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File: 184 KB, 1600x1068, 1611873276356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29794434 No.29794434 [Reply] [Original]


>GameStop appoints Chief Technology Officer, 2 additional new Executives to push forward e-commerce and customer focused transformation

>Is the Squeeze Squoze?

>Real-Time Trades

>Trade Halts

>NYSE Short Restrictions

>Most Shorted Stocks

>> No.29794529


>> No.29794532

Are we buying when it dips to 70 on Monday?

>> No.29794572

Shit dude, i MADE a general.
t. Baker who was waiting until the last possible second.
Now we look rediculous.

>> No.29794689

Only if you can afford it. Don't take unnecessary risks if you're already in and waiting for the squeeze.

>> No.29794719
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just wanna open this thread saying we really do not have to worry about retail investors. it's clear as hell that the real squeezers are institutions. either they squeeze or they don't, and they have to squeeze at some point. I'd say that the long institutions were letting the stupid shorties off the hook not to crash the market since it's crabbing, but even then they'd have to do continual pump and dumps. and it just doesn't make sense with 30 million shorts being added via ETFs to double down. the ONLY alternative I can think of is that there are literally just 30 million more shorts with random mid level institutions trying to do some stupid ass 500 iq play to grift off the situation, but the sheer volume of it makes me think that's unlikely. i'm not some huge finance guy though. I'm just some asshole with a little bit of common sense. so if someone can clarify me with some DD i'd appreciate it.

>> No.29794800

Stop bumping BOTH generals you fucking animals, pick one or the other, jesus.
Now to post this in the other.

>> No.29794820

>Now we look rediculous
As a GME bagholder myself I can say there is no way we can look any more ridiculous than we already are.

>> No.29794945

Why would $100 be the new floor? It's only been 3 days, we crabbed down from $60 for like a month and there's no rational explanation for why GME would be worth $100 a share right now, not to mention we don't have the same hype we had last time.

>> No.29794998

I'm not even gonna lie, whenever DFV posts his holdings I feel a bit more relaxed.

>> No.29795006

Why not two though?

>> No.29795007


>> No.29795051

He can’t sell even if he wanted to

>> No.29795072

Not allowed, 1 general per board by most board rules, like /vg/ and /pol/ and shit.
I dunno if biz is the same but i like to err on the side of caution.

>> No.29795147


>> No.29795196
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This post is for watame poster and watame poster only
It's been good, have a nice life, I'll see you on monday.
also the fucking jannies deleted my "why biz so much loves watame" post. It's one meta thread! I'm pissed

>> No.29795228
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22 million shorts tossed in at some point today

>> No.29795237 [DELETED] 

dumb girl, stop shilling this shit here
I am not retard who believes in this trash
I use julswap for juld staking and my purse makes profit

>> No.29795246
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Fucking splitters reeee
>here’s my plan boys roast me or toast me
Monday I buy a single share in the first dip no matter if it’s 102,90,or 75.
I chill all week and if it dips to a similar range or lower that’s when I buy two or three additional shares then I’m done buying I will be like $1000 in on this chump change but I was raised poor so I hate spending $10 let alone $1000 on this shit lol.
Best case secenario: I end up with 5 shares averaging around 120 to 140. Worst case scenario I have 3 shares averaging around 190.
Am I doing this ok? I don’t claim to be the best I just don’t wanna be the worst

>> No.29795310
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nice google translate, pajeet

>> No.29795336

Because he's been subverted by the jews. They ordered him to never sell and will face a fate worse than death if he disobeys.

>> No.29795399
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newfag here that ape'd over 10k on GME @80, what's gonna happen by monday? serious and rational answers only

I mean I'd love 800 a share, but even I would sell at 200+ personally but feel free to convince me otherwise. I was this close to sell before market close until I just said fuck it

>> No.29795487
File: 2.89 MB, 540x360, 1609974370348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude your english is bad, do you like, want some pointers or something?
Can you even speak english? Or do you run my shit through Pajeeti? Lemme uh try to help you.
भाड़ में जाओ तुम घृणित सुअर, मुझे आशा है कि तुम मर जाओगे।

>> No.29795558

>I'm just some asshole with a little bit of common sense. so if someone can clarify me with some DD i'd appreciate it.
Same here but what you said makes sense. Either they cover and it goes to the moon or they do their kike faggotry and get away with it while crashing the price. Neither has happened yet so I'm still gonna hold.

>> No.29795594

Post the frog dancing for white trash.

>> No.29795597

>we crabbed down from $60 for like a month and there's no rational explanation for why GME would be worth $100 a share right now, not to mention we don't have the same hype we had last time.
Genuine retard or shill?

>> No.29795623
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A bunch a try hard gme faggots.
We deserve their ridicule.
Embrace their insults.
History will chastise and mock us for all eternity.
Our children will look at us with disdain.
We can try to hide our pathetic financial decisions from future love interests after our wives leave us.
But why hide it? They will find out eventually that we have earned contempt, and their scorn is well placed.

>> No.29795642

It's probably going to dump hard down to somewhere around mid double digits and keep crabbing down until we get some kind of a catalyst, just like last time.

>> No.29795691
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oh! nice to see you here, thanks for the thread.
yeah the jannies shouldn't have removed it, though I'm biased hahahah.
You too friend, have a good life! Hope many gains come your way.

>> No.29795708

Humor me.

>> No.29795720
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Basically this. Like, why would I want to sell my bags if it's all downhill from here? I'm a gambler not an investor, i don't care about this money.
I literally burned 1000 dollars in a ritual fire and did a talmudic ritual to [Record Scratch] to curse their stock portfolio.
I'm have as much care for this money as i do people's opinions on what i should do with it, i'm not getting any younger. Into the fire it goes! Let's see if the fire consumes me or Melvin. Gambling baby, the good shit.

>> No.29795724
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You're going to get dumped on

>> No.29795765

if you're expecting some magic answer of when something is gonna happen you're not gonna get it. holder or shill, all you can really do is think things through -- and there's no magic market mechanism that guarantees things are gonna happen by certain periods. what we do know is that bets have been placed on certain rising price action in coming weeks: 250 by march 5th for example. we also know that contract expirations increase pressure. but neither of these things tell us anything definitive. on the volume side and who actually owns shit side, it seems pretty clear that retail doesn't own shit and there's no way they're accounting for the huge amount of volume. like, after the bloodbath that was yesterday, does anyone seriously think there was enough hype in the stock to move 90 million today? wherever the hell the stock goes, it's institutions and by that logic whenever the stock goes it's by institutions' timeline. work backwards and think what you would do if you were an institution going long on the stock or even if you were some retard institution going increasingly short.

>> No.29795770
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also, the shorting fee increased from 1% to 12%, finally.

>> No.29795796
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Pffft, nice EDGE there, Edgar allen.
Be careful not to cut yourself on the edge of your quill.

