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29728222 No.29728222 [Reply] [Original]

Guys how the fuck do I find a lawyer that will do my taxes? I have kept zero logs and have transfered between so many fucking exchanges I have lost count of all the coins I use.

What the fuck do I do and how do I find a lawyer? Should I go to a law firm or just find some independent dude?


>> No.29728305

Join the Aryan brotherhood on your first day in prison.

>> No.29728323

anon please I can't go out like this

>> No.29728333
File: 316 KB, 2048x2048, 1614278630453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dood just start practicing fingering your asshole ur going to jail no matter what....

>> No.29728374

Bumping for interest
I didn't keep track of shit
I didn't think it would matter since I'm not a whale
Then I bought Cardano and Nervos cheap and now they are mooning and I'm scared of getting audited

>> No.29728377

This. Shower rape someone the first day or become someone's bitch

>> No.29728434

1. go thru the email addresses you've used for signups and search for all the exchanges you used
2. log in to each one and download csv dumps of all your trades
3. upload them to a service like koinly and it should fill in the prices and other gaps
4. print out the tax forms it generates
5. done

>> No.29728446

Honestly, it astounds me how retarded everyone is when it comes to taxes, just use a website like koinly.io and enter in all your wallet addresses and APIs from different exchanges and it literally does everything for you...

>> No.29728497 [DELETED] 

OK listen to me, chime card use kraken, pull small amounts out at a time less than 5-10k, buy a shit car you don’t plan on driving, play dumb if anyone comes asking they won’t but if they do at most put a lien against you that expires in 10 years don’t do what ur planning play dumb

I could use a tip but my dad died laughing as his lines expired a few months before

His last words to me he smiled and laughed said “I beat the taxman” this is not advice.

Anyone else a burger read this I come from the car world this is common

>> No.29728540

If you can't find a lawyer to do your taxes, make sure to find an accountant to defend you when the IRS prosecutes you for tax fraud

>> No.29728546

ok but what if i've used crypto to buy stuff and some business expenses? i used it a lot last year

>> No.29728648

Even if you do it right in the first place, it's FUCKED.
I had to train 3 fucking people about how to even read the transactions, where to mark to market, etc.
Even worse, they will not go pull up the data for you or anything. They will just do the math. So you, anon, will always have to go figure out what stupid wallets you used and collect every single transaction all the way back.
It's so fucked.

>> No.29728732

If you are dumb enough to purposefully move your money around to avoid shit your gonna get in trouble, just take it out when they come to collect let them lien you it's all they can do if you don't give a fuck.

>> No.29728872

>Make absolutely no money IRL when you make it
>Put all of your money into usdc on coinbase
>Go homeless for a year or couch surf whatever >Hold for one year and cash out under long term gains capital tax
>pay your 0% and make 6% or whatever it is on coinbase

>> No.29728879

It's actually not that hard if you are a burger. Checkout bitcoin.tax. Otherwise, I'd just say take your best honest guess at what you owe based on your rates and how much you profited.

>> No.29728887

Seriously? I thought lawyers did everything for you and were super smart. Can any other anons chime in on this please

>> No.29728991

As the anon posted, they just lien your shit and if you don't sell anything for 10 years it expires, people overthink this or get greedy and wanna keep selling houses and cars for profit.

>> No.29729027

if it's a trade for goods or services then it's the same as cashing out, and that's a taxable event. the only thing you have to worry about is differentiating between transfers across your wallets and transfers used to pay for things. the rest can be sorted out automatically for you by the services mentioned.

>> No.29729032

IF and a big IF you even got to court just don't even bother its gonna end in a lien anyway let it process, they usually overestimate so IF you paid it back they would probably pay you back some.

>> No.29729182
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>have a trusted friend or relative sign up on cuckbase.
>make a larp thread "about to an hero, who wants my stack?"
>friend posts sob story and wallet address
You can figure out the rest.

>> No.29729310

If you can’t even keep track of this shit what makes you think uncle Sam will ???

>> No.29729362

most of tax paying america isnt going to pay this year due to stolen election, i woudlnt worry about it

>> No.29729374
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Now you know
How to saaave a life.
Thanks anon.
I'm not new to taxes, but I'm new to crypto taxes and I had legitimately no idea how to decipher all my disgusting etherscan logs. Absolutely, incredibly based.

