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29731326 No.29731326 [Reply] [Original]

>if the power goes out, *boom* you lose all your bitcoin

>> No.29731367

well, yeah

>> No.29731391

Peter schiff is a glow nigger pied piper operation just like his father. His father Irwin Schiff got thousands of people arrested in the 1980s. Peter schiff has kept millions of hard money libertarians poor with his anti bitcoin bias.

>> No.29731421

if global power goes out via some sort of electromagnetic space fuckery they are all gone

>> No.29731440

>tfw papa Biden takes your gold

>> No.29731488

I had a boomer in another thread just tell me that gold is better because if you could hypothetically send it through the phone lines and pay with physical gold over the internet, it would be totally untraceable.
Yup. I wish I was strawmanning him or making it up. This is what he really said.
I tried to explain to him that there are numerous rock hard privacy solutions in crypto, from dedicated privacy coins like Monero to second layer solutions that can be laid over any blockchain, like NuCypher. But I think any such technical explanation is doomed to be lost upon such a man.

>> No.29731486
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>> No.29731494

If you want based boomers you need Mike Maloney. Silver/gold dealer but also a crypto holder and believer. >>29731440

>> No.29731551

>dumb shit shitcoiners say:
>"I own a bitcoin"

>> No.29731555

Gold/silver are my safety net. Crypto is my speculation funds.

>> No.29731580

>hackers will steal your crypto
because gold has never ever been stolen

>> No.29731609

I also tried to explain to him that even BTC is better than gold for privacy, despite the private ledger, because with gold you have to show up and pay someone in person for illegal stuff, which means they see your face, and know who you are, and you can get caught with the materials. IDK. I tried to explain that stuff. Not that it matters and not that I condone people buying fucked up shit with crypto or anything else. I'm just saying, I tried to explain with reason why even unprotected, non-privacy-centric crypto is more private than cash or gold.

>> No.29731627

>because gold has never ever been stolen
yeah north koreans are walking into people's houses and stealing their gold all the time

>> No.29731633

>Keep working, someone's gotta pay my social security

>> No.29731687

It's not bad to have a safety net, I just don't get the gold thing. Real estate is my safety net. People are always gonna need land. Not sure why people will need a worthless rock with almost no practical uses going forward. Just because "it was done in the past". Arranged marriages of child brides and slavery were done in the past too, you know?

>> No.29731695

>you have to show up and pay someone in person
and imagine that transaction memorialized forever for whoever wants to look at it for eternity. That's bitcoin.

>> No.29731717

Aren't there physical gold bitcoins?

>> No.29731721

Also loads of fugazi out there. Occasionally you'll hear about some getting into the bullion dealers too

>> No.29731820

nice trips & same dilly for me
alts to stack btc
btc to stack pms
living off stablecoin interest

>> No.29731853

Well I'd like some land someday. Gold and silver do have uses though they're great conductors. Obviously gold is coveted as jewelry too, has been since our beginning. Having some metals makes me feel a bit more secure in the event of a depression or god forbid a hyper inflation

>> No.29731866

Dude that is bitcoin if you don't use any privacy layer or privacy coin or any other privacy solution which prevents that. But even if you don't, your name and zero identifiable information is attached to it, lol. And zero info about what you bought. It's meaningless numbers out on a distributed ledger somewhere that literally nobody can tie back to you.

The only way something illegal gets tied back to you is when you show up in person to buy it and you either end up on video or seen by witnesses.

Fuck I sound like some criminal right now just talking about this shit, and I am not, I am just saying you boomers are retarded with the way you think about things.

>> No.29731895

I saw that anon
too bad he wasn't trolling
typical ///pol///

>> No.29731930

>1933 will never happen again

>> No.29731942

That's awesome. I waited until I had a small stash of PMs until I started messing with crypto so I'm still pretty new

>> No.29731982

As a conductor is the only realistic use that gold has, and even then there are very limited practical applications of it. Mostly only in circuitboards since the conductivity of copper is so close and there are very few instances where you actually need that extra conductivity.
And even in the circuitboards, there is an exceptionally small amount of gold in them when it IS used.
Basically, as a practical useful commodity the demand for gold is next to zero.

I mean, I'm not really trying to FUD you off of gold. It makes perfect sense to have a backup and diversify your portfolio. I'm just saying in the context of the whole "OMG BUY GOLD!" boomer craze on here. It's prob a dumb investment.

