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File: 148 KB, 2500x2304, cost-being-obese-usa-bdbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29733537 No.29733537 [Reply] [Original]

Hey frens,

My younger bro who is 23 is severely obese (39+ on the BMI scale) and I am scared for his health and his financial future. He just had a delivery order of junk food.

I had a rich lawyer uncle who wouldn't stop drinking even after the doc said he'd lose his foot. He lost it and kept drinking, then died. For his funeral's reception, there was a free all you can drink type of wine he liked that basically killed him. He was able to shoulder the financial cost due to his accumulated wealth, but my brother is credit maxed pretty much.

Anybody here have experience with the financial cost of obesity? At the very least, I want to be ready to know what financial hardships he'll be facing.

>> No.29733745

You should probably convince him to stop being fat.

>> No.29733777


Yeah, being fat is expensive. But maintaining your fatness is probably way less expensive then losing weight early on. They won't be able to go from 3000 calories a day to 1600 without crashing and burning. Trying to get yourself off of the fatty food while maintaining 2200+ cals a day is fucking expensive dawg.

>> No.29733798

Holy shit.


>> No.29733826

>You should probably convince him to stop being fat.

That's like telling a black person to go out and find a job.

>> No.29733978

Have a room built around him with a door he won't be able to fit through until he's no longer a lardass.

>> No.29734165

I try at times, but he reees at me and plays video games a lot.

He did try keto for a while. Our dad funded it and offered him $25 per pound. Went from 345 down to 315 over two months. "Temporarily" took a break from it and is now at about 350. Crash and burn diets tend to rebound fron what I've read.

If he was a stock price, I'd be happy.

>> No.29734262

Literally steal the food off his plate. Dump his pop down the drain. Throw out his chips.

>> No.29734429

>Eating less is more expensive

>> No.29734740

I never had a brother so this is me just postulating but I'd probably be making his life hell until he started working out or at least eating better. Like why not? He knows what he's doing is unhealthy so no matter what you do to him he knows he deserves it. Only thing to consider is if he moves out or something and just fucks up all the progress.

>> No.29735022

Keto is different, though. I'm speaking from my girlfriend's experience, not mine, btw. But she said that while she was losing weight on keto (50 lbs down from chub to skinny in the 6 months before meeting me), she felt physically fantastic and full of energy.

She also says that much of the "keto" community has turned it into a total buzzword, and they don't obey the simple science of just not eating hardly any carbs. If you eat like one slice of bread a day while on keto, you're absolutely fucked. It's like giving a heroin addict a quarter shot of heroin every day but never lowering the dose to taper him off.

>> No.29735173
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I might try more of that. I try to eat some of his food, but as I eat healthier, I just can't stomach too much.

My mom tried full in prohibition and he'd just sneak off to get food and soda.

At the rate he's going, by the time he hits 30, he'll end up getting stuck in his own room.

I've got an older brother who would be good at this. His coping mechanism is eating food.

At this point, I'm thinking of trying to get him to try shrooms for some introspection.

>> No.29735371

Anon, that's great she was able to lose weight via keto. Had a coworker on it. Said he felt hungry constantly, but had tons of energy.

Basically a slice of bread is like being in constant near withdrawal? Was reading it's below 40g of carbs, preferably below 20g?

>> No.29735509

this is true, but one or two of them will and the news will convince the rest of them that they are .. . [not even going to bother to finish this]

>> No.29735721

Tell him to stop eating and only drink water for a month and see how much weight he loses. legit strategy.

>> No.29736059

Not sure if I can convince him if I can do that, but I have an idea. I read about a guy who did that for several months. Lost a ton of weight.

Might offer to pay off $10 of his debt per day in exchange for him drinking a gallon of water. Hope it'll fill him up so he'll eat less.

I don't want my 23 year old brother to die at 55.

>> No.29736160


>> No.29736212

>see how they try to shill that trash project on

>> No.29736347

Chain him to a pole for a month and only give him water and vitamins.

>> No.29736663
File: 39 KB, 629x640, AB0184BD-D382-4173-B37D-31C4E7D57EE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugar doesn’t make you fat dumbass, fat and oil do. Sugar is brain food, when im coding I guzzle coke like there is no tomorrow but when im not doing any heavy thinking i don’t drink nearly as much.

I’m 110 pounds and I don’t stuff greasy food down my throat like fat fucks.

