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29726936 No.29726936 [Reply] [Original]

you do own land right faggot

you do truly realize that imaginary internet coins and shiny rocks really aren't worth shit unless you can feed yourself without the grocery store

you do have rainwater collection set up right anon, you also don't waste water on stupid shit right anon

you do live in a state or country that has a high solar yield right anon

you aren't seriously relying on the electrical grid right anon

>> No.29726989

Even in america land can be taken away by the government with ease.

>> No.29727059

it takes more resources to take land than defend it

if your land is sufficiently remote and isn't "worth" much to a government, like on a mountain, then why would they have any desire to seize it

>> No.29727187

1 brainlet retard eviscerated

>> No.29727302

the government has bigger things to worry about than seizing your desert property on a mountain, that has no agricultural value to them

they'll go after the midwest states first

>> No.29727382

hey retards, did you get blown out so badly by this thread

your lifestyle choices are fucking retarded, how does it feel

>> No.29727918

hey fucking retard

you got blown out of this thread

>> No.29727986

It takes one (1) tomohawk missile to eviscerate your entire family. You WILL eat the bugs. You WILL own nothing. You WILL wear the mask. Or you WILL die.

>> No.29728097

he thinks I won't bunkermax or have aa defenses at some point

thinking small never got anyone anywhere

>> No.29728217

Unless you are a billionaire you're never going to afford equipment that can stop a modern tomohawk missile. Arab goatfuckers were supplied with great equipment comparatively and they couldn't stop shit.

>> No.29728284

I'm thinking big

many things are possible in my opinion

just no one is taking advantage of opportunites

like building a giant solar grid in the desert for crypto, or taking advantage of extremely cheap desert land for this purpose

>> No.29728349

In the event of collapse your land ownership will mean absolutely nothing you dumb faggot. You're gonna get raped to death by commie gangs regardless.

>> No.29728394

>it takes more resources to take land than defend it
So 2 guys with guns got you beat? Glad you figured that one out, Billy Bob. Now go back to fucking your fat sister.

>> No.29728411

also technology doesn't stay expensive forever

and who knows you might find an alternative way to get a hold of aa defenses depending on what you do

the point is, land in the desert isn't worth much to the government if you lie low

implying you're safer in a city with rampant crime and niggerdom is a fucking joke of the highest order

>> No.29728424


>> No.29728459

no one owns land. you’re just renting it from the state

>> No.29728470


I'll be prepared for them and very far away from city centers

no one is going to find me much less take anything from me

you'll be begging at the gate but find a bullet to your skull

land is the only thing of worth during economic collapse pieces of paper or shiny coins mean nothing when people can't feed themselves

>> No.29728532


I'll have the equipment advantage from all the money I saved living in the country

seriously lol at citycucks being gouged endlessly barely staying afloat on middle class income

>> No.29728607

check out nevada peasant

it's quite cheap

>> No.29728613

Do you have a fence to keep feral niggers out?

>> No.29728619

Fuck off I'm 22

>> No.29728680

the state would have to send a disproportionate amount of resources to displace me off my land in the event of collapse

it sure beats being a citycuck paying 20 times what you pay in the country to live

but citycucks have no balls

>> No.29728730

I'm 27 but the desert states are cheap as fuck seriously
oh I will have a fence

it's going to be a compound like a military bunker

>> No.29728993

citycucks blown out

modern slaves with nothing of worth

when unrest rises they'll be begging at the country man's land

that's if they get that far and aren't torn down by government agents or feral packs of niggers

>> No.29729134

seriously lol at valuing jew gold that will never find its way into your possession over something you can grow food on for the next 50 years

>> No.29729203

those rocks will stay in those vaults and you're never going to touch it retard

you're buying pieces of paper while they laugh at your idiocy

the only power a man has in this life is his ability to provide for himself, and you sure as fuck aren't doing that by being a citycuck with internet tokens

>> No.29729250

What is this thread? Are you showing off because you own vacant / raw land? Yes I own land, it's not that big of an accomplishment. Raw land is dirt cheap (pun not intended).

>> No.29729339

I don't own land yet

but it's one of my first goal

I don't think people place it high enough on their list of priorities

land is never talked about here even though it's the best investment a man can make if he has none

>> No.29729475

There are some risks in land investing that not a lot of people know about. If you plan on buying and living on the land, then these are a non issue but if you plan on buying land and not living on it for some time, you want to make sure you have umbrella insurance or you place the land under a LLC. The reason being is because if someone gets injured on your land, they can sue you because it's your property. There are issues with ambulance chasing vagrants in the midwest as well as southwest who purposely injure themselves on rural land in order to kick off scam lawsuits

>> No.29729524


I was thinking the desert compound route

free electricity

land is cheapest in the country

imagine I'd put up a nice fence around it

>> No.29729623

also there's usually no required structure to build on desert property

it's classified as recreational land

so you don't even have to pay to buy a house

you could live in a tent and maintain a similar standard of life and save hundreds of thousands of dollars

>> No.29729675

It's not that simple, building any sort of structure on your land will most likely require a permit, that includes fences. There's also things to take into consideration such as zoning and other local government red tape.

>> No.29729742

from what I've read nevada is very lax on these things

many states are completely cucked but nevada seems to be much different in that sense

>> No.29730326

land is valuable niggers

it's a useful discussion to have

>> No.29730375

does anyone know how the housing or land markets work

I'm looking into buying soon but I don't know if there are any resources to see how the market is doing

>> No.29730416
File: 5 KB, 318x159, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me ask: You did buyed DIA dip anon?

>> No.29730455


but why are you shilling in my land thread

don't we have enough shitcoin threads

>> No.29730506

you both fundamentally misunderstand the war we are currently fighting

>> No.29730565

no I don't retard

land is the only resource that allows you to be self sufficient

and self sufficiency is the first step in fighting for a cause

>> No.29730680

>It takes one (1) tomohawk missile to eviscerate your entire family.
That also costs over a million dollars and destroys any physical assets or non backed up digital assets you might have with you. You can't rule a police state with air strikes, you need boots on the ground.

>> No.29730727

What is property tax?

>> No.29730733


it's so obvious how retarded cityfags are

they are so fucked and brainwashed that they literally don't understand the first thing about value

>> No.29730793

Your nation owns the land, period. If they needed it for something in any SHTF scenario you’re fucked.

