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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 761 KB, 795x789, Screenshot_2021-02-26 A look at four of Joe Biden’s houses before the White House.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29753587 No.29753587 [Reply] [Original]

Real estate is a hedge against inflation, like gold.
And it turns out that our political class, including Biden and Bernie, have most of their wealth in real estate.
The plan is to cause massive inflation through QE and stimulus, which they are hedged against because of how much real estate they own.
People with the means, seeing this, will buy up even more real estate, to hedge their own wealth, which will drive up housing prices even further, probably even faster than inflation.
Poorfags without a house now will never be able to afford one.

>> No.29753683

wouldnt it make sense to crash it so this will align with the great reset?

>> No.29753716

Also, the stock market will be taxed more heavily.
Expect a financial transaction tax, and maybe a tax on unrealized gains.
This is despite most Americans' 401(k)s and IRAs being in stocks, and pension funds returns being heavily dependent on stock market returns.

>> No.29753784

I have house.
What will it do to interests rates?

>> No.29753864

no. the point is to pump the values so much that only the cabal owns housing and everyone else becomes a forever renter.
you will own nothing
you will eat the bugs
you will be happy or get shot in the head.

>> No.29753949

You dumb nigger. Anyone with half a brain should've been investing in real estate. I'm 24 and already own land. This just makes both of them look smart.

>> No.29754110

mfw priced out of real estate

>> No.29754158

look further out before others get wise.

>> No.29754173

is that house on stilts?
looks dangerous

>> No.29754254

Literally how? In USA every local and federal government are giving incentives out the ass encouraging people to take out a mortgage.

>> No.29754356

>political class, including Biden and Bernie, have most of their wealth in real estate
No they don't you retard. It's very hard to hide, horrible asset for a politician.

>> No.29754390

>Poorfags without a house now will never be able to afford one.
>boomers die
>houses are inherited by poorfags

>> No.29754412
File: 54 KB, 680x754, 1601952583239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has covid affected housing/land prices? Is now a good time to get in the real estate business?

>> No.29754458

This, sadly.
Also, pay attention to asset flows.
The stock market has been correcting, along with bonds... but so has gold, and even 'new gold' (crypto).
If inflation concerns are driving these corrections, why would the sellers be going to cash? Cash would be the last place you'd want to be, if you feared inflation.
So where is the money going? Real estate.
Mansions, MUDs, single-family shitshacks... it doesn't matter.
Even properties that wouldn't normally be good investments will be appealing if they offer the elites a way to hedge against inflation and preserve wealth.

>> No.29754538

>fixed incentive $5k, $10k, $15k
>real estate prices going up percentage points every year, 5-10%
hmm, really does make you think

>> No.29755141

literally everyone and their grandmas has real estate, i cant see how we all can be elite?

>> No.29755292

Owning a single house is different from owning multiple duplexes, town houses, condos, etc that you rent out.

>> No.29755329

>literally everyone and their grandmas has real estate
haven't you wondered why DC is fenced up and guarded like post-war Berlin? They're going to take it all, by force, after doing the Weimar to US economy

>> No.29755345

There will be no crash. Too many people are positioned to "buy the dip" in real estate. It will only go up from here, at least for the next 5-10 years. At which point it could crab or drop, but inflation will already of happened.

>> No.29755459

it hasn't really yet, that is something that comes later once the economy sees the actual consequences of perpetual printing

>> No.29755496

>How has covid affected housing/land prices?
Prices have gone up since people are less likely to put their house up for sale during lockdowns. Combine that with fewer new houses being built dues to covid and supply chain issues and you have a lower supply then normal.

>> No.29755753

only like 25% of millennials own real estate and that number is dropping. its by design. You can also forget about the millennial retirement pack which is wait till your parents croak so you can inherit their home. inheritances get split up and squandered. by the 3rd generation its all pissed away.

>> No.29755754
File: 1.41 MB, 360x359, 1613218784662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you taking MBS into account or just basing this off of muh elites? Maybe luxury housing will keep pumping but commercial and residential (wagie) are going to plummet.