If you understood the laws of thermo dynamics you would understand why sugar doesn’t make you fat. Too much sugar will fuck you up in different ways though.

>> No.29736795

You know that fat fucks easily drink 2-3k calories a day with coke alone? That will undoubtedly make you into a hambeast over time.

>> No.29736917

OMG that's the most retarded thing I've ever read, hope you are trolling

>> No.29737019

Thats about 6 and half liters, they would have to deal with other issues by that point.

You’d have to eat more than a kg of sugar to gain a kg of weight. Weight/mass just doesn’t magically pop out of thin air just because you drank sugar. Look at foods weight/density to see what has the most impact, its protein and fat.

Also high fructose corn syrup is whats killing americans from the inside out.

>> No.29737060

Im not trolling, how much do you weigh? I bet youre a fat fuck.

>> No.29737064

>hungry skeleton acting like he knows what he's talking about
Calories in, calories out. It doesn't matter if it's fat, sugar, protein, starch, or fucking fairy dust. If you take in more than you use you will get bigger and if you use more than you take in you will get smaller.

>> No.29737117

Not gonna do that.

He consume only a moderate amount of sugar. Mostly simple carbs and sugars with a solid amount of fats. When he kept to fats and protein, he lost 30 pounds in two months.

Took one day off from keto to celebrate his work, then another day, then another day, then he just went full on junk food. It breaks my heart.

I'm just glad he doesn't drink alcohol more than a few drinks every other month, as his liver is already getting wrecked from high saturated fat intake.

>> No.29737252


Cutting all sugar/carbs (i.e. Keto) is the only thing that works for the body. The problem is that you also need to find something that works for the mind too, otherwise you can rebound easily if you were coming from a crazy fat person mindset where you were used to eat a pack of mms and a bottle of coke everyday.

>> No.29737374

The body is not a furnace retard, the type of calories do matter. You could eat 100kcal of cellulose and 100kcal of fructose, do you think the effect would be the same?

>> No.29737406


This reads like bait but I'll bite anyway.

You realize the entire "fat is bad" thing comes from when the sugar industry realized sugar makes you fat and is literally poison to the human body and spent tons of money on a campaign demonizing fat right? That's when the "low fat" craze took off. When you take the fat out of something, it tastes like shit. So they started loading low fat meals with sugar which is what made everyone fat. Look up Ancel Keys, Robert Lustig and Gary Taubs.

Why do you think keto is legit for losing fat even though you eat like 300+ grams of fat a day? If you don't give your body carbs it can swap to using fat as a primary energy source which causes you to burn body fat right away when you're hungry instead of burning the energy from carbs stored in your muscles. If you go on an all sugar diet you'll get diabetes real fast.

>> No.29737425

You also have to eat more than a 1kg from anything to get 1kg weight idiot. Do you even know hambeast? Those fuckers always have heavy bones etc., most of them don't understand or don't want to understand why they are fat. They also have mental issues, otherwise it's impossible to develop an sever food addiction.

>> No.29737429

Anyway its the quantity more than what you eat that matters.

Why can’t fat fucks have impulse controls and stop stuffing their faces.

Fat people disgust me so much, looking at them makes me want to gag. Thats why i can’t visit the usa, i would be throwing up all over the place.

>> No.29737497

>hurr if you eat something you can't digest it won't be added to your biomass though
No shit retard.

>> No.29737590
File: 1.19 MB, 440x248, 5B69D97E-D441-4296-97BA-0608CC033D03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt say fat was bad, is your obesity blocking your reading comprehension? I said fat makes you fat. If you eat a lot of fat, well your body will store a lot of it as fat.

You fat fucks are eating kilograms of fat per day without realizing it. Of course if you eat only 300 grams thats fine but we all know youre probably eating 5x that lol

>> No.29737596

anon I am 23 and recently went from Obese (120kg+) to a relatively normal weight (85kg) so I may be able to offer perspective. Financially, losing weight is far more expensive than remaining fat. For me, I had to start paying for a gym membership, clothing and shoes, proper cooked high protein meals, and, it sounds silly, but I was invited out more often socially too, which also increased the amount I would spend. When you're obese, you're paying for excess junk food but you don't really have any interest or motivation to do anything else. All of your money goes towards food. Essentially losing weight is a lifestyle change more than anything, and the lifestyle of an obese person is comparable to fast food, cheap and fast, whilst the lifestyle of a fit, healthy person is naturally something you would want to spend money on

>> No.29737601


This is also sort of false, calories in calories out is a meme designed by coke and other companies to shift the blame onto people for their weight while getting them to keep consuming shit. You aren't what you eat, you are what your body does with what you eat. Eating bread produces a similar insulin response as eating chocolate. Eating 3000 calories a day in steak and eating 3000 calories a day in bread will yield dramatically different results.

