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File: 351 KB, 1035x914, yoshi_egg_launching_soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29817213 No.29817213 [Reply] [Original]



discord gg / dRjUy6Hf72


Contract has 270 BNB to farm!
Nice for 1 day.

Telegram only has 120 members.
Very early.

Yes, it is a ponzi.
But there is no rug.

2% dev fee.

>> No.29817267

yes sirs, please do the needful not a ponzi sirs

>> No.29817292

Fuck pussy tonight boyz.....

These eggs makin me go BRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

#BNB printer

>> No.29817517

SHhhhh, i'm compounding my yoshis before the flood comesssss

>> No.29817526

Is this the luigi finance sequel?

>> No.29817577

bing bing wahoo?

>> No.29818494


>> No.29818812

What the fuck DUDE, i did this night +2bnb Whit 1bnb invested... What the fuck IS going on here

>> No.29818985

how long does it take to get your initial? is this like shrimp?

>> No.29819412

Shit this goes fast

>> No.29819658

Rajeesh.... What did we talked about super mario themed rugpulls?

>> No.29819913

this will be the next meowth but without the rugpull

>> No.29820323

How do you unstake the yoshis?

>> No.29820717

I have no idea how to get in on these ponzi farms.

Seems like a fun gamble game.

>> No.29820748

No answer? You can only buy the yoshis and sell the eggs?

>> No.29821120


>> No.29821288

its easy lol, do you have bnb in your wallet?

>> No.29821470

the extent of my knowledge if crypto is selling/buying/cashing out on coinbase pro. Also mining.

>> No.29822010

Sounds pretty niggerish but I threw in .1

>> No.29822283

watch this video, better do it on a pc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-KZ_y4HsRE

>> No.29822344

Fucking hell, there's a new one of these every day from the same devs. It's pathetic.


>> No.29822521
File: 40 KB, 328x430, blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigger is clearly purple, though. Also, please listen to this man >>29822344, there's a new one of these things every fucking day and they're ALL SCAMS. There were a bunch of pokemon ones, dbz ones, a fucking touhou one last night, and now it's yoshi. If you buy into this then you deserve what you get. This one is even more transparent about being a scam, as it flat out tells you that the dev is skimming a % of each transaction rather than just slipping it into the contract and not mentioning it.

>> No.29822543

This is the meowth without the rug lol, enjoy

>> No.29822580

This is great, low dev fees

>> No.29822599

Not even a shill, but what’s the problem with the dev skimming albeit reasonably?

>> No.29822657

Reported. To Nintendos legal department have fun. They are ruthless.

>> No.29822666

They are all Ponzis on BSC anyway? Every single fucking one of them, if you're early enough you make money, that fucking simple

>> No.29822769



You can see the dev calling sellEggs and withdrawMoney

Here is sellEggs, he got 3.94 BNB

Here he is calling withdrawAdminMoney click decode input data and you can see that he takes out 100% of the ceoEtherBalance.


>> No.29822785

How to get early though?
Swear to got once things are posted in here is too late, once things are posted in tg groups is too late... How the fuck can someone be early?
I lost a shitton of money like that, unfortunately. But I'm a poorfag and seems the only way to get a shot to increase my folio and move to safest havens.

>> No.29822955

thats just the dev fee getting collected

>> No.29822963

Because with these ponzis it's already a virtual guarantee that the dev was the first buyer and got a premium rate and will be able to dump on new buyers as long as the contract is up. Skimming is a sign that the dev is extra greedy. Not a good sign.

To answer >>29820323 to explain how this works exactly, you can only sell "eggs" to get money out of the contract. Anything you spend on yoshis is there permanently, and your yoshis produce eggs indefinitely regardless of how many eggs you sell. The amount of yoshis you can buy for a given amount is dynamic based on how much BNB is in the contract, as is the price you can sell your eggs for. What this means in practice is that the earlier you buy, you cheaper you can buy.

Even if the contract was otherwise legit, the dev getting to buy first could have gotten (completely made up these numbers to illustrate the point) 10 yoshis for 1 BNB, while later buyers would get 5 yoshis for 1 BNB. These yoshis produce at the same rate forever, so the dev will always be able to sell more eggs more quickly than people who bought later. It's like if this were a normal token and the dev got a shitton of tokens for cheap or free, which he then dumps later once the price has risen, except in this case he can dump without having to give up his early buyer advantage.

This is the touhou version from last night, which was a "totally legit contract made by people who got rugged by the pokemon farm". Skim through and see how well it went for the people who bought in.
>https://t DOT me/joinchat/hGQKugTwxD0xYzAy

>> No.29823067

>if you're early enough you make money, that fucking simple
The only people who make money on these are the devs. I've watched the telegrams of a couple of these scams this week and the "early" guys always sound like you, they think they're so smart and are gonna make a bunch of money off the suckers who come in later. They don't realize that they're the suckers. Read through the telegram I posted >>29822963, go back to the start and see all those hyped up early buyers, and then see how it turned out for those same guys 10-12 hours later.

>> No.29823377


>> No.29823408


The contract will get drained eventually anyway because of exponential increases in eggs/hr that are being spit out by compounding yoshis.

So it doesn't even matter.

>> No.29823553


>> No.29823615

There isn't going to be a flood of new buyers. People have been getting scammed by these all week, they all know how they work by now. The only ones stupid enough to still buy in are guys like you who think they're "getting in early".

You won't even make back the initial amount you put in.

>> No.29823634

This one is even jewier than all the previous ones. At the rates the Yoshis are producing eggs it's impossible to make your initial deposit back.

>> No.29823859

Just this line alone makes it so that the dev never loses any money.

require(address(this).balance > ceoEtherBalance);

The moment people start selling their eggs en masse, they'll only be able to sell as long as they're not taking any of the devs fees.

LMAO imagine getting fees for copypasting a contract.

>> No.29823880

But only 2%

>> No.29823938

>Yeah I'm getting scammed but only 2% of every transaction

Tell me your address bitch, let's see how much you've paid

>> No.29825166


>> No.29825222
File: 33 KB, 601x508, 1605972468561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof, someone's mad because they can't make their initial back.

Look at the pic, it's you!