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29814930 No.29814930 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29815084

Every time I see FUD I just buy more ADA.

>> No.29815169

still not buying

>> No.29815240

>he refuses to invest in the steve jobs of crypto
sorry to hear that anon

>> No.29815730

>ADA enters price discovery
>duurrrr not buying
Stay poor dude.

>> No.29815815

Stay broke retard.

>> No.29815842

rip avax roaches trying to fud based charles

>> No.29815893
File: 8 KB, 213x250, 1510008463277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just 5x'd with QUICK in 5 days faggot, ada is a joke

>> No.29816146

stay salty ETHkike

>> No.29816194

>see +34%

yea that generally works out, stay rich friendo! bazinga!

>> No.29816332

It’s the GME of crypto. Enjoy holding your bags for eternity retard.

>> No.29816430

Ahabahaha you faggots can shine my shoes I guess

>> No.29816491
File: 64 KB, 638x571, BC9B9533-9184-499F-840B-0FD00F006004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top 5 shilled coins
>literally r*ddit
>not even a working product

>> No.29816562
File: 371 KB, 498x477, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry that you're priced out faggot

>> No.29816642

>Priced out
The level of cope you guys have lmao. BNB and the BSC is a million times better than that vaporware Reddit normie magnet cuckold garbage.

>> No.29816712
File: 133 KB, 666x469, hello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Henlo? Binance?
>I'd like to sell all my Ethereum for Cardano

>> No.29816794

is that why ada flipped bnb while bnb continues to tank?
seems like you're the one coping with your centralized chinkshit kek

>> No.29817402

This is a buy the rumor sell the news event. Also dumbass newfag a go into crypto and see the “cheap” price and think they are “getting in early.”

>> No.29817503

fantoms coming for that ass ada is already dumping

>> No.29817556

such a sad man. in the absence of positive news about a project you follow you a shiting on other projects to make yourself feel better. it is a sad life to have. good luck with that attitude.

>> No.29817574


his arrogance and overconfidence will be Cardano's undoing

>> No.29818644

Laughing at all the eth fags rn on here talking all that shit for the past month....

>> No.29818991


I'm staking and getting free money? What more do you fucks need to know? If you want to actually learn something, go to iohk's site.

>> No.29819040


lol this was the most hated coin on reddit back in 2017.

>> No.29819105


ok mr.nobody.

>> No.29819138
File: 230 KB, 1790x1193, 0D67CCA5-5A74-434C-A9E7-E8AD4DAA174A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't sell my btc for ada because I was waiting on that 500 dollar bonus on phemix

>> No.29819139
File: 374 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210227-005822_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna be hard to top todays gains

>> No.29819150

>stack shitcoins
>lose after half a year with no liquidity
>go for another dump pool
yay, you won't have to lick dick

No sense to try to find a shit, be smarter, watch my portfolio on justliqudity.
>JULD - this is coin for hodling, x10 for couple months and pushing further

>> No.29819476


The problem here, Anon, is that QUICK is yet another ERC20 shitcoin. I 10x'd with ROT back in october, but I think we can all agree, ROT was a "joke". My smart mony, 90% of my folio, is in BTC and ADA.

>> No.29819546


BTC will probably always be a smart hold, I wouldn't sweat it.

>> No.29819721
File: 3.66 MB, 431x243, tXLefZd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29820169


All the digital coin and yet using an android

>> No.29820395

Get the fuck off my board nigger

>> No.29820407

Steve Jobs had products that people used and wanted. What has Charles made besides a 5 year old coin with no mainnet?

>> No.29820468


>> No.29820565
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>> No.29820702

Good. You missed the train already. Now let us enjoy the ride up the mountain.

>> No.29820809
File: 1.12 MB, 954x716, huls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumped all my Link into this, way up already. WTF lmao

>> No.29820912

>Massive amounts of phones to choose from to suit widely varyimg needs
>Custom ROMs where I can decouple myself from google and other nefarious entities
>Can pop up a VM and run entire GNU/Linux Desktop OSes
>Easily obtainable root privileges
>Can use my phone as a full fledged web server within terminal emulators like Termux
Yeah, I think I'll stick with my android glownigger my dude. At-least I can make it not glow quite so bright.

>> No.29821546

only got 240 ADA, give me some hopium bros... my paycheck won't arrive until march

>> No.29821616

5pm EST on the 1st will be the peak. ADA will spike to $5 and then tumble down to a fairly stable $3.35 - $3.70 until the morning of the 2nd, it'll tank to a low of $1.80 and recover to around $2.20 that evening. It will break $3 again before the end of the year but won't see $4 again for at least 12 months. Screenshot this and thank me in 2022

>> No.29821666

Show us your tinder match

>> No.29821703


This thread is the biggest sell signal

Your fate is going to be like XRP and GME holders

>> No.29821787

Feels so good to see the soicoin going to second position.
Where are the eth maximalists calling people "poorfags" now?
And ADA is also cheap. Charles know the mentality of the masses and know they feel uncomfortable with zeroes to the left.
Soicoin to the moon. Africa have won.

>> No.29821945 [DELETED] 

>Had 230 ADA last week
>FUD got me
>Bought back in yesterday
>Same money only got me 117


>> No.29822027

bought 250 last month, and poured like $1.3k on doge instead, fml

>> No.29822087

you don't deserve to make it