>> No.29731993
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My name is Peter Newsham; I don't use scientific method when doing investigations and I stand up for Comet Ping Pong. The MSM is settled!

>> No.29732008

That was because of the gold standard. The feds needed gold to back the massive amount of dollars to bail the banks out. Loads of it was never turned it, called pre 33 gold on PM sites. Pretty neat you can own gold some 1930s person held in defiance to the state

>> No.29732031

>Arranged marriages of child brides
go back

>> No.29732048

If the hundreds of trillions of dollars held as assets in the bond markets begin to topple, that evaporation of wealth will be best avoided by owning digits on a screen.

>> No.29732081

uhh anon look up this thing called the sun, it's a massive nuclear fusion powered electromagnet that we actually orbit

>> No.29732094

lmao at that image

>> No.29732098

If that happens, you have bigger worries, as many others have said.
On the other hand, that may be good for preserving wealth into the next system.

>> No.29732138

>crypto is only used by criminals!!

>> No.29732143

lol, sure it is

>> No.29732172

Nah you're fine man. I think most people in /pmg/ know there's no mooning potential with gold, it just helps secure buying power down the road a bit. But silver, that's where people believe there's alot of momentum because it's highly manipulated paper wise and under valued, along with the increasing industrial demand.

>> No.29732184

my gold is going to be worth so much in an apocalypse scenario where people are stabbing each other over cans of beans

>> No.29732223

Pls respond

>> No.29732276
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>> No.29732278

the boomer rock people don't own any gold or silver. if you owned some. you would get it. plus, if you are in bitcoin core, you are basically the boomer of crypto and also gay.

>> No.29732282

If power goes out we’re all fucked you retard

>> No.29732321

if the power stays out, if you arent in a rural, close knit, self sustaining community youre fucked anyway
and how many of those exist right now outside of the amish

>> No.29732398

> Arranged marriages of child brides and slavery were done in the past too
Unironically in a SHTF anarchist scenario things these would come back, as would trading with precious metals.

>> No.29732457

emp pulses are not as destructive to electronics as people believe. storage media in most cases is uneffected.
If there was a disaster on the scale that wipes out all the infrastructure of the entire planet a can of spaghetti-o's & a full magazine will be worth far more then btc & gold.
t.electronic engineer

>> No.29732481

Good luck with your investments, man. I was really into the whole gold thing back during the 2008 crash. I was too young to have any real money to invest back then, but I had a little bit. And I used to actually listen to Peter Schiff back then, too, because he was the only guy who called the 2008 crash before it happened. And people laughed at him on television for just saying what ended up being totally true.

But then..........but then for the 14 years after that pretty much everything the man said was 100% inverted. Just shit that was the polar opposite of true.

But yeah I mean I don't hate gold or people who have it. I just hate the fucking boomers who don't understand crypto and think "it's the devil!" so they're fucking running to gold and trying to FUD everyone off of bitcoin.
I mean I legit talked to a guy on /pol/ who believed that bitcoin was a chip that satan puts in your brain to track you and control you. And that it was the "mark of the beast" and will be controlled by all of these governments.

I WISH I was making this up. And naturally that fag wanted me to buy gold. Because apparently it's "God's currency" or some shit. God loves gold, apparently. I keep thinking of that movie "goldfinger" and I wonder if, in his mind, that is what god is really like dancing around up in heaven and making love to his gold.

>> No.29732578

Who is gonna trade in precious metals in a "SHTF scenario"? How are they gonna transport the gold with no infrastructure? No fossil fuels?

You would unironically have a better chance of bottlecaps being the preferred currency, like in Fallout 4.

Gold has only ever had value BECAUSE governments give it value. That's been it's sole purpose for all of humanity.
No government = no value for gold.

>> No.29732629

I was an early crypto nigger & needed something like pm's to park my money safely & quietly.
I value both but boomer pm maxis are reeee-

>> No.29732878

How are you going to transport your precious bottlecaps with no fossil fuels or infrastructure?

>> No.29732911

its fucking tiny have you ever looked up retard
then why is my magnet laying on my table instead of floating up
>m-muh science

>> No.29733093

I didn't say it would, I said you have a better chance of it.
Aren't bottlecaps generally made of some aluminum allow that is lightweight?
If there was any precious metal that was gonna be traded it would be aluminum for it's lightweight and durability. Plus it's tons of actual practical applications.