>> No.29795837 [DELETED] 
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>> No.29795849
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Can someone please explain to me what's preventing institutions or hedge funds or whoever the fuck from continuing the short the stock forever? It seems they've already shorted millions, what's stopping them from just keeping on going? They could apparently do this until the end of times to prevent a squeeze.

>> No.29795853

Sorry chum, thought it was going to archive, next one is all yours

>> No.29795864

jesus fuck. is there some upper limit on what they can short with ETFs?

>> No.29795875

You know how to party ma niguh

>> No.29795900

im retarded lmao, idk why my graph changed scale out of nowhere.

>> No.29795905

cohen needs to become CEO already. would be the perfect catalyst to pump and margin call the shorts

>> No.29795986

checked. It happens every so often that afterhours a one off share will buy/sell for outrageous prices and screw up the chart

>> No.29795997

They can't they are literally bleeding money from their pee pee and poo poo hole at the same time while trying to swim upstream in a river of cash being swallowed up by the system they tried to game to their advantage

They cannot keep up the tricks much longer before they have to just pull the band aid off and be done with it, then ask for a massive bailout because "too big to fail" failed because once again they cheated the system

>> No.29796020

I thought jannies deleted it I was like "wtf could that have even been to break the rules?"

>> No.29796062

Fucking kek'd hard.
It's gonna crash and burn.
Bloody Monday.
Hope you have physical silver.

>> No.29796095
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>melvin desperately pushing it down
>Other billionaires are catching on
>People publicly telling Melvin that they need to back out and take the L
>They won't take it
>They keep doubling down
>Institutions are not selling
>They just keep going
>The data shows the impending moon
>It's obvious now
>It's also obvious all of their money is going to stop it and it's bringing the whole market down
>Putting a larger target on their back as they piss off the other riches not involved whoms stocks are not tanking
There's no way this shit's not intentional now, niggas be aimin' to kill the market.
The schizo's might be right.

>> No.29796118
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>It's just a coincidence

>> No.29796122

do you think all the other firms are livid at melvin for bringing this much attention to naked shorting?

i would be. imagine being in the mafia and having one of your made men being a loud mouth walking around telling everyone how they run their business.

>> No.29796185

i bet theres already bullish sentiment forming and people thinking they are gonna buy back into the market on monday
little do they know that gme will raze everything to the ground

>> No.29796219

More evidence that they're not going to let you win.

>> No.29796238

where's the proof they're bleeding money though? all just speculation, no? They've already been at this for a month, they're probably gonna keep it up for years.

>> No.29796263

So the short ladder attack shit was real and not just conspiratard FUD?

>> No.29796283

no need to worry this entire squeeze is big guys fighting big guys
no one cares about a handful of internet retards who might get rich because like most lottery winners these retards will just end up broke anyway

>> No.29796308

idk why but those spikes didn't appear to me in tradingview, though iirc yahoo finance did.
I deleted it myself, but I replied so as not to hide my mistake completely.
well you made me laugh out loud now.

>> No.29796342

short ladder attack is not a real thing its a literal made up term

you sound less retarded if you just cry market manipulation than say that idiot term that people who started gambling in the stock casino last month are throwing around

>> No.29796363
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When the mainstream media is reporting a recent net loss of 1,9 billion dollars, and the richest megaviking on the planet putting you on public blast, there's no denying they are still in deep shit.
Billionaires like megaviking get access to that GOOD shit in terms of data. He knows, and he ain't hiding shit.
Bloody monday... yeah i can buy it. Bloody for Melvin.

>> No.29796479
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who put who on blast?

>> No.29796497

Haven't spent much time outside these threads. Anyone notice the board is full of niggers, kikes, and shills? Or am I just being paranoid?

>> No.29796511
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>Made up term
They've been doing automated attacks for decades now, it's just recently had a coined phrase for it, dipshit.
God you fudders don't even know your business history, you just repeat the saaaaame tired shit over and over and over again.
It's disgusting. Disingenuous, even pretending to care about the wallets of others. You are just a manipulator blatantly spreading a false narrative. AND you are using redditspacing because you fucking idiots NEVER learn.
The Pajeetis do a better job of not redditspacing. I don't see how you fuckers forget. It's baffling.

>> No.29796560


>> No.29796675
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>> No.29796704
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Go find the full tweet for youself, here's a taste.
He fucking Decimates em.

>> No.29796706




>> No.29796717
File: 148 KB, 849x694, 1612607365331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man it's over stop giving me hope
t. just another bagholding BITCH

>> No.29796774
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>> No.29796814

I want off Mr Melvins wild ride REEEEEE JUST GIVE UP ALREADY MELVIN

>> No.29796830
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Really makes you think.

>> No.29796855

He deleted that tweet.

>> No.29796865

This is a good explanation, short attack is the term, idk why "ladder" was added in the middle.
using the new term just attracts time wasting arguments like his, who cares about etymology anyway.

>> No.29796923
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>Everyone is selling i need to get out
>no one is selling
>not understanding this situation defies common logics and histories
Sell then if you want you fucking fools.
Still holding.

>> No.29796959

based uncle bruce

>> No.29796972

Same post applies to le monke diamond hand hodler

>> No.29796987

With this one today and the 33 million yesterday, that makes at least 55 million short positions.
using 70 million for float, that's 78.5% without considering any other existing shorts, be that in any ETF's or from prior shorting GME directly.

I believe I shall buy and hold a few more shares.

>> No.29797013
File: 4 KB, 415x415, vw-6bcd207cbc04492da546affd9ad64ce9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this
And also pic related.

>> No.29797041

Oh lemme screenie a larger version of it for you then, they musta KVECHED all over him, and twitter threatened him.

>> No.29797057

checked. is it for sure it's a real tweet that was deleted and not just a fake tweet.

>> No.29797070

Redditards got the name and wrong it caught on elsewhere but it is a real thing, less than 20 seconds of research and you'd find relevant material.

>> No.29797087

so what news exactly will trigger the squeeze?
there is no porsche for GME like there was for VW

>> No.29797121

Gonna do the same honestly

>> No.29797172

ngl i basedfaced and got ready to open a new position when he doubled down

>> No.29797282
File: 122 KB, 450x440, Roasted 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they musta freaked out on him about it
"You are going to trigger another market panic"
he put their asses on blast.

>> No.29797324

It was a real tweet. How much stock to put in it is the real question, since the viking's identity is a mystery. He does seem to know his stuff, though.

>> No.29797326
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You sure.

>> No.29797378
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Yeah instead you have 20+ institutional companies lining up and eating up the shares.
They have 200% of the shares.
Porshe had 90% or so of VW's.
Do the math, dipshit.

>> No.29797390

you would have asked the same two days ago, and yet a +100% happened. short squeezes are a hostage situation anon, the pump that happened the last days is necessary to make them bleed and its ongoing.

