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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29796138 No.29796138 [Reply] [Original]

i want to take out large amounts of debt to buy crypto. i've never taken a loan/credit card before and my credit score is mediocre. what is the best way to do this?

>> No.29796202

Loan sharks

>> No.29796414

ideally i want a loan with the lowest interest rate possible, and loan sharks are the kind of people to both charge a positively jewish interest rate and also send large african gentlemen to my door to collect if its not payed in full. for any financial agents reading this thread, i do fully intend on paying my debts, but i went to a tarot card reader the other day who told me if i were to ever get a loan it would be unlikely i'd pay it back. sam hyde pulled off paying basically none of his credit card debt back with little consequence, how did he do this?

>> No.29796433
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>> No.29796680


That's so 2017.
Buy with whatever you have any use leverage.
Even if you lose it, you won't have debt.

>> No.29796944

Make an account on Nexo, deposit some collateral crypto there for safekeeping, borrow up to 30% of the value of your crypto deposited for 12% interest (less if you buy their shitty tokens) in USDC, use USDC to buy Bitcoin, HODL for a year whilst getting paid a cooomfy 5% interest daily then repay said loan. No KYC no bullshit

>> No.29797118

Check out aave.com. you can borrow on there for as low as 4.6% apr

>> No.29797663

The market may still go parabolic briefly, but this looks like the end. Do not take out a loan, wait for it to crash in late April, then buy the dip a year later, wait five year, be rich.