>> No.29730796

about 50 dollars a year on recreational land in nevada

a lot cheaper than buying a house or being a citycuck

>> No.29730855

I’m saying if they wanted to remove you from your land they would just asses the property’s value high enough to where property taxes would cause you to sell or foreclose, you twat

>> No.29730907

1 unchecked atf squadron

>> No.29730913

are you implying you're better off in the city in shtf

you're a fucking moron who deserves to get your shit stolen then

it costs more to attack a fortified postion than break the lock on your shitty apartment down the block

first they have to locate my property

then they have to find a way to break in without me seeing them coming over a desert plain

then they have to survive the gunfight from my fortified position

but I'm sure you'll be better off when the grocery store doesn't get food you fucking moron

>> No.29730918

I own land, but it's for private hunting because public land is a death trap.
The military is set up for fighting nation states not smoking hill billies out of West Virginia. Millions of well armed rednecks is the woods will prove a massive obstacle for any force trying to seize control. They aren't going to nuke the entire Appalachian mountain range. I don't see any reasonable way for the ((coastal elite)) to subjugate these people considering that rednecks compose most of the actually combatant parts of our military anyway. No way a bunch of trannies and feminist will ever win a war. ((They)) will prefer to keep the status quo by keeping cletus stupid and siphoning his shekels through Walmart and taxes

>> No.29730943

Is that your land? Did you buy 5 acres of worthless desert on the side of a mountain? Have fun with that kek

>> No.29730999

oh so why would they do that

and when exactly will that happen moron

the way I see it citycucks are still paying thousands per month for some shitty apartment so I'll take the lesser of 2 evils which is 50 dollars a year, free solar, rainwater collection and growing my own food

stay cucked retard

and why do you think you're safer in a city

>> No.29731073


but you simply don't understand the value of land if you think that land is worthless

more for me honestly

keep paying rent and utitlities cuckboy

>> No.29731097

To addon the civil war was a battle between elites from Boston and Charleston paid for in the blood of manipulated Appalachian retards who were too thick to see who their real enemies are. It was Vietnam but with Banjos

>> No.29731138

yeah imagine the natives showing off their sick deeds to the invaders, that would have scared them off

most their value comes from them being shiny, their intrinsic value is grossly overestimated. our sirius ancestors discovered transmutation millenniums ago
even the smallest denominations would be too much/too unstable for currency usage

how the fuck im gonna keep barrels of oil around, who am i buying from, who am i selling to

i can buy 1 of your guns and get the rest free. most conservatives are all bark and no bite, they will back down when they come to tax/confiscate them. all you have to do to convince libertarians to turncoat is pretend you're fighting a war against racism, they will sell you out.

the only value that truly matters in SHTF outside of your homebase is connections, community, loyalty from friends and family.

>> No.29731356

You couldn’t grow your own food if your life depended on it lmao

>> No.29731364

implying a gang of niggers wouldn't stab you in the back in 5 seconds

the only thing that truly matters is land and food production for yourself and family

community doesn't matter

friends don't matter

that's it period

and a piece of land in the desert is ideal for that end in terms of value for price paid

>> No.29731412

why do you think that moron

got any evidence to present here

or are you just a loser talking shit

>> No.29731437

Anon what do you do with your land? Do you have some herds or flocks? Do you have a garden and an orchard started yet?

>> No.29731458

I own plenty it’s this stocks bullshit I’m trying to get figured out

>> No.29731564

I don't own land yet

but everyday I'm coming up with new ideas of what I'm going to do with it

>> No.29731576

My evidence is you talk like a /pol/ virgin and have 32 comments in a 4chan thread you started about imaginary SHTF scenarios and buying desert property kek

>> No.29731725

>community doesn't matter
>friends don't matter
If you're isolated in the middle of nowhere with no help, the feds are bound to take you out if they wanted to, look at ruby ridge

>> No.29731738

I'm sure you'll be fine in the city cuck boy

except for all the evidence showing that you overpay for shit quality of life

and can die at any moment and are right where the global elite want you

have fun with that

I'm going to enjoy a life of freedom

>> No.29731788

don't need help when you are self sufficient

are you saying there was no motivation for ruby ridge

>> No.29731860

also he had family

and friends to help him

so why didn't he win

>> No.29732003

lol at bringing up ruby ridge to discourage land ownership

fucking amazing shill glownigger

implying I would ever buy sawed off shotguns from the fucking aryan brotherhood or some fucking police informant

you're a fucking moron

>> No.29732040

You, a virgin, are going to buy desert land for some imaginary scenario where the government kills everyone or something. A desert property with no timber, no well water, no grass, and game far and few. You are going to construct some Adobe house/clay house or something and hope it rains constantly for the rest of your life and shit post on 4chan via solar power. What are you even going to grow, what are you even accomplishing, what freedoms is this even.
You aren’t going to have anyone to help you or talk to or procreate with.
You’ll just be you, in a mud house, praying to the rain god, shit posting on 4chan in the desert.

>> No.29732179

not a virgin

don't need timber

don't need well water, but I can eventually have a well dug

game is there

I'm probably going to live in a tent or a simple cabin

it will rain enough based on the amount of rainroof I have to collect rainwater

that's the benefit of large acreage for a very cheap price

probably potatoes and some other simple shit like corn

I'm saving a fuckton of money because I make money online

freedom to live and not be gauged by corporations or government on very cheap land, and to work online

you'd be surprised what women see in self sufficient rich land owners

I'm simply thinking through everything and you haven't yet

>> No.29732491

he had like 5 people, of course, that's not enough. But in general, you are never going to beat the state by conventional means. You need to form communities that infiltrate and subvert the system. A thousand weaver families won't do shit to the state meanwhile a few dozen people in the right places can change the world.

>> No.29732548
File: 48 KB, 740x668, 1613708358319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ invades

>> No.29732597

In an anarchist deluded state like you describe I doubt a certificate of land ownership will hold any value. At least in Canada it's written into law that noone owns land except the crown and you are basically leasing it

>> No.29732631

why dont you go to alaska, cheap land and plenty of game

>> No.29732639

he was a fucking moron that bought sawed off shotguns from an atf agent

seriously bro you can't be comparing people who want to be self sufficient to some retard

>> No.29732646

Unless you're in a gang or some type of militaristic organization, it won't matter.

>> No.29732688

You could literally save just as much money buying any cheap property in a better location that’s not the desert and eating canned goods if you are willing to eat corn and potatoes your whole life. You are going way overboard with this man. I also think you are under estimating the effort and what the life style will really be like. You may not need clean well water or timber you might be able to survive without it all but you’ll want that along with many other luxuries you’ll be sacrificing when it comes down to the actual situation. It’s fine to learn to be self sufficient and not go into a lot of debt but there are better and more practical ways to go about this, I think you should be more realistic. Stop caving into fear so much.