>> No.29797416


>> No.29797427

He regularly deletes his tweets. Yesterday he had a tweet up for like 20 minutes with an early tip about Bill Ackman announcing something new soon.

>> No.29797510
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Oh so it was a brief "I fucking know, you kikes".
Did this man just fucking make a Viking Declaration to them to surrender if they want to live? What a fucking chad.

>> No.29797524


>> No.29797581
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time for TRYOUTS

>> No.29797596
File: 110 KB, 765x792, A1A1AA77-5784-431B-9712-1A3D7E8CF71C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually sell there bags while crabbing at $50
>people actually sell their bags while crabbing at $100
>people actually sell their bags while crabbing at $200
>people actually sell their bags while crabbing at $500
>people actually sell their bags while crabbing at $1000
>people actually sell their bags while crabbing at $10,000

This is a long ladder up to heaven, express train, first fucking class to the moon. Why settle for the bottom when you can settle for whatever price YOU decide? Kek wills it. YOU create your reality. YOU name the future worth of GameStop. YOU decide the generational wealth you will leave to you children. Will you tell them you fought like a man? Or fled like a coward?

>> No.29797609

same im tapped out and dont even have money in crypto because i got out just before everything took a dump
its all in gme and amc which sounds retarded but i would be down a lot right now while memes stayed safe

>> No.29797655

my belief is that quite a bit of those 33M were swing traded, I've seen no reason why this couldn't be the case yet.
but the the day before that was a pure climb and still there was 11,911,548 short volume, which means if they covered these, they did so at a big loss.

>> No.29797668

I will tell them i gambled drunk and high on my own adrenaline... and that it paid off.
Gambling saves lives, kids!

>> No.29797834
File: 141 KB, 1024x719, 1610907470976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FOR IT TO BE THIS HIGH IS FUCKING LUDICRIOUS. For gods sake look at it, that's not /RIGHT/.

>> No.29797842

These people are monsters, they eat and eat and take and take with no end in sight. They eat the children and rob them of their lives and future. They have no empathy, no compassion and no self awareness, consuming more than they could ever need and never ceasing to stop. We have to make it, I refuse to believe that this can go on much longer, where people with little can just be taken advantage of by people with so much. Call it divine intervention by whichever gods you choose but great things are afoot. Even though it is largely down to rich people fighting rich people, it cannot be denied that there are more good, honest people on our side in this than on theirs. Our day will come.

>> No.29798159

its cute you think its going to crab at these absurd levels
if it hits 1k itll be back down to 300 in less than a half hour

>> No.29798218

>quite a bit of those 33M were swing traded
to add to this, 33M means 22.14% of volume was from shorts, which is not at all an abnormal value, far from it in fact.
look at the list "Short Volume", there is a list that goes back to 12/02 listing these rations and volumes.
it's hard to guess honestly how much of those weren't closed, but we can't be overly optimistic, if you look at other non overshorted tickers you'll see similar short volume ratios.
what matters probably is for how long each short will be held for, and that no one knows. Not to mention FTDs.

>> No.29798287
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I'm a simple man, I see a DFV update post I buy more GME

>> No.29798358
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>Gods did this
Nah man, this was /all/ human hubris. It's what happens when you decide to do something so suicidally greedy that it has the potential to bring down the entire American Market with it, either though sheer stupidity or blatant moves from the powers above that chose for this to happen.
Someone could have told Melvin no.
They could have said "This is impossible, you can only short what exists." Instead they were blinded by greed as well. They let their desire to see their wallets fatten outweigh their good sense and this is what happens when you wake up from being moneydrunk.
You end up laying in a fire of your own design.

>> No.29798480

cramer literally saying the wednesday runup was somehow retail investors from reddit lmfao
what a joke

>> No.29798609
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Honestly, i have to agree.
If it gets to an insane pump height, there is no logical way the amount of money it would take to make it crab like they are doing now would be insane. It would be better at that point for them to take the Loss... BUT when has Melvin ever been a quitter? Cut them some credit where it's due, the fuckers are bringing the whole market down to save their asses for a time. It's some fairly impressive Weaseling, no?

>> No.29798651
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$300 and I'm happy.

>> No.29798758

GME is stagnant at ~$97-98 right now. You know it'll probably pump like a rooster Sunday night into Monday open. I'd gobble up more but I'm not sure that it won't tank more later tonight and tomorrow. It came down from 140 to 86 from around 10am to 1pm today.

>> No.29798805
File: 75 KB, 474x567, 4EFDA401-2CC1-4307-A895-F5983A51C137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s like nobody at these funds took basic classes to learn about expected value. I’ll give them a primer. Shorting 150% of existing stock results in one of two outcomes
> Company goes bankrupt. Your profit: X dollars
> Company doesn’t go bankrupt and other people start to notice what you’re doing. Your losses: at best you’re not liquidated. At worst everything you know and love is sold off to pay for some basement dweller’s tendies and lambos, and the entire global economy starts to crash in a chain reaction
Remember, shills, we can stay retarded longer than you can remain solvent. We’re never selling

>> No.29798812
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>sunday night
anon you fucking idiot the market is closed until Monday morning.

>> No.29798863
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I mean doesn't it make a difference that they're doing this on top of an already over shorted stock. Its one thing to short some random ass blue chip but shorting something with this much float is pretty crazy isn't it? Anyway, to get to the point, are you saying that all the melvin doubling down hopium is weak? Not criticizing here, just trying to get some real dd.

>> No.29798871
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They are doing EVERYTHING in their power to try and force it back down, problem is shares are starting to run out. 400, 000 more and Melvin is in some DEEEEEP Bantha Poodoo.
If all shares get bought, what the fuck can Melvin do? Cry?

>> No.29798951

I just wanna make sure this gets answered definitively and not blown over. Is it actually them doubling down or is it just swing trading?

>> No.29798998
File: 37 KB, 621x477, covefed call.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold $100 covered calls that expired today. Do you think they will be called away or will I keep all my GME shares for another intense Monday?

>> No.29799020

It could be either or, that's the shitty part about them INTENTIONALLY wanting to keep data from us.

>> No.29799041

the real dd is the fact were holding at around 100 is not a fluke and shares are going to get forcibly bought at some point and make this thing start flying
and then more contracts expire itm and the short hedgies get absolutely waxed
basically the only way out is to pull the bandaid off next week or do something more illegal than what they already do to try to get out of it but one thing is for sure keeping the price high hurts them bad
theres a reason why at market close gme jumped up quickly when the short pressure stopped

>> No.29799074

history shows that GME usually pops in Monday's PM. I bought some more a couple hours ago for a swing trade.

>> No.29799139

any predictions what quarterly earnings release will do for stock price next month?

