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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 274 KB, 1207x1530, SCAMzik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29755069 No.29755069 [Reply] [Original]

>Let's see the people behind VESPER:

>Same team and advisors behind failed Metronome:

>Same team and advisors behind failed Spacechain:

>Same team and advisors behing failed SCAM Unitedbitcoin:

>Oh wait they don't even associate themselves with this one anymore, I wonder why:

>"One Out of Only Two Miners Controls 70% of the Network’s Hashrate"

THEY ASKED FULL KYC IN ORDER TO BE ELLIGIBLE TO THEIR SCAMMY FORK AIRDROP AND THEY TRIED TO STEAL SATOSHI'S COINS: "The most controversial part of the project is the opt-in airdrop feature which basically means a bitcoin holder must give up some form of identification to obtain UBTC. In order to even get started with UBTC, a user must supply a valid email address and a mobile phone number. After this process, the registrant has to have a valid bitcoin address as well to receive the 1:1 distribution. Another contentious issue with UBTC is the Foundation’s claiming of “unused addresses” which means after a period of time inactive addresses will be used for future development. At the moment the team has added a “grace period” which has extended the timeframe so bitcoin holders can claim their UBTC."

>b-but jeff is an OG bitcoin dev, he must be a bilionnaire, why would he risk his reputation with scams?!
he only held 348 btc back in 2014, hes no bilionnaire: https://twitter.com/jgarzik/status/480454809791635456

Jeff's reputation in the BTC circle isn't what Vesper shill are trying to make it look like, hes seen as the failed S2X dev who tried to hijack BTC and who later launched 2 competing (and failed) currencies (UB and MET)

>> No.29755097

Oh I almost forgot, his best mate Mattew Roszak is a convincted insider trader: https://www.sec.gov/litigation/litreleases/2006/lr19722.htm

Conviniently they always launch during the bull market....

>> No.29755352

ive also started doubting VSP's team

>> No.29755828

Can it pump though

>> No.29756117

Thanks, just market bought 10k

>> No.29756448

>Can it pump though
team with a track record of scamming only didnt even lock their tokens for 1 year! they receive 1/12th every month! Maybe it will pump a bit but you have to beat 1000% inflation rate, GL with that.

>> No.29756526

finally some good fud, hope some newfags miss the boat cuz of this

>> No.29757412
File: 95 KB, 842x589, VESPERdist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With VESPER, they allocated themselves 35% of the total supply and they arnt't even locked for one full year, 1/12th is unlocked (and dumped) every month! It certainly doesnt look like they are in for the long term.

>> No.29757758

that's like $8 million worth of supply unlocked per month for the team and investors

considering they are already wealthy, don't you think this is a small number for them?

>> No.29757816

Also look at the price right now.

>> No.29758664


>> No.29759340

I don't feel so good vesperchads. I already lost 8k to scams and now this... i'm going to quit crypto. All I have gotten from this racket is scam after scam. Honest work may not pay well but at least I'll be away from literal criminal scumbags.

>> No.29760163

Anyone retarded enough to fall for this FUD deserves to stay poor forever

VSP has a comparable TVL to YFI with like 1/50th the marketcap. What's happening right now is that whales are getting 1000% APY on their Sushi LP and then dumping their rewards. It's extremely short sighted and when VSP goes to $200-300 by the end of the year they will rope.

>> No.29760397
File: 177 KB, 500x419, 1593421183182.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there so much manufactured FUD on this coin?
I'm convinced there is an agenda here, and it has absolutely nothing to do with trying to help/protect /biz/

>> No.29760540

Why is there so much manufactured FUD on this coin?
I'm convinced there is an agenda here, and it has absolutely nothing to do with trying to help/protect /biz/

>> No.29760622

Anyone retarded enough to fall for this FUD deserves to stay poor forever

VSP has a comparable TVL to YFI with like 1/50th the marketcap. What's happening right now is that whales are getting 1000% APY on their Sushi LP and then dumping their rewards. It's extremely short sighted and when VSP goes to $200-300 by the end of the year they will rope.

>> No.29760768

FUD so people stay away from the project
then whales have a bigger share of the farming pool and earn more VSP

geyser is ends within a week

>> No.29760835

This, if nothing else is the only factor that is relevant. Tvl shot up like a rocket, and is already above yfis. It’s essentially the same service with an income generating.
Ngl, best fudd I’ve seen so far, but unless the tvl starts to plummet, it’s has no legs.

>> No.29760974

Why is there so much manufactured FUD on this coin?
I'm convinced there is an agenda here, and it has absolutely nothing to do with trying to help/protect /biz/

Anyone retarded enough to fall for this FUD deserves to stay poor forever

VSP has a comparable TVL to YFI with like 1/50th the marketcap. What's happening right now is that whales are getting 1000% APY on their Sushi LP and then dumping their rewards. It's extremely short sighted and when VSP goes to $200-300 by the end of the year they will rope.

>> No.29761137
File: 613 KB, 640x876, 1599293550534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then whales have a bigger share of the farming pool and earn more VSP
That's what I was thinking, it certainly feels nefarious. It's literally like 1 or 2 people spamming poop or copypasta like it's their full-time job.

>> No.29761344


>> No.29761438

>Conviniently they always launch during the bull market....
When vesper first got shilled here I found out about this as well. This team announcing their project was the biggest sell sign anyone could ever need.

>> No.29761680

That said I think the project has serious problems holding it back.
>vVSP holding is not incentivized strongly enough
>pandering to whales
>inflation problems
Dev team seems to be taking their sweet time on every update while small to medium holders lose faith in the project and large holders just resort to farming and dumping.

>> No.29761703

That's what I was thinking, it certainly feels nefarious. It's literally like 1 or 2 people spamming poop or copypasta like it's their full-time job.