Could they even create aluminum 1000 years ago? I don't think they could manufacture it. I think that's why gold might have been chosen, because they couldn't get any aluminum.

Better buy aluminum, anon!
Although realistically people are not gonna want precious metals in any "SHTF scenario" like that is just blind /pol/ack fantasy, totally not thought out.
People are gonna want food, land, water and a way to keep warm. If you can provide those things then you will be fine. But nobody is going to exchange those things for worthless rocks.

Aluminum is at least not a "worthless rock" I mean at least there is value to it in it's practical uses.
Steel also, but steal is extremely heavy which would make it hard to transport.

>> No.29733136

>aluminum allow
Sorry aluminum alloy*

>> No.29733142

Yes the comments on youtube videos are laughable.

>> No.29733175

None of them really question the fact that you can buy gold for bitcoin on his actual site.
>l-let me take those useless internet coins off of you goy! here, have these really useful shiny rocks instead!

>> No.29733342

Yeah Peter Schiff is literally selling gold. He knows what he is doing. He is a used car salesman
>*slaps hood*
>*this baby is gonna get you all the food you want in a SHTF situation!*
Youth is thinking that Peter Schiff is The Man because he called the 2008 housing crisis before anyone else.
Adulthood is realizing that Peter Schiff is a fucking brilliant con artist who was smart enough to see the 2008 housing crisis before anyone else, and then capitalize on the street cred that gave him by selling gold and FUD about the US economy for the next 14 years.
I'm sure he's beyond filthy fucking rich. And I'm sure he has many, many, many bitcoins.

>> No.29733359
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They don't have to say it. Owning a bitcoin is a public declaration of owning a bitcoin, in and of itself.

There is another way.

>> No.29733377

Thanks. You're correct they generally don't understand it and mostly comment this retarded stuff out of fear and the feeling of being antiquated. I don't wanna become antiquated, I feel if is important to stay on top of technology and innovation, and for sure there is a future for cryptos

>> No.29733395
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>it's a massive nuclear fusion powered electromagnet that we actually orbit

>> No.29733402

I stack silver
the recent norman invasion of dewy eyed plebut fags thinking their going to break the comex is laughable.
here's an uncomfortable redpill on silver
silver is paper tradeable because it is the industrial byproduct of mining lead.
>Argentine Galena (silver bearing lead sulfate)
let that sink in
when the online bullion dealers ran out it was because they only stock so much pretty stuff like pamp bars & ase's.
the mints have warehouses filled to the tits with 1000 oz bars they can melt & sell as coins, rounds etc.
there is not a shortage of physical silver, there are just a big increase of demand of minted bullion which exceeds supply.
thats when the coin & bullion dealers jack premiums up to pants on head levels.
you can only get into the silver game slow & steady - be patient. Mind the premiums & the 60day ema. Sell to 'itsa enda thewurld' conservacucks when they make a pm run.

>> No.29733485

>Adulthood is realizing that Peter Schiff is a fucking brilliant con artist who was smart enough to see the 2008 housing crisis before anyone else, and then capitalize on the street cred that gave him by selling gold and FUD about the US economy for the next 14 years.
And worst part is that he is knowingly MOSTLY taking advantage of senior citizens, which is what the boomers are now. And those are the ones that are FUDing over gold and deeply believing in it.
Peter Schiff knows full well what he is doing. He gets rich as your grandma and grandpa get broke.

>> No.29733582

I hear ya. I've paused silver at the moment. I got a 150 ozt stack accumulated most under or around $20/oz the past year. I'm only doing gold/crypto right now I can't pay the insane premiums on silver

>> No.29733644


space is fake and gay

>> No.29733921

thats what pisses me off about him
also anyone breathing oxygen with three brain cells to rub together knew the subprime market was an inevitable fuckshow - he was hardly a wizard or a renegade for calling it.
It was such a commonplace sentiment that normal financial people wouldn't brag about it - it would be like bragging about knowing the sky is blue.
He did trump it up & spun it into something that makes him appear like a renegade wizard, but that's what scummy grifters do.

>> No.29733943
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wow you can parrot priests. Congrats.

>> No.29734190

thats a respectable stack for a year.
fwiw, cashing some gains out into paxg & keeping that for metals stacking fund is a nice play.