>> No.29799172
File: 123 KB, 424x473, 1612547948231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god yes please, Raise the stakes of the gamble. That's the best kind of shit, that's MOVIE shit right there. God please Melvin, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just keep upping the ante. I will become an actual talmudic sorcerer just to play your game. Dark, ancient hebrew magics will be at my disposal.
ZAAP, your portfolio is now Matzo Balls!

>> No.29799174

>I sold $100 covered calls that expired today
They're already called away. I know with TDA, shares that get called away won't update until the next trading day so it might look like you still have your shares.

ITM calls automatically get exercised when the market closes if they're about to expire.

>> No.29799256

dis nigga nevar herd of EXT i see
yea and then they let it go up, short the thing at the higher value and ride it down. rinse + repeat

>> No.29799286

If this is true, and I've read other theories as well, such as the yoyo theory, this seems like a way to make infinite money sort of speak. I feel the best case in order to maximize gains is to open call options next week when it dumps and wait patiently until the next catalyst.

>> No.29799308
File: 1.27 MB, 1440x1066, Legend.of.the.Galactic.Heroes.1x010-0024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought in at 160. Am I ruined? CCIV and a margin call from that already destroyed me this is just what was left. I thought I could at least get my principal back.

>> No.29799324

He is ViKING for a reason kek. The non schizo bull version of burry

>> No.29799341

>All shares get bought
>They just keep shorting
Nah i'm sure at that point someones gonna ask for their shares, and then shit gets ugly.

>> No.29799362

>I'll take Averaging Down for $98, Alex.

>> No.29799369
File: 226 KB, 640x794, 14DA68B2-74B9-4416-9B2A-2BADAC1597FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related from yesterday
Cramer has finally gone senile

>> No.29799385
File: 1.34 MB, 925x1164, 1594068201435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point of my post is explain why 33M short volume doesn't mean they have 78.5 float % more shorts at the end of the day, because a lot of those would be swing traded. so yeah plainly saying they added 78% to short float % is misguided.
but I'd say the complement might be true of the 11M the day before. By which I mean, in any given day a fraction of shorts will be long positions and the other will be swings; my guess is that the fraction on the day with 33M is majority swings, while the day with 11M is majority longs because the other option would be closing the positions at massive loss, since price only rose during the climb to +100%.

>> No.29799416

>someones gonna ask for their shares
Naw everyone big in this game is making bank right now riding out these waves. Nobody wants to dock this boat yet.

>> No.29799499

i liked cramer spitballing random ideas of how to turn gamestop into not a piece of shit company cant fault him there they were all retarded but at least kinda funny
just hate when he says disingenuous shit because it sounds better for a tv story

>> No.29799546
File: 27 KB, 255x239, 1612653006990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so both sides are intentionally rocking the boat here, but does that mean Melvin could slip the noose?
Or is their ass proper fucked once the boat docks? Because unless they can get low enough to properly cover, it's on.

>> No.29799558

look at the short data you fucking faggot, we aren't doing DD for you.

>> No.29799622

if he's wrong he just starts shifting his opinion slowly until he becomes right


>> No.29799726


You have only one life to live and you made your way to one of the last free places on the internet where you can say literally whatever the fuck you want and you chose to be a janny

make sure you stock up on hot pockets before your precious market goes kaplewey shill

>> No.29799730
File: 47 KB, 1280x721, asta-black-clover-1139399-1280x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems everyone still here bought in at 100+. What happened to everyone that was already in when GME was in the 20s? Let's call those guys the "smart guys". Are there any of those smart guys here anymore? Have they already exited? What is the plan? People who bought in at 100+ need not apply.

>> No.29799731

Been saying this same thing. It’s like an amplified mirror of the first one

>> No.29799834

I'm like 200@78 at this point, after all my bluffcalling and insane of the moment calls.

>> No.29799875

anyone who got this at 20 sold last fucking month bro
anyone who loaded up at 40-50 in the last few weeks (also incredibly smart) also fucking sold because easy 4-5x
most people who are "holding" are people who are limited to 3 daytrades a week or as you said bought in around 100

>> No.29799890


when someone is concern trolling you the only thing you can ever learn from it is that they aren't actually concerned about whatever they're pretending to say.

>> No.29799915

>Oh so both sides are intentionally rocking the boat here
>but does that mean Melvin could slip the noose?
from Wensday to today they could have made an absolute KILLING riding the bounce from the 90's to the 180's and back. I don't see how on earth they wouldn't be playing on this. But I have no idea about where they are on the shorts. If they re-pegged them at 180 through some tricks or whatever, they are sitting pretty right now. And that's just in 3 days.

>> No.29799922

I bought in at 40 and 88. Just check how many institutions are holding large stakes, this isn't over stop being scared.

>> No.29799957

important to note these people who sold for big profit already rebought in at 100 and are just waiting for the next spike or will gladly give up if it drops 20% on monday

>> No.29799970

Hope so, given it dipped below $100 afterhours. However I think the experienced traders take after hours into consideration rather than let the robot handle it based on closing price. Either way I will buy back in if under $100 on Monday

>> No.29800049
File: 96 KB, 536x369, Goofy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep seeing these retard hedgie fuckers try to dig themselves out of a hole
>Buy more shares
>They double down for like the 5th time
>My face

>> No.29800066
File: 363 KB, 1054x750, 1612376164641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may have been an attempt by them to try and secure more funds for the eventual escape.
Honestly, we will see. This is next level shit on all sides as they desperately cling to life.
It's some fun shit for sure. We chippin' in chooms.

>> No.29800071
File: 94 KB, 1100x1100, 1614368766400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$40 crew member reporting in. Everything is green

>> No.29800264

How the fuck would we know man? The best DD isn't even on this website first of all, and even then that research is basically hypothetical ramblings (130k a share, 400% shorted, halts to trading, government bailout, collapse of the financial system) because this event itself is so unprecedented.

>> No.29800273

Can someone answer me how come people are buying the stock rather than buying options. If you really think its going to moon, can't you buy a call option with a expiration that won't expire anytime soon and then sell that option when the moon hits?

>> No.29800418

Can they not just hold the position for more time in hopes of it dumping ? There's no reason they had to close that day

>> No.29800487

Look at the options chain, anon. Hint: it rhymes with bun bousand bercent bimplied bolatility.

>> No.29800512

Bought in on 45 at market open the day of the pump

>> No.29800515

48 at 45 and still in

>> No.29800557

50 shares btw. That's what based watame posting gets you.