>> No.29761841

vVSP has been earning >100% APY on average since launch. currently it's earning >200% APY. and that's in the safe normie-friendly vVSP liquidity pool on the app, not the Geyser or anything. what in the goddamn fuck are you talking about, faggot

>> No.29762001

>what in the goddamn fuck are you talking about, faggot
He's talking about small investors buying this shit at 40$ and being down almost 50% for more than a week now you.

>> No.29762045

He means to combat against the inflation we are about to be hit with. There is going to be a massive rush of tokens flooding the market soon. Without more rewards you might as well sell and buy back cheaper.

>> No.29762217

Does anyone know any future upgrades/features that we should be looking forward to?

I’m trying to understand what makes VSP special/different to other yield aggregators?

>> No.29762458
File: 17 KB, 547x112, please be aware that gysr pools are for whales only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vVSP has been earning >100% APY
No it hasn't, what you have been seeing is the SPOT price from manual buybacks ~3x a day. The actual rate has been close to 70-90%, but that seems to be increasing in the past few days.

Also not counting the weekend where devs decided to take a fat holiday and turn off vVSP rewards to people that 24h locked their funds while geyser farmers earned 4-digit APY PRE-GEYSER MULTIPLIER.

This is coming from a geyser farmer.
The project has the potential to be great, but devs are lazy, stupid, or both.

>> No.29762544

I am a relatively small investor, bought at 42, and am extremely comfy. in hindsight maybe it should have been predictable that people would dump their Geyser rewards, after all that's what happened on day 1 with the beta tester tokens, but just with its current APY and TVL (i.e. not projecting into the future) VSP is undervalued at $50. anyone who feels like they "lost half their money" needs to take a deep breath, stake in the vVSP pool, and walk around outside.

perhaps the rewards could be a touch more generous but there is not going to be massive inflation, no one who backed this at the VC level is going to swing VSP for 10% arbitrage minus short terms capital gains tax (in other words, for literal peanuts)

>> No.29762680

To be fair the shit poster is just an autist that’s salty because he got B& from a chat.

>> No.29762685

>Also not counting the weekend where devs decided to take a fat holiday and turn off vVSP rewards to people that 24h locked their funds while geyser farmers earned 4-digit APY PRE-GEYSER MULTIPLIER.
thank you for the clarification. in any case I agree that the geyser situation is a bit of an own-goal on the team's end, but the part about "turning off vVSP rewards" is not correct, they turned off the automated system but then distributed rewards manually.

>> No.29763022

Oh look a glitch in the matrix, the exact same shill post is reposted. Don't worry bro even if I wanted to dump this shitcoin at a loss I literally cannot afford the network fee to do so.

>> No.29763060
File: 30 KB, 599x337, 1588252528836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is coming from a geyser farmer.
This is coming from a geyser farmer that would rather be in vVSP but the team way over-did it with GYSR rewards and now vVSP is being indirectly disincentivized. It literally does not make any sense to even consider the vVSP pool if you are a large holder(at least 1k).

Also I am not selling my tokens or rewards.

>"turning off vVSP rewards" is not correct, they turned off the automated system but then distributed rewards manually.
They turned it off and didn't begin manual distribution till the following Monday. The amount to be paid to the vVSP pool remained the same iirc, but it worsened the backlog situation and lead to a fuck ton of unnecessary confusion for people that just 24h locked their tokens and saw no rewards for days while GYSR was printing money and shitting it directly on their vVSP holder's chests.

Again, devs not having the foresight to see the position they put vVSP holders in is beyond me.

>> No.29763096

Why is there so much manufactured AND COORDINATED SHILLING on this coin?

>> No.29763167

Because faggots who bought it at 40$ are desperate for it to go up so they can unload their bags on you.

>> No.29763207

fuck i just woke up
meant for >>29762685

>> No.29763447

I remember being on an early vesper thread while it was dumping and some faggot spamming "this will be the last time you'll see vesper under 40$", hilarious in hindsight.

>> No.29763512
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, 1606248067486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is copy pasta'ing my posts to make it look like some script shit, read his posts. I don't have any friends to coordinate anything with if i fucking tried why do you think im avatarfagging Hara Yui shit

>> No.29763652

I bought at $30 and now this piece of shit is taking a nosedive and I foresee the entire ERC-20 market tanking for years because of the prohibitive eth network fees. This happens every fucking time, these telegram niggers shill their stupid coin and it turns out to be either a coordinated pnd of a mediocre token or a scamtoken rugpull. This entire board should be shut down, it's just full of scams. I basically dumped 1/3 of my savings into shitcoins and now everything is down and on the chance it goes up I might not even make back the money I lost in network fees. Fuck crypto it's a scam and the people who trade crypto are not much better than common criminals on the street.

>> No.29764044

>Again, devs not having the foresight to see the position they put vVSP holders in is beyond me.
again the one piece of "FUD" I'll agree with is that the Geyser was a mistake, at least as implemented. but big picture wise we're talking about vVSP hodlers with <1k tokens missing out on, what, 20-30 VSP at most over the course of a week or two? that's not nothing but it's not a huge deal either in my book.

>Also I am not selling my tokens or rewards
You may not be but that's obviously the main factor driving the price down, that and ETH going from ~2100 at launch to ~1400 currently.

>> No.29764098

All of these post to call out the FUD, but NONE addressed ANY of the stuff mentionned in the OP. Nothing about:
>UnitedBitcoin SCAM
>Metronome SCAM
>35% of total supply to the team
>insane 1000% inflation in the 1st year

>> No.29764230

the main factor driving the price down is insane inflation, team tokens are not locked up, early buyers realizing they got scammed are dumping

>> No.29764301

Another "lets make my buddies rich" bullshit scamcoin

>> No.29764492

>UnitedBitcoin SCAM
>Metronome SCAM
a failed project is not a "scam" it's a failed project. if VSP fails (which it won't) that would make a failed project, not a "scam."

