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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 200x200, Binance-coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29824336 No.29824336 [Reply] [Original]

everything's pumping except this centralized chinese piece of shit. I'm selling my whole stack and dumping it into cardano.

>> No.29824536

i feel you anon, i fell for this fucking chink rugpull

>> No.29824546

I moved a third of my bnb stack over to cardano. Leaving some on bnb because you never know.

>> No.29824604

Also, regretting not dumping bnb entirely when ada dipped to $1 the other night. Could have made up my losses and then some.

>> No.29824637

>holding centralized chink scam

>> No.29824726

I don't think it's entirely binance's fault. Bitcoin bringing a lot of other things down. But ada just keeps going.

>> No.29824788

everything is NOT pumping you retard

>> No.29824841


>everything's pumping

everything is red, except ADA

>> No.29824847

>tfw only hold bnb and xvs

One day they will both cross 500 r-right?

>> No.29824852

Actually now that I think about it, bnb's sudden rise is likely people just gearing up to dump btc. We'll see if there's another market-wide correction if bnb really pumps again. It could be ammo for bad things.

>> No.29824872

>SELL the bottom of a centralized chain
>BUY the top of of a five year old vapor chain
You should find another investment vehicle. You're gonna get rekt.

>> No.29824891

Bnb will flip ada and eth. Screencap this

>> No.29824919

I feel you bro, at %90 debt in XVS and cant cash out in these fucking low prices, I just wait for it to %100 and get liquidated so I can get it over with

>> No.29824960

>buy something centralized

>> No.29824972

>everything is pumping except BNB
y-yeah haha

>> No.29825071

>everything's pumping
The fuck are you talking about

>> No.29825183
File: 944 KB, 570x333, 1351300941429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking swear ADA better not be a trap, but it's the perfect trap. The only green little lifeboat in a sea of red, full of people burned by the correction.

>> No.29825311

you're gonna get burned in exactly the same way you did with BNB.
cause you FOMO in like a retard.
the swingies have already loaded their bags and will dump, and you'll be back posting pink wojaks about ADA.

>> No.29825337

What kind of tard buys green anyways? Don't buy shit on the way up; buy stuff that's on sale 25%. Now is the time to sell ADA, and scoop up cheapies elsewhere.
Of course... you'll reply
>never selling
because you believe it's going to hit $300bill mcap and this is just the first leg up.

Never change /biz/.

>> No.29825447
File: 6 KB, 271x186, laughing_jackychan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling stuff that isn't pumping to buy stuff that is pumping
and that is how you lose money like a retard ladies and gentlemen

>> No.29825449

Of course I'm selling, I got in sub dollar. I'm just hoping I can recoup some of my previous losses before it trips the sell order.

>> No.29825653

Word then brother. Carry on!
I just always try to warn the kids not to marry their bags. Not sure why i bother.