>> No.29800566

You can always contact your broker to ask if you want to prepare for monday

>> No.29800586

God I hate option buyers. Yes, in a mooning sceraio call options result in higher profits. However simply owning call options does absolutely nothing to actually help GME moon (compared to the drastic effect of holding shares and not selling), and also of course call options have way higher risk and have a limited time frame of mooning while stock holders can always wait and continue to hold. Not to mentions high fees and the ridiculous premiums of owning call options especially in GME. I've been owning GME shares and SELLINg call options which has worked out great because I've been earning a healthy income each week even as it has crabbed

>> No.29800681
File: 597 KB, 975x770, F5E76E0F-1C55-4999-8B14-1BEA79967D6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29800773


>> No.29800835
File: 548 KB, 1541x2165, 1606411341388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, the theory is that they did that in january and didn't cover.
yes I can see this rising again, to $300+ but not going to the moon. After January the price went down to around $50, before this second explosion, so I also believe that this time if it doesn't moon it will go down to ~$70-60 this time around, and exploding in March when ETFs give out dividends.
With this in mind if this explosion fails I'm holding until then.

>> No.29800979

.I also just remembered there are two more hearings hahahhahahaha.
I'm so curious to see what happens

>> No.29801033

I hope a gamma squeeze or short squeeze happens before the hearings just to see what absolute devastation they look like

>> No.29801069

yup, and a +100% just happened "for no reason".

>> No.29801085

i'm hoping https://streamable.com/bzilp4 gets topped somehow

>> No.29801089
File: 123 KB, 733x380, DIAMOND HANDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>DFV goes "I just like the stock haha no manipulation at all no sir"
>reddit brainlets do their thing

Rinse and repeat until GME gets to $20

>> No.29801194
File: 139 KB, 1200x974, 1614385812910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will issue new shares

>> No.29801205

>DFV doubles down again
>$100s become the new floor

>> No.29801299
File: 774 KB, 824x1131, 1612903502131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how 99% of dissenting opinions use redditspacing and always repeats the same tired things. At this point i wish they would get some better material.
NO matter, not selling, still holding. This can get to 1 cent and i'll just buy 100,000 shares.

>> No.29801435

checked, it's very consistent

>> No.29801581
File: 21 KB, 200x164, imma big boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, brother! Not fucking selling until it's worth $10k a share! GME is worth 800 billion at the very least! I'm also very intelligent and I didn't get roped into reddit's glorified ponzi scheme!

>> No.29801596
File: 62 KB, 450x539, f3ae1c9158631d8cd84b92295463fdbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I haven't been on 4chan in 4 years and someone posts a meme I made

>> No.29801641
File: 301 KB, 1500x2000, deer_booba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say milk?

>> No.29801664

So you're saying the hedgies covered their shorts? Wheres the evidence?

>> No.29801690
File: 9 KB, 200x176, 1612198758441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fucking idiot redditspaces after clicking the reply
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.29801753

If the hedgies covered their shorts why would they provide evidence? Would it not make sense to cover shorts and not tell anyone so they lose money?

>> No.29801767

Did Blackrock and vanguard get pulled into a reddit position? LMAOOOO this muh sekrit klub hedgie shill cope.

>> No.29801786
File: 44 KB, 700x394, 1612904057748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would it not make sense to cover shorts and not tell anyone so they lose money?
u wot m8

>> No.29801858


>> No.29801909

Well they cover shorts, then dont tell us so we end up bagholding

>> No.29801969
File: 214 KB, 1200x800, stonks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No evidence at all. I'm but a poor Melvin shill. So anyway, sell all you have and put it all on GME stocks. It's about sending a message, fellow redditor.

>> No.29801973

They cant NOT tell people they did m8, it's not how that works, niggas be under investigation.

>> No.29802021

if they covered their shorts they wouldn't need us holding anything retard.

>> No.29802117

I'm gonna say it again

real squeeze will happen when the Biden checks come in

>> No.29802211
File: 34 KB, 500x381, NICE BAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drops from $400 to $50
>rises from $50 to $100



>> No.29802230
File: 230 KB, 1000x1000, 1612895450277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they finally pass em? How much we gettin' i've been embroiled in this stocks shit and not paying attention to the clownshow that is our current government.

>> No.29802394
File: 29 KB, 720x478, 1611950017112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no stimulus, we doing some shady shit in Syria with us on one side and Iran on the other, every minority is more important that you, there you are caught up now

>> No.29802498
File: 23 KB, 460x318, 1614007932407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing

>> No.29802528
File: 564 KB, 876x847, 1610900745314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected from Senile old joe, it's going to be a 100 dollar stimulus and you will thank the blacks for it. It's the year 1977, and I'm here to keep our cities from becoming an urb- I love Keith Urban, what great music... W-where am i?

>> No.29802574

Now I will fuck the deer

>> No.29802735

Welcome to the /deerpill/, it's the Anti-shill.

>> No.29802770

>did they pass it

LOL it’ll take another month or more. Faggots too busy bombing the middle east during a pandemic and texas in a state of emergency

>> No.29802795

what sort of dd is it possible to do to sanity check expected float? i mean i guess one question i have is, since they've reduced their actual shorts on GME itself and are doing it by proxy of ETFs -- what reason would swing traders have to hide in ETFs instead of just shorting GME?

>> No.29802818

heh, a reddit spacing filter works, pretty funny
not going to use it though

>> No.29802827 [DELETED] 
File: 479 KB, 1280x720, SubsPlease_Gochuumon_wa_Usagi_Desu_ka_S3_08_720p_6FC0FEBF.mkv_snapshot_15.42.014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sec announces trade halt on gme and 14 others
>Nobody talk about this

>> No.29802849

plus, do other extremely high volume tickers like this show similar levels of shorting?

>> No.29802922

Gme wasn't included in that halt.

>> No.29802974

Did they read that straight from /biz/?
Doesn't sound like something reddit would say.

>> No.29802995

It sure didnt halt when it dropped more than 5% multiple times the past couple of days within 5min timespan

>> No.29803003 [DELETED] 

>its real

>> No.29803043

gme isn't actually being stopped. idk why all the articles mention gme. it's fucking stupid. but it's not in the list

>> No.29803099
File: 283 KB, 648x293, 1605132306557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then it's large scale fud?
Is that fucking LEGAL?

>> No.29803124

Nevermind its bait yeah. Thank fuck. This is good tho, if they wouldbe halted it now was the time

>> No.29803199

Did you even read that article?

>> No.29803297

Google “what is a gamma squeeze” child

>> No.29803326

>expected float
short float %?
>what reason would swing traders have to hide in ETFs
I don't think swing traders have any reason to do that.
A trader who overshorted a stock has a reason to do that because it obscures the actual short interest on a given stock, if GME wasn't under a microscope people would never find out a given stock was being shorted through an ETF... so it hides them from anyone trying to short squeeze in the future.
I don't know if it's what you mean, but TSLA for example has a similar short volume ratio, but TSLA was/is on a bad days so it might be that, I honestly didn't look into this much since I don't think it's too relevant, info is too vague like I say in >>29799385.