>35% of total supply to the team
IDLE is 60/40. What is your point?

so what? would an 18 month unlock schedule have prevented this dump? no, the dump is a combination of ETH tanking + the Geyser incentives

>insane 1000% inflation in the 1st year
please learn what "inflation" is. VSP is designed to be staked in the vVSP pool, it will not circulate in great numbers.

>> No.29764542

>Conviniently they always launch during the bull market....
but it has been in development a long time before the bull market even showed any early stages of starting

>tried to hijack BTC
the only ones who tried, and succeeded, at hijacking btc was blockstream

>vVSP holding is not incentivized strongly enough
I agree that the rewards for liquidity providers is way too large compared to the vVSP pool holders
also it would be nice if some of the buybacks were burned instead of all of them distributed to the vVSP pool

>> No.29764556

>if VSP fails (which it won't)
Get me some of that copium buddy.

>> No.29764715

stay poor nigger

>> No.29764732

>Metronome SCAM
not a scam, not even a failed project
can't comment on Unitedbitcoin because I have not looked into it
>35% supply to team
not valid FUD, most projects in crypto have way worse distribution
this is the only valid FUD you have, the team tokens should be vested over at least 36 months

>> No.29764916

>20-30 VSP at most over the course of a week or two?
I have about 700 VSP and I have earned nearly 200 VSP already from Geysr. That shit is broken and I am not surprised it's destroying the price. Whales must be making hundreds a day.

>> No.29765123

lmfao OK yes I stand corrected. yeah the Geysr is a clusterfuck. oh well. that said people are getting destroyed on IL, no?

I went back and forth on whether to participate in the Geysr and decided it wasn't worth the IL risk + locked liquidity (also, what if ETH tanked further?)

>> No.29765126


>a failed project is not a "scam" it's a failed project. if VSP fails (which it won't) that would make a failed project, not a "scam."
Claiming unitedbitcoin isnt a scam, LMAO!

>IDLE is 60/40. What is your point?
benchmarking youself with the scammiest of chink scams

>please learn what "inflation" is. VSP is designed to be staked in the vVSP pool, it will not circulate in great numbers.
60% apy vs 1000% inflation LMAO

>> No.29765180

now how about we try some FUD for ALL of the other top DeFi "blue chips" like AAVE, YFI, UNI, SNX etc

>They are all just fucking governance tokens
none of these shitcoins give any revenue to holders and they are by no reasonable valuation metric worth anywhere near even 1 billion
As far as I know, VESPER and SUSHI are currently the only tokens to give any sort of revenue share to tokenholders. VESPER has the strongest tokenomics, giving 95% of revenue back. On this point alone, VSP should be valuated at least 20x higher than useless shitcoin YFI

>> No.29765221

Even if the platforms survives, 1000% inflation during the 1st year will kill the price of the token and the momentum/interest of the project.

>> No.29765247

What's your strategy? I finally unstaked on GYSR and got 117 VSP from staking 34 LP tokens (~300 VSP to start). Used 280 GYSR for the multiplier, got like 3.5x or something.

>> No.29765305

this. all the rest is noise

>> No.29765313

>destroyed on IL, no?
not really
1) the pair is ETH-VSP and they are both dumping
2) the rewards make up for the IL
3) when the price goes back up to the initial price they started LPing at, there will be no loss (IMPERMANENT loss)

>> No.29765430

What I don’t quite understand is the people who in one breath complain about inflation and the high emission rates from the gysrs (which stay away without $30k minimum), and then with the second ask for an emission added to the VSP pool.
What you’re actually saying is that you don’t give a fuck about inflation, but rather care that said inflation is not going to you, and that you’re bullish on VSP, but don’t want to risk the impermanent loss in the Onsen stake. But that’s the risk assessment you have to make - either you think we’ll crab for the next couple weeks, in which case providing liquidity is the superior strategy, or you think we’re going to pump, in which case liquidity providers, even gysr whales, would have been better off holding pure VSP.

>> No.29765640

what will make VSP token price go up?

New pools/strategies that generate more revenue to VSP holders?
Is this the main thing VSP holders should be looking forward to? (more products/pools that generate more revenue for VSP stakers?)

>> No.29765729

the vsp pool APY is nothing compared to the inflation coming. Youre being dilluted 800% instead of 1000%

>> No.29765866

I withdraw everyday at like 4am when the gas is low, using 100 geysr tokens to multiply by 3, then I immediately restake everything.

>> No.29766108

>Metronome SCAM
From the team:
With regards to the earlier comment, the team hasn't sold any of their MET allocation and the sale was 3+ years ago. This is all verifiable on-chain

How can you call this a scam retard

>UnitedBitcoin SCAM
why exactly is this a scam? if you have been around for some time you'd know many of the original bitcoin developers were extremely happy with the blockstream retards and their hijacking of the network for personal gain. Many supporters (me included) would have liked to see bitcoin be able to do what it was originally supposed to, be p2p cash.

>> No.29766132
File: 355 KB, 699x1250, 235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo op you dumb faggot
stop replying to retards, I get helping people is nice and all, but you shouldn't spend your time with delusional people, most of the time, those people DESERVE to lose money
look at some people itt, they say stuff like "wtf so much fud, people are trying to make the price cheaper"
that's insanity

>> No.29766271

more TVL and more transactions mean more fees generated, which in turn means more VSP bought on the open market for distribution to vVSP pool stakers, pushing up the price

furthermore, since each VSP staked in the vVSP pool makes for a bigger cut of revenue, this makes VSP a more attractive investment, also pushing up the price.

it's an absolutely brilliant model and it's going to make early adopters (anyone who buys under $50) very rich

>> No.29766386

Even 'IF' the platform survives and VESPER isn't a straight up scam(which it most likely is), 1000% inflation during the 1st year will kill the price of the token and the momentum/interest of the project.

When APY rewards taper off most of that TVL will leave and chase the next high yield farm.

So expect TVL to decrease when rewards dry out, combined with 1000% inflation, what can go wrong?

