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29819786 No.29819786[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29820018
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Jesus christ NA. Your country deserves a nuke, what a disgrace

>> No.29820065

>Sorry little girl, all the tax payers money went to israel, pro lgbt propaganda programs on pakistan, and welfare for niggers.

>> No.29820070

I don't want some mediocre ass lemonade that's been sitting in the sun for 3 hours

>> No.29820091

The fucking state of the US.

>> No.29820119

what the fuck is wrong with this country i dont want to live here anymore but i dont want to learn a new language

>> No.29820173

OnlyFans would be more realistic
The laws are LITERALLY killing her

>> No.29820179

whatever retard filled shit hole you came out of needs the nuke

>> No.29820186
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The craziest thing about this isn't that these stories happen often in the U.S. The real insanity is that we turn around and use them as inspirational fluff pieces to make people feel like the system works fine and that we don't desperately need a dramatic change in how we handle healthcare.

And somehow it works. We're never going to get universal healthcare

>> No.29820212

They got over $100k in the last 2 days from donors so no worries on funds. I hope she makes it.

>> No.29820230

Regulations are causing the issue, in a truly free market she would just whore herself, like every third world brown child does to survive.

>> No.29820238

She would gain a lot more by selling her pee. I'm sure monerofags would be willing to buy an undisclosed amount of it.

>> No.29820257
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>> No.29820258

imagine if she was a poor ugly 40 year old

dude would be dead

>> No.29820259

Clearly suffering from brain damage if she isn't going all in on AVAX. Definitely ngfmi

>> No.29820305

I appreciate your subtle implication that the U.S. is indeed a third-world country and I agree.

>> No.29820348

Her house looks way too nice for her to be selling lemonade for brain surgery cash. Looks like some libtards found a rich libtard family and started huffing each other's libtarded farts. They're probably california transplants too.

>> No.29820388
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>> No.29820417

Then fuck off, dumb American. We don't need your kind here.

>> No.29820435


>> No.29820454

she makes my home state proud. :-)
proud of you baby girl!

>> No.29820474

Fuck off back to boringdystopia, nobody gives a shit about this clickbait

>> No.29820496

You’re probably also suffering from brain damage if you do go all in on AVAX. Damned if you do, damned if you dont.

>> No.29820502

America is so cucked by capitalism jesus christ

>> No.29820526

I hope we'll get another inspirational piece when she fails to get enough money and die a slow and painful death as a result

>> No.29820536

My bad anon, I'll refer to it correctly as the United failed States of America if that makes you feel better.

>> No.29820574

ITT: commies who think universal healthcare is based

>> No.29820583

it was a nice way of saying i dont wanna be around you fucking euro retards. i fucking hate europeans

>> No.29820590
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Why the fuck should I give a shit about a kid that has brain cancer and will die?
literally and unironically explain it to me like a 10 year old

people will always get terrible diseases, people will die, how about we stop larping as gods when we are monkeys and just accept the destiny given to us instead of throwing cash at useless medical ventures just because we are emotional and gullible
if I would ever get cancer I would unironically live the same, maybe would start shotting heroine or morphine binging to ease the pain, but that's about

>> No.29820617

You're a retard if you think this is fine and acceptable

>> No.29820687

why don't you donate your life savings to "save her" before you demand the same retarded and poisoned compassion you ask from others?

>> No.29820689

You dont need to be a communist to think universal healthcare is based, retard

>> No.29820692

100% bet this is just an advertisment for a gofundme her mother set up. Hope she makes it.

>> No.29820706

You can't even argue that these are based conservative states like Idaho or Iowa. They are just objectively fucking awful. How can anyone in these states not be trying to get the fuck out as hard as possible?

