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2980803 No.2980803 [Reply] [Original]

How do I protect my crypto gains from the vaginal jew?

>> No.2980823

>implying any women will ever touch a bizraeili

>> No.2980843

Was engaged, just don't and you will be fine.

>> No.2980846

Is that even flexible filament?

>> No.2980857


Women already missed the boat on crypto and have no idea what's going on with boards like these

just HODL your bags so that one day, when crypto is mainstream shilled on shows like The View and CNN, stupid women will cause massive pumps and lose all their money

>> No.2980907
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>Women already missed the boat on crypto and have no idea what's going on with boards like these

uh... ihave bad news for you...

>> No.2980943

>women already missed the boat on crypto
Really anon? How naive do you have to be to seriously think women won't get all of it through taxes, affirmative action and betas donating to their patreons?

>> No.2980963

Coat yourself in urine and faeces

>> No.2980968


most women are simply clueless when it comes to investing or money in general. Crypto is and will always be a gentlemen's game.

>> No.2980969

There's no way a RepRap could make a part that hi-res.

>> No.2980977


be careful, you might accidentally attract a pajeeta

>> No.2980995
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fly to greece and bang the hookers there...they're desperate and will let you go without condom for a few extra bucks. it was all over the news, whores were going for $5 USD.

if they ask what you do never give specifics, be vague like "oh this and that, some gambling here and there."

in a few years courts will be able to go after crypto in divorce. it will happen. the vaginaljew and gynocracy has long tentacles.

coonbase will easily give you up to the IRS if ever pressured.

>> No.2981059

Any specific spots?

>> No.2981089

>implying /b/ doesn't love kittens
>implying anyone doesn't love kittens

>> No.2981108

these are nigger whores,and you will get aids for sure

>> No.2981133
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4chan is more female than male.

this isn't 2007

>> No.2981168
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>> No.2981204

>try to explain crypto to gf
>"Oh, but it's like not really yours until you cash out, right"

They'll never pick up on it

>> No.2981275

This happen to me

Oh anón but who wants to buy bitcoin , you cant buy things whith bitcoin

Women are stupid af

>> No.2981366


What's kissing like?

>> No.2981415

>try to explain crypto to gf
>anon, thats fake money.
>explains fiat
>Well, trading those coins is like gambling.
Someones not getting a ride in the lambo.

>> No.2981418

A nice, intimate moment with your loved one

Forehead kisses are my favorite

>> No.2981626

Just don't tie the knot and you'll be fine.

>> No.2981699

My wife was terrified that crypto was gambling because 10 years ago I'd told her never to let me gamble (addictive personality, eternal alcoholic.) Now that I've deposited more into our bank account than I withdrew she's getting excited.

>> No.2981830

>3D prints a micropenis

>> No.2981888

dont get married

>> No.2981902
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I told my gf about crypto, but she put 0 effort to understand because according to her "is not interesting" and she get mad everytime that I check my portfolio. The funny thing is that she studied economics in college.

I love her very much, but yeahh... in general women are stupid as fuck. They get mad when you take them out of their comfort zone which is basically make up, hairstyles, perfumes and clothing

>> No.2981921

this but my girlfriend isn't an econs major
>hey anondesu how has ur uhh... crypto.. uh i froget what they're called doing !!?!?

>> No.2981940

there's a few female stock traders here and there that poke their head out on stocktwits or get featured on cnbc...probably less than 1% of all women are actually engaged in speculative behavior, so those are the ones who will begin trading crypto. they're also dykes and feminists so who gives a shit.

hot girls, by and large, want to be with athletes, musicians, and in third place: wealthy businessmen. they don't really care how you make money as long as it's cool and you make a lot of it.

if you're a wagecuck making $50K-$90K you'll end up with a plainjane and if you're lucky she won't get fat and bitchy overtime.

average people get average gains/rewards/women, why is this still surprising.

>> No.2981965

penis kisses are my favorite. But you dont have to love them. Best to pretend to, get what you want, then walk when they get crazy. Like crypto. Buy, realize your respectable gains, get the fuck out. Easy.

>> No.2981980
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>> No.2982058

Wrong. Get married and start a family, raise great sons.