>> No.29732695

never really posted on 4chan or pol or many forums

just spend a lot of time on the internet now and land is never talked about here

>> No.29732705

OP you're right but only ARABLE LAND applies in that case and lots of places are not that

>> No.29732714

Being a subject officially is somehow more cucked than what goes on in America.

>> No.29732742

my point is that the state has the ability and the willpower to take you out as you represent an alternative to their control. Do you think in China people can just go off the grid and start their own thing?

>> No.29732785


you underestimate what one motivated man is capable of

you also overestimate the amount of organization that can be produced from mongrel city mutts that are proffesional backstabbers

they won't find me and they'll scamper off like scared dogs when they do find what I'll have waiting for them

>> No.29732854

it's still cheaper than being a citycuck and the only route to survival

just because some fucking bigwig globalist wants me to live in a pod

that doesn't mean I'm going to do it

>> No.29732903


explain what arable land is referring to

>> No.29732985

Yes your majesty . I mean if you think about it the land and the government doesn't owe you anything whether you were born there or not . Territory is owned by war and tribute

>> No.29733001

self sufficiency is worth everything in life

there is no point living a life of nothing

I will have it

and it won't take that much effort

it will certainly be higher in rewards

>> No.29733012

I mean, this was the mindset of probably a great number of based retard pioneers who went West of the Mississippi. Out there, living in single family homes. And I'm sure many of them weren't murdered, raped and cannibalized. But at least some were, not necessarily even in that order. And times weren't even really that bad then.

>> No.29733058

You're right, but people treat homesteading as a be-all-end-all. More importantly, we need to figure out how to get organized both socially and politically.

>> No.29733121

you cannot fight if you are not self sufficient

also you aren't worth anything if you aren't self sufficient

>> No.29733171

i know you like callin other people cucks, but have you thought that perhaps your constant need to ensure that you are fucking over the government, a group of people who literally do not care about you in the slightest, ensures that you are the cuck? as the government fucks whatever it wants, whenever it wants, and you have no power to stop it since you refuse to play the game?

>> No.29733177

hey gramps we already killed the indians

and our guns are far more efficient now

1 man has far more power now

>> No.29733184

They can just snipe you out. Read the Gulag Archipelago to understand why you are wrong.

>> No.29733230

>I don't own land yet
So you’re just some faggot LARPing lmao.

>> No.29733243

hey bro

I don't feel like reading some negative bullshit

I'm going to save a fuckton of money

which is what this thread is about till you fucking morons turned it into pol

>> No.29733275

lol at thinking you will be allowed to own land after the Great Reset is realized. Government will take your land, we're heading towards a global communist like system where we won't own anything. Only the elite will own.

>> No.29733289

it will take me a year

and then I'll have it

my op was made to prompt discussion

quit taking things so serious faggot

land is the most important resource but never discussed here

>> No.29733311

you seriously think there will be a boog right faggot

>> No.29733317


>> No.29733338

disagree cuckboy

>> No.29733353

Lets try some word association.
Ruby Ridge

>> No.29733383

Go poo in a loo first

>> No.29733416

doesn't have anything to do with this thread

it's just the best way to save money

seems citycucks prefer starving like dogs

>> No.29733424

you dont own land you have your name written down on a piece of paper that's stored somewhere in a county courtroom

>> No.29733474


>> No.29733483

OP doesn’t even have that piece of paper lol.

>> No.29733528

Land is not the best way to save money. Best way ro save money is live nomadically.

>> No.29733566

so where will you get your food then

oh you're going to waste gas driving to the store

wrong again

>> No.29733602

Do you even own land yourself?

>> No.29733616

you guys are so cool and cryptic

imagine what you could accomplish if you posted on topic and your pride wasn't so hurt

>> No.29733619

Yeah, but those guys were forced off their land.

>> No.29733638
File: 2.05 MB, 1641x1540, Bracteate_from_Funen,_Denmark_(DR_BR42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True and that's why we need to form neo-Viking/Mycenaean microstates that trade in crypto and non-toxic rare metals only. This proposed state doesn't even need to be based on piracy per say (for legal reasons, we can smooth everything over with the UN if we put a nice domestic facade on it). But we should be fully prepared to create a maritime power capable of fighting smaller navies as well as raiding and sinking narcos, refugee ships, etc. You can't tell me this isn't practical at this point.

Microstates are the answer to this and so much more. Gay shipping container cucksheds in the Rockies are a nice thought initially for some but you've got to sack up and make some real moves against fiatfag NPC's sooner or later.

>> No.29733675

Why even buy land? Im beginning to realize this desu, inb4 glowies, no i have have or will do, but still why like some other snon fork over your entire life and debt for a piece of fucking paper at a courhouse. All land is owned by man and the citizen who lives there. Sales tax, vehicle taxes, etc are enough i need not pay for land too. A feudal serf had more freedom.

>> No.29733677

Only reason I play the crypto game bud. But I don't want a desert.
How hard is it realistically to form an LLC and then hold my land under it and just say it's a farm or whatever and live on it?

>> No.29733678

You live in a life of fear friend. It’s right to be self sufficient but you are playing around with imaginary scenarios and overthinking this. No one is coming after you and going to force you into a pod. You can save money just fine without giving up all modern luxuries and living in a tent in the sand. There’s a lot of the world and a lot of people out there to go enjoy, stop giving into all that hate you’ve built up causing you to want to go seclude yourself from everything and cause even more hate to build up inside you.

>> No.29733680

>imagine what you could accomplish if you posted on topic and your pride wasn't so hurt
Unlike your LARPing ass I have 100+ acres.

>> No.29733681

hey where do nomads get their food

they go to the store and buy overpriced shit because they are fucking morons

and they waste gas everyday

seems fucking stupid to me

I've already answered that question like 5 times in this thread

>> No.29733684

Hunting and fishing. I live on a boat and eat fresh fish everyday. I move wherever I want in the world. Going to Uruguay this summer.

