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29744861 No.29744861 [Reply] [Original]

Should I do it guys? Do I open a short position with 50x leverage on BTC? I think I'm going to do it, tell me one reason why I shouldn't

>> No.29744909

Why only 50x? Open it with 100x on BitFinex and post proof

>> No.29744939

What could go wrong?

>> No.29744947

yeah goy, do it, you can't lose on that one

>> No.29744977

It literally can't go tits up.

>> No.29745008

how much would you gain if it falls to 35k

>> No.29745082

do it and come back crying

>> No.29745088

Like 50K or so? I'm not sure, I'll check later, going home from work rn

>> No.29745098

Just hodl

>> No.29745138

Go 100x you pussy

>> No.29745218

Nigger here, I know nothing about shorts/longs/futures, but why shouldn't OP use 100x? I mean, if it goes up it goes up and he gets liquidated anyway, right? So why shouldn't he use the maximum leverage available so that in the case everything goes as planned and BTC crashes he gains more? I'm sure I'm missing something here

>> No.29745248

you are supposed to open a short position BEFORE it crashes you absolute retarded mongoloid

>> No.29745278

Because even a tiny fluctuation in price will liquidate him. If he shorts at 50k and it goes to 50500 he is fucked. Even if it drops to 10k 5 minutes later.

>> No.29745344

Oh, got it. So the higher the leverage, the lower the liquidation price is (in the case of shorts), makes sense

>> No.29745523

with a 10x leverage, a 10% move in the wrong direction will liquidate him (10*10=100%)
with 100x, a 1% move (100*1=100%) will do it
with 125x, a 0.8% move (125*0.8=100%) will liquidate him

however it also works in the other direction, with 125x leverage short, a drop in price by 0.8% will double (100% increase) your initial investment

>> No.29745561

all the people failing at derivatives was why the market crashed in the first place wasn't it ? It'll just happen to you again, you don't have buddies in the government to bail you out when you fail like the pros do
>In the face of rapidly falling prices, margin traders were forced to liquidate their positions to cut their losses. These liquidations resulted in massive losses running into over $140 billion.

>> No.29745653
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Let’s do it together fren

>> No.29746780

Holy shit, why would anyone trade crypto with leverage?

>> No.29746857

do it with $100 for kicks, post video of screen so we can share the thrill

>> No.29746878
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please do it

>> No.29746958

What is the time frame in these leverages ?Is there even one ?

>> No.29746976

for the thrill
imagine it moves how you want and you make 50% in 30 seconds

>> No.29746988

cause 2% stop loss = Rip money

>> No.29747075

what do you mean? the second it hits the liquidation price its game over

>> No.29747142

Do it gamblerino. I want to see you slit your wrists by the end of the day.

>> No.29747193

Just buy a fucking scratch off ticket then. Or place a bet on a horse. Fucking faggets.

>> No.29747211

>short BTC at 50k with 100x leverage
>it goes to 51k for 0.001 seconds before dumping to 20k
>you are liquidated because of the 0.001 second wick

>> No.29747278


The exchanges can see your shorts and longs and will scamwick you accordingly

>> No.29747318

go for it. nothing can go wrong.

>> No.29747342

Please do it OP. I need it to stop crashing.

>> No.29747384

Why would exchanges scam wick you? Don't they only make money when when you open / close a position? So just for commission by closing your trade?

>> No.29747620

why would I gain money if it goes down? also if it goes up, do I only lose the initial amount I betted?

>> No.29747686

Exchanges are also liquidity providers so if you borrow the funds to open the short you might be borrowing from the exchange itself, and since they have bots that can calculate what the spread is on shorts vs longs at certain prices they can simply liquidate you whenever they see it as profitable at certain price points.