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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29750796 No.29750796 [Reply] [Original]

I sold this old dinosaur and I've never felt better. This is going to die to ADA, AVAX, DOT

>> No.29752185

Yeah like how BTC was replaced by NANO

>> No.29752189

ETH 2.0 will save it bro, "soon".

>> No.29752266

ETC will be the true ETH killer

>> No.29752336

ETH will be 40k/coin one day.

>> No.29752396

The difference is, people are using ETH daily for smart contracts interactions. But since the gas fees are absurd, people will start looking for the next best thing. If that thing offers erc-20 bridge etc, its OVER for eth.

>> No.29752618

Yeah one of those zombie chains will surely overthrow it

>> No.29752691

These threads are so much better when you call them mETHheads

>> No.29752718

Listen, I won't regret selling ETH. It takes too long of a time to get ETH 2.0 ready. There are solutions here right now with BNB, Cardano, AVAX, DOT. I don't think ETH will ever raise again

>> No.29752810

You guys are delusional if you think ETH is being replaced the NFT narrative is being constructed and ETH already has working infrastructure to host all this “art”

>> No.29752823

eth 2 will not solve the issues of eth.

eth will die. get out.

>> No.29752843

And as soon as those other chains start getting used they’ll get clogged too, the reason they’re cheaper and faster is because nobody uses them

>> No.29752869

adoption is far far away, eth will save itself

where are the btc killers?

>> No.29752874


Yes soon, please vitalik soon, i dont want to wait until 2023

>> No.29752896

I used to have 80% of my folio in ETH ever since mid 2017 but it's too logical rightnow to hedge just in case, I personally chose AVAX, I don't see cardano and polkadot as real threats, they don't have the tech to really overtake already established platform, just like eos/neo, never a serious threat and just temporary noise.

>> No.29752902

If ETH ends up going to 10k Ill kill myself, but it just wont happen

>> No.29752963

Or you are delusional, we will know it at the end of 2021

>> No.29752989


>> No.29753002

Gas fees being high is a consequence of massive network usage. It’s actually a bullish indicator for ETH, it means people are still willing to pay that much to use it.

>> No.29753081

Why does FUD on ETH always come from people shilling their shitcoins?

>> No.29753220

Load up on decentralized ETH- got it.

>> No.29753315

People are realizing that ETH is shit. don't say we didn't warn you

>> No.29753436

Ethereum was designed with internet speed increases in mind, people stopped upgrading their speed after 2 GB/s though.

>> No.29753500

True none of us know the future, I just don’t think ETH will be supplanted so easily

>> No.29755173

AVAX is designed for high speed and high transaction volume, there are no miners, the fees get burned and will be dynamic soon to become even lower as price rises. It can scale to however many validators and it only becomes better with it, and it's only 5 months old.