>> No.29733715
File: 1.42 MB, 1504x2964, shtf bosnia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy getting raped

>> No.29733731

>self sufficiency
>buys a fucking desert
Guess you're eating brush

>> No.29733732

>he doesnt know about the euro anon who lives in a cold war bunker and has a mining farm inside it

>> No.29733748

because they broke the law and bought sawed off shotguns from atf agents


if only you could avoid doing that

I'm sure morons like you get forced off the street corner you beg on as well

>> No.29733773

Travel with a herd of goats lmfao

>> No.29733787

good retard

my op was just to initiate discussion

I don't own land but will in probably a year

cry more for me

I have goals

>> No.29733829

>I don't own land but will in probably a year

Don’t change, Anon.

>> No.29733842

not reading from a shill nigger negative bitchboy citycuck pussy

>> No.29733843

BItch you arent rambo stop fantasizing.

>> No.29733851

I wouldn't worry about the injuns or urbanites, I may worry about small roaming paramilitary bands who exist solely from taking the shit of others. White men will participate in this kind of shit, maybe not the ones you like but if you're going to doomsday LARP at least be realistic, one man or one family alone in the wilderness is so beyond fucked in an irl Rwandan genocide type scenario.
>inb4 we aren't niggers
>inb4 it can't happen here
Much, much worse can happen here if trade stopped, if the highways and rail were lost, etc.

>> No.29733891

wow, good boost I missed
need advice dudes, someone uses Bot Ocean project?
worth investing or better check for other bots?
wanna test trading with bots and tools

>> No.29733893

indeed I won't change my opinion and position and will be self sufficient

you win nothing by being a douche on 4chan

>> No.29733894


>> No.29733906

Anon, they never broke any laws. They were found innocent. ATF made everything up. Children were killed over rumors. They can do whatever they want.

>> No.29733939

>overconfident citycuck shill 25 spotted

>> No.29734000
File: 433 KB, 1198x1730, 5bac11af94edd.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude just not be worth oppressing lmao
>surely ZOG will tolerate their cattle owning an anti air system covering their territory

>> No.29734004

based and redpilled unironically
Even boat Chads have to pay cucked property taxes, for a goddamn boat that just sits in water and collects shitty problems you have to fix or pay someone to fix. In the UK of all places, they apparently don't do this annual pound of flesh shit and you pay a substantial property tax when you purchase the property, which you then truly own.

>> No.29734027

huh I guess I'll choose not to associate with atf agents or the government then

or my local community posing as shillnigger agents

I will remain alone, and I will breed a female but that will be my extent of contact with the outside world

>> No.29734103

this was in the case of total collapse retard

if it came down to that

I'm not saying I would have aa guns in my frontlawn during peacetime

seriously can you niggers try harder it's getting pathetic

>> No.29734111

You going to grow food in the desert, retard?

>> No.29734167


pretty much

the wonders of irrigation, and a well and having a large rainwater collection area

>> No.29734195

>nevada rains

>> No.29734225
File: 135 KB, 742x745, 1613283035646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the collapse happens I'll get my anti-aircraft system and store it safely and undetected in the barn
This is what OP actually believes in

>> No.29734300

Uk is nice anon. Its desu where most of whites belong such as myself. I fidn the scenery there enjoyable, the people familiar, the weather perfect, and the architecture wether it stone hobbit huts and grass roofs exactly what i want, Everything in america is plastic, squared, and lacks mesning snd culutre, aside from the amish and a few remote places mostly minor outlying islands america is ten fold worse then europe. Tbh i wake up everday wishing i my ancestors never came to this muh private property shithole.
You know in Scotland, Sweden, and dozens others there is no provate property per say? Here in america you walk ten feet you get blasted by some dumb hicks or get hassled by some cattle faggot that puts fences everywhere for thousands of acres for his twelve cattle. In those places in europe you can go anywhere as its supposed to be.

>> No.29734302


there isn't much of value worth fighting for for the extremely ambitious in the desert

which is why the property is so cheap now and no one lives there

but some people with a very particular set of goals can see value in it and it isn't roaming raiders

>> No.29734307

My man just buy a boat and live off that. Its actually a pretty good thing once you get used to it. Its easy to see why lots of early humans went the fisherman route versus agriculture.

>> No.29734364

Kek, best bet is not in some wide open desert snd your coordinates on a thresd but deep in the amazon lol

>> No.29734377

it rains enough when you have 40 acres and use like 2 acres for rainwater collection


>> No.29734442

Not a bad idea but imagine the storms and the constant threat of waking up and your shits shredded and your stranded 1200 miles lol, humans arent mesnt for sea

>> No.29734444

My life dream is to own a sizeable ship and just anchor it offshore in international waters and use a smaller boat to go to land.

>> No.29734447

Boat is a good way to get rekt by during a polar shift.
One of the only guaranteed safe spots during this scenario would be inside the cave systems of Uluru.

>> No.29734465

when the collapse happens a lot of things will lack order

and if a man who is extremely rich from a minimalist life happened to get his hands on some

then who else really would be in a position to buy or acquire them

it certainly wouldn't be the citycuck living paycheck to paycheck

the world can change drastically and you can't really predict what things will be worth or how laws will change

>> No.29734482

What food are you going to grow in the sand retard?

>> No.29734487

Do you have aa guns capable of shooting down a tomahawk missile (because that is what you said it would do) now? How are you going to get them if you don't without ZOG raping you? If you wait until collapse how are you going to get them? Trade your land? After all you said that was the only valuable asset post collapse.
Fucking retard

>> No.29734534


>> No.29734565

technology advances rapidly

we have trophy systems now that shoot missiles out of the air

who's to say a very ambitious and rich man doesn't get a hold of a few during a shtf situation

>> No.29734567

Yeah but could that stop an astroid from btfoing you?

>> No.29734590


>> No.29734636

ok rambo and what will you do when you get your piece of desert, move there and realize you need more than two hands to work it? what you're thinking of is a 4 or 5 families job. You'll get burned out going by yourself alone

>> No.29734648

I was under the impression that the soil wasn't all sand especially in middle and northern nevada

that the soil is dry but not unsalvageable

but I'm not an expert in that area I fully admit

when it comes closer to the time that I will be buying land I will be doing more research in this area

>> No.29734659

>explain what arable land is referring to
OP confirmed for dying while surrounded by 100 acres of failed crops

>> No.29734660

Not much could desu

>> No.29734708




I've never implied my operation would be huge from the start

as I'm only planning on providing for myself in the early years

who knows I might even have sons radical idea I know

>> No.29734762


I don't think you know as much about soil as you pretend to know

but that's common among internet egotists

>> No.29734808
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the ATF burned like 100 children to death in the 90s just cause they were mad at some guy named david

>> No.29734937

>but that's common among internet egotists
Says the anon who talks about living on land he doesn't own, growing crops he doesn't know the first thing about, while surrounded by AA emplacements he'll never be able to get

>> No.29735042
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This but unironically.
I don't even disagree with OP in principle but he is going to die
>when it comes closer to the time that I will be buying land
Nigger if you are looking for complete self sufficiency you need to be looking at arable land as your second step after access to water.
Are your locations over artesian aquifers that are not being tapped by others and depressurising (doubtful) or over shallow aquifers? Or near a clean creek or river that isn't ephemeral, good luck in the desert.
After you identify locations that satisfy the water requirements, check if any of them are arable, then seethe when you realise that almost all arable land is either within state or national parklands, or already full of farming communities.
Learn what you're talking about instead of fantasising over how you're totally get le heckin epic anti air system after the collapse with your now worthless dollars.