>> No.29766471

stay poor nigger

>> No.29766548

>With regards to the earlier comment, the team hasn't sold any of their MET allocation and the sale was 3+ years ago. This is all verifiable on-chain
obviously, there is 0 liquidity on any exchanges, they are stuck with their bags. they litterally cannot sell because there is 0 buying interest

>> No.29766646

refute any of it deluded retard. You cant and you wont refute because all im posting is legit.

>> No.29766672

they could have sold in the beginning but they didn't

>> No.29766796

i and several other posters ITT already refuted every one of your retarded talking points, clearly you have some kind of personal vendetta against Garzik, my guess is you are left holding United Bitcoin bags from 2017

so again, stay poor nigger, seethe and dilate you retarded tranny faggot

>> No.29766825

EXACTLY they learned their lessons thats why VSP team funds are not locked up to allow early dumps

>> No.29766862

>When APY rewards taper off most of that TVL will leave and chase the next high yield farm.
Vesper will also have high yield farms retard
they have not yet launched any of their aggressive pools
>1000% inflation during the 1st year
total lie, the inflation is nowhere near this much
>the momentum/interest of the project
this is dependent more on whales and whether they want to keep their funds in vesper pools or not

>> No.29766910

>b-bb--but I did it in other threads
LMAO at the iq on this one

>> No.29767871

VSP is a revenue generating token, it has inherent value. Yes, if the market cap remained stagnant and all else being equal there was only selling, then the price would get cut up by the incoming 8 million tokens. But in addition to the inherent fee related value each token has, it has speculative value, people buy now because they expect it will go up, look at the value of all the other governance shitcoins in the market. If you really don’t think there’s any speculative buy pressure, and only sell pressure, liquidate now and buy back at the ‘fair value’ in one year.
Pro tip, the diluted market cap (if all tokens were circulating) is 1/5th of yearns, yet the tvl is equal. If the market caps were to reach parity (they will), your 1000% inflated VSP shitcoins will be worth over $100 each.

>> No.29768043

Do you think the reason TVL is high right now may be due to the initial high staking rewards?

How will Vesper make the TVL "stick" and not leave?

>> No.29768110

you're wasting your breath, this retarded nigger is determined to stay poor and I suggest allowing him to

>> No.29768186

all else being equal, would you rather stake in a pool that gives you a cut of revenue, or one for which the only utility is that it theoretically allows you to vote in gay "elections"?

>> No.29768320

Thanks OP at least you have some morals keeping people away from this obvious scam.

Anyone that buys this shit, just know that you were warned.

>> No.29768408

Thanks for letting me accumulate OP

>> No.29768530

You didn't answer my question though.
If TVL decreases, the revenue generated will also decrease.

So how is the Vesper team planning on maintaining TVL? And is the current TVL a result of the initial high rewards?

What will Vesper do to make the "TVL" stick, and not leave to other projects?
More pools?

>> No.29768589

TVL is equal because of the high incentives to farm VSP. Incentives are heavy in the 1st 90 days like it says in the docs. It will be fair to compare with YFI's TVL when the VSP incentives wear off and the product offers similar yield. Imagine the price of YFI if they had 60+% TVL on USDC ETH and WBTC pools?

>> No.29768666

You guys could have told us it was a scam before people bought at $30, $40, and $50. Now it's in the gutter and keeps sinking.

>> No.29768772

more pools, take a look at their medium page
they plan to implement "aggressive" pools with high yields not to mention they will let any external developer build any strategy they want and if that pool gets popular the external dev gets a nice passive income of 5% of the total yield generated (rest goes to buybacks)

>> No.29768805

The high emission rates that people are complaining about are exactly what’s bringing equity to the platform, that’s true. Why stay, because it’s by far the most professional farming app on the net currently. Watch how much tvl is going to jump once they add Link, even if the APY is shit. Higher yield “riskier” vaults are coming, and on that point I agree somewhat with the fudders, the sooner the better. That, and that the gysrs are an unfair mess. But that’s more the fault of gas prices as opposed to the teams fault.

>> No.29768952

yeah, if I'm being honest there is no way I would stake my funds on YFI or any of the random farms out there. Vesper is the only aggregator I consider safe

>> No.29769097

Why go back to yearn or harvest after moving to Vesper. Totally speculative and that’s the risk you take with any investment. Vesper has more polish then any of the competitors, and currently only 4 vaults, as opposed to the dozens of the competition.

>> No.29769103

satan trips, there are more people on biz looking to scam you than you help you anon.
next time don't throw money at something without looking at the devs first.

>> No.29769181

The price dynamics on this coin are typical:
Phase 1: people rush to buy the token to farm it early and get the sweet early rewards

Phase 2: volume plummets because the whale farmers are already set

Phase 3: price dumps because farmers are taking profits on their high yield

(we are currently phase 3)

Phase 4: Gysr LP farmers are done with this and dump their entire stack to move on to another farm. Price drop even more.

Phase 5: nobody is buying because they are waiting for high inflation to be over. Price crabs at best.

Phase 6: inflation is almost over (6+ months in) and smart money buys in at the bottom IF THE PROJECT STILL HAS SOME MOMENTUM AND INTEREST.

>> No.29769355

All my fucking savings are gone. I want to kill myself.

>> No.29769369

>Why go back to yearn or harvest after moving to Vesper.
Your question is flawed because of the assumption that Vesper's TVL comes from YFI. It does not come from YFI, it come from whale yield farmers who are jumping from one project to another chasing the higher yields.

>> No.29769394

How the fuck are you getting more VSP staking it on GYSR than I am staking VSP in the vVSP pool?
Please someone explain this to me, I don't get how another platform can distribute this token with more rewards than the project itself.

>> No.29769472

>I basically dumped 1/3 of my savings into shitcoins and now everything is down and on the chance it goes up I might not even make back the money I lost in network fees.
You sound too stupid to invest in crypto, pal.