>> No.29737637


In looking up food stuff due to my own interest even before my brother became obese was learning the cost of processing food.

Fats take something like 1-5% of the energy they contain. To be processed. Carbs going from simple to complex take 5-30%. Protein I want to say is around 40%. Too much milk protein over time can cause kidneys to bleed due to some protein in dairy being rough on kidneys.

My brother will easily eat 500-750g of sugar a day not including non-sugar simple carbs.

I also noticed his acne is getting worse versus when he was on keto.

I can't effectively be his care taker while also being my parents' caretakers when they get dementia in 15 years.

>> No.29737708


It actually doesn't. It keeps you hydrated, which most people could benefit from. The carbonation also helps me with satiety personally.

There's 800 calories in a 2 liter bottle of coke, same as 3 slices of pizza. Which would you say is easier to mindlessly consume?

I would never say it's the optimal play, but it's better than what a lot of fat people are doing. They replace cola with something that is more calorie dense. I have a 100 ounce mega jug from the gas station that stays cold all day and I drink over the day. Diet M-F regular on the weeknd. It's worked great.

>> No.29737709
File: 1.89 MB, 756x756, A45CD8BF-55FC-4BB2-9DC1-898DB4FF40E0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heavy bones
Lol, they are selfish, greedy and lack impulse control. Disgusting in everyway and should stay very far away from me.

And no your body doesnt store everything you eat retard, if you eat 1kg of fiber you’ll probably shit out 90% of it.

>> No.29737759

>But maintaining your fatness is probably way less expensive then losing weight early on.
just stop eating fatty

>> No.29737781


A kilogram of fat has 19,800 calories lol

>> No.29737822



You think I learned all this about nutritional biochemistry so I could be obese? I've eaten 4000 calories a day for the last year with almost no carbs or sugar. I'm not fat, I'm not even a little fat. If you eat too much of anything you'll get fat yes, but fat can be eaten in large amounts in a safe and healthy manner. There is no safe amount of processed sugar for the human body. It's literally poison. The heaviest I've been in my life was 189lb and that was when I was going hard on carbs on a bulk.

>> No.29737850



Simple advice is never complete. (Including that statement).

Nobody ever stops to think of type and timing of calories in can impact the rate calories go out.

>> No.29737859
File: 234 KB, 1005x1008, 64026210-CBFF-4B28-BABB-35F1A4CD8D32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HFCS != sugar

Imagine replacing something as wonderful as sugar with a poison, only in america lol.

All your food is poisoned, every time i eat imported crap from america it makes me sick and gives me fake munchies. No wonder you guys are fat and fucked.

>> No.29737933

>eating less is more expensive

Fatty excuses are always amusing.

>> No.29737964

Do the same but without owning BOND

>> No.29738036

So you burn your calories dildoing your ass all day. Congrats?

So you’re shitting out most of the food you eat huh? Seems wasteful and you sound like a fat ass even though you say you aren’t

>> No.29738072

Anon, thank you for your insight and congrats on the successful weight loss! I'm hoping he'll socialize more once he gets his covid shot as he's super high risk. My oldest sister worked on a covid ward and saw people dying from it. Obese people had it bad.

Sounds like he needs a way to sponge his money. Any high protein meals you liked? Maybe I can cook something he'll enjoy.

His interests, especially during winter, gave devolved into primarily eating a large of amount of snacks, drinking a lot of caffeine, gaming with online friends, followed by laying down with his phone until he crashes out. He'll get out of shape doing sometjing like unloading the dishes, especially if not freshly hopped up on caffeine.

>> No.29738184


HFCS is a diversion tactic so they can hide the amount of sugar in something. You don't have to list HFCS as sugars on nutritional labels. This goes for all the modifications of sugar, most things have more than one type of sugar in them, but only have the actual straight sugar amounts on the labels.

Sugar is not wonderful. Refined sugar is poison pure and simple. Sugar from fruits is ok because the fiber in them mitigates the sugar, this is why juice crazes are bad, it removes the fiber and gives you straight sugar. I've given sources for this already, not my fault if people don't want to check them out.