>> No.29729468

Bad idea they may claim you still owe and then laundering cmon, all they can do is lien play dumb never goto court or if you do it’s liens only.
You can thank me later google federal tax liens and you’ll realize they only hit people for laundering not being an idiot on a complex system of exchange.

Don’t be a hero thinking your gonna pull a fast one, relax play dumb about what’s taxed IF they ever even know

>> No.29729470
File: 14 KB, 365x350, BC0F48BC-E8F6-45C6-B42C-7B536C7A5EE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having to pay taxes to the goyverment.

This shit sucks dick. Mother fuckers want US to take the risk to make profits and then when it's tax time, these retards want US to pay for the service to give these retards our money. You literally have to do the fucking work to get financially raped. Their lazy fucking asses don'y even want to rob you. You have to help the goyvernment rob you. The FUCK??

When are we as a society finally going to ignore these fucks in mass and not pay these mother fuckers a dime?

>> No.29729516

Remember Wesley Snipes? That's gonna be you

>> No.29729535

yep, was going to say the same. It will cost you a bit but def worth it imo if you are dealing with 5+ digits.

>> No.29729630

Oh, so you're going to fight the Iraq and Afghan wars by yourself? No? That's why we have government, dumbfuck.

>> No.29729845

Can't you just pull it all out and pay it as income? Just as a short term gain like a dividend, 35% or whatever your tax bracket is

>> No.29729973

the federal income tax doesn't fund anything retard. Its literally a goy slave tax with no jurisdiction aside from it coming from the mafia. Incase you havent noticed the govts duty is to keep average citizen in line and afraid. They can print all the money they want lol its not about money but fear and control and complacency. Even if 20% of your state taxes go to some shit that actually does shit you know the other half just dissapears and your roads schools etc are still shit and falling apart. Not to mention dont you notice every govt contract is horribly overpriced, a water fountain cost something like 200k to install lol

>> No.29730058

They don't need to tax me on literally EVERYTHING, nigger. That's where your argument falls to shit. Also, most wars are fucking retarded and the u.s. should mind their own business, asswipe. ALSO, we already spend like what, close to fucking 50% of all tax money on military? THEY DON'T NEED TO TAX EVERYTHING, SHITHEAD

Ever hear of the word "moderation" you stupid bitch?

>> No.29730167

Do americans really

>> No.29730173

I think as long as you're only taxed after you cash out. You're not making any capital gains until then.

>> No.29730197

this is reddit tier cringe

>> No.29730361
File: 632 KB, 1242x902, 235EAED8-69A0-4485-BD24-AE1D0F96273A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not to mention dont you notice every govt contract is horribly overpriced, a water fountain cost something like 200k to install lol
pic related. Actually a true story

>> No.29730487

I live in a rural area of Arkansas. My local gibsument just spend 130k to install 2 fucking bathrooms at our local park because homeless who live there piss n shit all over the psrk. Fuck them dude. It was 9 degrees here a week ago and homeless people were huddled in tents at that same park. Also they lock the bathrooms at 9 pm because of vandalism so the homeless shit and piss everywhere STILL. Government is totally ineffective and i don't even live in a big city. 23k population. Somone make sense of this shit

>> No.29730695

clown fucking world

>> No.29730790

The entire reason they built the bathrooms was because the homeless piss and shit everywhere and they don't want to solve the homeless problem. They are only there at night to sleep in there tents really yet they lock the bathroom so they just shit infront of the bathroom literally. They are not based drug addicts and should be removed not accommodated with shit that they can't even use. Fuck man put them in a program or some shit. 130k

>> No.29731001

they probably worked out a deal with the unions and contractors. Seen public transportation cost billions and literally no one uses the shit but your know someone is happy

>> No.29731084

Im leaving burgerland when i make it.

>> No.29731269

Based and patriotpilled. Why the fuck should anyone pay for this bullshit.

>> No.29731359

>pay to arm the insurgents via glownigger ops
>now you have to pay to fight them
Seems like never ending bullshit

>> No.29731615

but anon you are still legally required to pay your taxes to the US because you were a US citizen at the time you acquired your crypto :) are you 12

>> No.29732097

Okay. Different anon. But I have under 10k why do I have to pay anything? I am not paying anything. What are they going to do? Arrest me?

>> No.29732161

what if you also are a foreign citizen

>> No.29732201

You go to international court and they decide which prison to send you to.