>> No.29803336
File: 322 KB, 787x633, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all of you, I should have dumped on you niggas Wednesday instead of trusting you retards

>> No.29803423

well yeah that's what i'm saying. all those numbers coming in like 33 million shares, 22 million shares are coming from the ETFs. so it seems reasonable to assume that whoever's doing it there has a reason to hide it -- which a swingie wouldn't

>> No.29803433

Go hunt tranny rabbits, fud

>> No.29803447

can you read?

>> No.29803456

They closed it Wed or Thurs also, right before it went airborne.

>> No.29803475

did you delete the post yourself or is the jannie going crazy?
well I'm glad it isn't being talked about if its fud, shills today missed this ammo.

>> No.29803502
File: 124 KB, 750x1000, 1614116821234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melvin had a chance, then other small hat players stabbed them in the back. Melvin lost everything, and everyone was laughing at them. "Fine", said Melvin. "I'll make sure noone wins!" And now they will crab as low as possible, as long as possible, to keep interest low, but continue to short until the whole global economy tanks on account of them. Far more dangerous than the greedy Jew, the spiteful jew rears its monstrous head.

>> No.29803530

I deleted mine too, I fell for the FUD sorry

>> No.29803546
File: 3.90 MB, 517x776, rare.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so we closed over 100 bucks and ended at 99.50 in pre market. What does this mean for monday?

>> No.29803612

True, I did miss your point... makes sense.
>22 million shares are coming from the ETFs
this out of the 33M yesterday? where did you get this? I haven't seen a source on it yet but seen people mention.

>> No.29803645

God I wish they would do a long halt on GME. It would caue such a shitstorm making GME gain even more worldwide traction while hedgies are unable to drive it down further.

>> No.29803653

Still holding. Sold my call for a few grand putting it in doge over the weekend. Gonna flip it and buy some more calls

>> No.29803659

honestly price doesn't mean shit. Volume does

>> No.29803671

thanks for posting in dead hours though, now we know without causing mass panic.

>> No.29803672

I deleted because i dont wanna bring misinformation into the thread

Also jannies are almost never that fast

>> No.29803716
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1611162374516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lord, it's literally going to take behind the scenes shenanigans to see this through eh?
I can't wait for someone to just flat out bomb the fed, or some obscene thing.
This is money, not something as pathetic as the presidency. Some VERY rich people want this moon to happen and it's obvious.

>> No.29803750

i don't have it on hand but i can look for it real quick or maybe a kind anon can find it for me. but the big gay list that people always post i'm pretty sure was a list of the different stocks affected by ETFs

>> No.29803901
File: 1.10 MB, 296x450, 1611385826651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>70 mil issued
>short tens of millions in one day
>stock still closes at $100
>short fee rises from 1% to 12.8%
They're so fucked

>bought at 80 during the initial climb, sold at 200 because I knew they were going to go full retard on suppressing it
>took the profit I made and bought in again at 49

>> No.29804025

remind yourself its probably going to dump hard before the squeeze, if you can't hold in this chart you lost this gamble already. and if it doesn't happen you will feel stupid, chances are it will, but it's not guaranteed, so you have to understand the game now.

>> No.29804029
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x2715, shillbegone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone say deer? plz no ban janny i wont overdo it

>> No.29804183
File: 140 KB, 600x639, 1613773871217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonderful. The barrier is up.
We can speak safely now.
Eet's for you.

>> No.29804291

why would melving quadruple down? is it spite? hubris?

>> No.29804308

has anyone tried to get them to tweet about GME just for the memes?

>> No.29804362
File: 47 KB, 702x658, 1595085851079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, which is why you're a retard if you buy. The federal reserve is going to give Melvin infinite money to prevent economic collapse. Don't bother telling me I'm wrong when the fed already prints more money than it ever has in all of American history and the dollar itself is a piece of toilet paper if there's not any wars going on in the Middle East. You're a bagholder not because you played wrong, you're a bagholder because they cheat anyway.

>> No.29804374
File: 153 KB, 1125x1460, 28wbezg3rvj61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29804430
File: 23 KB, 400x394, 1613223017012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but wouldnt the fed pumping infinite money into gme to allow exploitive day trading cause a collapse regardless? At this point if i was them i would just toss melvin and co under the bus and live to feast another day.

>> No.29804489
File: 586 KB, 622x571, 1610832967182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think >>29803502 nailed it on the head at this point. He's abusing the system for the soul purpose of potentially pulling a hail mary out of his ass and is destroying the US economy in the process. I personally feel it's a matter of time before something drastic happens behind the scenes. They crashed the fucking Fed over this. A system that has remained IRONFUCKINGCLAD for as log as they've /had/ those kinds of systems. And even before, you can always count on death and taxes. Money will change hands. Someone /stopped/ that shit, you don't just "have a mistake" with the fed.
What's the next raise i wonder, who's going to escalate next?

>> No.29804560
File: 1.80 MB, 1280x720, 1612384176755.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because that sets a bad precedent. Everything is about precedent, especially in something like finance where people buy into superstition and any old shit "trends" to try and "explain" what amounts to gambling. The federal reserve will prop up stupid Melvin's ass for decades if it has to, all with taxpayer money, to prevent one big spike that makes people cry about the Great Depression and makes their face Joe Biden look worse than heel Orange Man.

>> No.29804597

No clue, but #buythedip was toptrending on twitter.
So uh.... normies want that fucking DIP. Melvin is fucking kiling themselves by letting it get close back to 50

>> No.29804634
File: 594 KB, 1440x1063, Stock Market 20's.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29804774

If it dips below $60 before any major pump next week I’ll drop $10k on it and hold till a gamma squeeze happens

>> No.29804778

Bro, I guarentee, absolutely 100% at LEAST one person has already been suicided. You don't lose billions of dollars, and risk this kind of wealth without bodies dumped in a barrel in a lake somewhere. We are closing in, by even the more conservitive estimates, on turning billions of dollars, into the T word of dollars. When that kind of money moves, the ground trembled.

>> No.29804782

ok here's the list i was talking about. admittedly i don't see here explicitly where it says the shorts were ETFs. i'll have to do more research into it or maybe someone can clarify for me if i got something mixed up. maybe there was some discrepancy between the reported short interest and then the numbers here?

>> No.29804828
File: 775 KB, 1428x1074, 1610766129013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too late for Biden not to look bad, his approval rating is tanked.
He said the naughty nigger on live TV. Blacks were not happy, Whites are not happy because >lol modern america.
Nobody likes him and a majority of the country are becoming increasingly jaded over the election they've YET to prove.
If anything, a major boon to a portion of the US people in the form of squeezing out whales hidden funds would be good for the economy because people would fucking SPEND. It would go good amoungst the people.
But they have alot of their own problems right now, the government is busy, and if last Wednesday proved, the fed is not invulnerable.
How long do you think the next down will be?
How intense?
I await eagerly the next stage of this game.