>> No.29735061

costs more to start up

I plan to live in a tent seriously to save on property tax when I get out there

much more stressful trying to do that in alaska, also land is more expensive in alaska and solar power is shit there

alaska is great if you have some money to throw around

but for someone building initial wealth I think the desert is better

>> No.29735124

I feel the same way and I blame King Charles for dragging my family into this shit. They weren't puritans but had to live with them while fighting the Dutch. Anyway yeah that's certainly the appeal of Europe, even though many cities have a museum feel, or extremely beautiful cities like Prague which are peak degeneracy. I'm looking at owning a small vineyard in the Balkans, preferably a non-EU country or Latin America even. It's still just better at this point. I would even prefer living in a city like Prague for the rest of my life than living in plastic shitbox zogville USA where mumble rap on bass speakers can be heard throughout the day at almost any public park. There is truly not enough space on this gay earth.

>> No.29735162

yea nice fantasy you got there, you know thats my dream too but its not realistic. I thought everything you said, the desert, the solar grid, hydroponics, guns, traps, fence, high tech. Its not a one man job, even with all your 'machines'

>> No.29735192

a lot of implications

this was just a land thread and you got personally injured by my op that was meant to spark discussion

it's ok to lash out but I was only trying to make this board less shitty by expanding to a different but very important topic

>> No.29735237

well I feel like it is

so I'm gonna have to disagree

>> No.29735338


so how much do you think I'm going to farm

do you think I'm going to try to farm 100 acres in the desert with insufficient water

or like I've said many times in this thread

I will farm a small area with sufficient rainwater collection, basically only for my needs

>> No.29735397

>4 acres of forest land
>40x40 garden
>year round spring with potable water
>solar pump/irrigation system from gravity fed storage tank
>dozens of clannish gun toting neighbors who want to be left the fuck alone.

yeah i'll be okay anon, thanks for asking. how about you?

>> No.29735441

let me build my stacks

>> No.29735520

you dont even have the land yet.. what experience do you have with all this stuff? you like to call out citycucks but all you have is ideas.
>i will do this
>i will do that
more importantly, what have you done yet?

>> No.29735545

>Getting land as an investment and path to self-sustainability.
Based and landpilled. No problems.

>Larping about owning land in the desert to self-subsist on magic crops whilst buying military hardware
Cringe. No one here's butthurt except you about us laughing at your larp. It's the equivalent of saying "My startup is the best startup. I don't have one yet, but when I do it'll be the best."

Honestly anon, everyone should buy land, you're right; no one's questioning that. But you come off as a little faggot, is all.

>> No.29735601

I'm making money nigga

I've 8xed my investment account from September

plot twist it wasn't even on the bull market it was on betting

>> No.29735694

you are jealous that I will overcome these obstacles and mog you

so are you saying I can't farm enough for myself on a 40 acre plot with a decent portion dedicated to rainwater collection

are you saying a well won't provide enough water to grow some basic crops on 40 acres to live self sufficiently

what are you really saying here

because when I look at the nevada maps I see farms

sparsely but some people are farming in nevada, and I think it's a huge opportunity for the price of land there

>> No.29735781

so you think just money is gonna get you to that point. You will buy all your shit then realize you dont know shit about self sufficiency, one thing is reading about stuff and another is doing. You have no experience, and you want to do it alone and in the desert. Anons here are trying to get you back to reality but you're too far gone, enjoy the fantasy i guess cause reality will kick you hard if you ever try your shit. Then you will cry about all that money gone when society just keeps moving and you're alone in the desert in a fucking tent when you could be living comfy in the city

>> No.29735846

once again talking shit with nothing to back it up

what's the point citycuck

I think it's time you are dismissed as you need to get sleep to work tomorrow

>> No.29735847

you don't even know what arable land is you reddit spacing moron
>I will farm a small area
Here are some questions that you should ask yourself if you are even halfway serious:
>How many people are you supposed to be feeding?
>How many acres of crops do you need to feed one person?
>How many acres of arable land do you have on hand at the location?
>Are they contiguous or do you need to travel between them?
>How long do you intend to be there?
>How long can that arable land remain productive?
>Will you need even more acres to rotate?
>How much water is required to water your crops and/or livestock?
>What is the evaporation rate of the arable land? (since you're after an area with high solar radiation it's going to be high)
>How much water storage do you need to hold enough rainwater?
>How long, given the areas rainfall, will it take to fill that storage?
>How are you going to not die when the rains are late?
>How are you going to not die if your crops are ruined?

>> No.29735952

I have asked myself many of those questions

but this arable land thing is a mystery to me

I see farms on the nevada map

so what the fuck does it actually mean

I know how much rainwater I can collect on a certain portion of land

so are you saying that in basically the middle of nevada, that I can't dedicate a large portion of my land to rainwater collection, and then farm maybe a few acres of it using that

what are you really saying here

>> No.29735974

keep fapping to your rambo fantasies retard, you dont have what it takes to pull that off and you've proven it with your ramblings. There will be no collapse, the stores will keep open and the money and food flowing

>> No.29735975

Focus on getting debt free, educated, skilled, fit, financially indipendent, having a house and a car, friends, partner and a family.
Get a hunting licence and learn how to hunt and use a weapon.

That's way more useful than being alone in a desert.

>> No.29736007

citycuck nigger get out of my thread

I've dismissed you

back to footlocker with you

>> No.29736076

Will fruit tree farming with a well work? Those are common where I live. Fruit and nut trees.

And what about the rumors about government confiscation of agricultural land?

So is the solution to buy residential zoned land and farm it, so when the Agg Ministry hits control+F your land won't come up for confiscation?

What do?

