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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29727040 No.29727040 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.29727297

Eth killer lol
Some retards believed it and bought some scam food tokens

>> No.29727357
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>Eth killer lol
Nothings changed just shitcoin crashed

BNB is still going to replace eth

>> No.29727377

Seems the be doing better than eth right now?

>> No.29727400

sold food for bnb, still holding bnb tho. pretty stable crab coin

>> No.29727426

Good. Fucking die BSC mongoloids.

>> No.29727429

BSC DOES stand for binance shit coins, OP. you kinda walked into that one.

>> No.29727439
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>> No.29727509

nah we good, eth is dead btw. not seen l2 until q4 2021. stay poor in the year of the halving faggots

>> No.29727625

I made 10k from 500 off of them this week

>> No.29727693

Hahahah good fuck bsc and fuck BNB.

>> No.29727788

Damn dude are you me? I did the same, with the same amounts and everything. It was pretty easy since fomo was so high.

>> No.29727875

we all did. except me, i only made 5k

>> No.29727879

fuck me daddie uwu

>> No.29727951

you larpers made shit

>> No.29728039

I've just been trying to profit off of the twitter/reddit normies who are apeing into dumb ass food and pokemon tokens. Its working wonders so far.

>> No.29728056

Use BNB to BAKE a CAKE, those are the 3 ingredients to make it, buy em while they are cheap.

>> No.29728057

Yes, all BSC tokens are rug pulls but once you accept that and leave all morality and loyalty at home you can make some good money. Join the dark side. I hold Tron too.

>> No.29728099

Only lost $100 on WYNAUT/MEOWTH but it’s recovering at least

>> No.29728139

No? If you just farm non shitcoin scams it's fine via Beefy or Auto.

>> No.29728155

bnb and cake are still more tahn double where they were 2 weeks ago?

>> No.29728159

i made 10k off about 300 as well, not this week but last. WYNAUT SWOON GOAT SODA (before the rug)

>> No.29728220

I bought acsi at $40. It went to $175 then it crashed to where it is now at $18

>> No.29728304
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>> No.29728380

BNB holding steady. Consider the nature of the coin and it is always going to struggle in bear markets. However it should see growth in both crab and bull markets.

>> No.29728423

Think about the % of ERC-20 tokens that are Sub-continental carpet pulls and the fact you had to pay $3-10 to then transfer whatever you had left back to tether

>> No.29728426

isn't that yet another rugpull?

>> No.29728445

Not a food coin.
Certik heavily involved with the team.
Launchpad, liquidity lock, lending, and vaults.
Still a tiny marketcap with ponzinomics (tokens need to be staked/lp or it gets taxed and distributed to stakers/lps.

>> No.29728554

Foodbucket was pretty shitty I got a pretty comfy position though never selling dont care lol

>> No.29728565

I mean, erc-20 tokens are also mostly garbage and people are realizing how stupid it is to keep up with this fees so I fail to see your point .

>> No.29728594

>Hodling bsc when quick exists


>> No.29728726

Will 100x.

>> No.29728894

That's what I don't get people act like BSC tokens are all scams but the majority of the ETH chain is funneled into Mumbai

>> No.29728898

Few understand.

>> No.29729188

The only BSC potential scam I'm currently holding is still in the green and I'm staking it (as is everyone else, I assume, that's why the price has been pretty stable)
Tip: it has been mentioned ITT

>> No.29729960

>Tip: it has been mentioned ITT
WAULT. they claim Certik audited them bu they only used the automated scanner, which spits out a PDF. the disclaimer clearly says it is not a real audit. rugpull incoming.

>> No.29730043

Kek, is that real?

>> No.29730206

i don't understand how people on this board don't understand how stable this coin has been even throughout the last few bear years.

It reached a new all time high faster than like any other high market cap alt.

>> No.29730233

on their website you find al ink to this PDF claiming it has been "audited by Certik". in that very pdf, page 9, you see it's just an automated scanner that produced the report
the fact that they are lying about this is a huge red flag, they are trying to use Certik's reputation as reassurance that they have not planned anything dodgy. that's what scammers do.

>> No.29730268

everything is down right now dumbfuck

>> No.29730611

Biz convinced me to move everything out of eth and it was the worst thing I ever did. I dont want to do this all pver again guys why am I so fucking stupid and why does everyone always give me terrible advice

>> No.29730805

Don't hodl shitcoins.

>> No.29730853

I thought it was "safer" due to it being #4 in TVL.

>> No.29730904

Checked. If you look you'll see BNB is steadily climbing in vits.

>> No.29731005
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how did you managa to do it? I'm tired of getting rugpulled in these foodtokens

>> No.29731049

Literally launched not even a month ago dude. The way you're saying it as if the Certik team doesn't even give a shit about them which is wrong https://certikorg.medium.com/certik-and-wault-finance-partnership-e4968f7000a4
Give them some time and ride the ponzinomics while you can.

>> No.29731052

BNB will outperform ETH in the short term. when the steam runs out you can buy your ETH back, and then some.

>> No.29731072

squirrel.finance actually has insurance against rugpulls and a functioning website with daily improvements. EVEN THEN its still a rugpull kek. im balls deep in it also.

>> No.29731305

Yes, there's a lot of rugs and if one doesn't pay attention, they'll stumble into one like a bathtub in a foreign country. But at least you'll still have your organs.

>> No.29731379


>> No.29731761

I’m here to tell you that I’m a dogshit trader, but I am being 100% honest. I could’ve walked away with $20k+ if I knew when to properly exit. It was really just about finding a project early and then exiting before the inevitable crash/rugpull. I definitely helped some anons make money too, I was the first one to shill SWOON when it was at like a $10k mcap.

Basically exact same coin kek I got rugged by SODA and VICE, but I still made money off them

>> No.29731863

It’s way too easy. If you find quick 2x’s it’s a pretty reliable way to make money

>> No.29731994

If you're going to fud do it correctly and tell them to buy and have them freak out when they see their balance decreasing retard.

>> No.29732000

Get in early, make your money and get out. The getting in early is the most difficult part. All of the projects are bad, so don’t even get slightly attached to them.

>> No.29732588
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basiert und rotgepillt