>> No.29804848

it cant be sustained though, Other billionaires want their cut of the pie and this will result in financial warfare. There is no other option here but to let melvin go. You already pissed off millions of people who are now bagholders. You dont want to piss off people with actual purchasing power. Thats how you get a target on your head.

>> No.29804869
File: 42 KB, 766x517, A8752131-8BBE-46F7-BF1B-35B834DF484F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Melvin sleep at night I wonder?

>> No.29804939

With a shotgun, and lightly.

>> No.29805001

nvm i'm a retard you posted that list

>> No.29805018
File: 429 KB, 500x265, DrEvil0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In at 27$, Bought more at 100 on the way down. I don't know how to sell this precious thing for less than a hundred million billion dullarinos

>> No.29805091

the thing is that short interest is not updated even close to daily, twice a month only, and we can't know how much of this short volume reported was swingers vs long positions.
it's quite impossible to find discrepancies even if there are any.

>> No.29805218
File: 420 KB, 840x473, 1613861430813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't I sell when I saw 220k+ unrealized gains? Because I was zucked into the buzzing atmosphere of diamond hands and moon landings
Did GME give me another chance to make gains?
Fuck yeah, thank god for the clownmarket of US of A

>> No.29805255
File: 118 KB, 321x321, 1614278785329.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You May notice a few less shills. That money is going toward body guards.

>> No.29805587

Ok I found this. I might be retarded but since there's only hundreds of thousands of shares available left to short but they're shorting in the millions doesn't that imply the shares aren't being covered (aka swung) or they're being shorted via etfs?

>> No.29805670

doing gods work anon

>> No.29805764

It really is amazing how all the most vocal shills stopped when the deer cunny was posted.
I feel like a schizophrenic, but fuck if it's not working.

>> No.29805777

pretty sure that's shares available to short from one broker.

>> No.29806097

Boomers can't stomach horse fucking.

>> No.29806195

GAMBURU poster if you're in here, i don't post a lot but i love you.

>> No.29806265

I thought the same thing just a bit ago. Yeah since those values don't add up, available shares have been way below 10M, even if you add up all values reported along the day (which I don't think it's how it works, but I tried being generous); but short volume has been above 10M these last 3 trade days.
I also reached the possible implication of them being swung, this data of available shares is given discretely (as in not exactly, with only so much precision), possibly because of swing trades, to not make them obvious.
But I have my doubts about that too, how would all this data about all available stocks to be shorted be centralized here? technically any entity could borrow to any other without it being known here. This might be explained somewhere on the website I haven't checked.
trips of truth, yeah
In short, this data is almost useless I think, I'll basically stop taking it into consideration

>> No.29806334

I think that’s actually going to happen. Saw a thread about it but didn’t read

>> No.29806427

Smoothbrain take.
They want us ALL to sell, retard.

>> No.29806444

Im sorry, buddy. Hes fake, stop worshipping this retard

>> No.29806605

what institutions?

>> No.29806616

He is fake, stop please. This is some 16 year old having fun and giggle feeding the narrative

>> No.29806706


>> No.29806761

I just realized this but the last boss of Citadel and GME's new head are both Cohen...

>> No.29806788

Pfft ok, this is suddenly espionage.

>> No.29806826
File: 39 KB, 141x171, 1613840616900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this mean?

>> No.29806829

Shareholders tab
Equity Ownership section
Institutions tab

>> No.29806879

Let's say everything goes as planned. What would the share price realistically look like?

>> No.29806897

Dont piss your pants if it should drop to 40

>> No.29806949

Oh shit I meant point72 not citadel. They still gave money to melvin. My bad...

>> No.29806966

ignore >>29800586

see >>29803297

>> No.29807007


Not with his wife kek.

>> No.29807050

dude...I'm holding GME. I'm too dumb for this shit

>> No.29807072
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you did well, just be very aware of this

>> No.29807147
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>> No.29807153
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>> No.29807160
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Is $250 too conservative an exit price? It's 2x for me but there could be more?

>> No.29807220

Go ahead ask him on twitter

>> No.29807237

It is conservative if you are just trying to ride this wave. If you are here for the squeeze 1000 at least and likely substantially more, but you will need to hold for a while and possibly through another big dump. Consider if you are willing to do that.

>> No.29807298

this increased from 205% since I last time checked btw. and yes, holding more than 100% of the shares is strange and doesn't make sense, we are still not sure why. honestly I might send an email to them asking, why not.

>> No.29807376

Yes if you just hold

>> No.29807444

No financial advise

>> No.29807509

You dumbshit nigger you literally responding to yourself.

>> No.29807542

I think he was just adding more to his post, anon

>> No.29807548

how do i into options trading

>> No.29807554

can we somehow see who increased their positions during the last weeks?

>> No.29807590

>giving a rats ass if you advise or not on an anon board
Even dumber.

>> No.29807710

When do the short orders get margin called to trigger the squeeze though? Ape nigger dumb

>> No.29807867

It's not worth it if you value your sleep. Also high fees and potential for total loss. Avoid that shit

>> No.29807961
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Take your meds

>> No.29807981


watch this bald nigger talk about it and then lose all your money

>> No.29807999

Can someone explain why AH was basically a straight line?

>> No.29808041

Some german on reddit wants to post a 99.9% accurate date tomorrow, but i doubt you can be sure on what will happen when and at what scale

>> No.29808045

Read up on selling covered options and credit spreads. Selling options is like being an insurance salesman.

>> No.29808139

I've always wondered what the catch was with selling covered calls and collecting premiums.

>> No.29808374

The catch is you can lose out on big gains if the stock goes to the moon. The thing with option is their value decays over time so you can buy them back cheaper later.

>> No.29808430
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not through the website, we posted screenshots on the threads though.
oh found the second to last screenshot.
but also, this shit is very complicated
these screenshots are from https://fintel.io/so/us/gme
I don't know how they fit together...

>> No.29808594

This is really still a thing?

>> No.29808712

What is "Things repeated by people with cocks in their mouths" for 400, alex?

>> No.29808845
File: 130 KB, 899x904, 1614274388116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you really asking this when this topic had 10 generals archive in an hour this morning

>> No.29808933
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And i made ALL of them.
Christ it was hectic.

>> No.29809050

everybody does the opposite of this coked out philly faggot

>> No.29809135

Is this real terminology? It sounds hilarious.

>> No.29809184

I'm honestly shocked Biden doesn't even bother doing the bare minimum, he already launched airstrikes, he isn't backing college students, he still hasnt mailed out stimulus checks IIRC, he ended up being worse than Trump and he's not even a full year in office.