>> No.29734264

gay is space & fake
until it's
>muh asteroid mining
scarcity counter argument time

>> No.29734273

>also anyone breathing oxygen with three brain cells to rub together knew the subprime market was an inevitable fuckshow - he was hardly a wizard or a renegade for calling it.
That's interesting. I didn't know that. I was......young. So I didn't really have any concept of any of that. All I saw was this one guy going on TV and all of the "financial experts" laughing at him.
So when I first started to get into finance and understanding the economy, I used to listen to Peter Schiff a lot. I used to think he was "The Man".
Nope, he's just an EXTREMELY crafty con artist.
And the funny thing, and the mark of a true crafty con artist, is that he actually gets richer by letting people think he's dumb.
He knows that crypto is the future. He knows that gold is shit. He is just selling a product he knows sucks.
He chose gold because he got this image as "the guy who predicted the doom" so people who wanted to hear doom started listening to him. So he started selling gold to pander to them.
Now he can't stop selling the doom or else his profits will dry up. He knows full well what he's doing. He is laughing all the way to the bank as people make threads on /biz/ calling him stupid.
It's because he's NOT stupid. He is VERY intelligent but deeply immoral.

>> No.29734395

Not making as much money as they could maybe but I don’t think anyone has gone broke from him.

>> No.29734679

Wise investors put 90% of their folio in beans and bullets

>> No.29734977

Why? The state can just take it from you or force you off using regulations and taxes.

>> No.29735404

those 'financial experts' were hand picked cocky dumbasses that he emotionally manipulates into anger or frustration
He still does the same thing, he'll debate someone like roger ver but he knows damn well who he can play.
He's no dummy &.I'm fairly certain he has a substantial amount of btc.
His schtick is to say inflammatory divisive half truths & lay them down like the law.
The boomers get there belief egos stroked, his dissenters try to point out logic & he shouts them down. They never get a whole sentence out & the boomers think he's a wizard debater.
He's just a blowhard that physically prevents any counterarguments to be expressed.
Hey, he's an entertainer the way I see him. He's drawn me in with his rhetoric & then I realised his game.
Let his game be a lesson
Its the same shit the news does by playing george floyd getting killed.
highly emotional situations where both people were wrong & fuzzy emotional lines all over the place.
They made sure they played that shit 24/7 until it got everyone polarized.
It's a ploy to get an emotion out of you & the only way to win is to not play.
Once your eyes are open to it it's everywhere & both sides are full of shit.
Sounds nihilistic but it actually helps remove all the bullshit you have no control over that gets so many people worked up.

>> No.29735605

Peter schiff hate thread signals gold bottom.

>> No.29735714

>The only way something illegal gets tied back to you is when you show up in person to buy it and you either end up on video or seen by witnesses
How did some the big time dealers on Silk Road get caught?

>> No.29735783
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>Nothing matters except sustainable food supplies, water purification, medicine, guns and bullets.

>> No.29736132

Yup. Agree 100%.
You mean like Ross Ulbricht? Not by using bitcoin. They used to use bitcoin to do ALL of that shit on Silk Road. That is why it's so fucking stupid when boomers claim "crypto aint anonymous!" they have no clue what they're talking about.
Ulbricht got caught because the FBI was able to link him to a web forum where he used a certain username that got traced back to him and his true identity. Something about him using the name "dread pirate roberts". I can't remember anymore details than that off the top of my head.

But yeah, basically all silk road transactions were done over bitcoin and nobody could ever track anyone down.
Ulbricht himself ran the entire network using bitcoin for everything and nobody was ever able to trace it to him. It was just his dumb web forum posting.

Only way you get tracked down using bitcoin is if you're stupid and tech illiterate and you make your wallet and address public. And you can have multiple addresses tied to the same wallet so you just have an address that you wanna use specifically for the private transaction and boom. There is no way for anyone to trace it to you.

Boomers are fucking stupid. They don't understand privacy.
Not only that, but nowadays there are so many even more private options. Like monero or just using an extra layer of encryption like with NuCypher.

Boomers are fucking dumb man and they don't understand technology. It's really as simple as that.

>> No.29736845

Ok reddit, enough ad hominem attacks. If you own only crypto and no gold, you do not understand monetary history or geopolitics.

>> No.29736884

If all power goes out *boom* fiat is gone