Anyway, vesper is obviously going to at least $400-$1k EoY, that's inevitable.

>> No.29769624

Source: trust me bro.

>> No.29769764

don't anon
you lost 1/3 if you bought at $33 and sell at $22 not a big deal in the grand scheme of things

>> No.29770031

you bought a ICO coin at launch and now want to close out at a loss less than a month in. If you believed in it then just fucking hold, or dont buy assets at launch.

>> No.29770376

it's a reward for providing extra liquidity ($ amount of ETH equal to VSP stake) at the additional risk of impermanent loss

it's not a bad idea in theory but the skew is unfair and massive in favor of Geyser participants

>> No.29770716

The real skew is towards big whale because unstakind and restaking is the same fix dollar cost for everyone. Gas on both was + Gysr tokens. Whales have a huge advantage on competitive GYSR

>> No.29770821

That is the first reasonable critique you’ve offered and is possible. But, what’s up with tvl of harvest and yearn, are they just propped up by whales, soon to be dumped as well? Are we all just their play things, soon to be squashed. Best just ignore all governance tokens if that’s the case.
Vesper has a much better user interface then yearn, and that small point alone entitles It to and equal market cap. Will it get it, I certainly can’t say for sure, but there’s essentially no reason for it not to, being all and all a superior project, VSP tokenimics completely aside. Allegations of whales gaming it now is a non factor as it relates to the quality, and thus value proposition of the product itself.

>> No.29771123

100% correct on this point, at least, the gysr is fucked and giving whales a massive advantage. The team would be wise to revise all lp emissions to Onsen for a more equitable distribution.

>> No.29771532

>Vesper has a much better user interface then yearn, and that small point alone entitles It to and equal market cap.
Yearn has 1st mover advantage. Copycat projects always come out with better visuals, but they never beat the innovative product. Do you know how many ETH killers there are and how many "better bitcoin" etc.. NONE of them can beat 1st mover advantage and actual innovation.

>Allegations of whales gaming it now is a non factor as it relates to the quality, and thus value proposition of the product itself.
No they are not in for the value prop of the product, they are in only for the high yield.

>> No.29771606

I think its impossible to remove the tokens from GYSR since its locked in a contract

>> No.29771747

big agree. at least the reward incentive has lowered for the SLP pool, so maybe we're through the worst of it. if so it'd be a good time to buy

>> No.29772071

No value proposition for whales. The general market rather, it’s essentially an easy to use crypto savings account.

No probably not. Fortunately the Uni pool only has what’s locked and that’s it. It turns out all the slp rewards are going to Onsen, so that’s a good thing.

>> No.29772877

Literally bought because of the bitcoin guy being on it. I know I am a stupid retard. I fully expected it to be a long term hold like at least a 6 months to a year but now people are saying this shitcoin is only going to go down. I cannot even afford then gas fee to sell my assets. I'm absolutely fucked. Basically 8k that I invested in crypto in total (just 2k on this particular shitcoin) has essentially gone down the drain. I could have bought a car with that money. Or at least invested it in stocks. I'm such a fucking retard goddamn I hate myself so much. I got greedy, didn't understand the market, saw some quick gains at the peek of the market and it emboldened me to spend more than I should have. Now all my positions are bleeding and I'm only invested in shitcoins.

Even actual retards make money in the crypto market but I'm apparently so fucking braindead and useless that I fail even at that. I am a legit waste of air.

>> No.29773262

calm down and check back in on VSP a year from now. you will be very pleasantly surprised.

>> No.29773586

Not even a year, the project is 9 days old, give it a month and you should at least be able to get out even

>> No.29773705
File: 239 KB, 383x324, becky-question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: I've been staking SLP in the gysr for a week and when I check the value of it it says the SLP is worth 28 ETH / 1700 VSP. I don't think I bought more than 300 VSP initally. Is that what the APY is for?

I thought the APY was the VSP unstaking gains.

>> No.29773882

you'd be down worse in the stock market. Calm down, delete your blockfolio and check back in a month. I'm down too but have faith that the market is coming back (I held at a loss through the bear market and came out with gains).

At least you didnt panic sell at a loss.

>> No.29774011

The whole market is down, but will almost definitely bounce back, btc at minimum should touch $100 000. Know that basically every project has shills and fudders trying to add as much noise to the market as possible. People talk about fivrr shills and such, but I think most do it for fun, or at least to the benefit of their shorts or longs. The obvious paid shills are always easy to spot.

>> No.29774030

no that sounds right. I am kicking myself for not staking in the SLP. lmfao oh well, lessons learned

enjoy your gains anon

>> No.29774139

That’s definitely not right, the APY is good (for whales), but not that good.

>> No.29774244

>Even actual retards make money in the crypto market
it is mostly only the retards or insiders making money
just look at the people here or twitter, these 20 year old retards are investing their lifesavings in useless shitcoins, e.g. some bullshit foodcoin that launches on binance smart chain. They have no idea what they are doing, they have zero risk management, and the worst of all is they think they are smart and good traders. But no need to worry, most of these people will lose 90% of their gains because of the same retardation that allowed them to 10x their money in a week in the first place

You invested in a legit project and unfortunately these don't see immediate returns like foodtokens do, but they also don't have a risk of getting rugged and actually some fundamental value behind all the speculation.

>> No.29774298
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What does IL stand for? I tried to Google it but to no avail. The L is for liquidity I guess?

>> No.29774555

Damn that was a lot of FUD. Im earing 300% APY on staking VSP. I think i'll keep it for now lol

>> No.29774654

impermanent loss, basically when you stake two tokens at a certain ratio of value, if that ratio changes on the open market, then arbitragers get to screw you on the undervalued (relative to the market price) end of your stake

but it's "impermanent" because the loss is only realized if/when you unstake at the unbalanced price ratio. if you unstake when the ratio returns to what it was when you staked--assuming this ever happens--then you don't lose anything.

