie coin, its the official NIGGER and PAJEET coin.

>> No.29828537

> peak normies of crypto
We have been shat on by crypto nerds since its inception, even normies would FUD ADA. Fuck all of you. Easiest 100X of my life.

>> No.29828708


Its the most normie coin lol. Basically what redditors who feel like they are way smarter than they actually are while also being nigger brains(seeing its low notional value) suck off thinking they “get” smart contracts and tech.
Meanwhile id they were actually smart in terms of understanding tue technology and pathing they’d be in ETH and if they were actually big brained they’d be in LINK, which is like 10 levels above where ADA normies are in understanding of Blockchains.
Even charles is a fucking brainlet who doesn’t understand LINK.

Anyway. Now you have literal XRP niggers joining your ranks

>> No.29828861

One of my friends friend asked him about ada. I bought more eth.

>> No.29828955

>Its the most normie coin lol.
nope, that's NANO and mETH
>Meanwhile id they were actually smart in terms of understanding tue technology and pathing they’d be in ETH
nope, they'd be in Caradno. dinosaurs mETH bagholders like you are not going to make it anon. you're married to your bags. lucky for you LINK will interoperate with Caradano, not that Cardano will need it but having choice is good for everyone.

>> No.29829012

want to try that one again?

>> No.29829037
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Now you know who fuds other shitcoins

>> No.29829142

So you say the scientific blueprint of all blockchains , which is Cardano , is easy to understand ?

Look at all the hate here on biz towards Cardano .
It clearly shows Cardano tech is the most difficult one to understand .

>> No.29829174


Biz has hated ADA all of 2018/2019. Literally only late 2019 and particularly the past two months has biz not been hating on ADA violently whenever it appears. There was like 2 threads a month or less about ADA over ALL of 2018/2019.
There were no normies flooding biz back then.
You are a fucking normie in denial. ADA is a reddit coin. Even my fucking girlfriend bought ada as her only crypto in 2017 and she doesnt know anything about crypto.

>> No.29829264


Its not difficult. Its just terms like “blue print of all blockchains” make midwits and retards feel smarter than they are. You just get attracted because you feel smart when you read terms like that. Its basic as fuck. Your a fucking reddit normie who thinks hea smarter than he is, hence why they love ADA, as it strokes their midwit ego with terms and infographics..


>> No.29829317

Looks like your gf has a better feeling which project is worth supporting.
Tell her cheers from me.
Happy to have her support.

>> No.29829385


Shes a normie that panic sold at 29kna few weeks ago despite having 1btc leftover from 2017 which she forgot about but bought for like 8k

Lol dude. Shes peak normie idiot when it comes to crypto. Yet here choice of coin was ADA.

>> No.29829429

>if they were actually big brained they’d be in LINK
holy shit you're completely, hopelessly retarded.
you fell for a meme, a useless coin.
did you know ADA already has a native oracle solution? Yep, the more ADA rise, the more your shitcoin tank. It's over for you.

>> No.29829494

I never used reddit and never will be.
And please, seperate truth from fiction.
Stay with facts!
Google helps.
It clearly shows that Ouroboros is the most discussed and quoted blockchain design in the academic and crypto science space.
So it's the blueprint .

>> No.29829517

Just baffling. Last week I was legit pissed when czchain flipped because of the implications, but this one just baffles me. Never under estimate how retarded people, is a very important lesson.

>> No.29829582

Avax will turn make cardano obsolete within 3 years. Screenshot this.

>> No.29829623
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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Cardano. The tech is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical CS most of the tech will go over a typical investors head. There's also Charles Hoskinson genius outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The ADA holders understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the Blockchain Philosophy, to realise that they're not just genius- they say something deep about tech. As a consequence people who dislike Cardano truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the tech in Cardano existential catchphrase "DeFi is easy" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Charles Hoskinson's genius tech unfolds itself on their Computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

>> No.29829663

Well, not nice to see how you are talking about your own gf.
A alpha male would never do such low tier stuff.
Looks more like you are the normie.
And she sadly is wasting her time with a dude without any great character.

>> No.29829772

Nice. Bought 100k more.
Anything that blows /pol/tards faces is a good buy.

>> No.29829915

I love XRP. Its what I use when I need to cash out small amounts of crypto to purchase some thing or another. No way I'm holding but still sad to see it go.

>> No.29830049
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>native Oracle


>great character
Ok le gentlemen you really can fuck off back to redd!t and show your great character by letting your gf get plowed by a nigger

>> No.29830106
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Jannies, expel this plebbitor from here at haste

>> No.29830211

Oh gosh, the next white male with low self-confidence who fears BBC.


True beta male behaviour .

I feel really sad for you .

>> No.29830346


Help me get over my fear by demonstrating how to suck nigger cock and uploading it.

>> No.29830553

ADA = rank 3!

Coinbase, Grayscale ahead and VCs already start selling BTC for ADA.

Entire nation states close to adopt ADA.

Dude, all your racism and dick fear will not stop ADA for going to rank 1.

>> No.29830670


You seem awfully mad about those bags your holding, anon.

>> No.29830890
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>> No.29831148
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>> No.29831618