>> No.29736092

debt is meaningless in the face of inflation.
if you wanna roll the dice, there's a very good chance whatever debt you accrue today will be nothing in just a few years.

>> No.29736198

let me clarify

not all of nevada is as hot as the south

you should obviously know this

so are you saying even in areas in nevada where I see farms on the map

that I will somehow be unable to farm in nevada

because that just sounds like you're asshurt

and lashing out at my god tier thread here

I'm not trying to farm in death valley you fucking idiot

>> No.29736240

you havent farmed a crop in your life nigger, you will fail so hard

>> No.29736287

hey I told you to get back to footlocker darkie

now scram

>> No.29736313

>unless you can feed yourself without the grocery store
uh yeah it's called murdering and stealing you retard
you think I'm gonna pick berries in the apocalypse? I am literally going to kill you in your sleep lol, better lay mines and automated turrets in your property because a fence won't stop the hungry

>> No.29736350

yea you won't find me city cuck

you will be massacred by niggers

literally torn limb from limb

>> No.29736363

You know how much rain you can collect? That's great until it comes a month late and your crops die before harvest.
What I'm really saying is that farming inna desert is not practical, yes there are farms in nevada (probably running on bore water) and they are on the few scraps of arable land left and most likely with poor yields (unless growing specialty crops like dates). You need knowledge and experience, which you don't have and don't seem particularly eager to get, to succeed in farming even in ideal locations.
Even today established farms regularly fail due to circumstances out of their control. Except in your scenario when you fail you and your family die.

>> No.29736421

nice larp, see you at the fema oatmeal feedling line

>> No.29736550

I've read that potatoes are pretty easy to grow

that would be my main crop

I'm not saying I would open myself up to dying

obviously you learn things as you go and I'm focused on making money over farming at the moment

although I've watched some videos

I'm pretty optimistic

with the low cost of land in nevada you can dedicate more area for rainwater collection, at least that's how I see it so it makes up for the fact it rains less

>> No.29736577

Again, just very redpilled post

>> No.29736586
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>82 posts by this ID

>> No.29736587

lmao dont even bother, this dude is living in his own bubble. He thinks he can google his way into self sufficiency but hasnt planted a crop in his life. He's never doing shit but larp from his basement

>> No.29736631

dude.. potatoes need lots and lots of moisture, acidic soil, and cool temps.
how much rainwater do you expect to get?
what did the navajo eat way back in the day? You should plan on having a diet similar to theirs.

>> No.29736691
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>I've read that
>I've watched some videos
lmao good luck retard

>> No.29736716

northern nevada is different than southern nevada

like I said corn and potatoes

maybe corn in the summers and potatoes during winters if I'm in the south

I don't know I'm optimistic either way

>> No.29736756

as opposed to the trogdilic citynigger with no ambition

yea I'll take that to the bank my brokeback bitch nigga

and I'll cash dems

>> No.29736773
File: 474 KB, 600x780, 039B3B7B-9B4F-4F83-A4CE-46076AC2B45E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autistic ramblings about the importance of owning land
>”I don't own land yet”
You’re actually schizophrenic holy shit

>> No.29736801

mogs your output

>> No.29736807

its pretty clear youve never read into the wild

>> No.29736849

says the nobrained nonplanning citynigger trying to bring down greatness

negativity doesn't win bitch nigga

begone, banished, ousted

>> No.29736890

how about read this dick bitch nigga

>> No.29736899

my 3 bedroom on 160 acres is only 230$ a year and 118 of my acres are cultivated:3

>> No.29736908

Hey faggot, I actually do own land
I also hunt and help provide food for my family
On top of that, I worked in solar for a couple years and our house has panels all set up
What have you accomplished besides being retarded on 4chins

>> No.29736911

dang, was hoping for a real thread about intelligent prepping and homesteading.

>> No.29736913

this retard doesnt realize that owning land is a piece of paper especially come "muh apocalypse". besides most of his potatos are probably riddle with uranium deposits and other shit, winnemucca is literal built on nuclear waste lol and the rest was a testing ground.

>> No.29736948

This is just hilarious
OP needs his meds but I’ll have my fun first

>> No.29736982

any proof

don't care and don't believe you

it's great that you got a head start but some people pull themselves up by their bootstraps and outshine people like that

>> No.29737062

I think this thread is just getting too negative honestly

but it was a bit refreshing to diverge from dumb rock niggers talking about gold and silver for a minute

or people shilling retard coins

to get down to what really matters in investment, survival

until next time all you fucking no brained city niggers and ad hominem attacking haters

maybe add something the board other than your garbage

>> No.29737083
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the acreage bros

>> No.29737094
File: 2.85 MB, 1902x1401, CA3E6E45-ABBB-4AD5-839C-2447A2D9C071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What proof do you fucking want, the deed to my property?
Here’s a pig I killed and ate last week
Enjoy knowing that your dreams are my daily life

>> No.29737127

actually is here i was thinking of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yucca_Mountain_nuclear_waste_repository
same shit though the whole nevada is a pile of shit in atomic proportions except maybe innawoods where your lucky to find one deer and a stream. by far the worst state in the country.

>> No.29737146

Curious, do you have like, ANY money? Dollar, gold or silver, crypto, anything? I’m almost certain you’re posting from the public library right now

>> No.29737156

OP sounds like someone that owns no DEXG

>> No.29737172

fucking pussy, what will you do when your ammo runs out then fag?

>> No.29737182

yes. unless you post your social security number and the deed to your property youre just a dirty larper

>> No.29737187

it isn't a dream when I'll have it next year

you look kind of like a little twink faggot though so I honestly don't care

>> No.29737221
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Unless you're already a farmer now or you learned the tools of the trade from your family you're absolutely NGMI.

You sound like a 13-year old child, and it also seems that you have the same mental capacity.

But have fun with your tent in the sand.

>> No.29737243

I've 8xed my investment accounts since September I'll leave you to speculate on that bitch nigga

and it wasn't even on crypto or stocks

>> No.29737245

I reload you dumb nigger lmao
I doubt you have any useful skills other than shitposting
Sure you will, anon. Now for your meds

>> No.29737270

unless your based and racist... its over

>> No.29737275
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>> No.29737310

would fuck your bitch ass up though

that negative attitude is why people like me win so much and come around once in a lifetime

once in a generational mind

>> No.29737335

Talk to me when you can 20xcyourself trading options lul

>> No.29737339

nonsequitur. any scenario in which your land isn't worth conquering is a scenario in which going to the store for food, water and electricity isn't a problem

>> No.29737345

I hope you cook that right if you are eating wild boar. Meat eating animals can have some fucked up diseases.