Are you trolling? Yes I shit out the food I eat, I'd be worried if I wasn't. It's called exercise, 4000 calories isn't a lot when you walk 8-10km a day and lift 3x a week. Look up ketosis and realize that when I say I'm eating a large amount of fat, that doesn't mean burgers and snacks, it means whole milk, olive oil, meats, nuts etc. I'm just trying to make sure people don't see "sugar is good for you" and think it actually is.

>> No.29738213

Wings of redemption said he spends at least $1,000 USD on food a month. He does have a fat obese wife. So I'd cut that in half just for him. So $500 min. on food alone.

On my 600lb life they usually have type 2 diabetes, require an oxygen tank, require modifications to their home like a stool in the shower, wider doors, wheel chair.

Then their death at around 45 years old and any pain killers they need due to joint and back pain.

I'd say on average you're spending thousands to support a fatty like that per month.

>> No.29738282

>At the rate he's going, by the time he hits 30, he'll end up getting stuck in his own room.
Put up a couple layers of tape on his doorframe every day until he gets stuck and freaks out.

>> No.29738300

yes having around 1/2 or 1/3 of your daily calories delivered in a constant flow of sugar isn’t a problem
it doesn’t mess with your hormones at all
i agree in the end it’s about calories in calories out but having half of your macros coming from corn syrup will fuck you up
and it’s literally the easiest thing to change since water doesn’t even really taste like something
so fatties could just be big boys for once in their life and change their sweet feel good juice replace with something that doesn’t taste at all

also op forget about keto bullshit diets
in the end all your brother has to do is eat less
if he can’t do that he is lost

>> No.29738392

You are correct. They are different. Less fructose in sugar. He gets HFCS alright, but he'll also often have snacks with sugar, so probably a 50/50 split.

Fructose by itself say in fruit juice releases over 100 times the number of oxidents into the body as glucose since it isn't in the fiber matrix like fruit should be. Fruit juice is marketed as being "healthy" when it isn't. I still love the occasional cup.

I am aware that having some oxidents is good as they help to clean up old cells (I want to say cells) in the body. Too much starts destroying healthy ones.

Glucose is neat as it requires no conversion, so it feeds the brain and music tissue quickly. I see it in a lot of Korean candies.

>> No.29738400


You're one of those skinny dudes that is in terrible shape. I bet you couldn't even jog a mile without dry heaving.

>> No.29738432


>110 pounds

I only just noticed that kek

>> No.29738471
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Oh no you’re retarded. HFCS is the poison. Glucose is very good for you, fructose not so much.

Your brain lives and thrives on sugar but you seem to be sub 100iq so you probably don’t need it lol

Imagine being fat and a brainlet, the most hopeless of all.

>> No.29738561

I skateboard a lot especially on vert which requires a lot of cardio. Im absolutely sure i could beat you in a foot race.

Don’t be jealous because im a lean protein machine.

I love that my existence makes fatties seethe so much

>> No.29738599


>Gets given sources to prove my point
>Posts wrong shit
>Calls me stupid when I've never been fat in my entire life and he's 110 pounds



Here's some sources, try eating healthy food and picking up a weight and you might weight more than a woman. HFCS is poison, and so is refined sugar. Calling people fat brainlets when you're literally wrong won't get you far.

>> No.29738691

>extra gasoline for cars


>> No.29738714

I know that some modified sugars aren't listed as sugars, but I think HFCS is usually listed under sugars such as in soda.

Glad you are aware of the blunting effects of fiber.

I'm glad my dad is getting a government pension and my mom can get half when he passes so I don't go bankrupt. If my brother ends up not being able to move, it'll be a reduction in food time.

He needs to do it. He's super impulse. Also eats when bored and constantly is watching or listening to something. Eating while watching something in screen like TV increased caloric intake by 30% on one study I glanced over years back. If he stopped doing that, he'd be better, but it's media, media, media. If he doesn't get his constant drip, it's anxiety land as he's hooked on it.

>> No.29738749
File: 1.16 MB, 498x280, 3135D944-95CA-4F61-8B79-66E9FE7CFB1E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a picture of yourself with the date and time, if you are not fat and in shape i may listen to you. But you sound like a dumb fatass so im skeptical of all the bullshit thats spewing out of your mouth.

I know you won’t post the photo because youre fat.

>> No.29738807

kek just noticed that

>> No.29738842

try to get him to work out with you. My dad is obese and I've been making him hike a couple miles every morning after my run. He's been losing weight and seems much happier overall.

