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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 1.26 MB, 1680x945, UNNMOON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29750797 No.29750797 [Reply] [Original]

15:22 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=923&v=RpN6VpLVDGw&feature=youtu.be

UNN CHADS LET'S GO. Main Net any fucking day now. You had 6 months.

>> No.29751518

I am a retarded newfag. How are we able to buy UNN already if it doesn't have a mainnet yet? Where do you store your UNN if not on the mainnet?

>> No.29751760

It's just a governance coin, it's not tied to the functionality of the product at all, those are the policy tokens which are separate

>> No.29753152

UNN is an ERC-20 token - this means that it exists on top of the Ethereum network. When people talk about 'main net', they mean that Union haven't yet deployed their product to the 'main' Ethereum network (vs. one of the test nets like Goerli). It's in open beta at the moment and main net is expected to come in the next 6 weeks. You can buy UNN on either Uniswap (DEX) or Bitmax (CEX). You can store it in any Ethereum wallet, but make sure your client supports ERC-20 tokens first (they'll still be there but you might not see them). Metamask is fine

>> No.29753617

redpill me on unn. I've been seeing it for weeks but I always get the feel that it's a pajeet scamcoin or that its project isn't aligned with the current market needs (i.e. won't fit well into the bullrun)