>> No.29737347
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>> No.29737367

pretty sure he can hunt with a crossbow or something dude.
also fuck wild hogs, aggressive fucking assholes, i killed one with a machete the other day that was charging at my neighbor's kid. you can already guess where i live from that statement

>> No.29737371

little fag boy

>> No.29737391

there's empty bunkers all around America too, since they find it more valuable to feed niggers than to defend their nation

>> No.29737423

how long did it take you

>> No.29737424

>would fuck your bitch ass up though
Post body
We smoked the bastard and he turned out great actually. Currently sitting in our fridge as pulled pork
>bitches about “ad hom attacks”
I’ve killed more things than you city boy

>> No.29737434

based 93 posts schizo OP

>> No.29737472

From buying to selling?
Bought close of market, sold it next morning
Who said we’re stopping there

>> No.29737485

based, how it should be makes me sad that that corporate authoritarianism is crushing us all.

>> No.29737514

smartass, when you run out of ammunition aka bullets? how will you hunt then? a bow can at least be used infinitely, dogs can be trained but they almost always end up lost unless you have gps. be realistic a gun is useless in a year if shtf. i notice most gunfags havent the clue about survival.

>> No.29737540

damn that made me hungry, time to eat.

>> No.29737583

nah you first

>> No.29737636

>smartass, when you run out of ammunition aka bullets? how will you hunt then?
you fucking reload the bullets you dumb nigger
We have reloading supplies and ammo itself to match an armory
I’ve grown up with labs as hunting dogs, they’re great buddies
>be realistic
You’re the faggot who doesn’t own land and is larping about hunting with a bow
Post bod

>> No.29737666

one days profits really isn't indicative of much

>> No.29737677

I fucking did you schizo >>29737094

Enjoy dinner anon!

>> No.29737688

not that anon but i got a couple of awesome crossbows from ebay for less than 50 usd, pretty easy fix if you're really worried about a shtf scenario. i'm not because i'll be one of those cannibal raiders that everyone's afraid of.

>> No.29737701

i don't think he realizes.. in a survival type situation, any kind of injury could kill you.
you'd wanna stay as fuckign far away from boar as you could while hunting =/

>> No.29737733
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>fuck wildlife!
cant wait to see you wishing for that wildlife when its niggers everywhere. humans are the worst a fucking pig has a right to the same land you do if not more. dont give me the shit that they ruin muh farms or some shit, only an unprepared retard would whine about wildlife. not mention its a food supply. Be like the govt and shoot all the food supply from choppers so then you are reliant on walmart.

>> No.29737739

Of course it isn’t
On average I’m targeting 20% profit on the trade, and if it ends up 2000% then so be it

>> No.29737792

Are you being a bitch because he said fuck pigs?
Because fuck pigs
Nonsense, Rambo here will be using a knife

>> No.29737818

not that anon but i've never hunted anything that saw me coming.

>> No.29737826

op is baiting, probably holds 4 figures in crypto and just shitposting while his folio bleeds

>> No.29737873

wild hogs are invasive you retard faggot, you have school tomorrow clearly.

>> No.29737893

We know
But we can have fun before the meds kick in

>> No.29737899

I see a huge puffy jacket over a staved ethiopian frame

I have top 1 percentile bone sizes based on the us army measurements from 2012

so I'm not really impressed honestly

>> No.29737957

>muh private land
kys, enjoy your debt

>> No.29737963

then post it, anon
And I’m not impressed with your lack of not only physical land holdings, but lack of apparent wealth to acquire such
Post your portfolio when you’re done taking that selfie bud

>> No.29737977


I have barely anything in crypto I'm waiting till it bleeds and dies for a moment

>> No.29737980

kek shinoa poster.

>> No.29737991

me too. honestly i could probably be a boxing/mma champion but who knows, i got better shit 2 do

>> No.29738022
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>t. Renting a duplex in South Central LA
No that is not me

>> No.29738028

humans are invasive, why dont you kys, now that you mention you are killing animals and destroying the land kys even more

>> No.29738054

most of my money I've made on sports betting

8x since september

I have barely anything on crypto

I'm currently withdrawing off one betting site right now to invest more

honestly I don't have to prove shit to you

I just wanted to make a land thread that was edgy to get some talk about it other than shitcoins and gold for a minute

>> No.29738081

Holy shit are you vegan or just a faggot?
Literally talk to anyone who owns farm land/ranch land with hogs nearby and they will tell you how much they hate those niggers

>> No.29738107

boomer thread. Stay vaccinated against this with dHEDGE

>> No.29738124

>sports betting
My fucking sides

>> No.29738126

Is this schizo general?

>> No.29738242

you faggots are the worst.
step 1. get piece of land
step 2. gate and fence said land
step 3. place 5 cattle on land over thousands of acres.
step 4. claim all land beyond said ranch is theres and you cant cross muh land
step 5. if hunter trespass on said land get shot from dumb hick like yourself
step 6. bitch and whine to govt about hunters cutting fences

muh private property fags get the rope. pay your taxes goy

>> No.29738247

8x isn't a joke

I had an edge and exploited it and will continue to do so

continue sitting on your shitcoins out of bullmarket while I laugh and didn't need a bullmarket to 8x

>> No.29738280

>own a farm
>grow a bunch of invasive species for the gubmint
>invasive pig eats my crops cuse i dont build fences


>> No.29738302

this anon gets it

>> No.29738320

Don’t type so loud your neighbors above you might hear

>> No.29738359

>what was Ruby Ridge

>> No.29738381

What part of “wild” hogs confused you?

>> No.29738399

no it wasn't

ruby ridge was when a guy bought a sawed off shotgun from a government agent


>> No.29738450

>neighbors, lol where tf do you think redpilled thinkers like i live, chicago? enjoy your 12 acres of dirt in some flyover state faggot

>> No.29738483

>12 aces
Nice green text faggot

>> No.29738499

>101 posts by OP
lay off the meth bro

>> No.29738522

take the blimp pill
>live in blimp
>grow food on blimp
>harvest wind energy on blimp
>do everything on blimp
combine with boatpill for even more effective independent living.

>> No.29738569
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>> No.29738575

>haha he made a oopsie, this will show him
>muh 4chan formatting
unironically hope a hog chews ur balls off if u have any

>> No.29738643

good one mate

>> No.29738705
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also congrats on this thread op, impressive levels of b8

>> No.29738759

It's not hard. You can use legal zoom.com to quickly form a LLC. Just make sure you form it in Wyoming as its the only state that allows for owner anonymity.