>> No.29774755

Thank OP just bought more
Get a grip drama queen
Hey dude just wondering how you would feel about me coming over to your place and thrusting a chimney sweeper doused in cator oil up your sister's asshole? Yes this is a veiled threat.

>> No.29774901

That's impermanent loss. Compare how much ETH you put in to how much you get out, and you'll see that it's considerably less. This is what happens when the VSP/ETH ratio goes down, and the opposite happens when it goes up where you get more ETH and less VSP compared to what you put in.
>I thought the APY was the VSP unstaking gains.

>> No.29774987

Imagine buying Vesper when you can buy yAxis at its current rock-bottom price. Do you have ANY idea how many LINK whales will be depositing their make it stacks into the canonical yAxis metavault? You aren't ready for what's coming.

>> No.29775032
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>> No.29775050
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Am I retarded? Under staked in the onsen pool - is that the total staked amount from everyne?

>> No.29775201

Turns out I am retarded. Its just the total value of everyone staked in Onsen.

>> No.29775202
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>1/12th is unlocked (and dumped) every month!

>> No.29775398

>Do you have ANY idea how many LINK whales will be depositing their make it stacks into the canonical yAxis metavault?
why? Vesper is building a LINK vault atm

>> No.29775997

should i stake with 12 vsp stacklet

>> No.29776073

yes just stake in the vVSP pool, it costs a little gas to deposit but you will make it up if you just leave it in there for a while (and currently the APY is quite high)

>> No.29777027

no it's not worth the gas cost if you only have 12 vsp

>> No.29777245
File: 1.08 MB, 220x224, A55D8968-CBB8-4325-9954-63478A0A8C02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp just lost $16 on gas because it required me to pay for gas twice and I only had enough for the first transaction

etherium and anything etherium related deserves to die

>> No.29777324

i think if you get more gas, you will only need to pay for transaction 2/2 instead of both again.

>> No.29777446

Thanks but I’m done with both VSP and Etherium. I’m going to forget about this horrible piece of shit and enjoy my ADA gains. Good luck anons.

>> No.29777620

Lol nigger loving homo good riddance I'll sit here and enjoy my 400% apy for the day from the Vesp pool.

>> No.29777653

I tell you to sell
Other try to bring you fucking trash

>don’t trust this trash, a lot of trash on biz today
my friend always tells me - wanna mine and get income - use not eth platform
>check ENQ, this is top eco for this year

>> No.29778039
File: 497 KB, 300x177, E04417CE-A8BB-4A16-8737-86ED4991C812.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On Cardano I pay a fraction of the gas fee that can be paid for with any token I want. Enjoy your no gains you ugly motherfucker.

Woah, now ask me at what price I bought my ADA stack.

>> No.29778081

what the fuck is this schizo rambling

>> No.29778589

Depends, only if you don’t plan to unstake it for a little while. You’ll probably spend $80 approving then depositing the VSP, then upwards of $100 when you go to take it out.
12 VSP is around $260 right now so you’d have to leave it in for upwards of 3/4 of a year before breaking even if the price remained consistent. That said, I highly doubt that will be the case. It will likely be 100+ minimum in a years time. However Eth will likely be higher too, so the gwei cost to unstake will also be higher. Long story short, only stake if you have the self control not to flip it anytime soon.

>> No.29778792
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Let's be real. When you watch his videos and go through the website of Cardano with its post-leninist techno hippie babble, it's obvious Charles's goal is to let niggers babysit your kids and be caretakers for the elderly in retirement communities. Underneath it all the subtext it quite clear. He wants you to remain naive and to not cross the street when niggers are afoot. When Charles is talking about oracles and blockchains what he really mean is that interracial docking is the key to solving existential inefficiency and loss. Charles doesn't understand how bizarre and disconnected from modern reality Africa is. Charles has never been robbed at gun point then invited to by his muggers to eat dinner with the family after posing in a photo together. Charles never has seen the village daughter get gang raped by the tribe to feed the collected semen to the elders as a magic youth potion. Charles never tried to show niggers how to make an hourglass out of a water bottle only for them to poke holes through it because they think it would make the water heat up faster for cooking. Maybe if Charles watched even an old Vice documentary, he would understand that you cannot fix a people stuck in time with mobile remittance capability through the blockchain.

All in all even if you were to take away their kleptocratic regimes, you are left with a communal high time-preference oriented people who are culturally poised to always consume away their capital when not under the supervision of the white man. The only solution for Africa is a smart gas deployed all over the continent that develops their prefrontal lobes like in Planet of the Apes.

>> No.29778882

What's your motive here OP? Why FUD this so aggressively for hours? Who cares if retards lose their money?

>> No.29778928

I staked 150 VSP the other day (for 40 bucks in gas) and have already netted 1.5 VSP. I don't plan on unstaking anytime soon until it takes off in price.

>> No.29779169
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Is this all you got newfaggot? Instead of posting pictures and pasta have a look at the ADA chart, kek

>> No.29779187

Ive researched for some time and I wanted to share my findings and my thoughts because the fud around this token was pretty weak and there are real red flags that were never addressed. (like unitedbitcoin scam for instance). I dont want these greedy kikes to make money off of poor biztards

>> No.29779379

>hear how Fantom is a scam see it do a x10
>be told that telcoin is a failed pnd yet earn a x10 from it
>FUDs bragged about how Haven is a dead scam yet it came roaring back from the ashes with the Help of the Monero devs
>screamed at saying Bancor is a hacked Jewish scheme even though the devs white knighted for their LP and clawed back all the money and now are poetically rising to dethrone trannyswap as they are becoming the revolution in AMM
I'm seeing a pattern here.

>> No.29779521

>for the first transaction
Enjoy your meager short-term gains for your fundamentally terrible vaporware with a TPO chart sadder than Ethereum. VSP will rocket past it.