>> No.29738901


I don't much give a shit if you listen to me or not, if you want to weigh 110lb and think you know shit about nutrition then fine, be a twig, but I can lift you over my head for reps no problem because I don't touch sugar and actually work out. I don't need to post pictures to prove I know something, I've already posted multiple sources, as well as given you the origin of the "fat bad sugar good" meme. You're parroting sugar industry talking points that they spent millions pushing. Have fun wondering why you have diabetes and heart disease despite being skinny. Anybody who actually checks the sources I've posted will realize I'm right and will be better off for knowing the information.

>> No.29739042
File: 726 KB, 152x255, AEBFB9E0-6E59-4760-9688-6ACFF370F0EC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you just proved you're fat. Sorry i don’t listen to fatties!

Try being less fat and retarded please. You’re just parroting nu-nutrition mumbo jumbo. Stop getting your health advice from from toe rogan. You’ll live longer.

>> No.29739098

Anons, I'm off to bed. I appreciate the observations and advice. Gonna consider what the best way forward is.

Ultimately, it's up to him. My mom gets super concerned about when he'll stop and I'll half joke that *maybe* when he's in the hospital and the doctor says they're gonna have to chop off some toes if he doesn't get healthy quick.

Either that or shrooms. He said he might be down for those tomorrow. I'm getting desperate and if he gets insight into how he's treating himself, then hopefully he'll change. I love my little morbidly obese brother.

>> No.29739184

>>29738901 is right, work out and eat fats over carbs. Working out really helps because you'll crave fats/proteins over sugars.

>> No.29739206

He did say he liked hiking last summer. We live up north and winter sucks bad, so I might get him out after my morning exercise and work is done. Gonna be over 50F this weekend.

When he got up to over mile a day, he seemed a lot happier.

>> No.29739220
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Fuck off brainlet, here's my weight tracking for the last 6 months (haven't weighed the last 2 weeks or so which is why the line goes flat). I've posted multiple sources supporting my point, all you've posted is that you're 110lb and probably look like you have AIDS unless you're about 5'1. I've eaten less than 20g a day of carbs the last year and almost zero sugar. I'm a healthy weight and lift.

>> No.29739360

anon, just ignore him. we'll live on to be 110 with perfect heart health, while carb guzzler here wonders why he has heart palpitations at 23.

>> No.29739380

im up north too but we just walk on the roads rn cuz the woods are full of snow rn

>> No.29739428

this sounds kinda gay, but can you get him an e-bike? gives him cardio that isn't too taxing.

>> No.29739592
File: 61 KB, 1136x852, 07E86C6A-81F4-4632-BB01-7F00580F2CD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love when you seethe, photo with todays date or else your just a lardass.

My thighs are hard as rocks from pumping on skateboard. My girlfriend likes my lean and hard body. I don’t need useless muscle while skating on the vert, it get in the way. I bet you think tony hawk is an aids victim and that you’re healthier than him.

Fucking delusional fatties, they’re always good for a laugh lol.

Pic related, a so called aids victim.

Im actually 56kg so 123 pounds and not 110. We use metric in civilized countries.

>> No.29739650

Shhhh, let the fatty seethe

>> No.29739656

Tony Hawk weighs ~170 lbs or ~77 kg, retard.

>> No.29739669

Tony Hawk is 170.

>> No.29739737

>adding made up "wage discrimination" to inflate the made up numbers even further

>> No.29739781

It's unironically true that eating healthy is more expensive than shoveling pre-processed garbage into your maw. There's a reason why a large portion of obese fatties are actually poorfags.

>> No.29739876

>1 lb salad at nearby convenience store: $3.99
>burger: $6.25

even cheaper if you make it yourself, but comparing premade prices also takes into account labor

>> No.29739889
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>Post weight chart that shows a steady bulk over 6 months to a perfectly healthy weight
>Fuck off delusional fatties

Tony Hawk is like 7'1, are you? Who's delusional here?

Two years ago I got violent food poisoning and spent two weeks in bed throwing up and blasting shit, unable to eat anything, and when it was over I still weighed 25lb more than you. I'm not posting a picture of myself on a glowing website full of people able to find a flagpole using nothing but the empty sky behind it to locate something. I'm in a country that uses KG too but most people I speak to about weight are from the US so I use lbs. It's also easier to track. Cope all you want about being a twig, I've never been fat in my life and eat only healthy food.