>> No.29738893

Go cry about protecting invasive shit species back on Reddit faggot

>> No.29739181

Lmao you do know there are ids? Stop samefagging op its embarassing

>> No.29739183

I never looked at land the same since i learned about rates. I essentially have to pay the government a fee for eternity for the privilege of owning this asset that's supposedly mine? all property is just temporarily leased from the government

>> No.29739279

Prep dat ass nice and wide cracka. I'm comin fo a visit real soon

>> No.29739378

>be OP
>Calls out cityniggers
>Is the biggest dumbest most retarded nigger on this board
Thanks for proving the stereotypes right, Cletus. Have fun dying in your desert

>> No.29739423

yea I don't give a fuck

eat me bozo

>> No.29739458

city nigger terminally booty blasted by this thread

enjoy the bugs

>> No.29739522

so you would rather pay shecklestein 2000 a month for a 20 square foot

not going to MAKE IT NIGGER

>> No.29739569
File: 170 KB, 1300x866, 13770098-laughing-man-with-old-west-gang-point-guns-in-a-saloon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when everything collapses everyone will play nice and starve while I prosper on my government protected purchase of land

>> No.29739633

bosnianon was a confirmed laper

>> No.29739717


actually I will be so far away from society and well armed that it won't be worth it to try to get to me

and I won't have a large food production setup

only enough for a few years

this wouldn't be worth it for raiders to drive into the desert to come try to steal

you idiot

they will try to confiscate the best farming land

because price would no longer be a factor

>> No.29739716

My family owns 100's of acres of viable farmland and other land holdings that're regularly receiving offers from property developers yet i'm not delusional enough to think it represents any sort of freedom. get a boat nigger

>> No.29739793

nevada isn't exactly a good place for raiders to try to steal from

you can see people coming from a mile away

you city niggers really need to brush up on your geography

>> No.29739842

Land is a meme.

With Kleros, I own power.

>> No.29739848

also it's a lot harder to assault a fortified position than to defend it

you have all the supplies

they just drove all the way out into the desert and now have to get through all of your defenses

not going to happen you fucking idiots

>> No.29739877

One thing you've never explained is how you'll be collecting this water over your 100 acres. Seeing how it's in the desert you can't afford to waste a single drop

>> No.29739890

what happens when the raiders use their govt given nukes to attack you with a 1500 kiloton explosion 500 miles away? can you safely deflect thousands of nuclear bombs at the same time from 500 different angles? if not, then how can you possibly be free?

>> No.29739938

Try to stop paying for your land. See how much you own it

>> No.29739945

you build something that is equivalent to a very large roof, but it isn't a house like a few feet off the ground

look up building a rain roof on youtube

since it isn't a house it's a lot easier to build and functions just like collecting water off a roof does

since the land is so cheap in nevada you can make a massive one to compensate for the lack of rain

>> No.29739990

only costs 50 dollars a year broke bitch boy on nevada recreational land

enjoy your property tax and rent

>> No.29739997

>I had an edge and exploited it
which one?
you can be vague describing it

>> No.29740002
File: 1.15 MB, 220x165, 5CA2A077-94DF-485F-8C30-57086D6F1FE3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he "owns" his land
LMAO at your life.
Government owns it, you’re there at their mercy.
Unless you’ve memorized your private key, you own NOTHING.

>> No.29740022

my dad own a 100 acres and 6 homes.im only child. pretty comfy fhough i would like to mske it on my own first.

>> No.29740068

let's say you bet on a video game simulation

a madden simulation

and let's say you also simulate the matchups before the games start 25 times each infact

so let's say the bookies don't always put up the correct odds for each matchup

>> No.29740097

You're going to build a 100 acre rain roof all by yourself? You are a damn fool

>> No.29740144

nope only needs to be like 1 acre or 2 acres tops

that might even be excessive

can you fuck back off to some shitcoin or silver thread

>> No.29740222

This made me lol

>> No.29740258

ive made a lot on sports betting and dogs too. if you knoe people can be very profitable.can also arbitrage between sites. takes patiemce but can be done and i bareky knoe shit about sports and zero about dogs.

>> No.29740546


>> No.29740610

Yeah, sounds like cope. Smaller groups will go immediately after locations like these to avoid large gangs. Your little gardening project puts you on a tight schedule an outside group can easily take advantage of.

>relying on rain as water source

>> No.29740928


stop posting in this thread

I'm sure you'll be fine in the city

oh are you going to be a raider across an open plain

how exciting

>> No.29740994

also I never said rainwater would be my only source but based around how cheap land is in nevada you can build a big rainroof really easily and you won't need a well although it can be useful

>> No.29740998

You WILL NOT eat bugs. You WILL NOT lose everything. You WILL NOT wear the mask. The evil responsible for forcing this WILL perish

>> No.29741105

imagine thinking gangs will actually be roaming the desert and not stabbing each other in the back in the cities

you're truly a moron of epic proportions

they won't have the resources to do that because they'll be city cucks just like you

>> No.29741163

very intersting. But where do you simulate these matches? Psp5?

>> No.29741215

also in the case of a serious shtf situation I would probably move to alaska

more remote and better for that purpose

you niggers really need to use any means to raise your iq because this shit isn't going to cut it

>> No.29741251


>> No.29741601

Cope more, your idiot plan will fuck you up. The real big brain solution is a heated diving suit, a long hose and a underwater dynamo. I can literally stay indefinitely in a stream.

>waterflow powers my heater
>waterflow means always fresh water
>waterflow means free fish coming to me to eat, for free
>waterflow means I can just doodoo where I stand like a wizard and it washes away

My exposure to the outside is minimal, only the tip of the hose, which can be disguised. I am basically invisible. Bullets cannot reach me, they lose all momentum within inches of being in water.

>> No.29741658

and when the government dumps trillions of tons of toxic waste into your lake? what then

>> No.29741747


Holy fuck learn to read. Also there will be no goverment.

>> No.29741780
File: 140 KB, 669x775, 1603122938633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marauding niggers are going to find OP rotting in his cuckshed surrounded by dead potato patches

>> No.29741782

not reading anymore cuck posts

I think it's curtains for you kids

smell ya later

>> No.29741897

once law is abolished niggers will be shot on sight

they can't keep their cars running long enough to get to my property