>> No.29779993

> It's extremely short sighted
Maybe it was short-sighted to have such a system during a bull-run, which is both a bad outlook for the token AND early investors that happen to not be whales (like the team). LMAO

I put too much money in this myself. So be warned. Just look at the charts.

>> No.29780002

read >>29766132

>> No.29780108

>buy sure coin with guaranteed long term 10x
>gamble on a scam hoping it will 10x like a few other scams that I cherry picked

>> No.29780129

>research and look into parsiq, find out its a good product with a fantastic team
>ends up doing a 200x
you will never make it

>> No.29780325

$2000-3000 EOY

>> No.29780434

I was larping retard, mostly because i could not care less about you losing all your money

>> No.29780602

Lmao same.

Even fucking RBC did a 20x when I was thinking about getting in and I thought I was late.

>> No.29780972

theres no hope for theses retards. Can you imagine there are people still holding Everest and other scams? they simply wont listen and marry their shitcoins until death

>> No.29781003

It's going through the same movements GRT and Rook did while every crypto is going through a correction and gysr dumps are a thing. Nigger if it's a scam then the exit window isn't for a long while.

As we can see with Tesla, the market doesn't care what some people think about fundamentals. Though in this case FUDers want to ignore Vesper's when it suits them.

>> No.29781161
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Get a room you two

>> No.29781191

Tho VSP is already at $230M mcap. ICO buyers got in at $2.50. were are still 10x from ICO.

>> No.29781252

thats a bot, you can tell by the wording

>> No.29781425
File: 21 KB, 619x411, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish people would have to solve some test to be able to post here, but I think I'm about to give up on the greater biz and just stick to my comfy 1-3 threads

I hate that you post shit like this, makes you seem more human and makes me cave in and want to help

>market doesn't care what some people think about fundamentals.
explain why I'm up pic related with only sound and fundamentally good projects
go eat a dick

>> No.29781443

>comparing TSLA with VSP
>TSLA is an innovative company with huge first mover advantage.
>VSP is the nth copy-paste version of YFI.
The absolute state of these retards.

>> No.29781601

Again, look at the chart. Solid, healthy and sustainable growth. I don’t blame you for chasing le epic moon coin but don’t get it twisted my guy, there’s a very real difference between investing and gambling.

>> No.29782183

I FOMO'd in when people talked about it here first. Didn't really do much research. So really it's my own fault for being in here. I am kind of new to Crypto also. I got mostly attracted by the big names. But down the line I noticed some problems myself. You made some convincing arguments I think. So don't believe your efforts are wasted. I will probably get out of this some time after next weekend, when we hopefully recovered a bit and I can catch an upswing. Is there any Project you reccommend? Just curious.
I am probably putting money into Kylin and PRQ soon. Groot probably too.

>> No.29782287

Where do u see it has $230m market cap?

>> No.29782561

>thx im happy I could save someone. I wont give you my token recommendation because you have to do your on research, like I did with vsp. Look for a solid idea with a strong team to execute it, and good tokenomics obviously.

>this is the kind of investors scam smoke and mirrors projects like Vesper and Everest attracts

>> No.29783134

He's talking about the fully diluted market cap btw if anyone is wondering.
You caught me off guard.

>> No.29783618

>i dont want these greedy kikes to make money off of poor biztards
>spends hours spreading low level FUD with angry tone

sure OP sure..
how many VSP are you staking OP?

>> No.29783825

OP is staking VSP and trying to spread FUD to keep people away from Geyser

OP is trying to incentivize people to unstake and sell their VSP tokens

bad OP bad

>> No.29783873

Low level fud? 160 posts into this thread and not a single refutation. I dont hold VSP because I did my own research which I decided to share with /biz/. I stay in this thread because it amuses me to see all the retards screaming FUD but cannot refute any of it

>> No.29783934

you can tell when someone is intentionally trying to misinform others by their tone

notice how OP is aggressive and angry
if someone we're actually trying to 'help' you, they wouldn't do it so aggressively/invest so much time and effort

>> No.29783964

thx for proving that you are retarded. GYSR rewards are locked in a contract and it doesnt matter how many are staking in it, the rewards will flood anyway.

>> No.29784088

GYSR is ending within a week
So you're trying to keep as many people away from the project as you can

Or your LPing and benefit from price falling/having less people staking

come on OP noone does what you're doing

>> No.29784089

Notice how these guys cant refute ANY OF IT and prefer to attack my tone (on an image board?). Im simply exposing the scam for retards to see

>> No.29784096

I'll believe OP over your reddit spacing.

>> No.29784177

your arguments have already been refuted tho

you want me to pull out every reply and organize it neatly for you?

>> No.29784241

Curious, assuming you’re posting in good faith and not part of some type of brigand, could you summarize the compelling points of the critique? Be mindful we are in a market wide downturn, new coins will always bleed the hardest, nothing strange is happening price wise. For reference, at the height of the month, yearn, a direct competitor, was valued at $52 000. It’s now $31 000 - a 40% pullback. VSP, a brand new and unproven token, in that same time frame suffered a 56% pullback. Totally predictable given market conditions.

That’s the fully diluted cap, what it would be if the price remained 23 something, but all 10 million tokens were circulating. The real market cap is 15 million. The diluted cap is a useful metric to be mindful of, but is currently being used disingenuously to assert that the token has already pumped. Frankly it’s actually bullish anyway as a 1 billion MC is an easily achievable goal for this project.

>> No.29784269

I do it because I spent hours researching this project and I wanted to share my findings. I doesnt affect my investments but I was helped by OGs in the past on /biz/ and I like doing my part for newbies with low IQ

>> No.29784381

Yes I would be delighted.

>> No.29784634

>could you summarize the compelling points of the critique?
Dude read the OP and if you dont run away from VSP from only that, you're helpless
>The real market cap is 15 million
Do you sincerely believe that 1000% inflation wont affect the price and that fully dilluted mcap isnt what we should use to model the growth potential of this coin? the MCAP will 10x even if price stalls in the 20s.