>> No.29809186

yes, cup and handle pattern lol
astrology for men

>> No.29809233
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>astrology for men

>> No.29809265


>> No.29809395
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I can't get over how grotesque these have become

>> No.29809400

look up technical analysis patterns you'll see a fuck ton

>> No.29809417
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, 555416586_1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man these threads are really a million times better when they're comfy. so i'm gonna try and do my best summary of what we know. 1. we know that very big institutions are long on the stock. very long, to the point that they somehow own 200 percent of it. we also know that many of these have increased their positions after the original crazy spike.
2. we know that in the last two days 33 million and 22 million were shortsold respectively -- but we have no idea how much of that is swingies vs. actual doubling down.
3. we don't know what short interest is exactly because they seem to be hiding some in ETFs. ETFs like XRT are very very clearly overshorted too, and their overshorting seems to match with the date of GME suddenly reducing it short interest to 30 percent. Although I think afterward GME's explicit short interest still went up to 78 percent? correct me if i'm wrong. it seems weird that they'd hide it and reduce it to 30 percent for optics but then go back to 78 percent.
4. the volume has been fucking insane the last few days, implying institutional dbz battles on both sides. i could be wrong but it seems to me there's no fucking way retards on /biz/ and wsb are fighting these gigantic red dildos being thrown down just by going HOLD THE LINE over and over. especially not after there was so much FUD in normies after yesterday's big drop from 180 to 100, with the last big drop being right before afterhours.
5. i'm less certain about this one, but it seems like for them to have actually covered their crazy positions the price should have spiked more than it did?
6. even if ikbr isn't a great resource because it doesn't seem to make sense numberswise, the fact that you're seeing available shares to borrow fall on their would seem to support a doubling down narrative.
ok that's what i have. if anything i said seems wrong, please tell me. i'm just trying to make some money here.

>> No.29809472

also i'll probably end up reposting this in later threads again just because i wanna keep doing as much DD as possible and hear from other people.

>> No.29809557

Good stuff bro

>> No.29809819
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>short interest to 30 percent
pic related
Short % of Float
Interestingly finra-markets.morningstar changed the label of this number from SI to "Short % of Float".
78 was the number shown before it was updated to 60.35 some days ago.
Other than that you are on point, one thing I don't see talked a lot about is how price matter less now compared to volume. the price will probably dump together with the volume before the explosion, well at least the VW chart is posted a bit.
Holding this will feel like you lost until you suddenly win.

>> No.29809915
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>> No.29809952
File: 2.60 MB, 430x376, Slow Vibin [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fuv25e3.mp3] .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for compiling the info

>> No.29810099

If anyone wants to help please send a message to them here.
asking why Equity Ownership of GME of institutions have 207.65% Total
Shares Held.
on the shareholder's tab of this page

>> No.29810177

nah thank you watamate. you've been a huge help

>> No.29810627
File: 2.81 MB, 2200x2000, blow_failure_to_deliver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some pretty heavy stuff. I wonder how things will go next week.

>> No.29810789

If it actually happens like VW we'll see a sea of pink wojacks like today's -20%. It's hard to tell people to hold onto a free-falling stock, maybe I'll think of a ritual post about the volume thing.

>> No.29810832

Kek you're not entirely wrong

>> No.29810984

You think it'll dump before it moons?

>> No.29811204

it happened in VW.
in a way it's scary, in another, if we actually free-fall like that you'll hopefully trust your knowledge that it's probably the squeeze. And nothing is guaranteed, this is a one time event, no amount of attention has ever been put into a stock like this, it might be a slow fall instead... again, very little precedent

>> No.29811207
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My analysis shows differently

>> No.29811324
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>> No.29811381
File: 3.89 MB, 200x200, bye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vw has nothing to do with gme. completely different circumstances historically. just being honest with you anon. it's dumb to compare them.

>> No.29811443

Then outline those differences.
The other anon is presenting some good arguments and all I hear from the opposition is "ITS NOT THE SAME AS VW."
Please elaborate.

>> No.29811445
File: 782 KB, 1280x1694, the_squeeze_has_not_been_squoze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine holding enough shares to make it, only to panic sell them all in the final dip right before the mother of all squeezes.

>> No.29811470

yeah, agreed, it's just meant to illustrate how free-falling is possible before the squeeze.

>> No.29811542
File: 16 KB, 233x261, marlboro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volkswagon was being bought up by Porsche irrc. This time it's just retail traders and some undisclosed whales. Also I'd like to believe the markets weren't as blatantly manipulated as they are now.

>> No.29811625

werent you the fag from the past week fudding with that image? get the fuck out nigger

>> No.29811637

we just need daddy cohen to buy most of the float and name himself CEO. would literally fucking moonshot instantly

>> No.29811653

It might be more similar than we predict though, that announcement gave the first bump correct? if we are past that now it's one less thing making them different.

>> No.29811698
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>Also I'd like to believe the markets weren't as blatantly manipulated as they are now.
an optimist i see

>> No.29811719

>only one person can have an image saved on their pc
jesus christ anon, you're trading real money with that brain?

>> No.29811791

wait if its 60 now and 76 before that means not good for us then right? Less squeeze to squoze

>> No.29811793

regardless i have a $15k investment riding in GME and I'm optimistic. im just not going to sit here and tell myself "its just like volkswagon guys!" when i know it isnt.

>> No.29811884

less yes, but plenty still, I believe.
remember they are now hiding their shorts on ETFs, so it's possible it's actually higher, it's tricky to calculate.

>> No.29811917

it's impossible to tell what the actual short interest is right now because they're hiding some of it in ETFs. part of me wonders if the reason that short interest went back up is because ETFs like xrt rebalanced their portfolio significantly after the pump and dump in january.

>> No.29811975

the official short interest numbers are always 2 weeks behind. we know fuck all what the actual number is and as others have said they've been shorting ETFs so we're very much in the dark

>> No.29812167


>> No.29812293

Have a nice weekend, friend.

>> No.29812315

as far as i can tell there's no one though who's done a big autistic effort to try and see the total amount of gme shorted via etfs.
this one's the closest but it doesn't actually go through every etf. it posts this:
so that means within ETFs there are total 10 million gamestop stocks. because etfs can also be over shorted, it's possible that can be higher? though honesty i'd be a bit surprised if it was.
considering right now we're at 60 percent, given 70 million that's 42 million shorts. honestly i'm rereading the reddit post right now, trying to figure out how he gets his numbers as this isn't intuitive for me but he counts 5 million and doesn't do it exhaustively. i'll post again when i figure a bit more shit out ( if i do)

>> No.29812341


>> No.29812566

If true this is telling IMO

What this tells me is Plotkin will lose everything so they divorce to send assets over to her and when they come for the shirt off his back he’ll have a safety net in her name

>> No.29812682

Lord forgive me for what I'm about to do

>> No.29812752

dubs of truth, we mentioned this here in Feb 17 as I remember.