>> No.29820739

Shadow the hedgehog

>> No.29820745

no it's not I work in the medical field in a country with socialized care, I see all these diabetics and fat fucks that do not care about their proper treatment because of the free pills and insulin their worthless ass gets

>> No.29820755

she should just glue her hair to her head

>> No.29820765
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>die an innocent little angel and go to heaven
>grow up to become a roastie slut

too easy

>> No.29820779

Slave morality

>> No.29820792

Apparently every first world coutnry besides the u.s. is communism LOOOOOoOOOOOoOalalzbxjaoaoa

Cringe laugh aside, you're an ape. LITERALLY every first world country besides the u.s. has universal healthcare

>> No.29820799
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>> No.29820801
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Universal Healthcare would be a reason to storm the capitol for. But you Americans are so brainwashed that you do this for a TV personality who wants to overthrow democracy in this country. I pitty you fools. I really do.

>> No.29820808

none of you know shit about economics just stfu

>> No.29820810

Stop watching porn mr dahmer

>> No.29820826

The strong survive.

>> No.29820838

so basically stop falling for right wing propaganda, sheep

>> No.29820858

The golden rule, anon. If your child needed brain surgery, you would want support from others. We live in a society. You come across as an edgy high schooler.

>> No.29820894
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t. Weak

>> No.29820896

When 70% of the US is overweight and 40% are obese, universal healthcare won't work. How the hell do you expect to pay for those fat fucks heart surgeries and other predictable diseases they'll have over their lifetime?

Kids under 18 and the handicapped should be provided health care though.

>> No.29820905

I think you should do some psychedelics anon you sound like a miserable narcissist and it might help

>> No.29820911

Only niggers and spics are entitled to free healthcare in the US

>> No.29820936

yes but in other countries you go to prison for smoking weed. its all shit

>> No.29820938

>every doctor needs a license to practice
>it drives up the demand 10,000% taking the price with it
let the free market work and healthcare would be in the thousands and not millions

>> No.29820964


> thinks universal healthcare is communism


>> No.29820978

Taxing foods that cause obesity higher to compensate for the hospital costs. That's what most countries with socialized medicine do. Sure it sucks that a pack of cigarettes costs $20 but it's worth it for not needing to put your children's children into debt if you get cancer

>> No.29820987

>facebook filename
Are we being raided or something

>> No.29820986

i live around poor white people and theyre bigger leeches then any black asian mexican or anything you could possibly find. they dont even try they just sit around for their handouts

>> No.29821015

i thought the redd*tors all left, i was wrong.

>> No.29821046

I sure hope your hypothetical children never face a life threatening disease. Talk about a linear perspective lmao

>> No.29821047

Eat a fruit and go outside kek

>> No.29821049

no argument presented, that means I win. I knew no one could refute this

*smiles smugly to himself*

>you would want support from others
I would not beg strangers or the state for money. Only blood ties are important. If I could milk the system I would do it, but other than that no please. Imagine parading your kid for pity money
lots of kids die from hunger, from beatings. from pneumonia but I don't see you or others getting uppity about it, you only get tearjerked by random facebook articles

already did anon and went to the depths of insanity, love is the only mechanism that disturbs the determinism of the univers. Clinging pathetically to life is not what love means

>> No.29821076


>> No.29821115

Universal Healthcare fucking sucks. All across Europe, trannies wait like 3 years just to get medication prescribed. The waiting list for surgeries lasts decade+ and are low tech (/pol/ loves to laugh at the Swedish hairball vagina tranny).

USA unironically funds healthcare R&D for most of the world.

Universal Healthcare systems:
1) are oriented around the needs and wants of the bureaucracy
2) used as a political weapon
3) are more focused on optics than results (ie a 20 year old gets their broken arm fixed and goes online to brag that it was free, people with rare conditions are completely fucked)

American Healthcare is choked by regulation and the AMA. checkout mises dot org for more on the subject

>> No.29821142

It's kind of crazy. Previous civilizations have revolted at inequality levels better than this but it turns out colorful entertainment devices and happy thought stimulants is enough to keep people docile.