>> No.29785011

That is not what he was alleging. Not that I’m asserting you are in a gysr, but the less participants staking, the higher rewards payed out to those remaining. Even a stacklet would be entitled to 100% of the rewards if they were the only ones participating.
This of course will another point I’m sure that will be cited repeatedly as “unrefuted”.

>> No.29785582

You don't get it. People has been using reason to FUD Tesla and saying that elon is a subsidy-sucking charlatan that makes meme cars with poor build quality with shitty unfulfilled production quotas. Yet it still rose as high as it did. That's why even you're half-right it doesn't matter especially not when ETH starts rally again.
So fucking what 1inch had a seed price of .067 niggaaaaa

>> No.29785737
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stay mad faggot

>> No.29785974


>> No.29786096

notice how when a valid refute is made OP completely ignores it

OP has second motives behind this thread
to keep as many away to maximize his share of the pool would be my guess

>> No.29786142


Kek back when everyone thought forks were gonna kill BTC and ETH. How new are you ?

>> No.29786177

shit headlines like these are so disingenuous. The BTC given away at the time was likely of trivial value. Articles like this fail to recognize that without efforts like this to encourage adoption and development, people would still be laughing at the original price crash as the all time high.

>> No.29786187

Right... it’s like people slamming stellar because Jed started Mt Gox.. times change, people move on. Not everything works out, and just because something didn’t work out, it does not mean it was malicious.

Honestly, 95% of the projects in this space probably won’t work out, but you have to try it to see what works and what doesn’t. Mark Cuban recently said that in an interview.

Vesper seems to have a good hold on what’s needed to grow defi : a professional approach and nice UI / UX is key and missing in a lot of current defi projects

>> No.29786357

>given away at the time was likely of trivial value.
>nov 2018
>average btc price 3k at the time

ok nigger

>> No.29786386

I didnt think he was alleging that im a gysr farmer trying to scare others away from it. My impact on the gysr pool is 0. its a whale game and im too poor to play it anyway with current gas.

>> No.29786619

basically jeff paid his employees with BTC instead of cash
he wanted to "spread" the crypto and help adoption by doing so
so instead of paying his employees with cash, he just sent them BTC, which now = $100 mil worth

but regardless, the guy basically just paid employees with btc instead of cash thats it.

>> No.29786743

>my impact on the gysr pool is 0

notice how his tone changed
and how he's trying to 'downplay' himself
>im too poor to play it anyways with current gas

if you we're that poor, you wouldn't have made so much of an effort to research the project in the first place
also the amount of effort on this thread

doesn't add up

>> No.29787163

Again, you are trying to find my "secret and obscure motives" instead of addressing any of the stuff I laid out. Whats your opinion on unitedbitcoin? on timing project launches with bullmarkets? on 35% of supply going to the insiders? on extremely short lock period for their tokens? on TVL being on vsp only because of current yield?

>> No.29787272

>timing project launches with bullmarkets
Why wouldn't you do this

>> No.29787610

they've already addressed your autistc fud faggot. Quit sucking dick for replies to keep your shit thread going.

>> No.29787684

so you can't afford gas
yet you spend hours researching a project
and hours on a thread on /biz

can you explain why? because you're a really nice person?

Not everything works out, and just because something didn’t work out, it does not mean it was malicious.
Also the article was published on a web site owned by a competing hard fork of Bitcoin
>timing projects launches with bullmarkets
this is common practice
>35% of supply going to insiders?
25% is to team
10% to investors
I've seen projects with worst
>extremely short lock period for their tokens?
1/12 per month is alright. it could be better
>TVL being on vsp only because of current yield
this is likely true, but it will be up to the team to keep the TVL by releasing new products

>> No.29787755

It means they launch when crypto hype is at its peak and people will buy anything to make a quick buck. People take time to research new projects when the market is cold, in the middle of a bull market its only speculations

>> No.29788234

Finally I get decent refutal.
>Not everything works out, and just because something didn’t work out, it does not mean it was malicious.
Trying to hijack satoshi's coins and centralizing bitcoin by taking all 'inactive adresses' coins IS malicious.
>I've seen projects with worst
Benchmarking with the industry worst is a new practice? hmmm.
>1/12 per month is alright. it could be better
fair enough.
>this is likely true, but it will be up to the team to keep the TVL by releasing new products
I agree.

>> No.29788748
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>I put my life savings in at $40
Will it at least hit 40 again?

>> No.29788957

The most compelling point of the op is that the founders have released other projects that failed. In a market where 99% of coins go to $0. They’re not gods, and every project has to be evaluated on its own merits. Otherwise it’s all just rambling about UBTC, which was a fork and had no impact on BTC proper. They could only “steal” Satoshi’s coins on a project one could voluntarily choose to join. The inactive wallet ‘reaping’ was a fully disclosed policy. I wouldn’t want anything to do with it, but it hardly means it was scam.
Otherwise your points about inflation are no less conjecture then I saying 81K EOY. We do have academic understandings of market forces though, with which we can hypothesize on potential price action. The market cap and price only shrinks under inflation if there is zero buy pressure. The token generates revenue - how much is speculative - but that it does is not.
>Whales will dump and tvl will plummet.
That is conjecture, you have no basis on to which to make that claim. I don’t doubt there’s whales farming VSP to dump, but Vesper is professional interface for yield farming that I personally believe the crypto space needed. There is no reason to believe it won’t organically collect both equity currently in other platforms along with new equity all together. Thus revenue is generated for VSP holders, which influences its speculative value. What does a holder care if 7 million more coins are coming down the pipeline if he believes his tokens will generate X, and thus be worth Y to speculators. If he believes the value will first drop on account of the inflation, before reaching a post-inflation equilibrium, he is free to sell and buy back later. But he runs the risk of the price spiking in the interim during the inflationary period anyway, as speculators, operating on assumptions regarding the future “fair value” buy at what they currently consider a “cheap” price.