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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29746544 No.29746544 [Reply] [Original]

Quickswap is a functioning layer 2 DEX that is cheaper and faster than Uniswap.

QUICK is a governance token similar to UNI, it has a circulating supply of 150,000 which places us at a market cap of $67,5M.
Link: quickswap.exchange
Price chart: https://info.quickswap.exchange/token/0x831753dd7087cac61ab5644b308642cc1c33dc13

Guide for beginners:
>go to https://wallet.matic.network/
>deposit ETH from layer 1 to layer 2 (Matic mainnet)
>pay gas fee once to transfer on/off layer 2
>add Matic mainnet to Metamask (instructions here: https://docs.matic.network/docs/develop/metamask/config-matic/))
>your ETH is now on layer 2 and you can use Quickswap and swap tokens for less than a penny and in only a few seconds
>1 MATIC (about 16 cents) will last you in fees until the end of time (or you can swap a little ETH for more)

Recent news:
>Harvest Finance: added liquidity for iFARM, the Harvest Interest Token, to QuickSwap. Their users have been asking for L2 liquidity and the Polygon team helped them map iFARM with the Matic Bridge and get set up.
>Rubic Exchange: wrapped $RBC on Polygon (L2) has been successfully created! Next step: Create a Liquidity Pool on L2 to enable fast and cheap swaps for $WRBC.

>> No.29746848

buy all matic ecosystem gems


>> No.29746855

i FOMOD in yesterday and already lost money, what a great token

>> No.29746934

cool. when does the airdrop happen?

>> No.29746961

you bought a peak but patience it will go higher than that.

>> No.29747008

i hope so i have a village to feed

>> No.29747046
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Nice anon. Have you considered holding tokens for longer than 24 hours at at time? Go pool and stake to expand your stack.

The team and community are undecided on when and how. All I know is that you either have to hold UNI or stake MATIC.

>> No.29747129

Never staked, are they locked ? how much do you need to stack ?

>> No.29747216

You have to pool first and get LP tokens. Keep in mind that you could expose yourself to impermanent loss. Personally I'm gonna wait for the next pools on Sunday, I expect new ones with FARM and RBC.

>> No.29747316

If Bitcoin continues to shit the bed do you guys see this still reaching $1k?

>> No.29747482
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this thread smells like curry

>> No.29748207

Realistically, it depends on how many new users come over from layer 1. The Harvest Finance thing is kinda big imo. They already added $200k liquidity this morning alone.

>> No.29748890

where can you check liquidity?

>> No.29748968

Why would I do that when the armadillo has more liquidity and gave me airdrop?

>> No.29749010

the armadillo?

>> No.29749055


>> No.29749164

pangolin on avax

>> No.29749227

I bought 4000 MATIC at the ATH, will it recover?

t. poorfag

>> No.29749360

Quick is the next big thing. See how Pancake exploded, this can do an easy Pancake in the coming weeks. I am super bullish

>> No.29749553

L2 scaling is shit as fuck - I will never trust it.

>> No.29749567

Because that is its own thing, this is ETH

>> No.29749986

What makes quickswap better than honeyswap on xDai then?

>> No.29750251

It’s the one gaining liquidity the fastest, becoming capable of the most volume
see >>29749055

>> No.29750454

More tx/sec capacity.
Like 40 vs 7000

And more adoption due to better tokenomics model.
60M vs 4.5M liquidity and rapidly rising whilst honey not so much.

>> No.29751416

yes, be patient, we are going to $1 first

>> No.29751627

Oh sweet, now I can send 50 transactions a second for $12 a transaction, such a sweet deal..... /s

>> No.29751696

Some practical reasons:
>both Coinbase and Binance back Polygon, so direct CEX transfers are likely to follow
>AAVE is so heavily invested that they built their own bridge
>direct fiat onramps are already available
These factors pave the way for adoption of Polyon over Loopring and xDai for regular users, which is ultimately what matters most.

>> No.29751713

Didn’t that give us all coronavirus. Quickswap is way more based

>> No.29751839
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1. go back to plebbit
2. learn to read

>> No.29753011


>> No.29753785

only 65m mcap or so, good times ahead