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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 613x292, adapumpanomics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29780849 No.29780849 [Reply] [Original]

Loving the Cardano bag lately.

Charles Confirmed Elon is buying.

Native Tokens On Cardano coming in a couple days probably.

Smart Contracts in Q3 or Q4, maybe August.

Developers will start building once they figure out Haskell

Just getting started!!

>> No.29780980

Wow, that's fucking cringe

>> No.29781021

>haha I know Elon musk please buy my coin


>> No.29781130
File: 162 KB, 1293x824, charles kimono wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles Hoskinson is extremely autistic and lacks social skills. This is why he's becoming the Elder God of /biz/.

>> No.29781283

Shame you thought it pathetic. You could've bought at <$1.00 if you bought because of this stupid tweet. Charles Hoskinson (pump faster charles, i know you have that shitty little python script scalping this website for your name) is cringe as fuck but his project is solid.

>> No.29781418

I agree with you but if it's true ADA overthrow ETH in 24h
Even if it drop right after that

>> No.29781681

Does ADA have a working product?

>> No.29781691

Binance.us has fucked me so hard. I've been waiting weeks to try and get in on this. I would have almost doubled my money if verification didn't take so long.

>> No.29781759

its Q2, probably June.

>> No.29781821


>> No.29781843

Some new developments
IOHK Introduces New Programming Language, Glow. What Does It Mean for Cardano?
>Within the framework of a recently announced partnership, Cardano (ADA), an Ethereum-compatible devnet, receives one more programming language, Glow. It advances the developers’ experience of Cardano (ADA) and makes it even more attractive for Solidity-focused blockchain engineers.
>According to IOHK’s press release shared with U.Today, a new programming language, Glow, is added to Cardano’s Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) development network.
>The new developers will be able to migrate to Cardano (ADA) from other chains. Since this language is “portable,” it will be applied to other blockchains besides Ethereum (ETH) and Cardano (ADA). As such, this release stresses IOHK’s focus on cross-chain interoperability.

>> No.29781848

Shut up retard is this your first 10% income ?
don’t be a faggot who trashtalks here
tell me what bot r u using for it
I am clever enough to understand how it works
Bot Ocean - that what you need

>> No.29781928

That would be scraping not scalping. Buy some ada.

>> No.29781929

Even if thisbtjing replaced ETH, that's only a 5x. And it could be a long time from now

>> No.29781939

he looks elder alright

>> No.29781974
File: 23 KB, 400x400, holysminem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not understanding how cardano is unironically the only capable altcoin capable of flippening eth

>> No.29782015

Jesus christ I'm retarded thank you anon

>> No.29782025

yes multiple

>> No.29782058

what kind of bootleg validation are you guys using? I literally got verified in less than 24 hours on multiple exchanges in January

>> No.29783519


>> No.29783891
File: 33 KB, 555x354, Cardano gogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how excited the community is for all the exciting things coming soon!!

Things Cardano doesn't have yet but will;
Smart Contracts
Adoption (Afrika!)
Multi Assets
Payal, Coinbase
ETH Converter!
Babel Fees! (Dont need ADA for transactions!)
Hydra or Omega (Scaling/TPS)

Just imagine when they deliver on these promises!!

>> No.29784095

soo... it has zero utility and has failed to deliver anything these past 3 years and thats... bullish?
what the fuck is wrong with you people, this shit is literally worthless

>> No.29785038

No but they are making it clear, its not about what "Has been" it is about "What they are about to do" .

>> No.29785259
File: 802 KB, 1050x1308, chadano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>charles kimono wtf.jpg
It's a Yukata, not a Kimono, there is a difference.

>> No.29785308

>that supply amount
I’ll pass

>> No.29785831

he's so delusional and this is fucking cringe kek

>> No.29786158

THIS is how you fud gentlemen.

>> No.29786168
File: 60 KB, 744x567, Digisomany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy cares so much he created 8 stake pools to help increase decentralization.

>> No.29786326

Autism is bullish
Guys, /our/ small pool is getting bigger.
We're at 600K Adas delegated and 33 delegators.
We need to reach 3 Millions Adas to achieve max yearly returns.
Come join us! We have memes.
There will be also airdrops, our operator is working on it. He's a cool guy.

>> No.29786446
File: 83 KB, 800x800, Card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29786556

Is 10,000 ada enough to make it ?

>> No.29786624

Suicide stack this year, make it stack in 5
>t. 14k stacklet

>> No.29787360

Can I stake if I only have 1400? Don't plan on selling ever so might as well stake

>> No.29787915

Yes, come with us friend. There's no minimum

>> No.29788060

>Smart Contracts in Q3 or Q4
waiting for the bullrun to end?