>> No.29732233

fpbp my fucking sides

>> No.29732314

Imagine paying taxes to an illegitimate government.

>> No.29732370

Can come to Brazil and get it

>> No.29732496

you can always calculate on a zero cost basis where you assume you bought all these coins for $0. look at the value you held in crypto on 31/12, apply a *.4 to it and pay that amount. you'll overpay by a lot but at least the IRS will leave you alone. and be more thorough next time.

>> No.29732504

thats not true. most countries do not extradite their citizens to other nations.

>> No.29732523

Imagine being this bluepilled. Renounce citizenship to the (((united states of goy))) and they can't do shit. And don't bring up international courts, you really think they're gonna go through all that effort just to get your shekels? kys

>> No.29732551

The first time you do tax fraud is a freebie

>> No.29732676

prison for tax fraud you looking at anything between 2 and 15 years.

doesn’t matter. US based = your shitcoins belong here

this is no joke they will come and you will be pursued internationally
you will never be able to take flights to anywhere again, doesn’t have to be a flight to the US btw for authorities to track you

>> No.29732747

Cucks, there are so many ways to be free, but you decide to bow down, kneel and suck the governments cock, why are u even in crypto, go leave and sell your coins and pay your half of good goy taxes, the society earned its right to your work, we want half of your shit now

>> No.29732753

Yeah.. mafia government doesn't play around. Bunch of thugs

>> No.29732763

why you shit in street
shits not sanitary

>> No.29732811

I don't want the mafia to jail me

>> No.29732829

the spend insane amounts of money on (sometimes) pointless things
the money has to come from somewhere...

>> No.29732857

TurboTax has audit protection for pennies.

>> No.29732913

how the fuck would they know about what you hold

>> No.29732914

Checked, you will be gangbanged by 3 men who will all use your #2. Hang in there.

>> No.29732920

Good slave, be scared

>> No.29732992

Have fun getting analed by tyrone

>> No.29732996

I love how it's so fucking garbage in america to do your taxes you have to resort to this.

>> No.29733130

they don’t. they ask if you do crypto and even if you say nah they check your bank accounts for transfers from or to exchanges
you can’t rope yourself out of crypto taxis better rope for real if you ignored it until now lol

>> No.29733137

[end amount USD - start amount USD]*tax rate

>> No.29733159

>they check your bank accounts for transfers from or to exchanges

>> No.29733194

also save some in another account for tax liability in case they try to jew you

>> No.29733256

bro the state doesn’t care about privacy when it fines to GETTIBG OAYED!!! REALING ALL YOUR CRYPTO PROFITS!!! :D SWEET!

>> No.29733274

that's zero cost basis

>> No.29733335

IRS does have the NSA data (all communications internet etc)... They have full ability to choose to do whatever. You have no 4th amendment or other privacy right to banking records (or any records held by a third party aka any business)

I am a lawyer this is not advice we are not in a relationship

>> No.29733352

So if I do that I’ll always overpay?

>> No.29733365
File: 6 KB, 333x293, 1456428992792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But if you don't pay taxes we cant afford to fight wars for Israel
Not paying taxes is anti-Semitic goy

>> No.29733403

why are you guys being autistic

>> No.29733412

yes. but you're always covered since you've calculated the absolute maximum amount of tax possible for that amount i.e. you remove any possibility that you underpaid. it's the safe but expensive option.

>> No.29733672

based I’ll do that, I hate the IRS but anything to keep those niggers away and anything that gives me less of a headache is unironically worth it

thanks for the advice

>> No.29733786

Why would a lawyer do someone’s taxes???

>> No.29733804

I used cointracking.info to compile all my trades since 2013 (I did over 1.5 million in volume in 2018) between many exchanges (KuCoin, bittrex, binance, coinbase, etc)

Today I sent in my amended 1040X for 2017 and sent daddy IRS $1400 to get legal (deadline for filing amended is 3 years after you originally file).

>> No.29733877

they wouldnt

>> No.29735050

taxes = wars, dumbfuck

>> No.29735094


>> No.29735167

Imagine actually paying taxes lmao

>> No.29735530

If you aren't going to pay taxes on your crypto gains in the US, you would unironically make more money and spend less time in prison if you made it by making and selling methamphetamine

>> No.29736648

I use cointracker and coinbase.

>> No.29737453

Uhhhhh... maybe find an ACCOUNTANT to help you with your TAXES you fucking retard.