>> No.29821161

but anon I can't go outside because pathetic boomers are scared that some shitty virus has a 1% change of killing them so they make the lives of us younglings miserable forever

I don't have that neurosis, whatever happens I will deal with it without being a sad and pathetic pleb that makes a virtue out of his misfortune

>> No.29821166

so skin color really does matter. i always thought it was irrelevant, haha. i'll have to learn how to be more intolerant.

>> No.29821168
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The average Canadian pays about $6,000 per year towards health care whether they use it or not. That's nearly a half a million dollars over the span of your working life. Much of that goes towards immigrants who never paid their fair share into the system, fatass diabetics who drink two liters of coke per day, alcoholics/smokers, drug addicts etc. etc.

And of course those are the same people who talk about how their self-destructive lifestyle is none of my business. "Live and let live" they say as they dip their hand into my pocket to fund their monthly vial of insulin.

Universal healthcare is a scam. Teach people who to save money instead.

>> No.29821185

They'd better create a gofundme. Biz could donate some shekels, for once.

>> No.29821213

Remember that photo of a dude and his 7 yo bride from early 20th century in the US? I’d unironically pay all her bills if I could have that sweet virgin cunny for the rest of my life. But the society thinks it’s evil. Ok. She dies then.

>> No.29821214


Terrifyingly based.

>> No.29821231
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>> No.29821237

And those countries still aren't anywhere near as fat as the US. Mexico is the only close one, and their universal health care just started, so we'll see how that turns out.

If you want universal health care that won't fail, then you need to blame the land whales.

>> No.29821250

Someone with social skills contact the family.
I'll send some Eth.

>> No.29821247

God you are so retarded I am 100% sure you don't make enough to pay even $6k in all your taxes. Fuck off with your retarded bullshit

>> No.29821253
File: 217 KB, 1125x416, FF0B7B75-E247-4071-86AC-222DC9A7AE01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we turn around and use them as inspirational fluff pieces
>we turn around and use them

>> No.29821264

Very compelling argument fat

>> No.29821276

> 100x short sell lemonades

Nothing personal, girl.

>> No.29821291

US doctors and nurses are the highest-paid in the world.
Medical bills are the highest in the world.

>> No.29821303

Sorry, but healthcare isn't a right. You don't have a right to other people's labor. That's socialism.

>> No.29821326

Why is it so hard for the US to adopt a EU healthcare system, besides the fact they are admitting they were wrong?


>> No.29821327

Look up tax brackets, poorfag

>> No.29821338

You’re a bad person

>> No.29821353


>> No.29821352

Except no one in the countries with such healthcare who pay attention to data and sentiments of people who actually need serious treatment thinks it’s based ignorant fuck

>> No.29821360


Universal Healthcare is based in single race populous countries like Japan or Scandinavian countries. It won't work in the US. It's already fragmented due to race, but now class warfare is starting up and you'll see groups divided not only bybrace but by class as well

Tl;DR YS is fucked

>> No.29821362

Do you know what the word average means?

>> No.29821372

How is this child's life improved by cutting her head open? Parents and doctors are giving false hope because ”we have to do SOMETHING."

>> No.29821374

The US spends $300-400 million annually on infant circumcisions.
(2 million boys born, assume a 50% circ rate, $350 cost).

>> No.29821377



>> No.29821389

>national debt 28 trillion
>deficit 5 trillion
>hey guys its free!
You have no idea whats coming do you

>> No.29821392
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Stay triggered sweaty :^)

>> No.29821397

Back to r*ddit

>> No.29821399

Euro here.
Seriously why does the USA send billions to Israel when they have Universal Healthcare while little girls like this are left to die?
I dislike Americans, strongly.
They're not real humans.

>> No.29821416

Holy fuck, what a shithole the US are

>> No.29821481

Tell that to women who literally pick aggressive cavemen and criminals over cooperative betas

>> No.29821493

Some cunt with an FB page called "wage cucks will never learn" posted this thread

>> No.29821499

This country honestly sucks. No politician can figure out healthcare so if you aren't healthy you will end up poor.
Poor, and home of the cowardly. Fuck this country.