>> No.29739894
File: 2.78 MB, 600x338, F14BCABB-FC19-4C76-91F5-600C339375C9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wasn’t when he was my age.

Anyway it was fun getting the fatties riled up but i must go out and be productive.

Eat what ever you want at what ever quantity you want and believe what ever bullshit you want because it’s not my life you’re fucking up so i couldn’t care less.

Thanks for the lulz guys!

>> No.29739954
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Absolute state of this stickman cope

>> No.29739980
File: 2.51 MB, 4416x3640, 411102F8-BBF5-4968-82A7-8E57C9BE26B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol a last minute seethe before i leave lol.

Digusting fatties never learn.

>> No.29740017

Preparing a balanced meal of decent quality ingredients that hits all the nutrients and doesn't taste like depression is on average more expensive than buying a microwaveable TV dinner or packet of hot pockets.

Also, where the fuck do you live that a basic chain restaurant garbage burger is fucking 6 dollarydoos?

>> No.29740045

Wtf I could rape you with one arm.

>> No.29740052

This. Use force if necessary.

>> No.29740091

Maybe he's just very tiny.

>> No.29740093

He'll be facing the cost of cardiac surgery, knee surgery, in home care, longer stay at hospitals and the beetus. That's just hospital bills

>> No.29740120

What I learned from this thread
>eating less is more expensive
Totally asinine. BIG FAT COPE

>> No.29740175


it's not more expensive, it's just a bit more time consuming to make (for many foods, but things like pre-prepared salads are CHEAPER AND EASIER). this is why fast food dominates in poorer areas--it caters to the tired and hungry.

>> No.29740489

Consider this: The cost of an obese unhealthy population is less than the cost of a healthy population with properly functioning brains who would be demanding the problems of the nation be fixed properly instead of sitting at home drinking sugar juice pacified by television.


Eating healthy is not more expensive than eating garbage, it's just easier. Buying some meat and vegetables and cooking them is far cheaper than eating out every meal. I spend £45 a week on food and eat 4000 calories a day, no processed food, no takeouts etc. One decent sized meal from a takeout place is £5 minimum. If you're eating 3 meals a day, that's £105 a week. More than double. Microwave meals and shit like that is cheaper sure, but it's 100% devoid of any nutrition and full of cancer causing chemicals. Anyone who says eating healthy is expensive is too lazy to properly work out a food budget and do research on nutrition.


This cope is bigger than your bicep kek

>> No.29740787

want to stop being fat?
don't eat sugar and wheat.

>> No.29740857

Lmao, you can progressively eat less and more important EAT HEALTHY. And no, its not more expensive

>> No.29740970

Yes, but keto acidifies your body basically and opens a door to many diseases. And the moment you start consuming carbs again (which you absolutely need, your gut lives on it) your body goes apeshit

>> No.29741023

No way you are being serious, cant tell if bait or not

>> No.29741545

>wage discrimination

>> No.29741887
File: 816 KB, 800x479, 1586578238910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine making yourself fat then complaining about all the disadvantages of being fat. You should have to pay an NHS surcharge to access healthcare if you're fat because it's self imposed.


Keto is good in short periods but should never be a permanent diet. It's really good for cutting fat because instead of limiting yourself on carbs and hating every meal, you can just eat tons of butter and olive oil and meat for a couple months while cutting and it will feel like a treat instead of a chore. I did keto for 6 months and by the end of it I had heartburn permanently until I stopped and went back to carbs. It's good for people with diabetes and people cutting fat but it should never be a permanent thing.

>> No.29742072

wrong, faggot, veg is cheap and eating a balanced diet of veg proteins carbs and fats is not expensive at all, it only requires a little bit of intelligence and forethought so I'm not surprised you find it difficult

>> No.29742386

Intermittent fasting is a gift from God. Walk the Earth he gave us all every day on top of that and fat loss is inevitable.

>> No.29742529

Always cracks me up

>> No.29743433
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> Base Ten Mathematics

>> No.29744695
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This. Tell him about the benefits of puking before going to bed.

Bad throat is a small price to pay to not be fat if you can't stop eating. Contrary to popular belief your teeth will not get wrecked by puking but your throat will start taking damage if you keep it up over 5 years.

>> No.29745604
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fucking based, everyone here should read ray peat and get redpilled on polyunsaturated fats. sugar is good for you, it speeds up your metabolism