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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 980 KB, 1035x666, Michael_J_Saylor 1035x666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29798802 No.29798802 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29798844

Sauce on deck?

>> No.29798862

He knows it's the future

>> No.29798876


>> No.29799309

Source. Big if true.

>> No.29799334

He must know where to get more btc

>> No.29799383

How to read the monthly log chart.

>> No.29800959
File: 507 KB, 1200x628, macropenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Us macro chads are not easily distracted.
We set a plan, a strategy, a goal and stick to it.
The top won't be in until the Keynsians like Robert Reich FOMO in.

>> No.29801021

He is so fucking based

>> No.29801149

Taking on more debt at 1% due in 2028, even if btc only goes to 100k by then he makes bank lmao

>> No.29801248

he unironically doesnt know much at all about crypto kek. just listen to him talk on those interviews

>> No.29801404

him and all of the other institutions are so levered up that they are setting up bitcoin to fail

>> No.29801536

he bought bitcoin when most of /biz/ didn't even know about bitcoin

>> No.29802085

He knows very little. That's the irony here. Like >>29801248 said

Guy will probably neck when btc gets exposed by what it really is.

>> No.29802260

these billionaire niggers are going to crash us with no survivors.

>> No.29802407

>when btc gets exposed by what it really is.
says the increasingly nervous nocoiner for the millionth time since 2010

>> No.29802461

>3-4 tps
>the future
got some bad news for ya buddy...

>> No.29802537

buy low: market price right now
sell high: when btc flips gold
the thing you guys have to understand is, only do this when you have cash flow. Ok so right now he's getting a little overlevered but back when he converted the balance sheet into bitcoin, that's fine. 7-80% of my net worth is in bitcoin.

>> No.29802679

Kek most of us owns all the forks because we aren't actual newfags like you. Dumped some bags recently and will keep doing so as retards like Saylor buys in by the billions at 40k. The smart guys with actual education, degrees in cs and maths don't blindly follow BTC. It's the biggest shit coin.

>> No.29802690

“btc will skyrocket when institutions start adopting it as payment” said every coiner ever
4 major companies started investing in it the past year
“wtf theyre just buying it so they can make short profits before hoarding it all to crash it” every coiner now

so which is it faggots?

>> No.29802811

did you shit out your brains last time you went to the toilet?

>> No.29802887

bitcoin is not going to flip gold

>> No.29802966

Guy is a crook just like CZ and the others shilling like indians on twitter. BTC is a crook/dumbass magnet. Hf with your .5btc. I can tell you will never truly escape the rat race.

>> No.29803055
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>that interview when he showed he didn't understand the basics about bonds

>> No.29803130
File: 79 KB, 1168x380, Screenshot from 2021-02-24 16-44-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when institutions start adopting it as payment

>> No.29803313
File: 235 KB, 1125x1381, 5D209A56-92C4-4776-A3B3-C87853460EAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ad hominem
Really makes you think.. Today I bought a share of Microstrategy. Feels fantastic, frankly. Enjoy his interview from today, he is obviously extremely knowledgeable and huge brained, with his heart in the right place: https://youtu.be/gnGHTjQCRok

>> No.29803584

>I can tell you will never truly escape the rat race.
imagine not running your own country with its own nuclear weapons, strategic missile forces and fusion power research program lmao

>> No.29803625

I unironically feel sorry for you. You are so far from the light.

>> No.29803720

You finally admit you're a low resolution faggot. I respect that. If everyone was a winner there would be none.

>> No.29803793

ELIZA chat bot tier response

>> No.29803806


>> No.29803990

Remember who to blame when BTC gets even more correlated with stock market

>> No.29804372


the name of the game is turning Bitcoin into digital gold
if you can convince enough people that BTC is digital gold then it becomes digital gold. that's a 9 trillion dollar market

>> No.29805073

Bitcoin is going to flip gold this year.

>> No.29805621

you telling me a credit card isn’t swiped every 7 seconds?
if that’s your only defense go suck start a shotgun

>> No.29806070

Wrong but okay

>> No.29806196

there's going to be a huge short eventually and theyll all move to israel, as north americaa descends into the next USSR except this time it's south africa revenge-egalitarian style epicly

>> No.29806208
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>> No.29806335

meds. now.

>> No.29806386

hes probably going to pnd on you bitcoiners and fuck altcoiners by proxy.

>> No.29806515

Unironically this

>> No.29806535

It really is a Bitcoin stock after all. What do niggers know that we don’t?

>> No.29806729

I'm so glad this smarmy bastard is pumping my bags while parroting lolbertarian talkingpoints. Super based.

>> No.29806892

I am the chad, only that I'm a 26 year old virgin and I hold my coins on the exchange because I'm too fucking cheap to pay the transaction fees.

>> No.29806914
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>> No.29807070
File: 105 KB, 1186x1210, 7982A9DA-16E8-43C0-820D-A5ABBBAB6DFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is absorbing gold

>> No.29807087

> On average, more than 4,000 ransomware attacks have occurred daily since January 1, 2016. This is a 300-percent increase over the approximately 1,000 attacks per day seen in 2015.
>This is an increase from their estimated damages of $11.5 billion in 2019 and $8 billion in 2018. Emsisoft reports that government agencies, healthcare providers, and educational institutions in the U.S. were impacted by ransomware attacks at a cost of more than $7.5 billion in 2019 alone.

Microstrategy invested over $2B in bitcoin and sells enterprise intelligence services. What does he know you guys can't figure out? Thats right. Those enterprises have to unlock their enterprises and fast. Who do you think they're calling, the jews? Hello.

>> No.29807136

yet he has two billion to invest in it. how much do you have faggot?

>> No.29807491
File: 822 KB, 2071x1382, datblipcoinshoineybro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is something on another level of analysis

>> No.29807586

you cant buy 2 billion BTC, there's only 18M

>> No.29807848

A PhD rocket scientist from MIT can't be dumb

>> No.29808019

Thank you Sir. Good analysis.

>> No.29808043

Will he build one of the first citadels???

>> No.29808319

and he very well may make billions more off of it.
that still doesn't mean he knows what he's talking about when it comes to crypto. seriously anon just listen to him try to explain it