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File: 548 KB, 1200x1600, E13BB2A0-179E-4B1F-9343-28600DBCE15E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29733713 No.29733713 [Reply] [Original]

>make 200k a year passively off compound.finance
>bored to death so got a cozy job at the art gallery
>banging my co workers at night
>getting head in my lexus

Im so fucking happy. I need this covid shit to end so i can work and infiltrate wagies

I might unironically just get a 25k a year job at the library or something so i can fuck some broke english graduates

>> No.29733795

>killed a cool fish bro
kill yourself faggot

>> No.29733816

And what was the initial investment in order to achieve 200k/year passive?

>> No.29733818

>feeling funny might larp
Wooow look at me I ate the bait ooohhhh in so new

>> No.29733903

Fucking off with that trip shit faggot.

>> No.29733913

About 13 eth. I made a shitton of rugs for a year, got thousands of eth then this bullrun skyrocketed my portfolio and i sold for usdc.

>> No.29733974

you can go and kill yourself as well

>> No.29734053

Tf is this demon flounder?

>> No.29734057

>ID: u__g_L_Y

Aha shut the fuck up you ugly little virgin nobody cares about you

>> No.29734121

>lol l-look at that guys ID
another one on the kys yourself list

>> No.29734182

Ugly boy

>> No.29734207

>t. pajeet incel

>> No.29734208 [DELETED] 

Yo OP your a chad and I want you to impregnate many roasties and block them forever.
If you think I’d be a good son sent me 0.000001 BTC and ignore me for 18 years.


>> No.29734249

Congratulations op. Are you feeling generous or in the mood to save my life and/or karmic balance? Cause I'm fucked

>> No.29734352

Whats your story anon

>> No.29734539

I live in Latin America, every month gets worse cause hyperinflation. I have 1 1/2 jobs to cover for rent services and food but i have a credit card debt that I used for medication and food last year thats killing me and i can't keep paying minimum. I don't have the rent money yet cause i dont know if im going to get payed or not this month cause fuck it that's how it is here.

Right now I have zero money and i need to pay a lot of things. I desperate enough to be begging here

>> No.29734598


>> No.29734681

What country. Also no begging

>> No.29734690

fukin nice. mind dropping gallery contact info for me to solicit my shit to?

>> No.29734699

>no proofs

>> No.29734742

argentina and im technically asking for money yeah

>> No.29734790

I feel like a nigger for not recognizing it. Whatever i only fish northern pike anyway.

>> No.29734926

can someone shop this photo so the fish has an under armour logo that says HUMAN?

>> No.29735099

holy shit do you plan on just chilling in USD and livin life "freely" or are you gonna put it back into crypto and try for a billion?

>> No.29735300

Ok anon send ur btc/erc20 address and ill send tomorrow morning. Im already in bed and my ledger is downstairs

Yeah im gonna chill in USDC. I can do whatever i want.

This is financial advice: Make rugs on uniswap, its not illegal, it takes 2 seconds to copy paste erc20 code and the rewards is insane.

>> No.29735407

attention whoring nigger fuck off back to reddi*t nobody wants you here

>> No.29735510 [DELETED] 

If you are being serious i would probably cry like a little bitch tomorrow

0xf50b15bbc812dcde0ae58eac24d561abe300bd61 That's from binance btc/erc20

Anon you would be saving my life do you understand that?

>> No.29735575

Is that something I can google? "How to do rugs on uniswap?", Congrats on your new life, are you american?

>> No.29735680

be quiet ublgeLKY

>> No.29735733

shitty larp. the flip to this larp is probably closer to reality

>200k in debt off my 8 year undergrad liberal arts degree
>am a boring person and unlikable so i cant find a job
>beating my dick cuz no one else wants to touch it
>currently trying to blow myself in my 2002 ford fiesta

>> No.29735762

No problem anon. Also is that address erc20 or binance chain? They have the same addresses but if i send it to one or another u cant get it. Can u confirm if its eth or binance chain

You make an erc20 token, put it up on uniswap and someone will inevitably buy it. Then u remove liquidity, thats p much it

>> No.29735807
File: 131 KB, 719x960, 5A4086C8-57E8-4F89-B3C9-18A969DC66B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do u think ruggers made the past year anon?

>> No.29736010

Like those mcdonald's, food tokens that sometimes get shilled here? Lol I see, but don't you need money first in order add liquidity? Sorry if I'm asking retarded questions but I rather ask and get money for it that be dumb mad poor

>> No.29736123

Its says erc20. "deposit address supports erc20 bbtc tokens. Please ensure your destination address supports bbtc tokens under contract address ending in 22541"

>> No.29736217

Yep exactly that. Atm you do need quite a bit of liquidity to rug but back in march when i started u could make a token with 10eth paired and someone will buy it

Ok anon ill send tomorrow

>> No.29736344

bro send me some eth so I can rugpull too: 0x933e00D1e5e2A9755dbfF07fD1Bd72708E87075C

>> No.29736368

Anon.. I would be eternally grateful if you do that. The magnitude of my situation it's really fucked and getting your help would mean A LOT to me. Thank you dude..

>> No.29736393

the address is whatever metamask uses. I just want to rugpull peeps

>> No.29736487

I see, I only have about .03 btc so maybe later I'll try

>> No.29736500

How much did you average per rug? Thats insane congrats anon. usdc amount made in total in the year?

>> No.29736835

Hey anon can I email you a few questions I have for you? if you're okay with it drop a protonmail

>> No.29736878

le big fish

>> No.29736929

Ok anon but im about to go to sleep now i wont reply until tomorrow


>> No.29737014

Thanks anon, sleep tight

>> No.29737024
File: 310 KB, 641x530, 1o1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bored so got a job

>> No.29737122

Dude id get a cozy low paying job just to dab on wagies no joke. Plus OP’s job is mainly for socializing and meeting chicks:. The art scene is notorious for sex

>> No.29737189

I understand the motivations but it's more just a matter of principle. Jesus christ imagine working for someone else willingly.

>> No.29737408

Thats just pointless pride. If i earned 200k passively like OP i would absolutely use it to fuck with wagies maybe drive a lambo to work or some shit and wear expensive suits just to fuck with the manager

>> No.29737531

Is there any risk at all when doing a rugpull or is it literally free money?

>> No.29737611

Well I guess if it's for the sake of cruelty and getting art roast it's ok. But I have actual plans for when I make it and things I want to achieve.

btw how has COMP x3'd since October? It's the only coin I've ever lost money on because it was dead and I believed the fud. I may have to get back on this piece of shit.

>> No.29738080

Probably because everyones realizing compound is the literally the future? All these defi shit is built on it or AAVE.

>> No.29738180

Humanity was a complete mistake.

>> No.29738294

Can I also ask you some stuff anon?

>> No.29738922

You can get 10% a year staking USDC on Crypto.com

>> No.29739044

good job anon. i also love the art world

>> No.29739240

Imagine sticking your dick in those gills. But yeah, RIP cool fish.

>> No.29739899

24% yield on usdc on swissborg